View Full Version : (Highly requested) Classify my parents- Atypical looking Brahmin Hindus

11-11-2019, 10:59 AM
My personal taxonomy thread received a lot of replies and attention, with many people in disbelief that I was Indian.

People wanted to see my parents. Well, here they are.

My Dad is from Rajasthan and my mum's family name is originally from Haryana.

Please classify them.


11-11-2019, 12:13 PM
Really, no replies yet? Y'all were asking to see my parents after my personal thread, which got 11 pages in a few days.

11-11-2019, 12:29 PM
they fit the spectrum of northern south asians imo

11-11-2019, 12:31 PM
they fit the spectrum of northern south asians imo

I agree. They both look more Indian than me lol.
Are you surprised by their appearance?

I think I took my father's somewhat Iranid appearance and my mum's lighter complexion.

I will be interested to see what other people think, who commented on my personal thread.

How would people clasidy my father's makeup? His facial features don't look like many Indians.

Purohit ji
11-11-2019, 12:56 PM
Both look north indian. I have a friend who is dadhich brahmin like you he is very light skin as well

11-11-2019, 01:13 PM
Indobrachid and nordindid

11-11-2019, 01:14 PM
Both look north indian. I have a friend who is dadhich brahmin like you he is very light skin as well

I just searched dadich brahmin on wiki and one of the names there is my family's last name.

Please tell me more about them brother.
Where they originated from?

Do you think my mom has Aryan influence or more Iranid influence ?

11-11-2019, 01:18 PM
Indobrachid and nordindid


I just searched indo brachid:

"Overall similar to Indo Iranid, but less hairy, larger-headed, flatter-faced, higher-nosed, and shorter-statured, body hair fewer. Sometimes mildly slanting eyes and strong cheek bones."

This suits us very much. We are not hairy at all compared to other north Indians. We are quite a short family (my dad 5'7, mom 5'0-most aunts, uncles, grandparents short), and my mom's sisters have slightly slanting eyes.

I really need to get a DNA test next year.

11-11-2019, 01:19 PM
Edit: Double

11-11-2019, 01:34 PM
they fit the spectrum of northern south asians imo

11-11-2019, 02:18 PM
nice thanks for sharing. i was curious how they looked. They surprisingly look way more south asian than you.

your dad seems quite typical for a northern south asian upper caste while your mom's skin tone is a bit atypical but as others said both look south asian features wise. your mom could pass as a latina easily too imo and your father more so in nw india. good looking family

you have your dad's eyes and face shape with your mom's skin tone. but you definitely look foreign compared to them. very western shifted.

11-11-2019, 03:12 PM
nice thanks for sharing. i was curious how they looked. They surprisingly look way more south asian than you.

your dad seems quite typical for a northern south asian upper caste while your mom's skin tone is a bit atypical but as others said both look south asian features wise. your mom could pass as a latina easily too imo and your father more so in nw india. good looking family

you have your dad's eyes and face shape with your mom's skin tone. but you definitely look foreign compared to them. very western shifted.

Thanks for classification.

Yes it is weird that I look so non typical Indian.
I think my dad has a very different look from nordind. Probably indo brachid.

Indo brachid seems to have a lot or mixture from migration of different Iranian ethnic groups, so it sounds reasonable.

11-11-2019, 03:17 PM
Nord indid Father.
Alpinised indo brachid mother.

Both look decent people with high steppe in them.

11-11-2019, 03:29 PM
Nord indid Father.
Alpinised indo brachid mother.

Both look decent people with high steppe in them.

Thanks man, they are very decent indeed.
Who knows how they created this fearsome pashtun lol

11-11-2019, 08:18 PM
Nice opening post, thread founder.

I would perceive your parents as a northern shifted Indid couple.

Kindest regards,


11-11-2019, 08:23 PM
They look both Indian to me.

11-11-2019, 09:02 PM
I agree. They both look more Indian than me lol.
Are you surprised by their appearance?

I think I took my father's somewhat Iranid appearance and my mum's lighter complexion.

I will be interested to see what other people think, who commented on my personal thread.

How would people clasidy my father's makeup? His facial features don't look like many Indians.

Your father is not iranid, he looks distinctly south Asia. ( indo pak). Your mother is much lighter than your average north Indian, guessing that's where it comes from.

11-11-2019, 09:03 PM
Thanks man, they are very decent indeed.
Who knows how they created this fearsome pashtun lol


You dont look pashtun lol but Latino

11-11-2019, 11:27 PM

11-11-2019, 11:59 PM
Both look perfectly Hindus, just like as you

11-12-2019, 12:03 AM
Both look perfectly Hindus, just like as you

Lol what?

Now are you all trying to confuse me?

11-12-2019, 12:14 AM
They look normal Indian imo. Anyone in India would think they are from there.

11-12-2019, 12:18 AM
They look normal Indian imo. Anyone in India would think they are from there.

Lol. I can't believe people think my mom looks so Indian but then they laugh at me when I say I'm Indian. She is lighter than me.

I wonder how high my mom's Steppe percentage is.

Tooting Carmen
11-12-2019, 12:18 AM
They look normal Indian imo. Anyone in India would think they are from there.

The father yes. The mother in some photos looks almost Southern European.

11-12-2019, 12:36 AM
The father yes. The mother in some photos looks almost Southern European.

She grew up in Australia in the 70s and never got any racism here. Meanwhile, at the same time, Greeks and Italians were getting racially abused every day in Australia.

The Australian Anglos looked at her as more similar to them than the Greek and Italian 'wogs' lol

11-12-2019, 02:31 AM
She grew up in Australia in the 70s and never got any racism here. Meanwhile, at the same time, Greeks and Italians were getting racially abused every day in Australia.

The Australian Anglos looked at her as more similar to them than the Greek and Italian 'wogs' lol

Both your parents pass well as Gypsies. Your mum is lighter then your dad but ocassionally there is a frequency of light skinned gypsies and gypsie women.

Gypsy woman and a gypsie girl kid from serbia, relatives of a friend. When I was a kid of 5 years old I already noticed light skinned gypsies and already as kid I thought they are mixed or atypical, I was already as kid wondering about races.

11-12-2019, 03:01 AM

No offence but my mum is quite different to the above woman. The above woman has a deeper set tan/brown in her.

My mum is 62 years old now and looks extremely light these days.

And of course, most Indians could look like gypsies because gypsies are originally of Indian blood!

11-12-2019, 03:03 AM

No offence but my mum is quite different to the above woman. The above woman has a deeper set tan/brown in her.

My mum is 62 years old now and looks extremely light these days.

And of course, most Indians could look like gypsies because gypsies are originally of Indian blood!

No offense taken. But I think your mum looks more southasian then that woman, to be honest.

11-12-2019, 03:11 AM
No offense taken. But I think your mum looks more southasian then that woman, to be honest.

I agree. That woman looks middle eastern/Arab or Hispanic.

11-12-2019, 03:13 AM
I agree. That woman looks middle eastern/Arab or Hispanic.

Maybe but I still think your mum could fit as gypsy. Your dad does pretty certainly and he has a brown colour.

11-12-2019, 03:21 AM
Father is not atypical at all. Very standard.

Purohit ji
11-12-2019, 08:47 AM

I just searched indo brachid:

"Overall similar to Indo Iranid, but less hairy, larger-headed, flatter-faced, higher-nosed, and shorter-statured, body hair fewer. Sometimes mildly slanting eyes and strong cheek bones."

This suits us very much. We are not hairy at all compared to other north Indians. We are quite a short family (my dad 5'7, mom 5'0-most aunts, uncles, grandparents short), and my mom's sisters have slightly slanting eyes.

I really need to get a DNA test next year.

Take your dad and moms dna test aswell. Why your father didn't tell you about which brahmin sub caste you are yet? Btw dadhichs are central rajasthani brahmins mainly around the nagour districts. Is your mother also dadhich or gaur brahmin? I really want to see a dadhich brahmins genetics.

11-12-2019, 09:51 AM
Take your dad and moms dna test aswell. Why your father didn't tell you about which brahmin sub caste you are yet? Btw dadhichs are central rajasthani brahmins mainly around the nagour districts. Is your mother also dadhich or gaur brahmin? I really want to see a dadhich brahmins genetics.

My parents are very western and disconnected from their background lol. They didn't tell me much about family history.

My dad got an ancestry.com test and it showed 98% south Asian. It didn't go into any detail. I wonder if those results could be analysed further, or it's just for 23andme.

08-19-2020, 07:14 PM
My personal taxonomy thread received a lot of replies and attention, with many people in disbelief that I was Indian.

People wanted to see my parents. Well, here they are.

My Dad is from Rajasthan and my mum's family name is originally from Haryana.

Please classify them.


Your mother is a depigmented Alpinid-IndoBrachid-NordoidIranoid. Your father is NorthIndid with some Cromagnid. I know a guy similar to him in many respects.

08-19-2020, 07:17 PM

I just searched indo brachid:

"Overall similar to Indo Iranid, but less hairy, larger-headed, flatter-faced, higher-nosed, and shorter-statured, body hair fewer. Sometimes mildly slanting eyes and strong cheek bones."

This suits us very much. We are not hairy at all compared to other north Indians. We are quite a short family (my dad 5'7, mom 5'0-most aunts, uncles, grandparents short), and my mom's sisters have slightly slanting eyes.

I really need to get a DNA test next year.

I think your parents, especially your father, is shorter due to poor nutrition.

09-20-2020, 08:37 AM
Your mother is a depigmented Alpinid-IndoBrachid-NordoidIranoid. Your father is NorthIndid with some Cromagnid. I know a guy similar to him in many respects.

Yes my father's face is very robust and large skull.

It is weird his family is so short. You are right they have terrible diet.

09-21-2020, 03:02 PM
They don't look atypical for Brahmins. Your father: gracilized NI+AA and your mother: GI+AA.