View Full Version : Pick a best fit to each one of these 22 Turkish men - France, Bulgaria, Georgia or Cyprus

11-15-2019, 01:49 PM
Continuing my previous thread:

1 - Uraz Kaygılaroğlu

2 - Pamir Pekin

3 - Can Korkmaz

4 - Alper Potuk

5 - Emre Belözoğlu

6 - Polat Bilgin

7 - Memet Özer

8 - Semih Kaya

9 - Seçkin Özdemir

10 - Hasan Kaldırım

11 - Serdar Cebe

12 - Fatih Terim

13 - Doruk Dora
https://instagram.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/7e027999e68f3cbd2199bed52964738d/5E58F872/t51.2885-15/e35/41959638_837145780010024_7730368484341596114_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=instagram.fjdo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=108

14 - Cevat Yerli

15 - Barış Ertunç

16 - Alperen Duymaz

17 - Ferhat Akbaş

18 - Kerem Bursin

19 - Ali Sofuoğlu

20 - Mustafa Ceceli

21 - Sinan Güler

22 - Serkan Aydın

11-15-2019, 08:59 PM
1. Bulgaria
2. Bulgaria
3. Bulgaria
4. Georgia
5. Bulgaria
6. Cyprus
7. France
8. Bulgaria
9. Bulgaria
10. Cyprus
11. France
12. Georgia
13. France
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Cyprus
17. Cyprus
18. France
19. Bulgaria
20. Bulgaria
21. Georgia
22. Bulgaria

11-15-2019, 09:01 PM

11-15-2019, 09:03 PM
kind of OT but half of them pass as Romanian. are they Balkan Turks?

11-15-2019, 09:07 PM
kind of OT but half of them pass as Romanian. are they Balkan Turks?

Which ones...?

11-15-2019, 09:12 PM
Which ones...?

these guys pass well:
2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20

these would be atypical but still pass:
1, 3, 6, 7, 22

11-15-2019, 09:19 PM
these guys pass well:
2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20

these would be atypical but still pass:
1, 3, 6, 7, 22

I'm no expert but I can't really see how some of these pass, and I certainly really don't agree on a few of these picks :ohwell: Maybe the impression comes from Romanians who are mixed themselves

11-15-2019, 09:27 PM
kind of OT but half of them pass as Romanian. are they Balkan Turks?

Most are from Western and Central Anatolia.
And i don't think they look Romanian.
Except by 8, 18 and 21, they have common looks in Turkey (many were even classified as "Turanid" or "Anatolid" by users here).

11-15-2019, 09:28 PM
I'm no expert but I can't really see how some of these pass, and I certainly really don't agree on a few of these picks :ohwell: Maybe the impression comes from Romanians who are mixed themselves

In the first group I picked are all faces easy to find in Romania.

I'm not sure what you're pointing out at the end of your post.

11-15-2019, 09:30 PM
Most are from Western and Central Anatolia.
And i don't think they look Romanian.
Except by 8, 18 and 21, they have common looks in Turkey (many were even classified as "Turanid" or "Anatolid" by users here).

I'm not saying they look Romanian. A Romanian look doesn't exist, although certain phenos are more frequent than others.

11-15-2019, 09:31 PM
In the first group I picked are all faces easy to find in Romania.

I'm not sure what you're pointing out at the end of your post.

What I'm saying is that these faces that you deem easy to find might come from people who have Turkish admixture themselves. For instance, my cousin married a guy who kind of looks like n°17 but thinner and with a more narrow face, and despite not having a foreign name or anything, everyone else in the family talks about him as if he's a gypsy, a turk or whatever

11-15-2019, 09:34 PM
What I'm saying is that these faces that you deem easy to find might come from people who have Turkish admixture themselves. For instance, my cousin married a guy who kind of looks like n°17 but thinner and with a more narrow face, and despite not having a foreign name or anything, everyone else in the family talks about him as if he's a gypsy, a turk or whatever

Romanians don't have Turkish admixture, but do have Turkic admixture from Tatars. And that is quite present in Southeastern Romania, the region where I'm from.

11-16-2019, 11:26 PM
France + Bulgaria

11-17-2019, 12:38 AM
1. Georgia
2. Cyprus
3. Bulgaria
4. Cyprus
5. Bulgaria
6. Cyprus
7. Cyprus
8. Georgia
9. Cyprus
10. Bulgaria
11. Cyprus
12. Cyprus
13. Bulgaria
14. Cyprus
15. Bulgaria
16. Cyprus
17. Cyprus & Bulgaria
18. Cyprus & France
19. Cyprus
20. Cyprus
21. Georgia & Bulgaria
22. Georgia

men pass less in France than women, but this isn't that surprising I suppose because women have more generic features in general

11-18-2019, 07:37 PM

The Blade
11-26-2019, 09:49 PM
1 - Bulgaria
2 - France
3 - Bulgaria
4 - Bulgaria
5 - France
6 - Cyprus
7 - Bulgaria
8 - Bulgaria
9 - France
10 - Bulgaria
11 - Georgia
12 - Cyprus
13 - France
14 - Cyprus
15 - France
16 - Cyprus
17 - Cyprus
18 - Bulgaria
19 - Cyprus
20 - France
21 - Georgia
22 - Bulgaria

11-26-2019, 10:05 PM
Doruk and Alper can pass in most of Europe

11-26-2019, 10:05 PM
1. Georgia
2. Bulgaria
3. Cyprus
4. Cyprus
5. Cyprus
6. Cyprus
7. Cyprus
8. France
9. Cyprus
10. Cyprus
11. Georgia
12. Georgia
13. Cyprus
14. Cyprus
15. Cyprus
16. Bulgaria
17. Georgia
18. Bulgaria
19. Georgia
20. Bulgaria
21. Georgia
22. Bulgaria

11-26-2019, 10:11 PM
Lol at France.

11-26-2019, 10:26 PM
1-2 Bulgaria
3- France
4- Cyprus
5- Bulgaria, France
6- 7-Georgia, Cyprus
8-9 Bulgaria
11-12-13 -Georgia, Bulgaria
14-Cyprus, Georgia
15- France
16-17 Cyprus
18-19-20-21-22 - Bulgaria, France

11-26-2019, 11:03 PM
[QUOTE = ixulescu; 6336111] Румънците нямат турски примеси, но имат тюркска добавка от татари. И това е доста присъстващо в Югоизточна Румъния, региона, откъдето съм. [/ ЦИТО]

from the Constanta area?