View Full Version : Classify and Place Turkish Yörüks from Balkans and Anatolia

11-15-2019, 02:12 PM
These are Yörüks, the purest Türks you can find within Turkey they still partly live their life as nomads and pastorals.

How would you classify and pass them?




11-15-2019, 02:20 PM
Mainly Turanids and Anatolids, some are mixed with East Nordid.

11-15-2019, 02:33 PM
Mainly Turanids and Anatolids, some are mixed with East Nordid.

Thanks bro

11-15-2019, 02:33 PM
Turanids with Med, Dinarid, Alpinid and Nordid influence.

They pass only in Turkey, imo.

11-15-2019, 02:35 PM
Turanids with Med, Dinarid, Alpinid and Nordid influence.

They pass only in Turkey, imo.

Thanks bro, i think Turanid ifluence is obvious too

11-15-2019, 02:42 PM
I expected them as looked like Azerbaijanis (Turanid-Iranid) due to similar tribal structure (Afshar, Teke, Karaman), but these Yuruks reminded me more Khasavyurt Kumyks (mixture of Turanid and Mtebid) than Azeris.

11-15-2019, 02:44 PM
Alfölds with nordoiranid, Alpine, med, Pontid etc mix. I wish Turkomans from my hometown stayed this pure.

11-15-2019, 02:46 PM
Thanks people

11-15-2019, 02:49 PM
Turanid, Alpinid (eastern one), Pontid, Taurid, Proto-Nordoid, some pure types, others are mixed with different proportions, altho turanic influence is visible almost on all lol
The presenter in the last video looks Azeri to me

11-15-2019, 02:51 PM
Mostly a mixture between Turanid and Anatolid with some being Alpine, Med, Nordid and so on. Honestly, they wouldn't really pass anywhere other than Turkey. This unique combination of different racial phenotypes can only be found in Turkey for the most part. Their cultural heritage need to be preserved for the future.

11-15-2019, 02:55 PM
Thanks everyone

11-15-2019, 03:02 PM
ilk postun sonuncu videosundakiler Alevi mi?

11-15-2019, 03:15 PM
ilk postun sonuncu videosundakiler Alevi mi?

Emin değilim dostum.

11-15-2019, 03:18 PM
I'd also like to say that they may be able to pass among the Turkic peoples of the Volga region and Crimea.

11-15-2019, 03:23 PM
If they're the "purest", I wonder where the blonde east nordid phenotypes come from; those look like they could pass in northern Russia

11-15-2019, 03:29 PM
If they're the "purest", I wonder where the blonde east nordid phenotypes come from; those look like they could pass in northern Russia

They're not the purest really but they're genetically the most Turkic in comparison to their settled Turkish counterparts. Here are some of their gedmatch results:


Amerindian -
Arabian 1.87 Pct
Armenian 4.99 Pct
Basque -
Central_African -
Central_Euro 2.78 Pct
East_African -
East_Asian 3.03 Pct
East_Balkan 3.86 Pct
East_Central_Asian 4.07 Pct
East_Central_Euro -
East_Med 14.19 Pct
Eastern_Euro -
Fennoscandian -
French -
Iberian 7.40 Pct
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 5.21 Pct
Malayan -
Near_Eastern 10.19 Pct
North_African -
North_Atlantic 1.65 Pct
North_Caucasian 10.78 Pct
North_Sea -
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian 6.90 Pct
South_Asian -
South_Central_Asian 7.95 Pct
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural -
West_African -
West_Caucasian 13.16 Pct
West_Med 1.92 Pct


Amerindian 1.34 Pct
Arabian 2.66 Pct
Armenian 3.12 Pct
Basque -
Central_African -
Central_Euro -
East_African -
East_Asian 1.86 Pct
East_Balkan -
East_Central_Asian 3.32 Pct
East_Central_Euro -
East_Med 19.06 Pct
Eastern_Euro 3.27 Pct
Fennoscandian -
French -
Iberian 4.92 Pct
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 5.33 Pct
Malayan -
Near_Eastern 9.21 Pct
North_African -
North_Atlantic 3.22 Pct
North_Caucasian 11.58 Pct
North_Sea 3.67 Pct
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian 11.83 Pct
South_Asian 0.48 Pct
South_Central_Asian 7.76 Pct
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural -
West_African -
West_Caucasian 3.31 Pct
West_Med 3.96 Pct

Amerindian -
Arabian 0.95 Pct
Armenian 4.84 Pct
Basque -
Central_African -
Central_Euro 3.63 Pct
East_African -
East_Asian 1.53 Pct
East_Balkan 4.96 Pct
East_Central_Asian 4.66 Pct
East_Central_Euro -
East_Med 18.65 Pct
Eastern_Euro -
Fennoscandian -
French -
Iberian 0.15 Pct
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 11.68 Pct
Malayan -
Near_Eastern 10.03 Pct
North_African -
North_Atlantic 1.35 Pct
North_Caucasian 14.17 Pct
North_Sea 1.01 Pct
Northeast_African -
Oceanian 0.62 Pct
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian 7.17 Pct
South_Asian -
South_Central_Asian 9.93 Pct
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural 1.11 Pct
West_African -
West_Caucasian 3.06 Pct
West_Med 0.49 Pct

11-15-2019, 04:13 PM
Kardeşim ilk video Makedonya dan.Daha fazla örnekte verebilirsin.Sarıkeçililer,Tahtacılar vs ile ilgili bir sürü belgesel tadında videolar var.Bu arada Tr de benim en yakın hissettiğim gruptur Yörükler.

11-15-2019, 06:42 PM
If they're the "purest", I wonder where the blonde east nordid phenotypes come from; those look like they could pass in northern Russia

From steppes maybe?

11-15-2019, 07:03 PM
From steppes maybe?

Bu steppe olayi bence iskit, tohar, Juan juan asimilasyonu. Oğuz Kagan destanini okursan Oguz Kaganin surekli batida baska toplumlari isgal edip asimile ettigini gorursun. Founder effect ta orta asyada bile var, cunku o kadar altayli r1a tasiyor, asimile edilen toplumlardan oturu olabilir.

11-15-2019, 07:13 PM
These are Yörüks, the purest Türks you can find within Turkey they still partly live their life as nomads and pastorals.

Only Sarıkeçili clan of Taurus mountains keep their nomadic lifestyle, the rest of Yörüks are fully sedentary today.

11-15-2019, 08:06 PM

11-15-2019, 08:08 PM
Mainly Turanid with Dinarid, Alpine, Med, Nordid tendencies.

11-15-2019, 08:24 PM
Turanid/Med/Anatolid mixes

it shows in their gedmatch results

11-15-2019, 08:40 PM
Turanid/Med/Anatolid mixes

it shows in their gedmatch results

Thanks my friend

11-16-2019, 08:16 AM
In the first video many people seem blonder than here.

11-16-2019, 05:44 PM
In the first video many people seem blonder than here.


11-16-2019, 06:02 PM

Belgium. The girl especially.

11-16-2019, 08:25 PM
Belgium. The girl especially.

i highly doubt it my friend

11-16-2019, 09:06 PM
I'm mostly Yörük (7/8).

I don't think Yörüks can pass in Belgium, lol.

11-17-2019, 12:44 AM
i highly doubt it my friend

I am talking about that blond girl in the first video only.

11-17-2019, 12:45 AM
I'm mostly Yörük (7/8).

I don't think Yörüks can pass in Belgium, lol.

I was talking about the blond hair of some.

12-04-2019, 10:05 PM

12-05-2019, 04:59 AM
If they're the "purest", I wonder where the blonde east nordid phenotypes come from; those look like they could pass in northern Russia

The only plausible explanation is that they incorporate some Scythian ancestry acquired as their ancestors wandered through Central Asia. Like in some Chechens or Avars, I've noticed very obvious Aryan influence, indicative of some Scythian ancestry (mostly on the female side it seems)

12-08-2019, 10:17 AM