View Full Version : Isnt saying "Okay, Boomer" being more like a Baby Boomer?

11-15-2019, 03:52 PM
Okay Boomer is the new "don't trust anyone over 30" that the Baby Boomers used to spout off back in the Hippie Era. Why would young people want to repeat their grandparents mistake?

11-15-2019, 05:18 PM
Okay Boomer is the new "don't trust anyone over 30" that the Baby Boomers used to spout off back in the Hippie Era. Why would young people want to repeat their grandparents mistake?

The up and coming generation always has contempt for the older generations. It is as natural as teens rebelling against their parents. No one is forced to put a lot of importance on any label.

11-15-2019, 07:32 PM
90% of the people that say 'okay boomer' don't even know what it means, was never a funny meme to begin with.

11-15-2019, 07:33 PM
Just a meme.

11-15-2019, 11:09 PM
A meme that has been taken too far.

11-15-2019, 11:13 PM
Young people in general are idiots because they were raised by a generation of dirty hippies. Society went to hell in the 1960s.

11-15-2019, 11:15 PM
The up and coming generation always has contempt for the older generations. It is as natural as teens rebelling against their parents. No one is forced to put a lot of importance on any label.

I don't think this was true for pre-20th century Western countries or much of the rest of the world for that matter. Reverence for elders and traditional wisdom and maintaining the cultural mores used to be the norm, especially say in Confucian societies of East Asia for example.

11-16-2019, 12:06 AM
I don't think this was true for pre-20th century Western countries or much of the rest of the world for that matter. Reverence for elders and traditional wisdom and maintaining the cultural mores used to be the norm, especially say in Confucian societies of East Asia for example.

Yes. Wouldn't some of the Zoomer conservatives aka Nick Fuentes types realize that if they want to rebel against the norm, they would respect their elders instead of perpetuating the cycle left over from the 60s Generation libs?

11-16-2019, 12:45 AM
I don't think this was true for pre-20th century Western countries or much of the rest of the world for that matter. Reverence for elders and traditional wisdom and maintaining the cultural mores used to be the norm, especially say in Confucian societies of East Asia for example.

Of course, in the 19th century, people were rather isolated compared to today. We can have instant communication with people everywhere. We get instant news. Our options with personal relationships are far greater than they were before the telephone let alone smartphones. That really was a different time.

More to the point, I do think it is part of being a young adult to question previous generations. Whether the hippys did it with blacklight posters or the young people using memes today. A couple of years ago, when I hit my 30s, I realized I had taken my parent's wisdom for granted. I also realized some of the things they thought were wisdom were pretty useless, but that is part of growing up too.

E. Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” If one wants to burden themselves with carrying around a meme, that is their red wagon. But just don't carry it past its own expiration date. Since it is a meme, it will be last week's' big thing' next week. Instant communication has its advantages, people move on to the next thing very quickly.

11-16-2019, 01:09 AM
Yes. Wouldn't some of the Zoomer conservatives aka Nick Fuentes types realize that if they want to rebel against the norm, they would respect their elders instead of perpetuating the cycle left over from the 60s Generation libs?

Nick Fuentes called you a "Boomer" in March. He probably doesn't even remember doing that.

Why are you still carrying it around?

He is nothing but an early 20 something begging for donations on the internet.

11-16-2019, 01:39 AM
Nick Fuentes called you a "Boomer" in March. He probably doesn't even remember doing that.

Why are you still carrying it around?

He is nothing but an early 20 something begging for donations on the internet.

I'm just trying to make a point about it. He's being like a Boomer but they don't seem to get it.

11-16-2019, 01:45 AM
I have the impression that Gen Z (my Gen) would be even worst than boomers and millenials combined.

11-16-2019, 01:48 AM
Okay Boomer is the new "don't trust anyone over 30" that the Baby Boomers used to spout off back in the Hippie Era. Why would young people want to repeat their grandparents mistake?

Baby boomers are all over 50, nobody in there 30s was born during the baby boom xD

11-16-2019, 02:28 AM
Baby boomers are all over 50, nobody in there 30s was born during the baby boom

True, and it's also a myth that the Boomers were all hippies. Most of them were not old enough, even had they wanted to be!

11-17-2019, 12:39 AM
I'm just trying to make a point about it. He's being like a Boomer but they don't seem to get it.

No, he is acting like a 20-year-old who is too big for his britches. He is going to outgrow that phase or he will be an asshole for the rest of his life. You don't have to give weight to what he said.

11-17-2019, 01:16 AM
Baby boomers are all over 50, nobody in there 30s was born during the baby boom xD

Totally missed the point. And the Meme applies to anyone over age 26.

11-17-2019, 01:33 AM
Okay, boomer.

11-17-2019, 01:37 AM
"30-Year-Old Boomer is a character spread on 4chan mocking older millennials who enjoy things that are considered to be out of touch with younger millennials, particularly in regards to video games. The phrase generally appears in a greentext story based on a snowclone reading "that 30 year old boomer who X," accompanied by a specific Brainlet Wojak variation."

11-17-2019, 06:24 AM
Totally missed the point. And the Meme applies to anyone over age 26.

Memes are memes though, they have no relevancy to real life.

11-17-2019, 04:58 PM
Okay Boomer is the new "don't trust anyone over 30" that the Baby Boomers used to spout off back in the Hippie Era. Why would young people want to repeat their grandparents mistake?

I don't want to sound contrarian but I never heard this ^ said once!

I've just taken the trouble to look it up and it turns out that some Jewish Commie called Jack Weinberg once said it during an interview with a reporter. As with all cool-sounding clichés, it enjoyed a bit of short-term popularity with rebellious youngsters but never became widespread and was used primarily by the press to ridicule Weinberg and his silly little movement.

It’s unfortunate that the term 'Boomer' has now become a put-down. I don’t think that intergenerational sniping is helpful to whatever ‘cause’ we’re striving for but I’d say there’s a lot more of this around now than there ever was back in the 60’s and 70’s. I believe that anti-Boomer sentiment is being whipped up on the www today by those with a ‘divide and rule’ agenda. It’s only a quite recent phenomenon and if you look more deeply into this you’ll see what I mean.

11-17-2019, 07:05 PM
Okay, boomer.

Respect your elders.

11-17-2019, 07:38 PM
It's really a western phenomenon considering that the Zoomers and the Millennials from that region are mostly raised by the generation that were responsible for all the messes that are going on in America and the west in general which they didn't raised their children properly as the silent generation had to the Boomers. Basically, it's nothing more than a stupid meme of the internet pushed by the younger generations to look cool and edgy to others.

11-18-2019, 12:49 AM
It's really a western phenomenon considering that the Zoomers and the Millennials from that region are mostly raised by the generation that were responsible for all the messes that are going on in America and the west in general which they didn't raised their children properly as the silent generation had to the Boomers. Basically, it's nothing more than a stupid meme of the internet pushed by the younger generations to look cool and edgy to others.

I don't see why people always leave Gen Xers out of the picture. We are non existent apparently.

The Lawspeaker
11-18-2019, 12:54 AM
I don't see why people always leave Gen Xers out of the picture. We are non existent apparently.
You mean generation BOHICA. Because that's pretty much what the generation born between 1965 and 1985 is.

BOHICA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_slang_terms#BOHICA)

BOHICA (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again) is an item of acronym slang which grew to regular use amongst the United States armed forces (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_armed_forces) during the Vietnam War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War).[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_slang_terms#cite_note-1)[self-published source (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Verifiability#Self-published_sources)][2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_slang_terms#cite_note-2) It is used colloquially to indicate that an adverse situation is about to repeat itself, and that acquiescence is the wisest course of action. It is commonly understood as a reference to being sodomized (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy). Although it originated in the United States military and is still commonly used in the Air Force (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force) by fighter crew chiefs and armament crews, its usage has spread to civilian environments.

We're the generation that has seen crisis after crisis after crisis after we had been promised mountains of gold (only to find out that our folks spent it all and we've got to pay off their gambling debts as part of our non-existent inheritance). The state of the world ? SNAFU. Situation Normal All Fucked Up.

And when they start bitching about why the Millennial and Gen Z are so mutinous ? Because they know that we, the generation of their parents, simply stopped giving a toss because why would we ? We didn't create this mess. Let the Boomers clean it up. It's not like we have any legal control over our kids anyway - be it in the house or in school. The Boomers gave that one to the Almighty Vadertje Staat.

11-18-2019, 05:15 AM
If it shames one of the worst generations in history of mankind then it's a good meme.

Armenian Bishop
11-18-2019, 07:37 PM

I don't even agree with the ideas behind that meme (Okay Boomer). The Boomer Generation did a lot of good, and it helped bring in new ideas that might possibly even save the earth. Boomer Generation People like child actor Tommy Rettig helped design Personal Computers (PCs), without the PC this kind of conversation would be much different.

11-18-2019, 07:56 PM
While every generation of people born since around 1945 has been pathetic, the newest ones are the worst of all. People born in the 90s or later are the worst degenerates.

11-20-2019, 11:16 AM
While every generation of people born since around 1945 has been pathetic, the newest ones are the worst of all. People born in the 90s or later are the worst degenerates.

That's only because of their shitty parents though

11-20-2019, 11:43 AM
Respect your elders.

Its time to cope :rolleyes:

11-20-2019, 11:43 AM
I'm probably an old fart for younger people and teenagers I remember a few college girls who were 20 years old I think called me old man in a webcam chat

11-20-2019, 11:50 AM

11-20-2019, 12:20 PM
What does that even mean?

11-20-2019, 04:58 PM
I'm probably an old fart for younger people and teenagers I remember a few college girls who were 20 years old I think called me old man in a webcam chat

Don't let that bother you. Women know they have a shelf life and for them it's their cope to call more adult men "too old" for them.