View Full Version : China Is Colonizing Africa

03-16-2009, 11:53 PM
This is an article from 2008, about how China is colonizing Africa. Very interesting stuff.

"On June 5, 1873, in a letter to The Times, Sir Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin and a distinguished African explorer in his own right, outlined a daring (if by today’s standards utterly offensive) new method to ‘tame’ and colonise what was then known as the Dark Continent.
‘My proposal is to make the encouragement of Chinese settlements of Africa a part of our national policy, in the belief that the Chinese immigrants would not only maintain their position, but that they would multiply and their descendants supplant the inferior Negro race,’ wrote Galton.
‘I should expect that the African seaboard, now sparsely occupied by lazy, palavering savages, might in a few years be tenanted by industrious, order-loving Chinese, living either as a semidetached dependency of China, or else in perfect freedom under their own law.’
Despite an outcry in Parliament and heated debate in the august salons of the Royal Geographic Society, Galton insisted that ‘the history of the world tells the tale of the continual displacement of populations, each by a worthier successor, and humanity gains thereby’."

03-17-2009, 12:01 AM
A friend of mine in SA (South Africa) who knows a bit about these things told me that a lot of the African countries are being criss crossed by Australian mine prospecting companies atm.

The interesting thing, he said, is that not many people realise that these companies were apparently mostly working on behalf of the Chinese! He said they deliberately hire them so as to maintain a low profile and to not raise unwelcome attention.

There's a post Colonialist scramble for Africa happening as the bounty is considerable.

Black Turlogh
03-17-2009, 12:07 AM
Good luck to them. That continent has proven itself to be nothing short of an utter nuisance to those European nations unfortunate enough to have mucked about there.

03-17-2009, 03:17 AM
Good luck to them. That continent has proven itself to be nothing short of an utter nuisance to those European nations unfortunate enough to have mucked about there.

Well, it is about time for someone else to start exploiting Africa isn't it? It'd just be odd if they were actually left on their own for once. :D

06-06-2009, 06:36 PM
Good luck to them. That continent has proven itself to be nothing short of an utter nuisance to those European nations unfortunate enough to have mucked about there.

Have you lost your mind? This is hugely important. They stand to gain an entire continent of resources to support themselves. Let's face it, someone was going to take it from africans eventually, they just do not seem to be able to manage their own affairs. China gaining control of Africa has huge global implications.

06-06-2009, 06:57 PM
Lets quit trying to save the population of Africa and convert into the world's largest game reserve. AIDS and Ebola and whatever new disease they discover down there will take care of the two legged population, we should try to help out the four legged population.