View Full Version : In Europe as a whole, what percentage of native people look like either of these extremes?

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2019, 10:06 AM
Needless to say, most Europeans are somewhere in between both, but still.

Kostas Manolas, Greek

Oscar Wendt, Swede

Cristiano viejo
11-17-2019, 10:12 AM
Manolas is more common, plus I am a big fan of him


11-17-2019, 10:13 AM
In terms of bone structure, these two are rather too similar to call them extremes.

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2019, 10:19 AM
In terms of bone structure, these two are rather too similar to call them extremes.

Maybe Simon Kjaer might be a better example of an 'extreme' then?

11-17-2019, 10:22 AM
Maybe Simon Kjaer might be a better example of an 'extreme' then?

Troender types are the 'opposite'. You forget the difference in skull shapes that the extremes must have. Occipital buns and flat occipital bones are the two extremes, and I assume Europeans usually fall somewhere in between.

11-17-2019, 10:29 AM
Not sure as to percentages. They don't look extreme to me though. It's just their geographical distribution that is different.

11-17-2019, 10:40 AM
The first one is nowhere near an extreme looking guy. He’s far more common than the second one.

Grace O'Malley
11-17-2019, 10:47 AM
The first one is only common in Southern Europe and the second one is only common in Scandinavia. They both look foreign to me.

11-17-2019, 11:21 AM
Both have Barcin and Steppe in them. There are more Scandinavian guys like that one than S. Europeans like Kostas which can be seen only around Greece S Italy and to some extent Romania Bulgaria and Turkey.

11-17-2019, 11:21 AM
Manolas looks common in Southern Europe, the blond guy is common in Scandinavia. None of them are very common in other regions.

11-17-2019, 11:24 AM
The first one can’t even be called European lol you wogs are delusional

11-17-2019, 11:39 AM

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2019, 11:53 AM

I asked for what percentages look like each, not who is more common.

11-17-2019, 12:07 PM
Not extremes, tho haircut on med guys does wonders.

11-17-2019, 12:34 PM
Manolas fits only in Greece and Southern Italy as far as Europe is concerned. Even in North Caucasus he's darker than average... He fits as West Asian (Middle Easterner) like a glove.

The other guy fits easily from England to Russia (since he's mostly "Indo-European"). Once in a while, you even find Albanians with that look...

The Blade
11-17-2019, 12:34 PM
Don't find Manolas woggy. Normal East Med.
For me everyone like Rita Ora (could be a Gypsy) is much more exotic.

Tooting Carmen
11-17-2019, 12:35 PM
Don't find Manolas woggy. Normal East Med.
For me everyone like Rita Ora (could be a Gypsy) is much more exotic.

Rita Ora looks part-Black, not Gypsy.

11-17-2019, 01:00 PM
Manolas fits only in Greece and Southern Italy as far as Europe is concerned. Even in North Caucasus he's darker than average... He fits as West Asian (Middle Easterner) like a glove.

The other guy fits easily from England to Russia (since he's mostly "Indo-European"). Once in a while, you even find Albanians with that look...

The Swede stands out here

The Blade
11-17-2019, 03:33 PM
Rita Ora looks part-Black, not Gypsy.
It's true that she looks so but I really wonder what caused this? Veddoid admix maybe but still doesn't explain everything.

11-17-2019, 04:51 PM
It's true that she looks so but I really wonder what caused this? Veddoid admix maybe but still doesn't explain everything.

I doubt she's gypsy tbh, I have seen many Albanians who are deemed dark. Rita ora gives off ssa influnced vibes due to her hairstyle etc.

11-17-2019, 05:25 PM
Manolas fits only in Greece and Southern Italy as far as Europe is concerned. Even in North Caucasus he's darker than average... He fits as West Asian (Middle Easterner) like a glove.

The other guy fits easily from England to Russia (since he's mostly "Indo-European"). Once in a while, you even find Albanians with that look...

Manolas apart from the places you mentioned passes in the whole of Balkans, ie North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Romania.

Photos without facial hair:



11-17-2019, 06:13 PM
Manolas fits only in Greece and Southern Italy as far as Europe is concerned. Even in North Caucasus he's darker than average... He fits as West Asian (Middle Easterner) like a glove.

The other guy fits easily from England to Russia (since he's mostly "Indo-European"). Once in a while, you even find Albanians with that look...



Manolas would be perceived as one of the whitest Middle Easterners out there if he was one. So that makes him atypical there also. As for the second type, you find it in Greece as atypical too. So what?

11-17-2019, 10:28 PM
Second one only passes in Scandinavia and immediate surroundings (even atypical in Britain IMO). Manolas' look is only semi-common in Greece and southern Balkans. Manolas would be much more extreme but keep in mind the area I live in is largely comprised of people with N. European origins.

11-17-2019, 10:47 PM
Manolas would be perceived as one of the whitest Middle Easterners out there if he was one.

The man is a European and he looks like one but your statement is wrong, friend. There are many many west Asians far lighter then this man with more progressive skull.

Tooting Carmen
12-04-2019, 11:26 AM