View Full Version : Classify Kosovar fans in the match Kosovo-England

Cristiano viejo
11-18-2019, 01:29 AM



Honestly these people dont look European to me.

11-18-2019, 01:41 AM
I dont know if you posted Nigerians or Kosovars, no difference.

Cristiano viejo
11-18-2019, 01:49 AM
^ no big difference.

11-18-2019, 01:49 AM

11-18-2019, 01:50 AM
They surely aren't sending their best to England

same thing when people complain about Romanians being gypsies in Spain; well, that's because the romanian gypsies are moving the most

crowd in Pristina: https://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/134568/1625676_10153790485615088_739873826_n.jpg

Cristiano viejo
11-18-2019, 02:02 AM
They surely aren't sending their best to England
The pictures are from Pristina, Kosovo. Tonight they played against English.

11-18-2019, 02:12 AM
The pictures are from Pristina, Kosovo. Tonight they played against English.

all those England flags confused me

maybe football just congregates low-IQ types?



Cristiano viejo
11-19-2019, 01:09 AM
More opinions?

11-20-2019, 09:47 PM
More opinions?
Why are you obsessed so much with my people????

11-20-2019, 10:41 PM

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2019, 11:32 PM
Why are you obsessed so much with my people????
Because there are tons of Albanian criminals in my country and I want them out.

11-24-2019, 11:44 PM
Dinarid and Mediterranean mix.

11-25-2019, 12:07 AM
all those England flags confused me

maybe football just congregates low-IQ types?



How do you conclude low IQ types with that? I don't get it? In one you have respectful football fans appreciating the gesture of the English which saved them from mass genocide. In the other you have left wing liberalists supporting this movement of LGBT. FYI, the op are quite typical looking albos, especially here in England. Dinarids, med and alpines with few norids and East meds.

11-25-2019, 12:18 AM
How do you conclude low IQ types with that? I don't get it? In one you have respectful football fans appreciating the gesture of the English which saved them from mass genocide. In the other you have left wing liberalists supporting this movement of LGBT. FYI, the op are quite typical looking albos, especially here in England. Dinarids, med and alpines with few norids and East meds.

Thanking England for "helping", for one

They just look like they have dumb faces, for two

And being LGBT positive has no correlation with IQ; I just posted an average university crowd

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
11-25-2019, 12:27 AM
Overwhelmingly Dinaro-Med but they don't look like Dinaro-Meds from Italy to me so to speak, they look specifically Albanian with more roundish features in my opinion.

Saying that they are "low caste" Kosovars is nonsense, these people are pretty common in the region.

11-25-2019, 12:42 AM
Why only Albanians in Europe are criminals? They don't cause trouble when they come to America.
Because there are tons of Albanian criminals in my country and I want them out.

11-25-2019, 12:52 AM
Thanking England for "helping", for one

They just look like they have dumb faces, for two

And being LGBT positive has no correlation with IQ; I just posted an average university crowd

But the op look more like the Albanians I see pretty much every day in my city? The uni students look more Slavic shifted? Could be just the photo I guess.

11-25-2019, 01:19 AM
But the op look more like the Albanians I see pretty much every day in my city? The uni students look more Slavic shifted? Could be just the photo I guess.

Hence my "they're not sending their best" comment

Similar to the "Norf FC" memes if you've seen them

11-25-2019, 01:21 AM
Nice post, Westbrook.

Since the topic of mafia has already been broached, if I am not misinformed, the Italian spectrum is still the most powerful in Europe.

11-25-2019, 05:22 AM

Honestly, only the guy holding the Kosova banner and the balding guy on the far left (not looking at the camera) don't look European to me. The others pass well in the south.

11-25-2019, 05:28 AM
Because there are tons of Albanian criminals in my country and I want them out.

You have no idea how bad Albos are here in Greece...

11-25-2019, 07:33 AM
Because there are tons of Albanian criminals in my country and I want them out.

Criminal? And what have that to do with you?on the personal level?Are they selling coke to you?
Or did some albo bang your sister and now you are jealous?

11-25-2019, 07:33 AM

11-25-2019, 08:25 AM
Normal SE Euros, everyone looks ethnic under stadium poor light.

11-25-2019, 08:41 AM
Albanians are genetically Europeans, and they have no admixture outside of Europe whatsoever.

11-25-2019, 10:14 AM
Albanians are genetically Europeans, and they have no admixture outside of Europe whatsoever.

What does that mean? All Europeans have admixture from outside of Europe.

I don't mean to be offensive, but Kosovo Albanians often look like very pronounced Dinarics with very hooked noses and this type is close or European equivalent to Armenoid, almost kind of like Jews on old anti-Semitic cartoons. This is how the immigrants in Western Europe can look, and I do not know if they are representative of regular Albanians. Neither do I know if there is a difference in how Albanians and Kosovo Albanians look, as most who came to Sweden were specifically Kosovo Albanians and even some people here who didn't like those refugees who "stole their bikes" referred to them as such.

11-25-2019, 10:49 AM
What does that mean? All Europeans have admixture from outside of Europe.

I don't mean to be offensive, but Kosovo Albanians often look like very pronounced Dinarics with very hooked noses and this type is close or European equivalent to Armenoid, almost kind of like Jews on old anti-Semitic cartoons. This is how the immigrants in Western Europe can look, and I do not know if they are representative of regular Albanians. Neither do I know if there is a difference in how Albanians and Kosovo Albanians look, as most who came to Sweden were specifically Kosovo Albanians and even some people here who didn't like those refugees who "stole their bikes" referred to them as such.


I have yet to see an Albanian who has a hooked nose, and Albanians are genetically Europeans whether you like it or not. The same's true for the Bosniaks who cluster the closest to Croats and Slovenians. If anything really, it's the Southern Italians and the Aegean Greek islanders that have genetic ancestry from west asia, not the Albanians.

Cristiano viejo
11-25-2019, 10:55 AM
Normal SE Euros, everyone looks ethnic under stadium poor light.

Criminal? And what have that to do with you?on the personal level?Are they selling coke to you?
Or did some albo bang your sister and now you are jealous?
lol, it is my country, I dont want criminals in it.


Honestly, only the guy holding the Kosova banner and the balding guy on the far left (not looking at the camera) don't look European to me. The others pass well in the south.

You serious?? in the first line only the guy with the flag of England looks European. The guy on his right is the less Euro-looking of the entire picture ;)
Even the boy with a hood looks off...

11-25-2019, 11:31 AM

I have yet to see an Albanian who has a hooked nose, and Albanians are genetically Europeans whether you like it or not. The same's true for the Bosniaks who cluster the closest to Croats and Slovenians. If anything really, it's the Southern Italians and the Aegean Greek islanders that have genetic ancestry from west asia, not the Albanians.

No hooked noses are quite typical among my albo friends. Alot have straight thin noses too. Nothing bad about it. Also albanians cluster with Greeks from the pca plots I have seen. Again, determining genetic relationships between groups should not be used by admixture calclotrs but rather dstats.

11-25-2019, 11:32 AM

lol, it is my country, I dont want criminals in it.

You serious?? in the first line only the guy with the flag of England looks European. The guy on his right is the less Euro-looking of the entire picture ;)
Even the boy with a hood looks off...

Bro what's your deal? Spanish are lighter than albos?

11-25-2019, 01:06 PM
Spanish football crowd in similar lighting
https://d9060939e31570ba8173-7964e72fc7bcbd8bd216884ac6466114.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.c om/World_Cup_Final_Live_01.jpg

Tooting Carmen
11-25-2019, 01:10 PM
A number of people from the Balkans do resemble Turks and Caucasus people. If anything, the overlap is rather greater than the putative ones between South Italians and Levantines or Iberians and Maghrebis.

11-25-2019, 01:31 PM
Spanish football crowd in similar lighting
https://d9060939e31570ba8173-7964e72fc7bcbd8bd216884ac6466114.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.c om/World_Cup_Final_Live_01.jpg

Yeah they look like your typical southwest euro wogs, no suprise their. Put Estonians, English, French under tyta lighting and they will still look euro. Stop making excuses damn guys.

11-25-2019, 01:40 PM
Spanish football crowd in similar lighting

True, its so irational posting those kinds of photos, I didn't firstly want to react cause I see no point of arguing, because it will lead to nothing. Kosovars and imo very close to central Italians in looks, WOG them or light them as you are but thats how it is, and Spainards are on a par with them, plus comparing those nations is pretty tricky since Spain has population of around 45 milion and Kosovars under 2 milions.






11-25-2019, 02:02 PM

I have yet to see an Albanian who has a hooked nose, and Albanians are genetically Europeans whether you like it or not. The same's true for the Bosniaks who cluster the closest to Croats and Slovenians. If anything really, it's the Southern Italians and the Aegean Greek islanders that have genetic ancestry from west asia, not the Albanians.

Sweden has a quite large Kosovo Albanian population, so I am well acquainted with what they look like. Quite a few of them are far from passing off as Swedish, and by that I don't mean looking Swedish but that they would not be "white". Bosniaks look ordinary Slavic and are even lighter than Poles, I'd say, even though Poland is more northern geographically. A portion of them could even pass for Swedish. They are only considered "non-white" by some because they're Muslim.

11-25-2019, 02:03 PM
Yeah they look like your typical southwest euro wogs, no suprise their. Put Estonians, English, French under tyta lighting and they will still look euro. Stop making excuses damn guys.

No, English also look wog in similar lighting. Won't bother with the rest as it's boring. Almost everybody does.
https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn-s3.si.com%2Fs3fs-public%2Fstyles%2Fmarquee_large_2x%2Fpublic%2F2014 %2F11%2F19%2Fenglish-fa-anti-ira-chants-fans.jpg%3Fitok%3Da3TOxZEt&w=1000&q=70

11-25-2019, 02:05 PM
Sweden has a quite large Kosovo Albanian population, so I am well acquainted with what they look like. Quite a few of them are far from passing off as Swedish, and by that I don't mean looking Swedish but that they would not be "white". Bosniaks look ordinary Slavic and are even lighter than Poles, I'd say, even though Poland is more northern geographically. A portion of them could even pass for Swedish. They are only considered "non-white" by some because they're Muslim.

Most Nordic looking TA member is Albanian, and he lives in Sweden. But he is Albanian from Northern Macedonia, not Kosovo.

11-25-2019, 02:15 PM
No, English also look wog in similar lighting. Won't bother with the rest as it's boring. Almost everybody does.
https://imagesvc.timeincapp.com/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn-s3.si.com%2Fs3fs-public%2Fstyles%2Fmarquee_large_2x%2Fpublic%2F2014 %2F11%2F19%2Fenglish-fa-anti-ira-chants-fans.jpg%3Fitok%3Da3TOxZEt&w=1000&q=70

The photos of the English you posted all look euro white. You failed on that point. Anyways agree to disagree

11-25-2019, 02:19 PM
The photos of the English you posted all look euro white. You failed on that point. Anyways agree to disagree

Are you retarded? They look European just like Spanish and Albanians do, but they look wog under this kind of lighting as most Europeans do.
Maybe they don't look wog to you because you are brown Central Asian, but to me they do. And I know how pale English are in normal lighting.

11-25-2019, 02:23 PM
Most Nordic looking TA member is Albanian, and he lives in Sweden. But he is Albanian from Northern Macedonia, not Kosovo.

I don't have any examples of celebrities that I could post and don't feel like stealing pictures from Facebook and uploading them. I will just have to give my word that the average Kosovo Albanian in Sweden is far from Nordic-looking. You can find phenotypes among them that, if someone would tell me that they were "Gypsies", I would probably believe it.

11-25-2019, 02:28 PM
Are you retarded? They look European just like Spanish and Albanians do, but they look wog under this kind of lighting as most Europeans do.
Maybe they don't look wog to you because you are brown Central Asian, but to me they do. And I know how pale English are in normal lighting.

Firstly, the English do not look dark, are you blind? They have a reddish tone to their skin and in the last pic are quite pale. Secondly, the lighting in the photos you posted are much worse than op lighting. Thirdly, I am not brown central Asian.

FYI none of this matters, as I'm referring to FACIAL FEATURES

11-25-2019, 02:29 PM
I don't have any examples of celebrities that I could post and don't feel like stealing pictures from Facebook and uploading them. I will just have to give my word that the average Kosovo Albanian in Sweden is far from Nordic-looking. You can find phenotypes among them that, if someone would tell me that they were "Gypsies", I would probably believe it.

In England I have seen a few central euro looking albos. There are many so to speak. But I also have seen many west asian looking ones too. Majority look quite balkanic with somehting Eastern abiut them.

11-25-2019, 02:31 PM
My friend in Krefeld near Düsseldorf always claims there's Albanian mafia thugs living next door to him but I'm skeptical.
Nice post, Westbrook.

Since the topic of mafia has already been broached, if I am not misinformed, the Italian spectrum is still the most powerful in Europe.

11-25-2019, 02:37 PM
I don't have any examples of celebrities that I could post and don't feel like stealing pictures from Facebook and uploading them. I will just have to give my word that the average Kosovo Albanian in Sweden is far from Nordic-looking. You can find phenotypes among them that, if someone would tell me that they were "Gypsies", I would probably believe it.


He is fully Albanian from Sweden, plays for Kosovo now.

11-25-2019, 02:42 PM
In England I have seen a few central euro looking albos. There are many so to speak. But I also have seen many west asian looking ones too. Majority look quite balkanic with somehting Eastern abiut them.

Yes, I have also seen Albanians with ash blond hair, and Eastern European facial features. So I am not saying that they all look like "Gyppos", lol.


He is fully Albanian from Sweden, plays for Kosovo now.

Indeed, Albanians can look like that, but I don't believe it is the average.

11-25-2019, 02:50 PM
Yes, I have also seen Albanians with ash blond hair, and Eastern European facial features. So I am not saying that they all look like "Gyppos", lol.

Indeed, Albanians can look like that, but I don't believe it is the average.

True, they dont, they look on average especially Kosovars somewhere between meds and central-Euros, I've seen many similarities with central-Italians. Its funny that even they are pretty homogenous you can find very wog looking to light looking.

11-25-2019, 03:47 PM
Most Nordic looking TA member is Albanian, and he lives in Sweden. But he is Albanian from Northern Macedonia, not Kosovo.


11-25-2019, 05:42 PM

Guitar Master/Wrong.

11-25-2019, 06:05 PM
Serbian fascism was boosted by British intelligence services against the Moslems to begin with but Albanians can't realize it. That all started when Westerners found an Islamist named Alija and gave him Lilium flag of Medieval Bosna kingdom (Catholic). They played the Moslems against Serbs to have Slovenes and Croats enjoy, later the Croats crushed the Moslems as well. And then it spilled over Kosovo.

Albanians are lost case. In Kosovo they use Euro as national currency and soon their official language shall be English obviously.

The greatness of England and the UK comes from the very fact that they succeed in portraying themselves as the savior of a certain victim, when in reality they are author of the crime. They master Divide Et Impera.
It is like how the same Anglos succeeded in showing themselves as "better of the invaders of Germany compared to Soviet rapists" at the end of WWII. But in reality, they were ones who had organized the rape of Germany by Soviet army by providing incredible amounts of weaponry to Red Army.

11-25-2019, 06:26 PM
Serbian fascism was boosted by British intelligence services against the Moslems to begin with but Albanians can't realize it. That all started when Westerners found an Islamist named Alija and gave him Lilium flag of Medieval Bosna kingdom (Catholic). They played the Moslems against Serbs to have Slovenes and Croats enjoy, later the Croats crushed the Moslems as well. And then it spilled over Kosovo.

Albanians are lost case. In Kosovo they use Euro as national currency and soon their official language shall be English obviously.

The greatness of England and the UK comes from the very fact that they succeed in portraying themselves as the savior of a certain victim, when in reality they are author of the crime. They master Divide Et Impera.
It is like how the same Anglos succeeded in showing themselves as "better of the invaders of Germany compared to Soviet rapists" at the end of WWII. But in reality, they were ones who had organized the rape of Germany by Soviet army by providing incredible amounts of weaponry to Red Army.

You are only partially right. England's fault stand in them giving Kosovo to Serbia after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. And not joining it with Albania after Albania got its own independence. France was just as guilty. However they both tried to rectify that giving Kosovo its independence after the dissolution from Yugoslavia. Germany was being butchered during WW1 but during WW2 they joined Kosovo to Albania and they have kept that line since then till Kosovo's Independence.

Cristiano viejo
11-26-2019, 02:17 PM
Spanish football crowd in similar lighting

The problem is not the light but the features. Nothing to do Spanish and Albanian features.

11-26-2019, 02:38 PM
OP is an incel

Cristiano viejo
11-26-2019, 02:40 PM
OP is an incel

Butthurt enough?

11-26-2019, 02:43 PM
The problem is not the light but the features. Nothing to do Spanish and Albanian features.

Because SW and SE Euros look different in facial features. Albanians look eastern in your eyes, but so do Greeks and it's normal in Balkan region.

11-26-2019, 02:46 PM
Butthurt enough?

You opened the thread, your butt is the hurt one...

11-26-2019, 02:46 PM
Because SW and SE Euros look different in facial features. Albanians look eastern in your eyes, but so do Greeks and it's normal in Balkan region.


11-26-2019, 02:56 PM

What no. You look more eastern than Albanians (and have more eastern genetics on average) , and you certanly look eastern compared to Spaniards.

11-26-2019, 03:06 PM
What no. You look more eastern than Albanians (and have more eastern genetics on average) , and you certanly look eastern compared to Spaniards.

Not sure what eastern means exactly?slavic+paleobalkan?whatever that is
Sure thing is we are not in the same cluster with albos ,in 90% of the cases we can spot them from a mile ,I think most balkaners can..

11-26-2019, 03:11 PM
Not sure what eastern means exactly?slavic+paleobalkan?whatever that is
Sure thing is we are not in the same cluster with albos ,in 90% of the cases we can spot them from a mile ,I think most balkaners can..

I meant East med/Aegan pull. Don't foget Anatolian Greeks and islanders, Cypriots.

11-26-2019, 03:18 PM
Not sure what eastern means exactly?slavic+paleobalkan?whatever that is
Sure thing is we are not in the same cluster with albos ,in 90% of the cases we can spot them from a mile ,I think most balkaners can..

Clustering with someone dosnt mean you will look like them. That’s major autosmaltardism. You might not look like one of you’re parents or siblings etc let alone some stranger

Cristiano viejo
11-26-2019, 03:19 PM
Because SW and SE Euros look different in facial features. Albanians look eastern in your eyes, but so do Greeks and it's normal in Balkan region.
I see Greeks more Western than Albanians. And I see Albanians having an unique look, not necessarily Eastern.

You opened the thread, your butt is the hurt one...
I opened the thread because I saw the images while I surfed in the Spanish newspaper As. Here the link https://as.com/futbol/2019/11/18/eurocopa/1574032909_233047.html

I found them very little European looking and that is why I posted it. Are you agreed that they look non-Euro?

11-26-2019, 03:20 PM
Clustering with someone dosnt mean you will look like them. That’s major autosmaltardism. You might not look like one of you’re parents or siblings etc let alone some stranger

Bad choice of word ,I meant cluster in terms of phenotypes...

11-26-2019, 03:21 PM
I meant East med/Aegan pull. Don't foget Anatolian Greeks and islanders, Cypriots.

Got it ,still different kinds of "eastern".

11-26-2019, 03:26 PM
I see Greeks more Western than Albanians. And I see Albanians having an unique look, not necessarily Eastern.

I opened the thread because I saw the images while I surfed in the Spanish newspaper As. Here the link https://as.com/futbol/2019/11/18/eurocopa/1574032909_233047.html

I found them very little European looking and that is why I posted it. Are you agreed that they look non-Euro?

No I am not agreed. I find Spanish more foreign looking to the average European than Albanians. Most of the spanish I saw in Spain looked like light Amerindians. And I know they were locals because there was a sporting event yoga thing and they wore the uniforms.

Cristiano viejo
11-26-2019, 03:30 PM
No I am not agreed. I find Spanish more foreign looking to the average European than Albanians. Most of the spanish I saw in Spain looked like light Amerindians. And I know they were locals because there was a sporting event yoga thing and they wore the uniforms.

hahaha xD

Well, if according you these people look fully European, then what can I say? your idea of Europeaness is quite different than the mine :noidea:

11-26-2019, 03:35 PM
hahaha xD

Well, if according you these people look fully European, then what can I say? your idea of Europeaness is quite different than the mine :noidea:



Cristiano viejo
11-26-2019, 04:04 PM


these Andalusians look infinitely more European.

11-26-2019, 04:16 PM
these Andalusians look infinitely more European.

they fit more in Turkey than any Euro country...You can say the same only for the guy holding the Kosova flag for the Albanians. Interestingly he can fit better as Spanish too..

11-26-2019, 07:10 PM
The problem is not the light but the features. Nothing to do Spanish and Albanian features.

My most heartfelt contention is that the problem itself does not exist.

Cristiano viejo
11-26-2019, 10:40 PM
they fit more in Turkey than any Euro country...

You can say the same only for the guy holding the Kosova flag for the Albanians. Interestingly he can fit better as Spanish too..

No, he can not. That is why I made this thread, they are totally alien for me.