View Full Version : Have you ever been extremely jealous of someone? How do you handle it?

11-22-2019, 03:53 PM
I have been having extreme jealousy for the first time in awhile. I am jealous of another You Tuber. At first, I enjoyed watching his videos. But then I noticed that he has a lot of female fans... a lot . And they all compliment him on his appearance and how "funny" he is, and how clever he is. I shouldn't read the comments but I do. I have been on YouTube for 12 years I don't put out content that is universal, I know, but he has only been there 2 years and has almost 150K subs. I know that he is better looking and younger by about 8 years. I wish I got nice attention from women and I want a girlfriend. He can probably have any girlfriend he wants (presuming he likes women)...

These facts are true
1.He's prettier than I am
2.He is smarter than I am
3.He has lots of female attention
4.He doesn't have autism
5.He isn't fat

The last part I can change, but I struggle with this, and this is a SIN! Jealousy is a SIN. What can I do to be less jealous?

Here is one of his Videos:



11-22-2019, 03:54 PM
I usually get jealous of females rather than males except in extreme circumstances.

11-22-2019, 03:56 PM
I usually get jealous of females rather than males except in extreme circumstances.

I am not jealous of females, except when someone praises a female vocalist, because female vocalists are often praised over male vocalists, yet they are a dime a dozen and they really don't have legit talent ,other than looking pretty.

11-22-2019, 03:58 PM
You have autism?

I'm not really jealous of someone, if so very little. I don't bother over materalistic things and other people, inb4 i could be called selfish. If I like something that I don't have, I adore the person of having it more than being jealous.
For example all the kids many years ago in my school hated on Justin Bieber, I said them that he is a boss, cause he has money and any chicks he wants.

11-22-2019, 04:02 PM
People felt jealousy towards me on this forum over me having high EHG ancestry.

But to them I say jealousy is for bitches. If you want something someone else has work hard for it and get it yourself.

11-22-2019, 04:02 PM
People felt jealousy towards me on this forum over me having high EHG ancestry.

But to them I say jealousy is for bitches. If you want something someone else has work hard for it and get it yourself.

True, once I jerked off to your results.

11-22-2019, 04:12 PM
True, once I jerked off to your results.

That is the way a real man deals with jealousy. Respect.

11-22-2019, 04:17 PM
Yes but i don't want to write what was it.

11-22-2019, 04:30 PM
Yeah, a while ago a good friend of mine started dating some girl that I liked, I got uncharacteristically jealous of him for a while and it only stopped after I occupied my time with some new hobbies and eventually another girl.

Not his fault at all obviously, I should've gone up to her before and just asked her out instead of falling into the ole' cuck trap.

I guess only time and finding yourself some constructive distractions such as working out, new hobbies or just finding new people to hang out with will "heal" that jealousy.

11-22-2019, 04:34 PM
Yeah, a while ago a good friend of mine started dating some girl that I liked, I got uncharacteristically jealous of him for a while and it only stopped after I occupied my time with some new hobbies and eventually another girl.

Not his fault at all obviously, I should've gone up to her before and just asked her out instead of falling into the ole' cuck trap.

I guess only time and finding yourself some constructive distractions such as working out, new hobbies or just finding new people to hang out with will "heal" that jealousy.

Ah I forgot to add that while you find something else to do with your time you should stop watching that guy if he brings out such negative emotions in you.

11-22-2019, 04:37 PM
I've straight up never felt jealous of anyone in my life. This isn't because I think overly highly of myself, I just don't compare myself to others and never have.

11-22-2019, 04:39 PM
I once overheard my highschool friend talking behind my back to another person. He said I don't get jealous and that is odd or something. My heart is made of more noble clay hence it took me a while to find out the true nature of mankind and become misanthropic. Anyway, jealousy can be called envy and according to the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer the Cardinal vices of the Buddhists should be modified slightly to add a fifth element called Envy or Hatred so the cardinal vices are :

Lust, indolence, anger, avarice and envy.

Strange thing too is I don't get angry very easily either.

11-22-2019, 04:39 PM
I've straight up never felt jealous of anyone in my life. This isn't because I think overly highly of myself, I just don't compare myself to others and never have.

Actually, that might be the same reason why I never felt jealous of anyone.

11-23-2019, 01:14 AM

I have a big ego (problem).

11-23-2019, 01:15 AM

I have a big ego (problem).

But people with Big Egos often get more jealous easier.

11-23-2019, 01:23 AM
Yes, being jealous of longbowman because he looks really great while me being really fat. So, I began losing weight which I lost over 40 kilos and I take pride in my achievements. I plan to start doing lifts after I reach my goal of weighing 85 kilos. Jealousy can be a powerful emotion for self improvement.

11-23-2019, 01:33 AM
But people with Big Egos often get more jealous easier.


there are obviously people who have a better life, but there are also those who lead a worse life.

11-23-2019, 01:35 AM
I am not really jelaous of one person but more like a group of peapole.