View Full Version : ***SPANIARD OR MOROCCAN?**

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12-05-2019, 01:40 AM

12-05-2019, 01:41 AM

12-05-2019, 01:41 AM

How could you tell?

I agree, by the way - he looks very Iberian.

12-05-2019, 01:46 AM
How could you tell?

I agree, by the way - he looks very Iberian.

I can recognize my people easily and this one has a clear iberian/european vibe to me

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 01:58 AM
You are not very smart, Serbian immigrant in Oceania.
Kindest regards.

12-05-2019, 01:59 AM

12-05-2019, 02:04 AM
Look north african to my eyes..

12-05-2019, 02:07 AM
Look north african to my eyes..

Well, despite his pigmentation, he's racially Berid.

12-05-2019, 02:14 AM
Look north african to my eyes..

Have you zoomed the image? His features become clearer if you do

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 02:15 AM
Look north african to my eyes..

Yeah sure, he looks like these guys. Exactly like them


12-05-2019, 02:16 AM
Have you zoomed the image? His features become clearer if you do

Yes. Same. Very non-european face.

12-05-2019, 02:18 AM
Yes. Same. Very non-european face.

How so...? It's surprising coming from you

12-05-2019, 02:20 AM
Yes. Same. Very non-european face.

He sort of reminded me of my paternal cousin:
https://scontent.ffjr1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35577_456952564368187_783212172_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=aVk9UK68a6oAQmOScGCkerPfuDYccQd11ed_wYxfJb wjfgpNYiL3MJEtg&_nc_ht=scontent.ffjr1-3.fna&oh=5e3a74c7ab9a381b183357f36da7a237&oe=5E724C6C
https://scontent.ffjr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/44327454_2136805089716251_5041669449426403328_o.jp g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=beQOjL5qrYgAQnm3DXQl7LFTB--Fb3fi7X7-NFAA5svOeeMcTOuGiBW-A&_nc_ht=scontent.ffjr1-1.fna&oh=97cfb92f8c24b41620dc737cdd481604&oe=5E79A325

Yes, his wife is also a Palestinian, lol.

12-05-2019, 02:37 AM

12-05-2019, 02:42 AM
He sort of reminded me of

Yes, his wife is also a Palestinian, lol.

Whats hes background Kuwaiti? Ironically i see him passing in Mexico very well actually both.

12-05-2019, 04:50 AM
Whats hes background Kuwaiti? Ironically i see him passing in Mexico very well actually both.He pass in all Latin American countries with sizable white populations, like Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

12-05-2019, 05:00 AM
Spaniard, it's an obvious one. Both countries phenotypes are not comparable IMO, but i know already that this threads are made to try proving that Spaniards are arabs.

12-05-2019, 06:40 AM
He looks like a Spaniard.

But I think that this is a trick question and that he may be a European looking or atypical Moroccan. So I'll go with Moroccan? :confused:

Yeah sure, he looks like these guys. Exactly like them

I get your concern (and completely understand the physical difference between Moroccans and Spaniards), but honestly, if you preen and dress one of these guys in stylish clothing they'd look similar to the guy in the OP. Don't you think? Well-grooming, just like makeup, can change the appearance of men as well

12-05-2019, 09:00 AM
The title of this thread could also be “brown or brown”, “bad or bad”, “Mena or Mena”. Equisense.

12-05-2019, 09:30 AM
Paradoxically there are more MENA passing people in Serbia than Spain.

12-05-2019, 10:17 AM

https://scontent-den4-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/8cb8af9e1570d346700dec32a406eef7/5E7E7EFB/t51.2885-19/s320x320/47581809_540549369755368_8529446355662274560_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-den4-1.cdninstagram.com

North Africans have an unmistakable features that makes no one pass in Spain



Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 12:54 PM
I get your concern (and completely understand the physical difference between Moroccans and Spaniards), but honestly, if you preen and dress one of these guys in stylish clothing they'd look similar to the guy in the OP. Don't you think? Well-grooming, just like makeup, can change the appearance of men as well
No, I dont think it. These Moroccans could dress with the clothes of the Pope, yet they would look Moroccan.

The title of this thread could also be “brown or brown”, “bad or bad”, “Mena or Mena”. Equisense.
Only if Turkey or Azerbayan would be involved in the title. Even so you would try to pass your brown MENA-looking father as white.

Tenma de Pegasus
12-05-2019, 01:05 PM
He pass in all Latin American countries with sizable white populations, like Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc.

Enviado de meu SM-G610M usando o Tapatalk

He pass in all countries, even Panama.

PS: This guy is very good looking

12-05-2019, 01:07 PM

Στάλθηκε από το LLD-L31 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-05-2019, 08:28 PM
Spaniard, it's an obvious one. Both countries phenotypes are not comparable IMO, but i know already that this threads are made to try proving that Spaniards are arabs.

Not at all, this thread is just a game, nothing to with with "proving that Spaniards are Arabs", don't worry, they aren't.
Some Hispanics seem to be offended with these threads, they don't like when someone compare their former masters with non-whites, LOL.

12-05-2019, 08:30 PM

https://scontent-den4-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/8cb8af9e1570d346700dec32a406eef7/5E7E7EFB/t51.2885-19/s320x320/47581809_540549369755368_8529446355662274560_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-den4-1.cdninstagram.com

North Africans have an unmistakable features that makes no one pass in Spain



Yeah dude, the vast majority of Spaniards don't look NA and vice versa, we all here know that.
Anyway, in your second pic I would say one or two guys would not look off in Spain.

12-05-2019, 08:34 PM
People compare Spain and Morocco only because they are neighbours, but Moroccans have very clear African admixture which puts them furthest among any MENA who could pass Spaniard.

12-05-2019, 08:36 PM
Yeah sure, he looks like these guys. Exactly like them



12-05-2019, 08:42 PM
People compare Spain and Morocco only because they are neighbours, but Moroccans have very clear African admixture which puts them furthest among any MENA who could pass Spaniard.

I'm moroccan what you're saying are just stereotypes :


Moroccans and spaniards look different and have different traits but spaniards aren't lighter let alone other MENAs

12-05-2019, 08:47 PM
Nassbean, when you say Spaniards aren't lighter, which ethnicity are you comparing them to?

12-05-2019, 08:50 PM
He sort of reminded me of my paternal cousin:

Yes, his wife is also a Palestinian, lol.

Kudos for him and his marriage indeed. From a random internet acquaintance.

12-05-2019, 08:51 PM
Nassbean, when you say Spaniards aren't lighter, which ethnicity are you comparing them to?

mine and more specifically riffians and other mountainous berbers ( who form the majority of berber speakers today) and I'm only talking about skin pigmentation here

12-05-2019, 08:54 PM
I'm moroccan what you're saying are just stereotypes :

Moroccans and spaniards look different and have different traits but spaniards aren't lighter let alone other MENAs

This is ridiculous, of course Spaniards are lighter, some Moroccans are light and many are dark. I have seen plenty of Moroccans myself.

12-05-2019, 08:54 PM
mine and more specifically riffians and other mountainous berbers ( who form the majority of berber speakers today) and I'm only talking about skin pigmentation here

I'm very skeptical about Catalona or Aragon darker than riffians.

12-05-2019, 08:59 PM
I'm very skeptical about Catalona or Aragon darker than riffians.

I didn't say darker but overall spaniards aren't lighter that's for sure same situation for south italy and greece ( be careful i'm only talking about skin pigmentation not traits or genes)

12-05-2019, 09:00 PM
This is ridiculous, of course Spaniards are lighter, some Moroccans are light and many are dark. I have seen plenty of Moroccans myself.

You think being in europe make someone automatically lighter ? it doesn't work like that both countries are inside the mediterranean spectrum and I've been to spain myself they aren't lighter ( some of them were way darker than me)

12-05-2019, 09:08 PM
You think being in europe make someone automatically lighter ? it doesn't work like that both countries are inside the mediterranean spectrum and I've been to spain myself they aren't lighter ( some of them were way darker than me)

Lol Northern Italy is way ahead lighter than any moroccan group could be. Same for Catalonians and Aragonese people.

Being in Europe makes you automically having Steppe ancestry hence having much more light alleles than others groups. NA's as a group are darker than Levantines and are on par with the darker "West Eurasians" in termes of pure pigmentation (I'm not talking about skin color).

+ for Southern Italy Campanians and Apulians have lot of fair haired people, atleast for supposedly the darkest european

Greece is lighter than southern Italy and you can't include it with berbers

For skin pigmentation pure "berbers" can be pretty dark, though there are countries that have a good number of fair-skinned individuals, in proportion it still don't reach euro numbers.

+ Finally I don't think that ubertanned iberians are a fair comparison to saying that you're lighter than them. From what I've seen Iberians are well in s.european range.

12-05-2019, 09:19 PM
Lol Northern Italy is way ahead lighter than any moroccan group could be. Same for Catalonians and Aragonese people.

Being in Europe makes you automically having Steppe ancestry hence having much more light alleles than others groups. NA's as a group are darker than Levantines and are on par with the darker "West Eurasians" in termes of pure pigmentation (I'm not talking about skin color).

+ for Southern Italy Campanians and Apulians have lot of fair haired people, atleast for supposedly the darkest european

Greece is lighter than southern Italy and you can't include it with berbers

Again you don't know what you're talking about :picard1: let me teach you something today :

The lightest pigmentation recorded is that of the Rifians, the most European-looking Berbers. They have 65% incidence of pinkish-white unexposed skin color( von Luschan Numbers 1-3 and 6-9). This goes as high as 86% in some tribes. Twenty-three percent are freckled. Ten percent have light brown or blond head hair; in some tribes, 25% do. In beard color, 45% of Rifians are reddish, light brown, or blond bearded; in some tribes, this figure rises to 57%, with 24% completely blond. The ratio of red hair among Rifians is 4%, as in Scotland and Ireland. Seventeen percent have reddish beards; in some tribes 28% do. Light hair among the Rifians is mostly golden or reddish, rare ash blond.

In the Rif, dark eyes are found among 43% of the men, mixed eyes 35%, and light eyes in 2 %; and the mixed eyes have green or blue elements rather than gray. The tribe with the lightest pigmentation in general, the Beni Amart, has an incidence of 18 %, 73%, 9% in each of the these categories. These mountain tribesmen and some of their neighbors on the coast are a little fairer than most southern European populations.

Their blondism is comparable to the blondism of Western Europe and Western Asia, not to that of Northern and Eastern Europe. They resemble Western Europeans, however, rather than the Western Asians in development of body hair, which is light to moderate. Only 5% of Rifians have the bushy, concurrent eyebrows seen among Western Asian mountaineers. The hair of most Rifians is curly-that is, it forms ringlets-in over 50% of the men. No individuals with frizzly or woolly hair were measured or seen. This African form of hair, however is found among the 12% of Shluh, Berbers of Atlas Mountains and the Sous Valley. The Shluh also have a 12 % incidence of epicanthic fold.
The Riffian by Carleton S. Coon

I have french sources too ...now compare this with italy for example :


12-05-2019, 09:24 PM
Again you don't know what you're talking about :picard1: let me teach you something today :

I have french sources too ...now compare this with italy for example :


Just LOL.

This bullshit map that's used by every member that like to swartify Italy. I wouldn't even point out the incoherencies here.

"The Riffian by Carleton S. Coon"

Quoting Charleton Coon... :picard2:

These are Riffans :







12-05-2019, 09:30 PM
Just LOL.

This bullshit map that's used by every member that like to swartify Italy. I wouldn't even point out the incoherencies here.

"The Riffian by Carleton S. Coon"

Quoting Charleton Coon... :picard2:

I have his book he studied there ...what's wrong with his anthropological datas he only spoke about skin pigmentation, eyes, hair , ect not phenotypes also if you still don't believe it you have to know that his datas are accepted by most specialist of North africa as you can see here on the berber encyclopedia : https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/2897#tocto2n1

scientists in the project : Gabriel CAMPS (†)

Directeur de la publication

Conseil Scientifique – Comité de Rédaction

D. Abrous (Univ. Bejaia) : anthropologie socioculturelle
A. Bounfour (Inalco) : littérature
H. Camps-Fabrer (Cnrs, Aix) : préhistoire et technologie
H. Claudot-Hawad (Cnrs, Aix) : ethnologie – anthropologie (Touaregs)
J. Desanges (Ephe) : histoire ancienne ; géographie historique
S. Hachi (Cnrpah, Alger) : préhistoire
C. Lacoste-Dujardin (Cnrs, Paris) : ethnologie (Kabylie)
J.-P. Laporte (Paris) : histoire ancienne
A. Mettouchi (Ephe, Paris) : linguistique
K. Naït-Zerrad (Inalco) : langue et linguistique
K.-G. Prasse (Univ. Copenhague) : linguistique
C. Roubet (Iph, Paris) : préhistoire
L. Serra (Univ. "L’Orientale", Naples) : linguistique
P. Trousset (CCJ, Univ. Aix-Marseille) : histoire ancienne

But yes they are all wrong and biased :picard1: Now if you don't like that map provide something i'm still waiting.

12-05-2019, 09:35 PM
I have his book he studied there ...what's wrong with his anthropological datas he only spoke about skin pigmentation, eyes, hair , ect not phenotypes also if you still don't believe it you have to know that his datas are accepted by most specialist of North africa as you can see here on the berber encyclopedia : https://journals.openedition.org/enc.../2897#tocto2n1

Quoting Charleton Coon in 2019... It's ridiculous. :picard2:

I don't know one recent physical anthropological paper that quote Coon and his books, you can still use it to fit your agendas.

The map that you've posted has many incoherencies and look false for anyone has a little knowledge of Italian genetics and phenotype. I can enumerate point after point if you want.

12-05-2019, 09:38 PM
"I have his book he studied there ...what's wrong with his anthropological datas he only spoke about skin pigmentation, eyes, hair , ect not phenotypes also if you still don't believe it you have to know that his datas are accepted by most specialist of North africa as you can see here on the berber encyclopedia : https://journals.openedition.org/enc.../2897#tocto2n1"

Quoting Charleton Coon in 2019... It's ridiculous. :picard2:

I don't know one recent paper that quote Coon and his books, you can still use it to fit your agendas.

That datas about skin pigmentation were made one century ago or yesterday is meaningless ... I can agree about some outdated methods and opinions but when it comes to these kind of datas they are totally accurate and that's why modern specialists still use them you're simply triggered that's it because it's your biggest nightmare. I still stand by what I said south euros aren't lighter than coastal NAs ..they are different genetically and phenotypically but certainly not lighter when it comes to skin pigmentation.

12-05-2019, 09:41 PM
That datas about skin pigmentation were made one century ago or yesterday is meaningless ... I can agree about some outdated methods and opinions but when it comes to these kind of datas they are totally accurate and that's why modern specialists still use them you're simply triggered that's it because it's your biggest nightmare. I still stand by what I said south euros aren't lighter than coastal NAs ..they are different genetically and phenotypically but certainly not lighter when it comes to skin pigmentation.

Quote me one, who still uses that stuff. :laugh:

12-05-2019, 09:43 PM
Quote me one, who still uses that stuff. :laugh:

reread my previous answer i posted their names + a link

12-05-2019, 09:43 PM
That datas about skin pigmentation were made one century ago or yesterday is meaningless ... I can agree about some outdated methods and opinions but when it comes to these kind of datas they are totally accurate and that's why modern specialists still use them you're simply triggered that's it because it's your biggest nightmare.

Lol I'm not even full southern euro and I don't care about lightness or whatever (I'm not light haired as you may know), simply when you say things for making you "lighter" whereas you aren't I have to respond. Don't get butthurted because I told you that your idol worth little by today standards.

12-05-2019, 09:46 PM
Lol I'm not even full southern euro and I don't care about lightness or whatever (I'm not light haired as you may know), simply when you say things for making you "lighter" whereas you aren't I have to respond. Don't get butthurted because I told you that your idol worth little by today standards.

I'm myself not light and there is nothing wrong with being dark or even ssa admixed but I won't let arrogant south euros alienate my people and spread lies about them because they are scared that their whiteness is questioned.

12-05-2019, 09:47 PM
By the way none of the scientists that you've quoted are physical anthropologists, they are mostly historians and linguists. :picard2:

12-05-2019, 09:50 PM
I'm myself not light and there is nothing wrong with being dark or even ssa admixed but I won't let arrogant south euros alienate my people and spread lies about them because they are scared that their whiteness is questioned.

It's just that what you say don't match with the reality. Southern Euros are arguably dark by Northern Euro standards but not darker than Northern Africa.

BTW I'm not at all a "light" fanatist unlike some cherry-pickers that post only the light Southern Euros.

12-05-2019, 09:52 PM
By the way none of the scientists that you've quoted are physical anthropologists, they are mostly historians and linguists. :picard2:

smh ...the people who wrote the article are anthropologists : M.-C. Chamla et D. Ferembach (https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/2897#tocto2n1)

12-05-2019, 09:52 PM
reread my previous answer i posted their names + a link

The guy who referenced his paper is no modern scientist, it's some fifty years old paper, quote me someone from this century, please.

12-05-2019, 09:55 PM
It's just that what you say don't match with the reality. Southern Euros are arguably dark by Northern Euro standards but not darker than Northern Africa.

BTW I'm not at all a "light" fanatist unlike some cherry-pickers that post only the light Southern Euros.

I never said south euros are darker but they aren't lighter either ( as I said they are all inside the mediterranean spectrum I went to spain, malta , greece and I plan to visit sardinia and south italy soon I also have plenty of south euro friends et quelques connaissances I know very well what i'm talking about) but sometimes i've seen some south euros being darker than most of my family for example it can happen.

12-05-2019, 09:55 PM
smh ...the people who wrote the article are anthropologists : M.-C. Chamla et D. Ferembach (https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/2897#tocto2n1)


"Denise Ferembach (1924-1994)"

I've said recent.

12-05-2019, 09:57 PM
The guy who referenced his paper is no modern scientist, it's some fifty years old paper, quote me someone from this century, please.

wtf are you talking about I'm talking about this :

Abdellah Bounfour
Salem Chaker
Hélène Claudot-Hawad
Jehan Desanges
Camille Lacoste-Dujardin
Jean-Pierre Laporte
Kamal Nait-Zerrad
Amina Mettouchi
Colette Roubet
Pol Trousset
Gabriel Camps
Yves Modéran
Marceau Gast
Jean-Marie Lassère
Lionel Galand
Karl-Gottfried Prasse

with the link here : https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/2897

article written by two specialists : M.-C. Chamla et D. Ferembach

12-05-2019, 09:57 PM
I never said south euros are darker but they aren't lighter either ( as I said they are all inside the mediterranean spectrum I went to spain, malta , greece and I plan to visit sardinia and south italy soon I also have plenty of south euro friends et quelques connaissances I know very well what i'm talking about) but sometimes i've seen some south euros being darker than most of my family for example it can happen.

They aren't lighter ? You must be joking. Northern Italy, Central Italy, Balkans etc. are way lighter than NA it's even not a debate.

12-05-2019, 09:59 PM

"Denise Ferembach (1924-1994)"

I've said recent.

Yes i didn't know that in less than 20 years the skin pigmentation of people drastically change you're clearly desesperate it's pathetic

12-05-2019, 10:01 PM
They aren't lighter ? You must be joking. Northern Italy, Central Italy, Balkans etc. are way lighter than NA it's even not a debate.

North italy is not a mediterranean region that's for sure even culturally it has never been a mediterranean region, central italians aren't lighter ( AGAIN don't confuse european traits and skin tone) and the balkanic area has lots of slavic influence.

12-05-2019, 10:05 PM
wtf are you talking about I'm talking about this :

Abdellah Bounfour
Salem Chaker
Hélène Claudot-Hawad
Jehan Desanges
Camille Lacoste-Dujardin
Jean-Pierre Laporte
Kamal Nait-Zerrad
Amina Mettouchi
Colette Roubet
Pol Trousset
Gabriel Camps
Yves Modéran
Marceau Gast
Jean-Marie Lassère
Lionel Galand
Karl-Gottfried Prasse

with the link here : https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/2897

article written by two specialists : M.-C. Chamla et D. Ferembach

Man, just because the original was reedited in 2019 by god-knows-who doesn't mean it's magically up to date, by modern standards. :laugh:

Take a methodology class, do it for me.

12-05-2019, 10:07 PM
Yes i didn't know that in less than 20 years the skin pigmentation of people drastically change you're clearly desesperate it's pathetic

This article has likely been written in 80s/70s, these "anthropologists" were clearly contemporaries of Coon and were the very few scientists out of all anthropologists that agreed with his theories.

It's cherry-picking, but a different type, it's cherry-picking so-called "articles" + this article hasn't be published in a professional physical anthropological journal like the American Journal of Physical Anthropology or others. Scientifically speaking it worth nothing, we can discuss about what they say but surely you can't argue that's a reliable source.

12-05-2019, 10:08 PM
Man, just because the original was reedited in 2019 by god-knows-who doesn't mean it's magically up to date, by modern standards. :laugh:

Take a methodology class, do it for me.

Seriously don't interact here no more because you clearly don't know what you're talking about ...it's not a reedited edition it's an anthropological article about berber groups and for riffians they took Coon's data because they are still accurate ( he went there he wrote a whole damn book about riffians he studied our grandparents why do you consider datas about skin pigmentation to be inaccurate today ...was there a population replacement since then ?? )

12-05-2019, 10:09 PM
mine and more specifically riffians and other mountainous berbers ( who form the majority of berber speakers today) and I'm only talking about skin pigmentation here

Ridiculous. I'm not an OWD person, and I dont' give a shit about 80% or 90% of Europe being lighter than me but that is an obvious lie. You need to gain some notion of what you are talking about.

12-05-2019, 10:12 PM
North italy is not a mediterranean region that's for sure even culturally it has never been a mediterranean region, central italians aren't lighter ( AGAIN don't confuse european traits and skin tone) and the balkanic area has lots of slavic influence.

Lol not a mediterannean region :

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Italy_map_of_K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification.sv g/600px-Italy_map_of_K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification.sv g.png

For you mediterannean = north-african.

And Ligurians, Venetians, Emilians from the Coast are as "mediterannean" as you. You can argue that they have non-med northern admixture I could reply that you have african components completely strangers.

12-05-2019, 10:13 PM
Seriously don't interact here no more because you clearly don't know what you're talking about ...it's not a reedited edition it's an anthropological article about berber groups and for riffians they took Coon's data because they are still accurate ( he went there he wrote a whole damn book about riffians he studied our grandparents why do you consider datas about skin pigmentation to be inaccurate today ...was there a population replacement since then ?? )

Sigh. How old is the original, my friend?

12-05-2019, 10:13 PM
This article has likely been written in 80s/70s, these "anthropologists" were clearly contemporaries of Coon and were the very few scientists out of all anthropologists that agreed with his theories.

It's cherry-picking, but a different type, it's cherry-picking so-called "articles" + this article hasn't be published in a professional physical anthropological journal like the American Journal of Physical Anthropology or others. Scientifically speaking it worth nothing, we can discuss about what they say but surely you can't argue that's a reliable source.


OK now it's more than clear that you're totally biased and ignorant the berber encyclopedia (they also published it physically) is a reference in the scientific field when it comes to berber :

Fondée par Gabriel Camps, Professeur à l’Université de Provence (décédé en septembre 2002), l’Encyclopédie berbère est dirigée par Salem Chaker, professeur de berbère à l’Inalco, puis à Aix Marseille Université (Aix-en-Provence), et membre de l’équipe scientifique de fondation (conseiller scientifique pour la linguistique).

L'Encyclopédie berbère a pour objectif de rassembler, de synthétiser et de mettre à disposition les savoirs sur les Berbères, considérables mais jusque-là extrêmement dispersés et fragmentés entre des champs académiques très étanches.

Les disciplines principales de l'Encyclopédie berbère couvrent les sciences historiques (toutes époques), l'ethnologie-anthropologie, la linguistique, la littérature et la géographie.

L'Encyclopédie berbère rejoint, à partir du fascicule XXX (2010), la maison d'édition Peeters publishers (Paris/Louvain) déjà très engagée dans le champ des études berbères.

all the contributors :

Fondateur de la publication
Gabriel CAMPS (†)

Directeur de la publication

Conseil Scientifique – Comité de Rédaction

D. Abrous (Univ. Bejaia) : anthropologie socioculturelle
A. Bounfour (Inalco) : littérature
H. Camps-Fabrer (Cnrs, Aix) : préhistoire et technologie
H. Claudot-Hawad (Cnrs, Aix) : ethnologie – anthropologie (Touaregs)
J. Desanges (Ephe) : histoire ancienne ; géographie historique
S. Hachi (Cnrpah, Alger) : préhistoire
C. Lacoste-Dujardin (Cnrs, Paris) : ethnologie (Kabylie)
J.-P. Laporte (Paris) : histoire ancienne
A. Mettouchi (Ephe, Paris) : linguistique
K. Naït-Zerrad (Inalco) : langue et linguistique
K.-G. Prasse (Univ. Copenhague) : linguistique
C. Roubet (Iph, Paris) : préhistoire
L. Serra (Univ. "L’Orientale", Naples) : linguistique
P. Trousset (CCJ, Univ. Aix-Marseille) : histoire ancienne

Ont également honoré l’Encyclopédie berbère de leur parrainage scientifique et/ou de leur concours scientifique régulier (Comité scientifique/de rédaction) :

M. Arkoun (Univ. Paris-III) : islamologie (†)
E. Bernus (Ird, Paris) : Touaregs (†)
J. Bosch-Vilà (Grenade) : Al-Andalus
M.-C. Chamla (Cnrs, Paris) : anthropologie biologique (†)
D . Champault (Cnrs, Paris,) : ethnologie (†)
R. Chenorkian (Univ. Aix-Marseille) : préhistoire
O. Dutour (Univ. Aix-Marseille) : anthropologie
M. Fantar (INAA, Tunis) : punique
M. Gast (Cnrs, Aix) : ethnologie (Touaregs) (†)
E. Gellner (Londres) : sociétés marocaines
J.-M. Lassère (Univ. Montpellier-III) : histoire ancienne (†)
J. Leclant (Aibl, Institut de France) : égyptologie (†)
T. Lewicki (Cracovie) : Moyen-âge (†)
Y. Modéran (Univ. Caen) : histoire ancienne (†)
G. Souville (Cnrs, Aix) : protohistoire (†)
J. Vallvé Bermejo (Madrid) : Al-Andalus
M.-J. Viguera-Molins (Madrid) : Al-Andalus

Stop being a hater like that when it comes to berbers you're one of the biggest ignorant here it's not a novice like you that will teach me about what is reliable or not when it comes to berbers.

12-05-2019, 10:14 PM
Ridiculous. I'm not an OWD person, and I dont' give a shit about 80% or 90% of Europe being lighter than me but that is an obvious lie. You need to gain some notion of what you are talking about.

You're late mate I posted evidence unlike the others... If you disagree then act like me and provide scientific documents

12-05-2019, 10:15 PM

12-05-2019, 10:19 PM
You're late mate I posted evidence unlike the others... If you disagree then act like me and provide scientific documents

The scientific methods that I have is that when I think of Morocco and Moroccans I think of a country which is completely different from mine, in life style, way of dressing, mentality, religion and physical looks.

To that regards I just have to remember the Moroccan national teams that I've seen over the years, which are more similar to Brazil's squads than to Portugal or Spain.

I don't give a damn if they are riffian, kabyle or magical creatures, Moroccans to me are too SSA mixed to even pass in Turkey.

12-05-2019, 10:19 PM
OK now it's more than clear that you're totally biased and ignorant the berber encyclopedia (they also published it physically) is a reference in the scientific field when it comes to berber

The two anthropologists that you've quoted are anthropologists of the 20th century that published an article on this "encyclopedia" that isn't a peer-reviewed journal. It's like if me I wrote an article and I submitted it to the Encyclopedia of Italians or the Encyclopedia of Iberians. You don't understand that science doesn't work like that, you have to submit your paper to your peers to be published, that's how all physics, mathematical, biological papers are edited and published.

The list of people that you have spammed all over the pages is mostly made up of historians and linguists, people that have 0 expertise when it comes to the field of physical anthropology and "bio-statistics". There are roman historians in middle of this list, a touareg ethnologist, people that have nothing to do here.

12-05-2019, 10:21 PM
Lol not a mediterannean region :

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Italy_map_of_K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification.sv g/600px-Italy_map_of_K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification.sv g.png

For you mediterannean = north-african.

And Ligurians, Venetians, Emilians from the Coast are as "mediterannean" as you. You can argue that they have non-med northern admixture I could reply that you have african components completely strangers.

sorry your pics are not reliable and biased take a look here :




Also how dare you to compare 2-5% of ssa to the huge celto-germanic influence in north italy ??? pure dishonesty and unlike your non mediterranean admixtures our ssa dates from the paleolithic era so it has been there for millenias.

12-05-2019, 10:23 PM
Sigh. How old is the original, my friend?

the datas : 1933

the article : 1985

but tell me why are the dates important for skin pigmentation ?? did it change ??

12-05-2019, 10:27 PM
The scientific methods that I have is that when I think of Morocco and Moroccans I think of a country which is completely different from mine, in life style, way of dressing, mentality, religion and physical looks.

To that regards I just have to remember the Moroccan national teams that I've seen over the years, which are more similar to Brazil's squads than to Portugal or Spain.

I don't give a damn if they are riffian, kabyle or magical creatures, Moroccans to me are too SSA mixed to even pass in Turkey.

Ok what does your culture have to do with the topic ? moreover a football team is representative of a county now then France is clearly more ssa admixed lol.

and bonus me the moroccan with my turkish friend :


Yeah big differences...

12-05-2019, 10:30 PM
sorry your pics are not reliable and biased take a look here :




Also how dare you to compare 2-5% of ssa to the huge celto-germanic influence in north italy ??? pure dishonesty and unlike your non mediterranean admixtures our ssa dates from the paleolithic era so it has been there for millenias.

"Mediterranean admixture" means nothing. The so-called unified "med race" has never existed.

You just want to say that you're the most "Mediterraneans" whereas you're far from almost all other mediterranean ethnicities including Turks.

The celts were likely SW euros, that's what you don't understand, there are few areas in Northern Italy that are really germanic influenced,. The fact is that there wasn't "indigenous med stock" that was destroyed by Celts, it's ridiculous.

+ For the climate Liguria has a very med climate, Ravenna and coastal Emilia as well so back up your "non-med climate". For the other regions they are without any doubt med influenced not only in climate but also in culture, architecture etc. A village in Modena area wouldn't look a lot different from a Tuscan one.

12-05-2019, 10:36 PM
the datas : 1933

the article : 1985

but tell me why are the dates important for skin pigmentation ?? did it change ??

The time it was written is indeed important. From that day forward, scientific rigor has advanced quite a while, more so than it did from the late middle-ages to the time the paper is from, almost. Back then, you could've gotten away with publishing a piece of crap noone would even read today. As for the change in the pigmentation. Could very well be the case. There are multiple mechanisms through which evolution works, be it genetic drift, natural selection, etc. Sometimes, there are visible changes in just one generation.

12-05-2019, 10:40 PM
Ok what does your culture have to do with the topic ? moreover a football team is representative of a county now then France is clearly more ssa admixed lol.

and bonus me the moroccan with my turkish friend :


Yeah big differences...

You clearly understood what I answered. Ofc I was talking about native football players of Morocco and Portugal. As about you, I've seen your pics and you look NA, not Southern European or "West Mediterranean". Most Moroccans look too mixed to pass in Turkey or Syria which are almost fully Caucasoid.

12-05-2019, 10:41 PM
The time it was written is indeed important. From that day forward, scientific rigor has advanced quite a while, more so than it did from the late middle-ages to the time the paper is from, almost. Back then, you could've gotten away with publishing a piece of crap noone would even read today. As for the change in the pigmentation. Could very well be the case. There are multiple mechanisms through which evolution works, be it genetic drift, natural selection, etc. Sometimes, there are visible changes in just one generation.

Yes but the most important thing : Coon didn't gave his scientifical methodology. He throw out his percentages as if he had foretold them.

For the date is like if I was trying to prove that one nation is shorter than another basing on 1900 statistics.

12-05-2019, 10:45 PM
"Mediterranean admixture" means nothing. The so-called unified "med race" has never existed.

You just want to say that you're the most "Mediterraneans" whereas you're far from almost all other mediterranean ethnicities including Turks.

The celts were likely SW euros, that's what you don't understand, there are few areas in Northern Italy that are really germanic influenced,. The fact is that there wasn't "indigenous med stock" that was destroyed by Celts, it's ridiculous.

+ For the climate Liguria has a very med climate, Ravenna and coastal Emilia as well so back up your "non-med climate". For the other regions they are without any doubt med influenced not only in climate but also in culture, architecture etc. A village in Modena area wouldn't look a lot different from a Tuscan one.

Now you're trying to pass celts or germans for native mediterraneans lol ( listen idiot by mediterranean i mean something linked with the mediterranean area i'm not talking about a mediterranean race I know this concept scares you) ...North italy is not mediterranean and has never been a mediterranean except some small areas even ancient latins didn't view them as italics and considered them gauls...about their current culture you forget that italy has been unified and the north received obvious influences even a child understand this.

I will also add this :

the people of the Maghreb are closer to the European populations and the Middle East while the Upper Egypt populations show more affinity with sub-Saharan and East African populations. Our work also reveals a clear and significant genetic differentiation between the Berbers of the Maghreb and the Berbers Egyptians, the latter having more affinities with the East African populations. source : http://www.didac.ehu.es/antropo/18/18-6/Coudray.pdf

The genetic proximity observed between the Berbers and southern Europeans reveals that these groups shared a common ancestor. Two hypotheses are discussed: one would date these common origins in the Upper Paleolithic with the expansion of anatomically modern humans, from the Near East to both shores of the Mediterranean Sea; the other supports the Near Eastern origin, but would rather date it from the Neolithic, around 10,000 years ago (Ammerman & Cavalli-Sforza 1973; Barbujani et al. 1994; Myles et al. 2005; Rando et al. 1998). Common polymorphisms (i.e. those defining H and V lineages) between Berbers and south Europeans also could have been introduced or supported by genetic flows through the Straits of Gibraltar. For example, genetic exchanges could have taken place during prehistory, while European populations retreated from ice sheets and expanded from refuge, around 15,000 years ago (as evidenced by the H and U5b mitochondrial lineages). Coudray et al., december 2008

The people around the mediterranean sea form an anthropological entity much more coherent than those proposed by the divisions between countries and between continents."Jean-michel dugoujon, 2005 source : https://journals.openedition.org/bmsap/913

No genetic differentiation has been observed between all Algerian Berbers discarding any geographical or ethnic effect. Comparative analyses based on Fst genetic distance did not show significant affinities between North Africans and either South Europeans and Middle Easterners except genetic proximity between Algerians and Iberians. The amount of genetic diversity among Algerians and North African populations detected by the distance to the centroid model was significant compared with other North Mediterranean populations.

A strong genetic homogeneity has been found between Algerian Berbers. Global genetic diversity based on Alu markers is following the isolation by distance model except for some European populations"

We show that Early Neolithic Moroccans (~5,000 BCE) are similar to LaterStone Age individuals from the same region and possess an endemicelement retained in present-day Maghrebi populations, confirming a long-term genetic continuity in the region. source : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325729790_Ancient_genomes_from_North_Africa_eviden ce_prehistoric_migrations_to_the_Maghreb_from_both _the_Levant_and_Europe

12-05-2019, 10:46 PM
Yes but the most important thing : Coon didn't gave his scientifical methodology. He throw out his percentages as if he had foretold them.

For the date is like if I was trying to prove that one nation is shorter than another basing on 1900 statistics.

He used scientific background from Anthropologists from/based in which country/regions he studied, but yeah some of his claims were a bit nonsensical.

12-05-2019, 10:47 PM
The time it was written is indeed important. From that day forward, scientific rigor has advanced quite a while, more so than it did from the late middle-ages to the time the paper is from, almost. Back then, you could've gotten away with publishing a piece of crap noone would even read today. As for the change in the pigmentation. Could very well be the case. There are multiple mechanisms through which evolution works, be it genetic drift, natural selection, etc. Sometimes, there are visible changes in just one generation.


I will no more answer you that's the biggest crap i've read these last months.

12-05-2019, 10:49 PM
You clearly understood what I answered. Ofc I was talking about native football players of Morocco and Portugal. As about you, I've seen your pics and you look NA, not Southern European or "West Mediterranean". Most Moroccans look too mixed to pass in Turkey or Syria which are almost fully Caucasoid.

Again what does this have to do with skin tone ? I don't look south euro nor levantine i'm north african yes but certainly not darker than your people or theirs and for your information geographically the maghreb is part of the west med area ...

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 10:51 PM
This immigrant Nassbean is with no doubt the most delusional TA member ever. North Africans at par with South Europeans in pigmentation :picard1: at the beginning I found his posts funny, he tried to show the 0,00000000000000000000000000000001% of the Moroccan population who are not dark as fuck as if they were the average... but no, he already even claims North Africans have the same pigmentation than South Europeans :lol:
I dont know if laughing or crying ;)

12-05-2019, 10:54 PM
Again what does this have to do with skin tone ? I don't look south euro nor levantine i'm north african yes but certainly not darker than your people or theirs and for your information geographically the maghreb is part of the west med area ...

Again are you going completly schyzophrenic or did you ever look at yourself in the mirror? If you told me you were an Iraqi, Iranian/Persian or Saudi I would believe it.

12-05-2019, 10:56 PM
hahah it seems i've brought almost all iberian members to fight me here ....really pathetic all of this but i will always stand by what I said none of them of course provided scientific datas only stereotypes like good haters and all they had to say is "genetic drift can happen" ...lmao yes in less than 50 years i didn't know or " it's too old his methodology is maybe wrong" while none of them have read his book.


12-05-2019, 10:57 PM
Now you're trying to pass celts or germans for native mediterraneans lol

Not at all (especially for germanics), you haven't really read the study that was published about Ancient Rome obviously. Italics that are very related to celtic people, were N.Italian like. There is a sample from the Tumulus culture in Germany that show exactly the same SW profile.

North italy is not mediterranean and has never been a mediterranean except some small areas even ancient latins didn't view them as italics and considered them gauls

rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: I think you're thinking about Italian alpine areas, they are outliers geographically, in climate and genetics, not really a fair comparison. People from Valle d'Aost from which I have some ascendance are French living in Italy.

about their current culture you forget that italy has been unified and the north received obvious influences even a child understand this.

:picard2: Ancient villages in Northern Italy look unmistakably med influenced and italian, they were built well before the beginning of the south migration in the Risorgimento era.

Even culturally as i've said Ligurians, Emilians and Venetians have their med traditions, why they can't be "meds", I wait your excuse. They can't be med because you decreed that for being med you have to have 0% Northern admixture and at the same time there's not problem with SSA :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

12-05-2019, 10:58 PM
Again are you going completly schyzophrenic or did you ever look at yourself in the mirror? If you told me you were an Iraqi, Iranian/Persian or Saudi I would believe it.

You're talking about traits here ....while i'm talking about skin tone.

12-05-2019, 11:01 PM

I will no more answer you that's the biggest crap i've read these last months.

It's a scientifical reality. Changes can occurr in almost one generation you have to understand that there are also many genetical and biological mechanisms that are unknown to human knowledge and that could influence phenotype as the other already discovered.

The thing is that biology and physical anthropology is constantly evolving and you quote an author that's almost non quoted by any modern professional biologist and human anthropologist.

12-05-2019, 11:01 PM
You're talking about traits here ....while i'm talking about skin tone.

Yeah bro, every Portuguese member here is lighter than you excluding perhaps one or another. You can't read or understand a text can you?

12-05-2019, 11:04 PM
Not at all (especially for germanics), you haven't really read the study that was published about Ancient Rome obviously. Italics that are very related to celtic people, were N.Italian like. There is a sample from the Tumulus culture in Germany that show exactly the same SW profile.

rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: I think you're thinking about Italian alpine areas, they are outliers geographically, in climate and genetics, not really a fair comparison. People from Valle d'Aost from which I have some ascendance are French living in Italy.

:picard2: Ancient villages in Northern Italy look unmistakably med influenced and italian, they were built well before the beginning of the south migration in the Risorgimento era.

Even culturally as i've said Ligurians, Emilians and Venetians have their med traditions, why they can't be "meds", I wait your excuse. They can't be med because you decreed that for being med you have to have 0% Northern admixture and at the same time there's not problem with SSA :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

That they are related to some celtic groups is meaningless their culture wasn't mediterranean and their climate too let alone their germanic admixture ( and for your information yes I'm talking about the alpine areas where the most fair italians are found). And stop your comedy the north has received influence from central and south italy since ancient times so of course some of their architecture can look "med". Their non-italian admixtures are bigger and more recent than our SSA...you clearly haven't read any books about your country or NA ( if you want an answer about what is mediterranean or not just read sometimes).

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:04 PM
Yeah bro, every Portuguese member here is lighter than you excluding perhaps one or another. You can't read or understand a text can you?
Everybody know very well how dark Moroccans are, dont worry.

12-05-2019, 11:07 PM

I will no more answer you that's the biggest crap i've read these last months.

Okay, I can give you a benefit of a doubt. Now it's your time to disprove that. Good luck, especially with all the available real world examples. Populations don't always look like their ancestors years ago, that's the basis of evolution.

12-05-2019, 11:08 PM
Yeah bro, every Portuguese member here is lighter than you excluding perhaps one or another. You can't read or understand a text can you?

LOL really because most portuguese i've known in my life were darker than me for example that's a portuguese friend of mine :


you're simply dishonest.

12-05-2019, 11:10 PM
That they are related to some celtic groups is meaningless their culture wasn't mediterranean and their climate too let alone their germanic admixture ( and for your information yes I'm talking about the alpine areas where the most fair italians are found). And stop your comedy the north has received influence from central and south italy since ancient times so of course some of their architecture can look "med". Their non-italian admixtures are bigger and more recent than our SSA...you clearly haven't read any books about your country or NA ( if you want an answer about what is mediterranean or not just read sometimes).

Influence from southern italy... Do you know that most of Southern Italy was completely isolated from northern Italy ? And in fact it's the reverse, it's northern italians that have migrated in central Italy and also to some extent in Sicily, not the reverse . Lol at their architecture looking med because of migrations from south and central Italy (that never happened historically by the way).

I don't know what you mean by "non-italian admixture", N.Italians are like what Etruscans were genetically and nobody would deny to Etruscans their "mediterannean-ness". Yes Etruscans plotted like N.Italians.

It's you that haven't read anything regarding italian history of architecture to say bullshit like that.

Regarding "northern" influence in Alpine areas I wouldn't consider them as med, but I was talking about N.Italy as a whole not these extreme fringes that are heavily germanic influenced.

12-05-2019, 11:10 PM
hahah it seems i've brought almost all iberian members to fight me here ....really pathetic all of this but i will always stand by what I said none of them of course provided scientific datas only stereotypes like good haters and all they had to say is "genetic drift can happen" ...lmao yes in less than 50 years i didn't know or " it's too old his methodology is maybe wrong" while none of them have read his book.


You are such a Lolcow bro....

12-05-2019, 11:10 PM
Okay, I can give you a benefit of a doubt. Now it's your time to disprove that. Good luck, especially with all the available real world examples. Populations don't always look like their ancestors years ago, that's the basis of evolution.

We're talking about our grandparents here ...lol they are still alive and they certainly aren't different from us also when it comes to evolution of skin tone 50 or even 100 years isn't enough long that's basic knowledge.

12-05-2019, 11:10 PM
That man seems more Spanish than Marrocan, even seems more Turkish than Marrocan.

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:12 PM
That man seems more Spanish than Marrocan, even seems more Turkish than Marrocan.

He looks nothing Moroccan. Well, no, he is dark like Moroccans, but lacks their Araboid features.

12-05-2019, 11:12 PM
LOL really because most portuguese i've known in my life were darker than me for example that's a portuguese friend of mine :

Come on, man, I'm lighter than this Portuguese, but it doesn't mean average Portuguese is darker than average Brazilian.

12-05-2019, 11:14 PM
Influence from southern italy... Do you know that most of Southern Italy was completely isolated from northern Italy ? And in fact it's the reverse, it's northern italians that have migrated in central Italy and also to some extent in Sicily, not the reverse . Lol at their architecture looking med because of migrations from south and central Italy (that never happened historically by the way).

I don't know what you mean by "non-italian admixture", N.Italians are like what Etruscans were genetically and nobody would deny to Etruscans their "mediterannean-ness". Yes Etruscans plotted like N.Italians.

It's you that haven't read anything regarding italian history of architecture to say bullshit like that.

reread I never talked about migrations ...influence doesn't necessarily imply big migrations and stop talking about the southernmost north italians i'm talking about the fairest ones and you know where they live certainly not in tuscany.

12-05-2019, 11:15 PM
LOL really because most portuguese i've known in my life were darker than me for example that's a portuguese friend of mine :


you're simply dishonest.

WOW man, you posted a photo of some fucking anonimous guy I don't know from anywhere, and now that's the proof, the ultimate proof that Portuguese are all darker than you!


12-05-2019, 11:16 PM
Come on, man, I'm lighter than this Portuguese, but it doesn't mean average Portuguese is darker than average Brazilian.

In my case the ones i knew were all darker than me and I mistook them a lot for moroccans. themselves they told me they were fed up with is and latinus believe me i'm not trying to darkwash anything maybe my experience isn't enough representative idk

12-05-2019, 11:18 PM
WOW man, you posted a photo of some fucking anonimous guy I don't know from anywhere, and now that's the proof, the ultimate proof that Portuguese are all darker than you!


Yeah bro don't worry you're white and european while moroccans are mulattoes and very dark.


12-05-2019, 11:19 PM
reread I never talked about migrations ...influence doesn't necessarily imply big migrations and stop talking about the southernmost north italians i'm talking about the fairest ones and you know where they live certainly not in tuscany.

But do you know that what you've said is something that never happenned ? The only ARCHITECT of importance that came from the South was Filippo Juvarra, that's all.

+ The fairest ones aren't properly said ethnic italians they are outliers in all senses like Slovene minorities, Aostans etc.

I'm talking about Piedmonte, Lombardy, Veneto, Liguria, I don't care of Valle d'Aosta or Udine in this debate, we were talking about on northern influence on ALL N.Italy.

12-05-2019, 11:21 PM
But do you know that what you've said is something that never happenned ? The only ARCHITECT of importance that came from the South was Filippo Juvarra, that's all.

+ The fairest ones aren't properly said ethnic italians they are outliers in all senses like Slovene minorities, Aostans etc.

I'm talking about Piedmonte, Lombardy, Veneto, Liguria, I don't care of Valle d'Aosta or Udine in this debate, we were talking about on northern influence on ALL N.Italy.

Btw now that i think about it since when is there a med architecture ???

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:22 PM
Yeah bro don't worry you're white and european while moroccans are mulattoes and very dark.

truth like a temple.

12-05-2019, 11:22 PM
LOL really because most portuguese i've known in my life were darker than me for example that's a portuguese friend of mine :


you're simply dishonest.

Well this post is so fucking epic and full of reasoning, that from now on, each time I want to prove my ethnic group is lighter than other I will post some freaking random dude that no one knows fucking nothing about and tell them this is my friend and hope it will convince someone. AMEN TO YOU BRO. :clapping:clapping:clapping

Started with genetic studies ends up posting random people from webz. You are my friend, a lord.

12-05-2019, 11:23 PM
He looks nothing Moroccan. Well, no, he is dark like Moroccans, but lacks their Araboid features.

True, he is only a dark man, but without semitic or Arab facial features.

12-05-2019, 11:24 PM
Well this post is so fucking epic and full of reasoning, that from now on, each time I want to prove my ethnic group is lighter than other I will post some freaking random dude that no one knows fucking nothing about and tell them this is my friend and hope it will convince someone. AMEN TO YOU BRO. :clapping:clapping:clapping

Started with genetic studies ends up posting random people from webz. You are my friend, a lord.

I was talking my experience and posted a random example so you see what I mean ...but strangely it seems all my south euro friends are outliers lol.

12-05-2019, 11:26 PM
truth like a temple.

Habla inglés ?


12-05-2019, 11:27 PM
I was talking my experience and posted a random example so you see what I mean ...but strangely it seems all my south euro friends are outliers lol.

I can fabrique my own "experience" and "friends". I can do it anytime you want.

12-05-2019, 11:29 PM
Btw now that i think about it since when is there a med architecture ???When I say med architecture it's an architecture that was shaped by the peculiar climates of med area and by his history. People adapted their constructions to hot temperatures and to difficult conditions.

Alberobello is a very good example, Matera as well. Authentic villlages in Northern Italy are similar to southern one wheter you like or not..

Envoyé de mon ALE-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk

12-05-2019, 11:33 PM
When I say med architecture it's an architecture that was shaped by the peculiar climates of med area and by his history. People adapted their constructions to hot temperatures and to difficult conditions.

Alberobello is a very good example, Matera as well. Authentic villlages in Northern Italy are similar to southern one wheter you like or not..

Envoyé de mon ALE-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk

wait are you really trying to say that north italy had a mediterranean culture ? if yes then you clearly haven't read anything about their culture these people were celtics it's just recently in time that they have been brought inside the mediterranean cultural area

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-05-2019, 11:34 PM
There was a GWAS study of pigmentation in four European countries (Portugal, Ireland, Poland and Italy) that concluded that the Portuguese have the same skin pigmentation as the Poles. It is impossible that Moroccans on average have the same pigmentation of Iberians, be it either skin, eyes or hair color.


Daco Celtic
12-05-2019, 11:38 PM
truth like a temple.

The truth is in your Moroccan DNA results but you don't have the guts to show them.

12-05-2019, 11:38 PM
There was a GWAS study of pigmentation in four European countries (Portugal, Ireland, Poland and Italy) that concluded that the Portuguese have the same skin pigmentation as the Poles. It is impossible that Moroccans on average have the same pigmentation of Iberians, be it either skin, eyes or hair color.


No link no context...so now you're trying to make portugueses close to poles LOL you're really complexed that's crazy

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:44 PM
There was a GWAS study of pigmentation in four European countries (Portugal, Ireland, Poland and Italy) that concluded that the Portuguese have the same skin pigmentation as the Poles. It is impossible that Moroccans on average have the same pigmentation of Iberians, be it either skin, eyes or hair color.

Skin colour among Europeans is pretty similar saving extrem cases of ultra-pale and ultra-dark persons

MENAs play in other league. Their skin colour is like these of Gypsies, Indians, Pakis, Arabs or Amerindians

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-05-2019, 11:44 PM
No link no context...so now you're trying to make portugueses close to poles LOL you're really complexed that's crazy


I am not trying to anything, that was the conclusion of the study. Portuguese are less light haired and fair-eyed than Poles but have about the same skin pigmentation. This isn't even that surprising as most Europeans tend to have about the same median skin color.


Deep inside even you know that North Africans being on pair with Southern Europeans in terms of pigmentation is nonsense.

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:45 PM
The truth is in your Moroccan DNA results but you don't have the guts to show them.

Hello Gypo Celtic, did you stole many copper today?

12-05-2019, 11:46 PM
We're talking about our grandparents here ...lol they are still alive and they certainly aren't different from us also when it comes to evolution of skin tone 50 or even 100 years isn't enough long that's basic knowledge.

'That's basic knowledge' isn't evidence. Nassbean, you weren't able to counter my original point about sourcing, so I could just call it a day. I'm very patient with you in here, and I hope your professors won't be, as you seemingly need some rigor. As for this, just one generation can do a lot, but that's irrelevant for the stuff we're actually discussing. I am not implying that happened. I'm implying that the burden of proof that Coon is reliable is on your side, and quoting one author who quoted him half a century ago doesn't really help the point you're trying to make. If the guy manages to be so wrong on so many levels (which he absolutely was), you dispute his overall research methodological approach, not assume it was correct, just because the study in question was quite a minor thing.

Daco Celtic
12-05-2019, 11:47 PM
Hello Gypo Celtic, did you stole many copper today?

I think you meant "steal". All I'm saying is that if I need a hummus recipe, you're the man.

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:50 PM
All I'm saying is that if I need a hummus recipe, you're the man.

You live obsessed with me, little Romanian. I thank internet avoids physical contact.

12-05-2019, 11:52 PM
LOL really because most portuguese i've known in my life were darker than me for example that's a portuguese friend of mine :
Don't you think is on the lowbrow side to post personal pictures of someone (with most likely no consent) having no business in this shitfest?

you're simply dishonest.
He just told you the truth.

Daco Celtic
12-05-2019, 11:52 PM
You live obsessed with me, little Romanian. I thank internet avoids physical contact.

I'm married, thank you. I wouldn't let you mow my lawn Jose.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-05-2019, 11:54 PM
Amateur Portuguese rugby team (all players native Portuguese):

https://s33.postimg.cc/gmuoggowf/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095749_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/hp4uz0ffj/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095814_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/487wg5kjj/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095829_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/sbyo4fvan/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095844_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/wl3e6mtf3/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095902_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/sbyo4gaq7/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095929_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/bbfrvsku7/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_095949_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/qwx3fr4i7/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100005_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/72b1tm25b/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100024_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/xam6j0h3z/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100045_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/kvzeip51b/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100417_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/9we773mbz/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100443_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/wl3e6obfj/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100502_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/irf1hmqjz/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100522_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/ayodpnsan/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100612_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/5n9h4ydxr/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100631_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/d38qqr9cv/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100644_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/ayodpoffz/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100709_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/ugj15mrtb/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100724_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/dg04wymhr/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100740_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/j46fnv69r/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100757_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/mnsddoof3/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100814_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/3vgia3kb3/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100827_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/fkkhy2qpb/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100842_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/y04yvhcjj/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100900_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/gzm2mt77z/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100912_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/vvkluey27/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_100929_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://s33.postimg.cc/ayodpr7r3/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_101018_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/p544l0l73/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_101032_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/) https://s33.postimg.cc/d38qqvre7/Opera_Instant_neo_2018-05-29_101051_www.cdulrugby.pt.png (https://postimages.org/)

Cristiano viejo
12-05-2019, 11:54 PM
I'm married, thank you.
With a man, I guess.

12-05-2019, 11:55 PM
"Darker than south euros " lol :


Coastal NAs aren't darker it's more than obvious.

Daco Celtic
12-05-2019, 11:57 PM
With a man, I guess.

No need to get testy with me just because the American tourists boss you around at the Tapas restaurant. They are like "Hurry up you 5'5 hairy twerp, I've waited long enough for my food"

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 12:03 AM
No need to get testy with me just because the American tourists boss you around at the Tapas restaurant. They are like "Hurry up you you 5'5 hairy twerp, I've waited long enough for my food"
Not surprised why Americans are so fat. You only think in eating.

12-06-2019, 12:03 AM

I am not trying to anything, that was the conclusion of the study. Portuguese are less light haired and fair-eyed than Poles but have about the same skin pigmentation. This isn't even that surprising as most Europeans tend to have about the same median skin color.


Deep inside even you know that North Africans being on pair with Southern Europeans in terms of pigmentation is nonsense.

it's not nonsense i'm only talking about coastal NAs your pan-european bs won't work with me.

12-06-2019, 12:06 AM
Don't you think is on the lowbrow side to post personal pictures of someone (with most likely no consent) having no business in this shitfest?

He just told you the truth.

He's a close friend and is aware of my fights on forum so i don't think it would bother him that much

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 12:14 AM
it's not nonsense i'm only talking about coastal NAs your pan-european bs won't work with me.

I presented you scientific study so you need to learn how to cope with it instead of calling it bullshit. Coastal North Africans are not lighter pigmented on average neither on pair with South Europeans, it is all about genomes and math. A group of people that have on average 20% to 40% of Sub-Saharan ancestry like most Moroccan and Algerian coastal North Africans have are unlikely to be lighter than groups that do not have it.

People that you have posted are extreme outliers and I haven't seen you posting a video yet where people look consistently like that, it is always photos...


Even you don't believe that this common in North of Africa, lmao, be serious dude.

12-06-2019, 12:15 AM
He's a close friend and is aware of my fights on forum so i don't think it would bother him that much

Just because he is supposedly aware of your childish behaviour does not mean you can appropriate his picture and post it in a forum like this.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 12:26 AM
for the delusional immigrant https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?309197-Main-phenotypes-of-this-Spanish-team-Pontevedra-FC&p=6377828#post6377828
they have a Moroccan player, Jaouad Erraji. Ultra typical Moroccan in Spain

Jacques de Imbelloni
12-06-2019, 12:27 AM

12-06-2019, 12:43 AM
I presented you scientific study so you need to learn how to cope with it instead of calling it bullshit. Coastal North Africans are not lighter pigmented on average neither on pair with South Europeans, it is all about genomes and math. A group of people that have on average 20% to 40% of Sub-Saharan ancestry like most Moroccan and Algerian coastal North Africans have are unlikely to be lighter than groups that do not have it.

People that you have posted are extreme outliers and I haven't seen you posting a video yet where people look consistently like that, it is always photos...


Even you don't believe that this common in North of Africa, lmao, be serious dude.

20%-40% ssa LMAO are u crazy ? or are you simply trying to troll me I will no more waste my time with you

12-06-2019, 12:46 AM
Just because he is supposedly aware of your childish behaviour does not mean you can appropriate his picture and post it in a forum like this.

For me that's how friendship works I think what is really childish is to be bothered by a pic posted on an unknown forum.

12-06-2019, 12:46 AM
for the delusional immigrant https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?309197-Main-phenotypes-of-this-Spanish-team-Pontevedra-FC&p=6377828#post6377828
they have a Moroccan player, Jaouad Erraji. Ultra typical Moroccan in Spain

I'm moroccan too why i don't look like him ?

12-06-2019, 01:08 AM
With a man, I guess.


12-06-2019, 01:12 AM
for the delusional immigrant https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?309197-Main-phenotypes-of-this-Spanish-team-Pontevedra-FC&p=6377828#post6377828
they have a Moroccan player, Jaouad Erraji. Ultra typical Moroccan in Spain

Looks like a common Brazilian pardo, a balanced mix.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 01:28 AM
Looks like a common Brazilian pardo, a balanced mix.

Yes, I always have stated that North Africans, Arabs, Gypsies, Pakis, Levantines, Turks, mulatos and mestizos look very similar.

12-06-2019, 03:49 AM
Yes, I always have stated that North Africans, Arabs, Gypsies, Pakis, Levantines, Turks, mulatos and mestizos look very similar.

Similar to Spaniards? I agree.

12-06-2019, 04:01 AM
Paradoxically there are more MENA passing people in Serbia than Spain.

The OP is more of a swarthicist than a Nordicist. I don't think he was trying to troll Spaniards. He makes these kinds of threads often (sometimes even involving Serbs).

12-06-2019, 04:22 AM
a swarthicist

To the very depths of my soul.

12-06-2019, 05:15 AM
wait are you really trying to say that north italy had a mediterranean culture ? if yes then you clearly haven't read anything about their culture these people were celtics it's just recently in time that they have been brought inside the mediterranean cultural areaYou're confused between culture, ethnicity and genetical ancestry. The only place in continental Europe where the celtic culture have been significantly preserved is in Britonny, yes N.Italians are mostly med by phenotype and by culture it's not because they have northern influence that they fall off the med sphere.

Nobody here would deny that Provence has a med culture because they are southern french, it would be ridiculous (or you have never visited Provençal area)..

Ligurians are med people, you don't like them because they live almost all in the coast, they built hundreds and hundreds years ago coastal villages like that :


Your next point would be to say that Corsica and Sardinia aren't meds because they are closer to Germans than to North Africans or something like that. You have to understand that the med coast isn't only Africa at all.

I could have spoken about Croatia or other balkans countries, yes they are "northern" influenced but Illyrians like ancient Italics seemed to be very similar to SW euros, so well into the european core..

12-06-2019, 08:48 AM
Not at all, this thread is just a game, nothing to with with "proving that Spaniards are Arabs", don't worry, they aren't.
Some Hispanics seem to be offended with these threads, they don't like when someone compare their former masters with non-whites, LOL.

I never worried about any thread, i was just telling a truth about this forum that there's threads that have the objective of put spaniards and other south europeans ethnically same as north africans and arabs, being both peoples so different each other, not inferior or superior, different. And I didn't you about the "master" thing, but just say that i never had being a slave from anynody, if you had or have a "master", good for you.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 08:59 AM
20%-40% ssa LMAO are u crazy ? or are you simply trying to troll me I will no more waste my time with you

Clearly I am trying to troll you with facts...


By the way this isn't the results of a single individual, this is the average for Algerian Berbers.

12-06-2019, 09:22 AM
Morocco is the 4th iberian nation in the old world thanks to the mass immigration received after the Reconquista, so many Moroccans can pass in Iberia and some Iberians Can Pass in Morocco.

Iberian nations

1º Spain
2º Portugal
3º Aquitaine
4º Morocco

12-06-2019, 09:44 AM
Clearly I am trying to troll you with facts...


By the way this isn't the results of a single individual, this is the average for Algerian Berbers.

What datasheet are you using for those results? Can you give me the link please.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 09:53 AM
What datasheet are you using for those results? Can you give me the link please.

I used Sorcelow's calculator (Version 2):

Baltic,0.136961201,0.153875384,0.127250989,0.07404 087,0.114081349,0.024107289,0.021057924,0.03543958 2,0.042320899,-0.011159402,0.002647219,-0.03050817,0.054624565,0.087144505,-0.059403904,-0.007079289,0.022503604,0.003153767,-0.000376344,-0.000444532,-0.003434394,-0.012448199,0.002926498,-0.047900689,0.007234739
Sub_Saharan:NA18486,-0.627165,0.060932,0.019987,0.01615,0.001539,0.0178 49,-0.043947,0.043152,-0.050722,0.029522,0.006008,0.001199,0.01888,-0.00055,0.011672,-0.012729,0.00665,0.002027,0.008296,-0.007629,0.004617,0.007172,-0.000863,-0.003253,0.004191
Sub_Saharan:NA18487,-0.627165,0.066009,0.021496,0.015181,0.002462,0.012 55,-0.050292,0.05169,-0.046836,0.031891,0.005359,-0.003447,0.027651,0.00234,0.015472,-0.011005,0.006258,-0.002027,0.005028,0.001751,-0.001622,-0.000124,-0.000986,0.001205,0.002155
Sub_Saharan:NA18488,-0.63058,0.067025,0.020742,0.01615,0.001846,0.01506 ,-0.047002,0.050998,-0.052563,0.035172,0.004384,0.004946,0.025124,0.001 376,0.013843,-0.007027,0.009909,0.004307,0.007668,-0.002126,-0.000374,0.000742,-0.001972,-0.002048,-0.002994
Sub_Saharan:NA18489,-0.627165,0.062963,0.021119,0.016796,0.001539,0.012 271,-0.048647,0.044537,-0.044177,0.035536,0.002598,-0.002248,0.019475,0.002202,0.01045,-0.011403,-0.00013,0.002027,0.008296,-0.006503,0.001996,0.003091,-0.00037,-0.005663,0.003832
Sub_Saharan:NA18501,-0.631718,0.059916,0.020742,0.018088,-0.000615,0.016455,-0.037837,0.046383,-0.048063,0.029704,0.004872,0.002398,0.019921,0.003 028,0.013979,-0.020021,0.005737,0.001267,0.005782,-0.004252,0.006239,0.001855,-0.003821,0.001325,-0.000479
Sub_Saharan:NA18504,-0.636271,0.061947,0.024136,0.017119,-0.001231,0.012271,-0.040187,0.047767,-0.049086,0.032802,0.007307,0.001499,0.019921,0.000 688,0.010043,-0.006364,0.012256,0.00266,0.00729,-0.004752,-0.002121,0.00136,-0.000863,0.001325,-0.00012
Sub_Saharan:NA18505,-0.636271,0.062963,0.02489,0.016473,0.002154,0.0083 67,-0.043477,0.052152,-0.052972,0.033714,0.008119,0.003297,0.025124,-0.001927,0.011265,-0.007425,0.007823,-0.000507,0.003394,-0.001251,-0.000873,-0.001237,-0.003081,-0.000964,0.002395
Sub_Saharan:NA18507,-0.628304,0.061947,0.02225,0.021964,0.002154,0.0131 08,-0.048647,0.045921,-0.050722,0.030616,0.004709,0.001649,0.02438,0.0049 54,0.014929,-0.001591,0.010691,0.003167,0.006913,0.001126,-0.002745,0.001978,0.000863,-0.000964,-0.007664
South_Amerindian:HGDP00998,0.056912,-0.319892,0.114268,0.108206,-0.110482,-0.016176,-0.332775,-0.39483,-0.013499,-0.015126,-0.000812,-0.001798,-0.000297,0.027112,-0.005157,0.008486,0.014733,0.004687,0.004022,0.001 126,-0.006114,0.010758,-0.011832,0.00012,0.000359
North_Amerindian:kennewick,0.046667,-0.307705,0.109742,0.08721,-0.100634,-0.019801,-0.220675,-0.261681,-0.01268,-0.017677,0.001949,0.000599,0.001784,0.012524,-0.010043,0.010209,0.007302,0.005701,0.01345,0.0050 02,0.000499,-0.008532,-0.002342,0.001566,-0.001676
Pygmy:S_Mbuti-2,-0.647653,0.053823,0.027153,0.040052,-0.00277,0.010319,0.375547,-0.296065,0.018407,0.034807,-0.015752,0.220154,0.134241,0.00234,0.012893,0.0046 41,0.000522,-0.053336,0.018101,0.003252,0.003494,-0.001978,0.004314,0.005181,0.00479
Red_Sea:I1072,0.025041,0.151314,-0.035072,-0.144705,0.033545,-0.081157,-0.032196,-0.008769,0.127418,0.013668,0.037187,-0.027575,0.086818,0.001789,0.010722,-0.007955,-0.020601,-0.008995,-0.021494,0.038018,0.007237,0.00507,0.005916,0.0030 12,0.00491
Simulated_AASI:By_Matt,-0.01338826,-0.25017,-0.215904,0.168274,-0.023185,0.0563242,-0.0112391,0.0235317,0.128084,0.080387,0.0081456,0. 00184176,-0.0020191,0.01626691,-0.0354205,-0.0261625,0.0238043,-0.00203711,-0.0041062,0.043945,0.00856383,0.0156317,-0.0140597,0.0102236,-0.0109007
Siberian:Nganassan1,0.05122,-0.408243,0.154997,0.000969,-0.159722,-0.085619,0.029141,0.04546,0.029451,0.01221,0.10474 1,0.01079,-0.002379,-0.017065,-0.024022,-0.025059,-0.01369,0.013936,0.026774,-0.001751,0.042051,-0.013849,0.033523,0.001084,0.013532
Siberian:Nganassan10,0.044391,-0.398088,0.150094,0.004845,-0.16003,-0.086177,0.025381,0.042691,0.033133,0.012939,0.099 382,0.006894,-0.00223,-0.025873,-0.021172,-0.011535,-0.002868,0.011909,0.024637,-0.003001,0.037184,-0.014962,0.030442,-0.001687,0.015328
Siberian:Nganassan12,0.045529,-0.406212,0.157259,0.000646,-0.163723,-0.093149,0.034077,0.044998,0.032519,0.012392,0.105 228,0.012139,-0.010109,-0.023533,-0.017101,-0.005967,0.000652,0.013556,0.027276,-0.003377,0.044297,-0.004699,0.033277,-0.003735,0.010179
Siberian:Nganassan14,0.045529,-0.416367,0.164047,0.002584,-0.165262,-0.090639,0.027966,0.043614,0.029247,0.011116,0.097 758,0.008692,-0.006244,-0.022432,-0.018865,-0.005967,0.010691,0.011022,0.030922,-0.003502,0.050785,-0.012736,0.032661,-0.005543,0.01425
Siberian:Nganassan15,0.05122,-0.396056,0.156505,0.005491,-0.15726,-0.085062,0.031491,0.039921,0.031292,0.011663,0.101 33,0.006594,-0.004608,-0.028488,-0.02633,-0.014585,-0.007041,0.016216,0.031047,0.002501,0.03681,-0.009892,0.032784,0.006145,0.016046
Siberian:Nganassan2,0.054635,-0.396056,0.154619,0.001292,-0.150797,-0.084783,0.027261,0.042691,0.024543,0.012028,0.099 544,0.012139,-0.005946,-0.029864,-0.015201,-0.010209,0.003129,0.009502,0.021746,0.001,0.037684 ,-0.01422,0.032414,0.005302,0.009939
Siberian:Nganassan3,0.046667,-0.404181,0.159522,0.000646,-0.160953,-0.084225,0.029376,0.041767,0.035792,0.011299,0.104 578,0.007343,-0.002379,-0.028626,-0.02633,-0.013789,-0.005867,0.014316,0.023254,-0.003627,0.040803,-0.015086,0.035865,-0.002289,0.011496
Siberian:Nganassan7,0.050082,-0.419414,0.15198,-0.000323,-0.165262,-0.090639,0.028906,0.046152,0.034155,0.017312,0.108 151,0.008992,-0.004014,-0.025735,-0.020358,-0.007027,0.007041,0.018497,0.027779,0.000125,0.050 161,-0.018053,0.03796,0.004338,0.015208
Siberian:Nganassan8,0.044391,-0.40215,0.150094,0.00646,-0.157876,-0.083388,0.025146,0.038998,0.027611,0.009294,0.100 031,0.008393,-0.001041,-0.034268,-0.024565,-0.013126,0.004433,0.012415,0.021746,-0.003126,0.047042,-0.002473,0.03303,0.003374,0.016166
Siberian:nganassanVo32_1m,0.043253,-0.419414,0.158768,0.001292,-0.153567,-0.098448,0.026321,0.047075,0.033133,0.018224,0.107 826,0.012139,-0.001784,-0.025735,-0.025787,-0.016043,-0.007432,0.012796,0.033184,0.006253,0.044546,-0.012984,0.03414,-0.003012,0.013412
Steppe:I0357,0.126344,0.092413,0.038089,0.107883,-0.029852,0.039324,0.00564,-0.008077,-0.043768,-0.065605,-0.001137,-0.00015,-0.003568,-0.024772,0.035287,0.01896,0.00013,0.003167,-0.005279,0.004877,0.003619,0.006925,0.008504,0.012 532,-0.005269
Steppe:I0443,0.124067,0.093429,0.039975,0.108206,-0.027082,0.045459,0.003995,-0.007154,-0.052563,-0.081642,0.001299,-3e-04,0.000595,-0.016515,0.044923,0.003978,-0.014212,-0.001394,-0.003771,0.013006,0.00262,0.000247,0.003944,0.0189 18,0.002036
Northwest_African,-0.06687428,0.12091432,-0.01315948,-0.0918202,0.03699932,-0.05248712,-0.04410136,0.0082754,0.10772968,0.03439832,0.01573 808,-0.01434684,0.03544828,-0.0306124,0.025927,-0.02585844,0.0124842,-0.03886896,-0.07997156,0.01949672,-0.02830012,-0.0730104,0.0421578,-0.00952268,0.00813456

And Davidski's (Eurogenes Blog) Berber Algeria sample from "Global25 pop averages modern scaled" datasheet.


Link: https://anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?17845-The-best-G25-calculator-using-scaled-data
Link: http://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2019/07/getting-most-out-of-global25_12.html

12-06-2019, 09:56 AM
Morocco is the 4th iberian nation in the old world thanks to the mass immigration received after the Reconquista, so many Moroccans can pass in Iberia and some Iberians Can Pass in Morocco.

Iberian nations

1º Spain
2º Portugal
3º Aquitaine
4º Morocco

That's why some coastal moroccans score high in west_med in eurogenes k15, would make sense. Here in Spain, i never met a moroccan that could pass as native spaniard, but there's moroccans in Morocco that could pass.

12-06-2019, 09:58 AM
I used Sorcelow's calculator (Version 2):

Baltic,0.136961201,0.153875384,0.127250989,0.07404 087,0.114081349,0.024107289,0.021057924,0.03543958 2,0.042320899,-0.011159402,0.002647219,-0.03050817,0.054624565,0.087144505,-0.059403904,-0.007079289,0.022503604,0.003153767,-0.000376344,-0.000444532,-0.003434394,-0.012448199,0.002926498,-0.047900689,0.007234739
Sub_Saharan:NA18486,-0.627165,0.060932,0.019987,0.01615,0.001539,0.0178 49,-0.043947,0.043152,-0.050722,0.029522,0.006008,0.001199,0.01888,-0.00055,0.011672,-0.012729,0.00665,0.002027,0.008296,-0.007629,0.004617,0.007172,-0.000863,-0.003253,0.004191
Sub_Saharan:NA18487,-0.627165,0.066009,0.021496,0.015181,0.002462,0.012 55,-0.050292,0.05169,-0.046836,0.031891,0.005359,-0.003447,0.027651,0.00234,0.015472,-0.011005,0.006258,-0.002027,0.005028,0.001751,-0.001622,-0.000124,-0.000986,0.001205,0.002155
Sub_Saharan:NA18488,-0.63058,0.067025,0.020742,0.01615,0.001846,0.01506 ,-0.047002,0.050998,-0.052563,0.035172,0.004384,0.004946,0.025124,0.001 376,0.013843,-0.007027,0.009909,0.004307,0.007668,-0.002126,-0.000374,0.000742,-0.001972,-0.002048,-0.002994
Sub_Saharan:NA18489,-0.627165,0.062963,0.021119,0.016796,0.001539,0.012 271,-0.048647,0.044537,-0.044177,0.035536,0.002598,-0.002248,0.019475,0.002202,0.01045,-0.011403,-0.00013,0.002027,0.008296,-0.006503,0.001996,0.003091,-0.00037,-0.005663,0.003832
Sub_Saharan:NA18501,-0.631718,0.059916,0.020742,0.018088,-0.000615,0.016455,-0.037837,0.046383,-0.048063,0.029704,0.004872,0.002398,0.019921,0.003 028,0.013979,-0.020021,0.005737,0.001267,0.005782,-0.004252,0.006239,0.001855,-0.003821,0.001325,-0.000479
Sub_Saharan:NA18504,-0.636271,0.061947,0.024136,0.017119,-0.001231,0.012271,-0.040187,0.047767,-0.049086,0.032802,0.007307,0.001499,0.019921,0.000 688,0.010043,-0.006364,0.012256,0.00266,0.00729,-0.004752,-0.002121,0.00136,-0.000863,0.001325,-0.00012
Sub_Saharan:NA18505,-0.636271,0.062963,0.02489,0.016473,0.002154,0.0083 67,-0.043477,0.052152,-0.052972,0.033714,0.008119,0.003297,0.025124,-0.001927,0.011265,-0.007425,0.007823,-0.000507,0.003394,-0.001251,-0.000873,-0.001237,-0.003081,-0.000964,0.002395
Sub_Saharan:NA18507,-0.628304,0.061947,0.02225,0.021964,0.002154,0.0131 08,-0.048647,0.045921,-0.050722,0.030616,0.004709,0.001649,0.02438,0.0049 54,0.014929,-0.001591,0.010691,0.003167,0.006913,0.001126,-0.002745,0.001978,0.000863,-0.000964,-0.007664
South_Amerindian:HGDP00998,0.056912,-0.319892,0.114268,0.108206,-0.110482,-0.016176,-0.332775,-0.39483,-0.013499,-0.015126,-0.000812,-0.001798,-0.000297,0.027112,-0.005157,0.008486,0.014733,0.004687,0.004022,0.001 126,-0.006114,0.010758,-0.011832,0.00012,0.000359
North_Amerindian:kennewick,0.046667,-0.307705,0.109742,0.08721,-0.100634,-0.019801,-0.220675,-0.261681,-0.01268,-0.017677,0.001949,0.000599,0.001784,0.012524,-0.010043,0.010209,0.007302,0.005701,0.01345,0.0050 02,0.000499,-0.008532,-0.002342,0.001566,-0.001676
Pygmy:S_Mbuti-2,-0.647653,0.053823,0.027153,0.040052,-0.00277,0.010319,0.375547,-0.296065,0.018407,0.034807,-0.015752,0.220154,0.134241,0.00234,0.012893,0.0046 41,0.000522,-0.053336,0.018101,0.003252,0.003494,-0.001978,0.004314,0.005181,0.00479
Red_Sea:I1072,0.025041,0.151314,-0.035072,-0.144705,0.033545,-0.081157,-0.032196,-0.008769,0.127418,0.013668,0.037187,-0.027575,0.086818,0.001789,0.010722,-0.007955,-0.020601,-0.008995,-0.021494,0.038018,0.007237,0.00507,0.005916,0.0030 12,0.00491
Simulated_AASI:By_Matt,-0.01338826,-0.25017,-0.215904,0.168274,-0.023185,0.0563242,-0.0112391,0.0235317,0.128084,0.080387,0.0081456,0. 00184176,-0.0020191,0.01626691,-0.0354205,-0.0261625,0.0238043,-0.00203711,-0.0041062,0.043945,0.00856383,0.0156317,-0.0140597,0.0102236,-0.0109007
Siberian:Nganassan1,0.05122,-0.408243,0.154997,0.000969,-0.159722,-0.085619,0.029141,0.04546,0.029451,0.01221,0.10474 1,0.01079,-0.002379,-0.017065,-0.024022,-0.025059,-0.01369,0.013936,0.026774,-0.001751,0.042051,-0.013849,0.033523,0.001084,0.013532
Siberian:Nganassan10,0.044391,-0.398088,0.150094,0.004845,-0.16003,-0.086177,0.025381,0.042691,0.033133,0.012939,0.099 382,0.006894,-0.00223,-0.025873,-0.021172,-0.011535,-0.002868,0.011909,0.024637,-0.003001,0.037184,-0.014962,0.030442,-0.001687,0.015328
Siberian:Nganassan12,0.045529,-0.406212,0.157259,0.000646,-0.163723,-0.093149,0.034077,0.044998,0.032519,0.012392,0.105 228,0.012139,-0.010109,-0.023533,-0.017101,-0.005967,0.000652,0.013556,0.027276,-0.003377,0.044297,-0.004699,0.033277,-0.003735,0.010179
Siberian:Nganassan14,0.045529,-0.416367,0.164047,0.002584,-0.165262,-0.090639,0.027966,0.043614,0.029247,0.011116,0.097 758,0.008692,-0.006244,-0.022432,-0.018865,-0.005967,0.010691,0.011022,0.030922,-0.003502,0.050785,-0.012736,0.032661,-0.005543,0.01425
Siberian:Nganassan15,0.05122,-0.396056,0.156505,0.005491,-0.15726,-0.085062,0.031491,0.039921,0.031292,0.011663,0.101 33,0.006594,-0.004608,-0.028488,-0.02633,-0.014585,-0.007041,0.016216,0.031047,0.002501,0.03681,-0.009892,0.032784,0.006145,0.016046
Siberian:Nganassan2,0.054635,-0.396056,0.154619,0.001292,-0.150797,-0.084783,0.027261,0.042691,0.024543,0.012028,0.099 544,0.012139,-0.005946,-0.029864,-0.015201,-0.010209,0.003129,0.009502,0.021746,0.001,0.037684 ,-0.01422,0.032414,0.005302,0.009939
Siberian:Nganassan3,0.046667,-0.404181,0.159522,0.000646,-0.160953,-0.084225,0.029376,0.041767,0.035792,0.011299,0.104 578,0.007343,-0.002379,-0.028626,-0.02633,-0.013789,-0.005867,0.014316,0.023254,-0.003627,0.040803,-0.015086,0.035865,-0.002289,0.011496
Siberian:Nganassan7,0.050082,-0.419414,0.15198,-0.000323,-0.165262,-0.090639,0.028906,0.046152,0.034155,0.017312,0.108 151,0.008992,-0.004014,-0.025735,-0.020358,-0.007027,0.007041,0.018497,0.027779,0.000125,0.050 161,-0.018053,0.03796,0.004338,0.015208
Siberian:Nganassan8,0.044391,-0.40215,0.150094,0.00646,-0.157876,-0.083388,0.025146,0.038998,0.027611,0.009294,0.100 031,0.008393,-0.001041,-0.034268,-0.024565,-0.013126,0.004433,0.012415,0.021746,-0.003126,0.047042,-0.002473,0.03303,0.003374,0.016166
Siberian:nganassanVo32_1m,0.043253,-0.419414,0.158768,0.001292,-0.153567,-0.098448,0.026321,0.047075,0.033133,0.018224,0.107 826,0.012139,-0.001784,-0.025735,-0.025787,-0.016043,-0.007432,0.012796,0.033184,0.006253,0.044546,-0.012984,0.03414,-0.003012,0.013412
Steppe:I0357,0.126344,0.092413,0.038089,0.107883,-0.029852,0.039324,0.00564,-0.008077,-0.043768,-0.065605,-0.001137,-0.00015,-0.003568,-0.024772,0.035287,0.01896,0.00013,0.003167,-0.005279,0.004877,0.003619,0.006925,0.008504,0.012 532,-0.005269
Steppe:I0443,0.124067,0.093429,0.039975,0.108206,-0.027082,0.045459,0.003995,-0.007154,-0.052563,-0.081642,0.001299,-3e-04,0.000595,-0.016515,0.044923,0.003978,-0.014212,-0.001394,-0.003771,0.013006,0.00262,0.000247,0.003944,0.0189 18,0.002036
Northwest_African,-0.06687428,0.12091432,-0.01315948,-0.0918202,0.03699932,-0.05248712,-0.04410136,0.0082754,0.10772968,0.03439832,0.01573 808,-0.01434684,0.03544828,-0.0306124,0.025927,-0.02585844,0.0124842,-0.03886896,-0.07997156,0.01949672,-0.02830012,-0.0730104,0.0421578,-0.00952268,0.00813456

And Davidski's (Eurogenes Blog) Berber Algeria sample from "Global25 pop averages modern scaled" datasheet.


Link: https://anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?17845-The-best-G25-calculator-using-scaled-data
Link: http://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2019/07/getting-most-out-of-global25_12.html

I don't think this datasheet is very good for North Africans though, nonetheless this is my result (and I'm also Algerian/Moroccan berber):


12-06-2019, 09:58 AM
I used Sorcelow's calculator (Version 2):

Baltic,0.136961201,0.153875384,0.127250989,0.07404 087,0.114081349,0.024107289,0.021057924,0.03543958 2,0.042320899,-0.011159402,0.002647219,-0.03050817,0.054624565,0.087144505,-0.059403904,-0.007079289,0.022503604,0.003153767,-0.000376344,-0.000444532,-0.003434394,-0.012448199,0.002926498,-0.047900689,0.007234739
Sub_Saharan:NA18486,-0.627165,0.060932,0.019987,0.01615,0.001539,0.0178 49,-0.043947,0.043152,-0.050722,0.029522,0.006008,0.001199,0.01888,-0.00055,0.011672,-0.012729,0.00665,0.002027,0.008296,-0.007629,0.004617,0.007172,-0.000863,-0.003253,0.004191
Sub_Saharan:NA18487,-0.627165,0.066009,0.021496,0.015181,0.002462,0.012 55,-0.050292,0.05169,-0.046836,0.031891,0.005359,-0.003447,0.027651,0.00234,0.015472,-0.011005,0.006258,-0.002027,0.005028,0.001751,-0.001622,-0.000124,-0.000986,0.001205,0.002155
Sub_Saharan:NA18488,-0.63058,0.067025,0.020742,0.01615,0.001846,0.01506 ,-0.047002,0.050998,-0.052563,0.035172,0.004384,0.004946,0.025124,0.001 376,0.013843,-0.007027,0.009909,0.004307,0.007668,-0.002126,-0.000374,0.000742,-0.001972,-0.002048,-0.002994
Sub_Saharan:NA18489,-0.627165,0.062963,0.021119,0.016796,0.001539,0.012 271,-0.048647,0.044537,-0.044177,0.035536,0.002598,-0.002248,0.019475,0.002202,0.01045,-0.011403,-0.00013,0.002027,0.008296,-0.006503,0.001996,0.003091,-0.00037,-0.005663,0.003832
Sub_Saharan:NA18501,-0.631718,0.059916,0.020742,0.018088,-0.000615,0.016455,-0.037837,0.046383,-0.048063,0.029704,0.004872,0.002398,0.019921,0.003 028,0.013979,-0.020021,0.005737,0.001267,0.005782,-0.004252,0.006239,0.001855,-0.003821,0.001325,-0.000479
Sub_Saharan:NA18504,-0.636271,0.061947,0.024136,0.017119,-0.001231,0.012271,-0.040187,0.047767,-0.049086,0.032802,0.007307,0.001499,0.019921,0.000 688,0.010043,-0.006364,0.012256,0.00266,0.00729,-0.004752,-0.002121,0.00136,-0.000863,0.001325,-0.00012
Sub_Saharan:NA18505,-0.636271,0.062963,0.02489,0.016473,0.002154,0.0083 67,-0.043477,0.052152,-0.052972,0.033714,0.008119,0.003297,0.025124,-0.001927,0.011265,-0.007425,0.007823,-0.000507,0.003394,-0.001251,-0.000873,-0.001237,-0.003081,-0.000964,0.002395
Sub_Saharan:NA18507,-0.628304,0.061947,0.02225,0.021964,0.002154,0.0131 08,-0.048647,0.045921,-0.050722,0.030616,0.004709,0.001649,0.02438,0.0049 54,0.014929,-0.001591,0.010691,0.003167,0.006913,0.001126,-0.002745,0.001978,0.000863,-0.000964,-0.007664
South_Amerindian:HGDP00998,0.056912,-0.319892,0.114268,0.108206,-0.110482,-0.016176,-0.332775,-0.39483,-0.013499,-0.015126,-0.000812,-0.001798,-0.000297,0.027112,-0.005157,0.008486,0.014733,0.004687,0.004022,0.001 126,-0.006114,0.010758,-0.011832,0.00012,0.000359
North_Amerindian:kennewick,0.046667,-0.307705,0.109742,0.08721,-0.100634,-0.019801,-0.220675,-0.261681,-0.01268,-0.017677,0.001949,0.000599,0.001784,0.012524,-0.010043,0.010209,0.007302,0.005701,0.01345,0.0050 02,0.000499,-0.008532,-0.002342,0.001566,-0.001676
Pygmy:S_Mbuti-2,-0.647653,0.053823,0.027153,0.040052,-0.00277,0.010319,0.375547,-0.296065,0.018407,0.034807,-0.015752,0.220154,0.134241,0.00234,0.012893,0.0046 41,0.000522,-0.053336,0.018101,0.003252,0.003494,-0.001978,0.004314,0.005181,0.00479
Red_Sea:I1072,0.025041,0.151314,-0.035072,-0.144705,0.033545,-0.081157,-0.032196,-0.008769,0.127418,0.013668,0.037187,-0.027575,0.086818,0.001789,0.010722,-0.007955,-0.020601,-0.008995,-0.021494,0.038018,0.007237,0.00507,0.005916,0.0030 12,0.00491
Simulated_AASI:By_Matt,-0.01338826,-0.25017,-0.215904,0.168274,-0.023185,0.0563242,-0.0112391,0.0235317,0.128084,0.080387,0.0081456,0. 00184176,-0.0020191,0.01626691,-0.0354205,-0.0261625,0.0238043,-0.00203711,-0.0041062,0.043945,0.00856383,0.0156317,-0.0140597,0.0102236,-0.0109007
Siberian:Nganassan1,0.05122,-0.408243,0.154997,0.000969,-0.159722,-0.085619,0.029141,0.04546,0.029451,0.01221,0.10474 1,0.01079,-0.002379,-0.017065,-0.024022,-0.025059,-0.01369,0.013936,0.026774,-0.001751,0.042051,-0.013849,0.033523,0.001084,0.013532
Siberian:Nganassan10,0.044391,-0.398088,0.150094,0.004845,-0.16003,-0.086177,0.025381,0.042691,0.033133,0.012939,0.099 382,0.006894,-0.00223,-0.025873,-0.021172,-0.011535,-0.002868,0.011909,0.024637,-0.003001,0.037184,-0.014962,0.030442,-0.001687,0.015328
Siberian:Nganassan12,0.045529,-0.406212,0.157259,0.000646,-0.163723,-0.093149,0.034077,0.044998,0.032519,0.012392,0.105 228,0.012139,-0.010109,-0.023533,-0.017101,-0.005967,0.000652,0.013556,0.027276,-0.003377,0.044297,-0.004699,0.033277,-0.003735,0.010179
Siberian:Nganassan14,0.045529,-0.416367,0.164047,0.002584,-0.165262,-0.090639,0.027966,0.043614,0.029247,0.011116,0.097 758,0.008692,-0.006244,-0.022432,-0.018865,-0.005967,0.010691,0.011022,0.030922,-0.003502,0.050785,-0.012736,0.032661,-0.005543,0.01425
Siberian:Nganassan15,0.05122,-0.396056,0.156505,0.005491,-0.15726,-0.085062,0.031491,0.039921,0.031292,0.011663,0.101 33,0.006594,-0.004608,-0.028488,-0.02633,-0.014585,-0.007041,0.016216,0.031047,0.002501,0.03681,-0.009892,0.032784,0.006145,0.016046
Siberian:Nganassan2,0.054635,-0.396056,0.154619,0.001292,-0.150797,-0.084783,0.027261,0.042691,0.024543,0.012028,0.099 544,0.012139,-0.005946,-0.029864,-0.015201,-0.010209,0.003129,0.009502,0.021746,0.001,0.037684 ,-0.01422,0.032414,0.005302,0.009939
Siberian:Nganassan3,0.046667,-0.404181,0.159522,0.000646,-0.160953,-0.084225,0.029376,0.041767,0.035792,0.011299,0.104 578,0.007343,-0.002379,-0.028626,-0.02633,-0.013789,-0.005867,0.014316,0.023254,-0.003627,0.040803,-0.015086,0.035865,-0.002289,0.011496
Siberian:Nganassan7,0.050082,-0.419414,0.15198,-0.000323,-0.165262,-0.090639,0.028906,0.046152,0.034155,0.017312,0.108 151,0.008992,-0.004014,-0.025735,-0.020358,-0.007027,0.007041,0.018497,0.027779,0.000125,0.050 161,-0.018053,0.03796,0.004338,0.015208
Siberian:Nganassan8,0.044391,-0.40215,0.150094,0.00646,-0.157876,-0.083388,0.025146,0.038998,0.027611,0.009294,0.100 031,0.008393,-0.001041,-0.034268,-0.024565,-0.013126,0.004433,0.012415,0.021746,-0.003126,0.047042,-0.002473,0.03303,0.003374,0.016166
Siberian:nganassanVo32_1m,0.043253,-0.419414,0.158768,0.001292,-0.153567,-0.098448,0.026321,0.047075,0.033133,0.018224,0.107 826,0.012139,-0.001784,-0.025735,-0.025787,-0.016043,-0.007432,0.012796,0.033184,0.006253,0.044546,-0.012984,0.03414,-0.003012,0.013412
Steppe:I0357,0.126344,0.092413,0.038089,0.107883,-0.029852,0.039324,0.00564,-0.008077,-0.043768,-0.065605,-0.001137,-0.00015,-0.003568,-0.024772,0.035287,0.01896,0.00013,0.003167,-0.005279,0.004877,0.003619,0.006925,0.008504,0.012 532,-0.005269
Steppe:I0443,0.124067,0.093429,0.039975,0.108206,-0.027082,0.045459,0.003995,-0.007154,-0.052563,-0.081642,0.001299,-3e-04,0.000595,-0.016515,0.044923,0.003978,-0.014212,-0.001394,-0.003771,0.013006,0.00262,0.000247,0.003944,0.0189 18,0.002036
Northwest_African,-0.06687428,0.12091432,-0.01315948,-0.0918202,0.03699932,-0.05248712,-0.04410136,0.0082754,0.10772968,0.03439832,0.01573 808,-0.01434684,0.03544828,-0.0306124,0.025927,-0.02585844,0.0124842,-0.03886896,-0.07997156,0.01949672,-0.02830012,-0.0730104,0.0421578,-0.00952268,0.00813456

And Davidski's (Eurogenes Blog) Berber Algeria sample from "Global25 pop averages modern scaled" datasheet.


Link: https://anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?17845-The-best-G25-calculator-using-scaled-data
Link: http://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2019/07/getting-most-out-of-global25_12.html

There's some overfitting here, 43% SSA it's not possible, they plot with "quadroons" not mulattoes.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 10:09 AM
There's some overfitting here, 43% SSA it's not possible, they plot with "quadroons" not mulattoes.

This is the Algeria Berber average. There are Berbers in Algeria who are 40% Sub-Saharan and others who are not. There's a lot of variety. When they collect the samples, they do it from people who identify themselves as Berbers most likely. They are not selecting them based on who is a "fake Berber" that descends from the slave-trade (according to Nassbean) from those who are not.

As for the Sorcelow's calculator, I don't know if it is optimal for North Africans but I like to use it for either ancient or modern samples because it tends to give good fits at low distances (usually bellow 2).

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 10:18 AM
I don't think this datasheet is very good for North Africans though, nonetheless this is my result (and I'm also Algerian/Moroccan berber):

Weren't you Moroccan Berber? Moroccan Berbers have lower levels of Sub-Saharan ancestry when compared to their Algerian neighbours.



12-06-2019, 10:21 AM
Weren't you Moroccan Berber? Moroccan Berbers have lower levels of Sub-Saharan ancestry when compared to their Algerian neighbours.



I'm mixed Moroccan/Algerian Berber (North West Algeria / North East Morocco). I think the Algerian samples you used are from southern Algeria, you should try Kabyle and Chawiya samples (they are also Algerian Berbers from the North) and they should have the same results as me.

12-06-2019, 10:25 AM
I'm mixed Moroccan/Algerian Berber (North West Algeria / North East Morocco). I think the Algerian samples you used are from southern Algeria, you should try Kabyle and Chawiya samples (they are also Algerian Berbers from the North) and they should have the same results as me.

I don't think that coastal berbers are 43% SSA yes, if I would say combined ancient affinity + recent input it would be 25% but no more. However there are outliers as in all human populations.

12-06-2019, 10:29 AM
I don't think that coastal berbers are 43% SSA yes, if I would say combined ancient affinity + recent input it would be 25% but no more. However there are outliers as in all human populations.

If I go by the K13 calculator I do the following:

1 East_Med 30.33
2 West_Med 26.44
3 Red_Sea 15.9
4 Northeast_African 11.31
5 North_Atlantic 8.02
6 Sub-Saharan 6.65
7 East_Asian 0.78
8 Oceanian 0.57

7 % pure SSA + 6% pure SSA (NorthEast African = 50% Eurasian/50% pure SSA) = 13% SSA.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 10:30 AM

Here is the average for Algeria and Morocco North. I don't think it is necessary to divide Algeria between North and South since 90% of its population resides in coastal areas anyway. I am starting to think that Berber Algeria sample is indeed from Tuaregs or something.

12-06-2019, 10:31 AM

Here is the average for Algeria and Morocco North. I don't think it is necessary to divide Algeria between North and South since 90% of its population resides in coastal areas anyway. I am starting to think that Berber Algeria sample is indeed from Tuaregs or something.

Still a huge difference from the first sample you used which gave over 40% SSA.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 10:32 AM
Still a huge difference from the first sample you used which gave over 40% SSA.

Yes, it is. That's why I said that I am starting to think that Algeria Berber average is probably based on Tuaregs.

12-06-2019, 10:36 AM
Yes, it is. That's why I said that I am starting to think that Algeria Berber average is probably based on Tuaregs.

Yes for a Tuareg it would be a normal result indeed.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 10:45 AM
Yes for a Tuareg it would be a normal result indeed.


By the way, can you understand anything of what they say or is the language completely different? This is probably the only band from North\West Africa that I know and they are pretty good.

12-06-2019, 10:53 AM

By the way, can you understand anything of what they say or is the language completely different? This is probably the only band from North\West Africa that I know and they are pretty good.

My Tamazight isn't that good, but they (tourags) speak a totally other Tamazicht variant than the one my parents speak.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 10:58 AM
My Tamazight isn't that good, but they (tourags) speak a totally other Tamazicht variant than the one my parents speak.

So what is your native language? Darija?

12-06-2019, 10:59 AM
So what is your native language? Darija?

Darija/Arabic yes.

12-06-2019, 11:57 AM
Clearly I am trying to troll you with facts...


By the way this isn't the results of a single individual, this is the average for Algerian Berbers.

yes this kind of algerian idiot :


Who are not typical at all and are clear outlier ...this guy really think the average algerian is 40% ssa lol it's pure dishonesty you're simply trolling

40% ssa he said :


Again iberomaurusians hadn't ssa :

Moreover, our model predicts that West Africans (represented by Yoruba) had 12.5±1.1% ancestry from a Taforalt-related group rather than Taforalt having ancestry from an unknown Sub-Saharan African source11; this may have mediated the limited Neanderthal admixture present in West Africans23. An advantage of our model is that it allows for a local North African component in the ancestry of Taforalt, rather than deriving them exclusively from Levantine and Sub-Saharan sources.

source : https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/423079v1.full

It is worthmentioning that, compared with current North African samples,IAM and KEB do not show any sub-Saharan African ancestry in theMEGA-HGDP ADMIXTURE analysis, suggesting that trans-Saharan migrations occurred after Neolithic times. This could bein agreement with the analysis of present-day genome-wide datafrom Morocco, which estimated a migration of western Africanorigin into Morocco only ~1,200 y ago

source : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325729790_Ancient_genomes_from_North_Africa_eviden ce_prehistoric_migrations_to_the_Maghreb_from_both _the_Levant_and_Europe

12-06-2019, 12:02 PM
Morocco is the 4th iberian nation in the old world thanks to the mass immigration received after the Reconquista, so many Moroccans can pass in Iberia and some Iberians Can Pass in Morocco.

Iberian nations

1º Spain
2º Portugal
3º Aquitaine
4º Morocco

No that's not true the iberian influence was already there since the late neolithic :

By 3,000 BCE, a continuity in the Neolithic spread brought Mediterranean-like ancestry to the Maghreb, most likely from Iberia. Other archaeological remains, such as African elephant ivory and ostrich eggs found in Iberian sites, confirm the existence of contacts and exchange networks through both sides of the Gibraltar strait at this time. Our analyses strongly support that at least some of the European ancestry observed today in North Africa is related to prehistoric migrations, and local Berber populations were already admixed with Europeans before the Roman conquest. Furthermore, additional European/Iberian ancestry could have reached the Maghreb after KEB people; this scenario is supported by the presence of Iberian-like Bell-Beaker pottery in more recent stratigraphic layers of IAM and KEB caves. Future paleogenomic efforts in North Africa will further disentangle the complex history of migrations that forged the ancestry of the admixed populations we observe today.

12-06-2019, 12:04 PM
If I go by the K13 calculator I do the following:

1 East_Med 30.33
2 West_Med 26.44
3 Red_Sea 15.9
4 Northeast_African 11.31
5 North_Atlantic 8.02
6 Sub-Saharan 6.65
7 East_Asian 0.78
8 Oceanian 0.57

7 % pure SSA + 6% pure SSA (NorthEast African = 50% Eurasian/50% pure SSA) = 13% SSA.

East Africans are 60% SSA and 40% Caucasian, however I definitely think that the "north-african" range (excluding fringes and extreme cases) is between 15 and 25%.

12-06-2019, 12:09 PM
The only ARCHITECT of importance that came from the South was Filippo Juvarra, that's all.



Pretty sure there are others. Wikipedia list of Italian architects is pretty big.

+ The fairest ones aren't properly said ethnic italians they are outliers in all senses like Slovene minorities, Aostans etc.

Not true. I strongly disagree with this. Aostans count as Italians they are not a "minority".

I still wondering why a French is so interested in Italians.

12-06-2019, 12:11 PM

Pretty sure there are others. Wikipedia list of Italian architects is pretty big.

Not true.

I still wondering why a French is so interested in Italians.

One clue : I'm half italian, that's why.

I've exagerated but the only important architect that I've heard about and that came from the south is Juvarra, Juvarra nonetheless is one of the greatest architects that Italy have seen.

12-06-2019, 12:12 PM
This is the Algeria Berber average. There are Berbers in Algeria who are 40% Sub-Saharan and others who are not. There's a lot of variety. When they collect the samples, they do it from people who identify themselves as Berbers most likely. They are not selecting them based on who is a "fake Berber" that descends from the slave-trade (according to Nassbean) from those who are not.

As for the Sorcelow's calculator, I don't know if it is optimal for North Africans but I like to use it for either ancient or modern samples because it tends to give good fits at low distances (usually bellow 2).


He said the average LMAO :lmao No one in this forum will agree with you about this that's clearly not the average at all you're trolling because I hurted your feelings so these berbers are 40% ssa ? :


that's 40% ssa :


12-06-2019, 12:14 PM
I don't think that coastal berbers are 43% SSA yes, if I would say combined ancient affinity + recent input it would be 25% but no more. However there are outliers as in all human populations.

for coastal berbers 25% is way too much

12-06-2019, 12:16 PM
for coastal berbers 25% is way too much

It's a range I've said between 15 and 25%, I don't include obviously southern moroccans since they are heavily SSA-admixed.

12-06-2019, 12:17 PM
East Africans are 60% SSA and 40% Caucasian, however I definitely think that the "north-african" range (excluding fringes and extreme cases) is between 15 and 25%.

Gedmatch is outdated ...ask any geneticist on anthrogenica you'll see.

12-06-2019, 12:18 PM
It's a range I've said between 15 and 25%, I don't include obviously southern moroccans since they are heavily SSA-admixed.

15% is still too much most of them score below 10% I already posted tons of G25 results

12-06-2019, 12:18 PM
Gedmatch is outdated ...ask any geneticist on anthrogenica you'll see.

I don't go by Gedmatch, there are also problems with the population references.

12-06-2019, 12:24 PM
15% is still too much most of them score below 10% I already posted tons of G25 results

I don't believe 10% or below results, it's simply not possible given their position on world PCA or global PCAs made (with quadroons).

Palestinians (Muslims I think Toppo would inform you more about that) score between 5% and 8% SSA and are still less african-shifted than NA's, and also depending on what reference populations you use SSA can be eaten up or hidden by either Iberomaurusian or other references (also using too much populations leed to overfit or underfit).

12-06-2019, 12:33 PM
I don't believe 10% or below results, it's simply not possible given their position on world PCA or global PCAs made (with quadroons).

Palestinians (Muslims I think Toppo would inform you more about that) score between 5% and 8% SSA and are still less african-shifted than NA's, and also depending on what reference populations you use SSA can be eaten up or hidden by either Iberomaurusian or other references (also using too much populations leed to overfit or underfit).

I already explained you there is a strong genetic continuity in the maghreb since the paleolithic era and iberomaurusians are on PCA closer to SSA because of shared alleles and this can put maghrebis further from other eurasian groups (but it's not direct ssa ancestry). Also you tend to really exaggerate look where i plot on this map and there is nothing weird with my genetic profile compared to other riffians :


12-06-2019, 01:07 PM
Lol not a mediterannean region :

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Italy_map_of_K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification.sv g/600px-Italy_map_of_K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification.sv g.png

For you mediterannean = north-african.
Although I agree with you said in this thread, I have to interject and tell you that the Mediterranean is more of a region than a climate zone. We shouldn't conflate a cultural region with a climate. Even the humid subtropical zone in eastern Italy is geographically in the Mediterranean belt and has a "Med culture", despite not having a Med climate. I don't think your race or cultural tradition automatically changes if you step into a different climate zone. ;)

Northwest Africa, coastal Levant, southwestern Australia, southwestern USA and southwestern South Africa all have the classic 'Mediterranean climate' with warm to hot dry summers, and cool wet winters. The term "Mediterranean" is also used to denote dry, sclerophyll vegetation. So "Mediterranean" is a pretty broad term, and would be used to mean other things that may be reminiscent of those in the Mediterranean sea.

I already explained you there is a strong genetic continuity in the maghreb since the paleolithic era and iberomaurusians are on PCA closer to SSA because of shared alleles and this can put maghrebis further from other eurasian groups (but it's not direct ssa ancestry). Also you tend to really exaggerate look where i plot on this map and there is nothing weird with my genetic profile compared to other riffians :

Who made this cluster map and how come I'm not in it? :p

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 01:28 PM
Nassbean you are extremely incoherent as usual. Gedmatch being supposedly "outdated" doesn't necessarily mean that it is inaccurate on the values and estimations it presents. The only difference between Gedmatch and G25 is that the later has more samples available but the outcome is not by any means drastically different. It is interesting to notice though that Gedmatch is only outdated when it suits you since you have just posted a PCA that is based on Eurogenes K15...the run that gives you ~18% SSA\Northeast African that you claim to be a "misinterpretation" of the program.

Notice how further you plot from the North African averages even though you scored ~18% SSA\Northeast African, it is really conclusive that the average Moroccan\Algerian is on average more than 18% SSA\Northeast African on K15 as they plot further south from you.

12-06-2019, 01:30 PM
Although I agree with you said in this thread, I have to interject and tell you that the Mediterranean is more of a region than a climate zone. We shouldn't conflate a cultural region with a climate. Even the humid subtropical zone in eastern Italy is geographically in the Mediterranean belt and has a "Med culture", despite not having a Med climate. I don't think your race or cultural tradition automatically changes if you step into a different climate zone. ;)

Northwest Africa, coastal Levant, southwestern Australia, southwestern USA and southwestern South Africa all have the classic 'Mediterranean climate' with warm to hot dry summers, and cool wet winters. The term "Mediterranean" is also used to denote dry, sclerophyll vegetation. So "Mediterranean" is a pretty broad term, and would be used to mean other things that may be reminiscent of those in the Mediterranean sea.

Who made this cluster map and how come I'm not in it? :p

you can participate here : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?273405-2019-Apricity-PCA

12-06-2019, 01:37 PM
Nassbean you are extremely incoherent as usual. Gedmatch being supposedly "outdated" doesn't necessarily mean that it is inaccurate on the values and estimations it presents. The only difference between Gedmatch and G25 is that the later has more samples available but the outcome is not by any means drastically different. It is interesting to notice though that Gedmatch is only outdated when it suits you since you have just posted a PCA that is based on Eurogenes K15...the run that gives you ~18% SSA\Northeast African that you claim to be a "misinterpretation" of the program.

Notice how further you plot from the North African averages even though you scored ~18% SSA\Northeast African, it is really conclusive that the average Moroccan\Algerian is on average more than 18% SSA\Northeast African on K15 as they plot further south from you.

It is inaccurate because unlike G25 they still consider that iberomaurusians were 1/3 SSA which has been recently refuted so they are not up to date and as you can see when we transfer their NA data to G25 surprise this SSA is way lower (everyone agree with this on anthrogenica for example you're ofc the only one here who still believe that iberomaurusian were 1/3 ssa and that we're 30-40% ssa lol) Now as for this PCA unfortunately for the moment it's the only one i have if someone can make one based on G25 results Maghrebis and I will plot even closer to other eurasian group and we will be less ssa that was my point ( so if on an outdated K15 PCA maghrebis aren't that far imagine on a G25 one ). Really you have a problem with us and with yourself probably influenced by your pan-european ideology and your complexes.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 01:40 PM
It is inaccurate because unlike G25 they still consider that iberomaurusians were 1/3 SSA which has been recently refuted so they are not up to date and as you can see when we transfer their NA data to G25 surprise this SSA is way lower (everyone agree with this on anthrogenica for example you're ofc the only one here who still believe that iberomaurusian were 1/3 ssa and that we're 30-40% ssa lol) Now as for this PCA unfortunately for the moment it's the only one i have if someone can make one based on G25 results Maghrebis and I will plot even closer to other eurasian group and we will be less ssa that was my point ( so if on an outdated K15 PCA maghrebis aren't that far imagine on a G25 one ). Really you have a problem with us and with yourself probably influenced by your pan-european ideology and your complexes.

There's no sample on Eurogenes K15 that is based on a Iberomaurussian sample...

12-06-2019, 01:46 PM
There's no sample on Eurogenes K15 that is based on a Iberomaurussian sample...

Ok you clearly don't understand how it works.

12-06-2019, 02:04 PM
They aren't lighter ? You must be joking. Northern Italy, Central Italy, Balkans etc. are way lighter than NA it's even not a debate.

Don't waste time discussing about Italians with that user. It's a waste of time. He always struggle like a mad to fight Iberians and Italians. He will find and say every shit to please NA.

North italy is not a mediterranean region that's for sure even culturally it has never been a mediterranean region

Italy as a whole is a MED country both in culture and climate (which is different from the Med Africa ). NI culture and climate is an halfway of both Med and Alpine cultures.

central italians aren't lighter

Compared to NAs? Yes they are and, alot.

12-06-2019, 02:34 PM
Don't waste time discussing about Italians with that user. It's a waste of time. He always struggle like a mad to fight Iberians and Italians. He will find and say every shit to please NA.

Italy as a whole is a MED country both in culture and climate (which is different from the Med Africa ). NI culture and climate is an halfway of both Med and Alpine cultures.

Compared to NAs? Yes they are and, alot.

I don't know why I contradicted myself a few lines after but yes Central Italians are lighter. Northern Tuscans have levels of lightness similar to more northern regions.

There are also southern regions with blondism like Apulia and Campania.

Actually he was talking about coastal berbers but even.
I've sent to him pictures of riffians, lol these are supposedly lighter in eye and hair pigmentation than Catalonians, Central Italians or Portuguese. They have also SSA that darken a lot the pigmentation incidence.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 02:42 PM
Similar to Spaniards? I agree.
You wish you loooked like Spaniards.

The OP is more of a swarthicist than a Nordicist. I don't think he was trying to troll Spaniards. He makes these kinds of threads often (sometimes even involving Serbs).
Of course he tries to troll Spaniards. What happens is that his trolling is stupid and poor.

Morocco is the 4th iberian nation in the old world thanks to the mass immigration received after the Reconquista, so many Moroccans can pass in Iberia and some Iberians Can Pass in Morocco.

Iberian nations

1º Spain
2º Portugal
3º Aquitaine
4º Morocco
Interestingg point of view :D

That's why some coastal moroccans score high in west_med in eurogenes k15, would make sense. Here in Spain, i never met a moroccan that could pass as native spaniard, but there's moroccans in Morocco that could pass.
1- of course Moroccans look super different than Spaniards.
2- do you live in Spain? wait, are you that lefty Venezuelan with who I used to discuss in past??

12-06-2019, 02:46 PM
I don't know why I contradicted myself a few lines after but yes Central Italians are lighter. Northern Tuscans have levels of lightness similar to more northern regions.

I was talking to Nassbean about that, i quoted badly. Now is fixed.

12-06-2019, 02:50 PM
You wish you loooked like Spaniards.

Of course he tries to troll Spaniards. What happens is that his trolling is stupid and poor.

Interestingg point of view :D

1- of course Moroccans look super different than Spaniards.
2- do you live in Spain? wait, are you that lefty Venezuelan with who I used to discuss in past??

I'm that man, the one you said that is brown, sucada, moor, and doesn't deserve the right to be living in Spain, being me one defender of the country (in my own way, of course). when did i say i was lefty?

12-06-2019, 02:52 PM
Don't waste time discussing about Italians with that user. It's a waste of time. He always struggle like a mad to fight Iberians and Italians. He will find and say every shit to please NA.

Italy as a whole is a MED country both in culture and climate (which is different from the Med Africa ). NI culture and climate is an halfway of both Med and Alpine cultures.

Compared to NAs? Yes they are and, alot.

You really think central italians are lighter compared to coastal NAs ?? no way and alpine culture isn't a mediterranean one also romans always treated them as gauls/celtics even after the conquest one part of north italy was called Cisalpine Gaul. Now about NAs their berber culture exist in NA since the early neolithic and the climat of the coastal north africa is fully mediterranean unlike your north italy.

12-06-2019, 02:56 PM
You wish you loooked like Spaniards

All brown people look like each other, Egyptian, Moroccan, Spaniard, Indian, Yemenite, Turkish etc.

12-06-2019, 02:58 PM
You really think central italians are lighter compared to coastal NAs ??

Yes. Coastal NAs are European influenced and basically colonized by Europeans (mostly France plus Rome and Greece in ancient times) for centuries. This is why (some of them) are lighter. I've seen plenty of Central Italians who can easily pass Central to North in Europe. I doubt you'll find a Coastal NAs who can do the same... :laugh:

no way and alpine culture isn't a mediterranean one also romans always treated them as gauls/celtics even after the conquest one part of north italy was called Cisalpine Gaul. Now about NAs their berber culture exist in NA since the early neolithic and the climat of the coastal north africa is fully mediterranean unlike your north italy.

I know that Alpine culture isn't Med, i never said that but NI is an halfway of both. Same for temperature. Italy as a whole is still a Med country though and classified as such everywhere. Your opinion is irrelevant.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 03:10 PM
I'm that man, the one you said that is brown, sucada, moor, and doesn't deserve the right to be living in Spain, being me one defender of the country (in my own way, of course).

when did i say i was lefty?
You did not need to say it. You insulted Spanish patriots like me.

You really think central italians are lighter compared to coastal NAs ??

All brown people look like each other, Egyptian, Moroccan, Spaniard, Indian, Yemenite, Turkish etc.
You wish you looked like Spaniards.

12-06-2019, 03:37 PM
Yes. Coastal NAs are European influenced and basically colonized by Europeans (mostly France plus Rome and Greece in ancient times) for centuries. This is why (some of them) are lighter. I've seen plenty of Central Italians who can easily pass Central to North in Europe. I doubt you'll find a Coastal NAs who can do the same... :laugh:

I know that Alpine culture isn't Med, i never said that but NI is an halfway of both. Same for temperature. Italy as a whole is still a Med country though and classified as such everywhere. Your opinion is irrelevant.

Ok thanks for contradicting yourself : I'm still waiting for a clear evidence of french genetic influence ...in my previous answers i posted a study who show that most of the european component that NAs have is old (late neolithic) meanwhile your italy has been invaded by an enormous amount of celtic and germanic tribes let alone all the gaul, germanic and dacian slaves brought during the roman era.

12-06-2019, 03:47 PM
You really think central italians are lighter compared to coastal NAs ?? no way


How can your coastal NA's that have between 15% and 20% SSA can be lighter than Central Italians that had also celtic and germanic influences, even much more than in Northern Italy that has remained relatively the same throughout the years ?

They might have some northern influence but no way as full europeans I would go to see how much Steppe they score. 15/20% at the most whereas even the most southern shifted have atleast 28% and near 0% SSA.

12-06-2019, 03:49 PM
Ok thanks for contradicting yourself : I'm still waiting for a clear evidence of french genetic influence ...in my previous answers i posted a study who show that most of the european component that NAs have is old (late neolithic) meanwhile your italy has been invaded by an enormous amount of celtic and germanic tribes let alone all the gaul, germanic and dacian slaves brought during the roman era.

And where would be the "contradiction" part? Perhaps you failed to understand what i meant.

Just take Ancient Egyptian for example, they were pretty dark and clearly NA looking. Until Greeks came.

Modern day Egyptians always get mad when media whitewash Egyptian history based movies while they don't know that nowadays (arabized) Egyptians don't share basically anything with Ancient Egyptians. They are a mixture of Persians, Hittites, Greeks, Romans and Arabs perhaps more.

Tunisia is a vacation resort for French and other Europeans.

12-06-2019, 03:55 PM
And where would be the "contradiction" part. Perhaps you failed to understand what i meant.

Just take Ancient Egyptian for example, they were pretty dark and clearly NA looking. Until Greeks came.

Modern day Egyptians always get mad when media whitewash Egyptian history based movies

Tunisia is a vacation resort for French and other Europeans.

This guy even don't know that Italics were probably very similar to Celtic people genetically lol. The study about roman empire proved that.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 03:55 PM
Coastal North Africans collectively are not lighter or on pair with other Southern Europeans. Nassbean speaks of Riffians and other Berbers as if they were representative of the average when in reality they are a minority within the country itself (about 30% to 35% of the population). And even among Riffians there's a significant portion that has dark olive skin complexion (I would say the majority of them actually).

This much more representative of the average North African:


Than this:


12-06-2019, 03:56 PM
Coastal North Africans collectively are not lighter or on pair with other Southern Europeans. Nassbean speaks of Riffians and other Berbers as if they were representative of the average when in reality they are a minority within the country itself (about 30% to 35% of the population). And even among Riffians there's a significant portion that has dark olive skin complexion (I would say the majority of them actually).

This much more representative of the average North African:


Than this:


Even amongst Riffians blondism is almost an exception. They are all dark-haired. For incidence of light eyes I'm sure also that's ridiculously low.

When it comes to skin pigmentation, Algerians are on southern euro average but not Moroccans and other NA's, by no way.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 04:02 PM
Also North Africans are only Mediterranean geographically, not culturally in my opinion. Mediterranean culture in the classical sense is Hellenic-Roman. Moroccans are culturally Middle-Eastern\Oriental and Arabized. They have little in common with other Southern Europeans traditions and way of life. In fact, if you ask in Portugal what they associate with the Mediterranean culture, architecture and gastronomy no one is going to say Morocco or any other North African nation for the matter. People in here actually believe that Moroccans are Arabs, a lot of people are clueless about the concept of a Berber identity\ethnicity. That's how little the average person knows about the North of Africa (in Portugal at least).

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 04:07 PM
Even amongst Riffians blondism is almost an exception. They are all dark-haired. For incidence of light eyes I'm sure also that's ridiculously low.

When it comes to skin pigmentation, Algerians are on southern euro average but not Moroccans and other NA's, by no way.

I have always been under the impression that Algerians were lighter too but when I analyse coastal Moroccan samples they always turn out to be more Caucasoid than the average Algerian so I guess that is a myth more than anything else.

90% of Algeria is coastal and likely you have more Algerians in France than Moroccans and possibly the Moroccan diaspora in France might be mostly from inner Morocco.

12-06-2019, 04:08 PM

How can your coastal NA's that have between 15% and 20% SSA can be lighter than Central Italians that had also celtic and germanic influences, even much more than in Northern Italy that has remained relatively the same throughout the years ?

They might have some northern influence but no way as full europeans I would go to see how much Steppe they score. 15/20% at the most whereas even the most southern shifted have atleast 28% and near 0% SSA.

It seems now you're really biased because before this fight started you agreed with me about coastal NAs scoring less than 10% ssa after i showed you some results...now strangely you change that's pathetic really I don't see what's the purpose to debate with biased people like you it's a clear waste of time.

12-06-2019, 04:10 PM
And where would be the "contradiction" part? Perhaps you failed to understand what i meant.

Just take Ancient Egyptian for example, they were pretty dark and clearly NA looking. Until Greeks came.

Modern day Egyptians always get mad when media whitewash Egyptian history based movies while they don't know that nowadays (arabized) Egyptians don't share basically anything with Ancient Egyptians. They are a mixture of Persians, Hittites, Greeks, Romans and Arabs perhaps more.

Tunisia is a vacation resort for French and other Europeans.


Now you really start to sound like an afrocentrist lmao ...ok you clearly don't know what you're talking about better stay quiet vincenzo.

12-06-2019, 04:14 PM
I have always been under the impression that Algerians were lighter too but when I analyse coastal Moroccan samples they always turn out to be more Caucasoid than the average Algerian so I guess that is a myth more than anything else.

90% of Algeria is coastal and likely you have more Algerians in France than Moroccans and possibly the Moroccan diaspora in France might be mostly from inner Morocco.I don't know if it's a myth, anyway you spot them miles around. That's what matters after all. Because they are invading our countries. Overall differences are tiny compared to the phenotypical diversity that you observe in Europe (possibly the most diverse race when it comes to look, and even with that diversity an underlying euro look remains).

I don't think that all were from inner Morocco, we have plenty of people here that come from Northern Morocco from regions like Rif (lot of Riffians) or from coastal areas.

12-06-2019, 04:15 PM
It seems now you're really biased because before this fight started you agreed with me about coastal NAs scoring less than 10% ssa after i showed you some results...now strangely you change that's pathetic really I don't see what's the purpose to debate with biased people like you it's a clear waste of time.They score less than 10% DIRECT ssa If you combine that with ancient components you're well above 10%. Common derived ancestry like.

I've always repeated that Central Italians are way lighter. You obviously know nothing about Central Italy, here me and MinervaItalica, who are either full or partially italian told you that your claims are nonsensical.

12-06-2019, 04:22 PM
Also North Africans are only Mediterranean geographically, not culturally in my opinion. Mediterranean culture in the classical sense is Hellenic-Roman. Moroccans are culturally Middle-Eastern\Oriental and Arabized. They have little in common with other Southern Europeans traditions and way of life. In fact, if you ask in Portugal what they associate with the Mediterranean culture, architecture and gastronomy no one is going to say Morocco or any other North African nation for the matter. People in here actually believe that Moroccans are Arabs, a lot of people are clueless about the concept of a Berber identity\ethnicity. That's how little the average person knows about the North of Africa (in Portugal at least).

With your stupid logic phoenicians, egyptians, hittites, canaanites weren't mediterraneans and none of their culture was mediterranean but strangely celtiberians should be seen as mediterraneans lol ...Who said the mediterranean culture is only the hellenic-roman one ?? who are you to say such things ? you clearly haven't read anything about north african people you're only showing how ignorant you're keep sucking a culture that isn't yours and try to have dignity because you clearly lack it. As for the opinions of portugueses about NAs who cares ?

12-06-2019, 04:25 PM
They score less than 10% DIRECT ssa If you combine that with ancient components you're well above 10%. Common derived ancestry like.

I've always repeated that Central Italians are way lighter. You obviously know nothing about Central Italy, here me and MinervaItalica, who are either full or partially italian told you that your claims are nonsensical.

Unlike you all i've posted evidence. Minervaitalica is clearly not a reliable source of information lol this guy is mentally sick as for you it's sad to see how your hate can blinds you.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 04:29 PM
With your stupid logic phoenicians, egyptians, hittites, canaanites weren't mediterraneans and none of their culture was mediterranean but strangely celtiberians should be seen as mediterraneans lol ...Who said the mediterranean culture is only the hellenic-roman one ?? who are you to say such things ? you clearly haven't read anything about north african people you're only showing how ignorant you're keep sucking a culture that isn't yours and try to have dignity because you clearly lack it. As for the opinions of portugueses about NAs who cares ?

Where have I said that Celtiberians were Mediterranean?

Hellenic-Roman culture is the only original Mediterranean culture that still prevails to this day and wasn't replaced. All the other regions of the Levant and North of Africa have been Arabized and are culturally more akin to the Middle-East than they are to Southern Europe.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 04:30 PM
People in here actually believe that Moroccans are Arabs, a lot of people are clueless about the concept of a Berber identity\ethnicity. That's how little the average person knows about the North of Africa (in Portugal at least).

Same here. 99% of the Spaniards have absolutely no idea about who Berbers are. If you take a random Spaniard in the street and ask him/her what or who is a Berber, for sure will say they dont know. It happens the same with many of these Russian peoples that live in around the Urals or Caucasus (Maris, Chuvash, Nenets and these shits). It is shocking because Berbers live near Spain, many even as immigrants in the own Spain, not like these Uralids who live to 5.000 kms from here, but the result is the same :rolleyes:

12-06-2019, 04:34 PM

Now you really start to sound like an afrocentrist lmao ...ok you clearly don't know what you're talking about better stay quiet vincenzo.

Unlike you all i've posted evidence. Minervaitalica is clearly not a reliable source of information lol this guy is mentally sick as for you it's sad to see how your hate can blinds you.

It's not hate my dear, you are simply embarassing your kind by playing the moroccan nordicist. Well after all there are nordicists everywhere.

When you say that Central Italy is darker than coastal Morocco I can just laugh. Morocco has litteraly 0 nordids types, the lightest of all european types, even if one individual would happen to be light or hair eyed it wouldn't be usually the lightest shades/colors. I've yet to see a blonde platine blue eyed moroccan.

On the other hand Central Italians can overlap with N.Italians that you called non-med and that you deem that are too much northern influenced. Where your defence stand ? The paper from "Coon" and these anthropologists isn't a scientifical proof like I've said, it hasn't been published in a peer-reviewed journal and the most important thing : these anthropologists were contemporaries of Coon and wrote that 30 years ago.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 04:37 PM
Same here. 99% of the Spaniards have absolutely no idea about who Berbers are. If you take a random Spaniard in the street and ask him/her what or who is a Berber, for sure will say they dont know. It happens the same with many of these Russian peoples that live in around the Urals or Caucasus (Maris, Chuvash, Nenets and these shits). It is shocking because Berbers live near Spain, many even as immigrants in the own Spain, not like these Uralids who live to 5.000 kms from here, but the result is the same :rolleyes:

Yes, we tend to associate the North of Africa with the Arab world\sphere.

12-06-2019, 04:38 PM
Where have I said that Celtiberians were Mediterranean?

Hellenic-Roman culture is the only original Mediterranean culture that still prevails to this day and wasn't replaced. All the other regions of the Levant and North of Africa have been Arabized and are culturally more akin to the Middle-East than they are to Southern Europe.

That isn't true at all ...do you speak latin or ancient greek ? Do your recent buildings are still build in respect to the greco-roman art ? Do you dress like ancient romans or ancient greeks ? Do you eat the same dishes ? The answer is no unlike berbers who have kept their traditions who go way back to ancient times. Also who said south europe is a reference when it comes to the mediterranean area ?? Berbers have not been arabized only islamized ( their current culture has nothing to do with arabs).

12-06-2019, 04:39 PM
Same here. 99% of the Spaniards have absolutely no idea about who Berbers are. If you take a random Spaniard in the street and ask him/her what or who is a Berber, for sure will say they dont know. It happens the same with many of these Russian peoples that live in around the Urals or Caucasus (Maris, Chuvash, Nenets and these shits). It is shocking because Berbers live near Spain, many even as immigrants in the own Spain, not like these Uralids who live to 5.000 kms from here, but the result is the same :rolleyes:

But who cares about the opinion of spaniards ???

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 04:41 PM
That isn't true at all ...do you speak latin or ancient greek ? Do your recent buildings are still build in respect to the greco-roman art ? Do you dress like ancient romans or ancient greeks ? Do you eat the same dishes ? The answer is no
The answer is yes, boy. Laws, architecture, food, also clothes etc come from Grico-Roman times.

12-06-2019, 04:43 PM
It's not hate my dear, you are simply embarassing your kind by playing the moroccan nordicist. Well after all there are nordicists everywhere.

When you say that Central Italy is darker than coastal Morocco I can just laugh. Morocco has litteraly 0 nordids types, the lightest of all european types, even if one individual would happen to be light or hair eyed it wouldn't be usually the lightest shades/colors. I've yet to see a blonde platine blue eyed moroccan.

On the other hand Central Italians can overlap with N.Italians that you called non-med and that you deem that are too much northern influenced. Where your defence stand ? The paper from "Coon" and these anthropologists isn't a scientifical proof like I've said, it hasn't been published in a peer-reviewed journal and the most important thing : these anthropologists were contemporaries of Coon and wrote that 30 years ago.


Where did i say central italians are darker ?? i said they aren't lighter in average compared to coastal NAs. As for these evidence that you don't accept I posted a link where they also talk about other groups like kabyles (datas come from other scientists) but yes keep being in denial.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 04:44 PM
Yes, we tend to associate the North of Africa with the Arab world\sphere.
And not only with Arabs. We call Moor to everyone who is brown-Muslim. I am tired to heard how people call Moor to a Paki, or to an Iraki. I remember when they killed Sadam Hussein a coworker of mine saying they had killed the Moor.

But who cares about the opinion of spaniards ???

Spaniards themselves.

12-06-2019, 04:45 PM
The answer is yes, boy. Laws, architecture, food, also clothes etc come from Grico-Roman times.

No sorry some cultural heritage doesn't make your civilization a greco-roman one ...be proud of your primitive celtiberian culture too :thumb001:

12-06-2019, 04:46 PM
And not only with Arabs. We call Moor to everyone who is brown-Muslim. I am tired to heard how people call Moor to a Paki, or to an Iraki. I remember when they killed Sadam Hussein a coworker of mine saying they had killed the Moor.

Spaniards themselves.

really spaniards make me laugh they are themselves brown and they play the irish really it's ridiculous

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 04:48 PM
No sorry some cultural heritage doesn't make your civilization a greco-roman one ...be proud of your primitive celtiberian culture too :thumb001:
Dont worry, I am. But have you ever heard about the Roman law? I doubt.
Etc etc

really spaniards make me laugh they are themselves brown and they play the irish really it's ridiculous

Not my fault that to our eyes you are sandniggers.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 04:48 PM
That isn't true at all ...do you speak latin or ancient greek ? Do your recent buildings are still build in respect to the greco-roman art ? Do you dress like ancient romans or ancient greeks ? Do you eat the same dishes ?

I speak a language that derives from Latin. You and the majority of Moroccans speak a language that derives from Arab. You're very ignorant if you think that there isn't a continuum of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with Hellenic-Roman civilisation. It has nothing to do with how I dress or what I eat.

The answer is no unlike berbers who have kept their traditions who go way back to ancient times. Also who said south europe is a reference when it comes to the mediterranean area ?? Berbers have not been arabized only islamized ( their current culture has nothing to do with arabs).

Yes, Berbers have really kept their traditions, lol. That's why even among Berbers only a few of them are capable of speaking an Amazigh language. You are more likely to find someone in Morocco or Algeria that can speak French than an Amazigh language.

12-06-2019, 04:50 PM
Dont worry, I am. But have you ever heard about the Roman law? I doubt.
Etc etc

Not my fault that to our eyes you are sandniggers.

Wow i didn't know the roman law is enough to make your whole civilization a roman one lol as for sandniggers I think it better suits your people with all the deserts that you have

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 04:51 PM
But who cares about the opinion of spaniards ???

You seem to care a lot since you want to associate Moroccans with Southern Europe.

I am starting to think that CV is right: "you would kill your own sister to be Iberian" xD Jk..

12-06-2019, 04:54 PM

Where did i say central italians are darker ?? i said they aren't lighter in average compared to coastal NAs. As for these evidence that you don't accept I posted a link where they also talk about other groups like kabyles (datas come from other scientists) but yes keep being in denial.Lol I've yet to see a group of moroccans even coastal where 15/20% (levels of blondism in Central Italy) are blonde haired :rofl: You are all dark haired my dear. It's not a shame.

And we are supposed to believe you that Central Italians aren't lighter than Moroccans whereas the former have significant levels of Northern admixture and the later are heavily related to SSAs throughout history. :rofl:

Lol data coming from Charleton Coon and an article written in a journal that has nothing to do with physical anthropology and that isn't peer-reviewed :rofl:

Kabyle diaspora are by far the largest Algerian diaspora in France and they are all dark haired and eyed. They are quite fair in skin pigmentation but that's all.

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 04:57 PM
I am starting to think that CV is right: "you would kill your own sister to be Iberian" xD Jk..

He would do. Just like all these Moroccan immigrants that get crazy to live in Spain and reach a fuckin papers where it puts they are Spanish citizens :laugh:

12-06-2019, 04:59 PM
I speak a language that derives from Latin. You and the majority of Moroccans speak a language that derives from Arab. You're very ignorant if you think that there isn't a continuum of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with Hellenic-Roman civilisation. It has nothing to do with how I dress or what I eat.

Yes, Berbers have really kept their traditions, lol. That's why even among Berbers only a few of them are capable of speaking an Amazigh language. You are more likely to find someone in Morocco or Algeria that can speak French than an Amazigh language.

You speak a language that didn't exist before unlike berbers who still speak a language that existed since prehistoric times. For your information no one in the middle east or even egypt can understand darija and there are still 25-30 million of people who still speak amazigh ...where are the millions of people who still speak the languages of ancient iberians ?? There isn't a continuum only some cultural heritage but nothing that big your current civilization has nothing to do with the greco-roman one ..also the catholicism that your people practice was mainly developed by latinized maghrebians lol. As I said if you have read at least one book about berbers you would have known that there is a strong cultural continuity since ancient times which amazed specialists because we're the only one in the mediterranean area who preserved it during all those millenias.

12-06-2019, 05:01 PM
You seem to care a lot since you want to associate Moroccans with Southern Europe.

I am starting to think that CV is right: "you would kill your own sister to be Iberian" xD Jk..

Where have I tried to associate my people with you ?? Saying we aren't darker doesn't mean we want to associate unlike you who run after the "greco-roman" culture and poles ...pathetic

12-06-2019, 05:01 PM
Same here. 99% of the Spaniards have absolutely no idea about who Berbers are. If you take a random Spaniard in the street and ask him/her what or who is a Berber, for sure will say they dont know. It happens the same with many of these Russian peoples that live in around the Urals or Caucasus (Maris, Chuvash, Nenets and these shits). It is shocking because Berbers live near Spain, many even as immigrants in the own Spain, not like these Uralids who live to 5.000 kms from here, but the result is the same :rolleyes:

It isn't that startling, most people are ignorant and don't have curiosity about things that aren't directly related to them. There's a strong lack of knowledge even between us, Portuguese and Spanish, apart from half dozen stereotypes and this despite how culturally and historically we are connected.

Once Nassbean told me that Portuguese hate Moroccans, which made me laugh, because it's indeed true that they are on average very far-off Portuguese minds. Most Portuguese don't even know about our presence for almost 3.5 centuries in some parts of their Atlantic shore (interesting enough, there's some Portuguese architecture till today in Morocco). The rest is at most silly stereotypes as well, it revolves around the "Arabs" (NAs are inserted in the "Arab" umbrella stretching till Levant), shisha, belly dance (which is in reality Middle Eastern) and some desert and camels possibly thrown into the mix. So it's a complete neutral opinion about them, nothing against them.

12-06-2019, 05:04 PM
He would do. Just like all these Moroccan immigrants that get crazy to live in Spain and reach a fuckin papers where it puts they are Spanish citizens :laugh:

Some moroccans do this only for economical reason none of them care about the spanish identity or the spanish culture lol

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 05:09 PM
You speak a language that didn't exist before unlike berbers who still speak a language that existed since prehistoric times. For your information no one in the middle east or even egypt can understand darija and there are still 25-30 million of people who still speak amazigh ...where are the millions of people who still speak the languages of ancient iberians ?? There isn't a continuum only some cultural heritage but nothing that big your current civilization has nothing to do with the greco-roman one ..also the catholicism that your people practice was mainly developed by latinized maghrebians lol. As I said if you have read at least one book about berbers you would have known that there is a strong cultural continuity since ancient times which amazed specialists because we're the only one in the mediterranean area who preserved it during all those millenias.

Absolute gibberish. First thing we studied at the university was an introductory course about classical studies and Hello-Roman civilisation which is just a synonym for Western Civilisation. The majority of Europeans are part of it and have developed their own ways from the concepts and ideas that emerged from this era. What we are doing right now, debating ideas openly and freely is an European concept that can be traced back to the Hellenic Agora. It is a concept that is very alien to the North of Africa where it is culture is heavily Arabized and Islamised, actually to such a big extent that Amazigh languages were only recognised in Morocco not even ten years ago and all Berber costumes and traditions you talk about are heavily persecuted.

12-06-2019, 05:09 PM
You speak a language that didn't exist before unlike berbers who still speak a language that existed since prehistoric times. For your information no one in the middle east or even egypt can understand darija and there are still 25-30 million of people who still speak amazigh ...where are the millions of people who still speak the languages of ancient iberians ?? There isn't a continuum only some cultural heritage but nothing that big your current civilization has nothing to do with the greco-roman one ..also the catholicism that your people practice was mainly developed by latinized maghrebians lol. As I said if you have read at least one book about berbers you would have known that there is a strong cultural continuity since ancient times which amazed specialists because we're the only one in the mediterranean area who preserved it during all those millenias.


12-06-2019, 05:12 PM

The Basque language isn't representative at all about all the linguisitic diversity of ancient Iberia and basques aren't mediterraneans btw.

12-06-2019, 05:14 PM
The Basque language isn't representative at all about all the linguisitic diversity of ancient Iberia and basques aren't mediterraneans btw.

Most of Morocco isn't med either.

12-06-2019, 05:17 PM
Absolute gibberish. First thing we studied at the university was an introductory course about classical studies and Hello-Roman civilisation which is just a synonym for Western Civilisation. The majority of Europeans are part of it and have developed their own ways from the concepts and ideas that emerged from this era. What we are doing right now, debating ideas openly and freely is an European concept that can be traced back to the Hellenic Agora. It is a concept that is very alien to the North of Africa where it is culture is heavily Arabized and Islamised, actually to such a big extent that Amazigh languages were only recognised in Morocco not even ten years ago and all Berber costumes and traditions you talk about are heavily persecuted.

No that's false the Western civilization is the result of multiple cultural influences and the greco-roman one is just one part of those influences. "debating ideas openly and freely is an European concept that can be traced back to the Hellenic Agora." LOL a "european" concept no my friend it was developed in a little city lost in the middle of greece while your ancestors were fighting each other with none of them being aware of the concept of free speech. That imazighen have been persecuted is meaningless their culture is still the culture of millions of people it's a real mediterranean culture.

12-06-2019, 05:18 PM
Most of Morocco isn't med either.

It depends ..on which aspect ?

12-06-2019, 05:20 PM
The Basque language isn't representative at all about all the linguisitic diversity of ancient Iberia and basques aren't mediterraneans btw.

Possibly, but it belongs to the category of ancient Iberian languages. Thus, there's your millions of people still speaking an ancient Iberian language, which is what you've asked for. Basques are not mediterraneans, in whatever context you mean, never claimed otherwise. But we are Iberians, that's the point.

12-06-2019, 05:20 PM
It depends ..on which aspect ?

Geographically speaking. Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia are entirely med by coastal geography like Italy and other countries.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 05:21 PM
Where have I tried to associate my people with you ?? Saying we aren't darker doesn't mean we want to associate unlike you who run after the "greco-roman" culture and poles ...pathetic

I am not running after a Greco-Roman culture or Poles. It is just the reality and I can't change it. It is only non-Europeans such as yourself that constantly want to propagate an idea that Europeans have more differences than similarities. I understand that it is a very difficult and confusing for you to accept that Portugueses and Poles have more things in common than with Moroccans since even your own head states are embarrassed of their Berber roots and favour an Arabic hegemonic culture over Amazigh.

12-06-2019, 05:22 PM
Possibly, but it belongs to the category of ancient Iberian languages. Thus, there's your millions of people still speaking an ancient Iberian language, which is what you've asked for. Basques are not mediterraneans, in whatever context you mean, never claimed otherwise. But we are Iberians.

I was debating with a portuguese and you brought basques as an evidence ...no sorry no portugueses today can speak the language of his ancestors unlike a good part of moroccans who still can.

12-06-2019, 05:23 PM
I am not running after a Greco-Roman culture or Poles. It is just the reality and I can't change it. It is only non-Europeans such as yourself that constantly want to propagate an idea that Europeans have more differences than similarities. I understand that it is a very difficult and confusing for you to accept that Portugueses and Poles have more things in common than with Moroccans since even your own head states are embarrassed of their Berber roots and favour an Arabic hegemonic culture over Amazigh.

It's totally right. Europeans can appear to be very very different because there is more internal diversity than in any other race phenotypically speaking yet they are all related together and on a scale of a global PCA, are on the same cluster of course, tight each other.

12-06-2019, 05:24 PM
Geographically speaking. Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia are entirely med by coastal geography like Italy and other countries.

By your logic portugal isn't a mediterranean country and south france can't be seen as part of the mediterranean area because most of France's coast is atlantic....weak argument

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 05:25 PM
Some moroccans do this only for economical reason none of them care about the spanish identity or the spanish culture lol
haha, say that to all these Moroccans that claim they are as Spanish as ourselves xD

I remember the "discussion" between two of my coworkers, one Spanish and the other Moroccan (Saharaui to be exact). Both of them had one daughter, and the Moroccan saying his daughter was as Spanish as the daughter of the Spanish, and the Spanish laughing in his face :rotfl hilarious

12-06-2019, 05:25 PM
I was debating with a portuguese and you brought basques as an evidence ...no sorry no portugueses today can speak the language of his ancestors unlike a good part of moroccans who still can.

That goes for Portuguese, but you were refering to all Iberians when you've said:

'where are the millions of people who still speak the languages of ancient iberians'

As Basques belong to that category, my reply was relevant.

12-06-2019, 05:27 PM
By your logic portugal isn't a mediterranean country and south france can be seen as part of the mediterranean area because most of France's coast is atlantic....weak argument

Well I've only dropped this argument because you like to pass your country as the epitome of med although it's the extreme fringe of this sea, and it has very few kilometers of med coast compared to other med countries.

Southern French are surely partly Med, and if we want to extend to SW France, partly southern Euro (Iberian-like).

Cristiano viejo
12-06-2019, 05:27 PM
I was debating with a portuguese and you brought basques as an evidence ...no sorry no portugueses today can't speak the language of his ancestors unlike a good part of moroccans who still can.

What?? Portugueses today can not speak the language of their ancestors, you say?? and what language do you think their ancestors spoke in the year 1000, ignorant??

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 05:28 PM
This is exactly what comes to my mind when someone says "native Mediterranean culture":


12-06-2019, 05:28 PM
I am not running after a Greco-Roman culture or Poles. It is just the reality and I can't change it. It is only non-Europeans such as yourself that constantly want to propagate an idea that Europeans have more differences than similarities. I understand that it is a very difficult and confusing for you to accept that Portugueses and Poles have more things in common than with Moroccans since even your own head states are embarrassed of their Berber roots and favour an Arabic hegemonic culture over Amazigh.

Strangely all the fervent defender of the pan-european civilization are almost all of time south europeans ...I wonder why ? Reality is always more complex than your simple point of view...and again what do you talk about similarities i'm not trying to associate my people with you and I don't want it just look at some of my old posts I've always said that we're culturally and even genetically more linked with the middle east so wtf are you talking about ?

12-06-2019, 05:29 PM
Coastal North Africans collectively are not lighter or on pair with other Southern Europeans. Nassbean speaks of Riffians and other Berbers as if they were representative of the average when in reality they are a minority within the country itself (about 30% to 35% of the population). And even among Riffians there's a significant portion that has dark olive skin complexion (I would say the majority of them actually).

This much more representative of the average North African:


Than this:


Here in the Netherlands most Moroccans are from Rif and they look exactly similar like the photos you posted. This Nassbean is either a troll or delusional

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 05:29 PM
I was debating with a portuguese and you brought basques as an evidence ...no sorry no portugueses today can't speak the language of his ancestors unlike a good part of moroccans who still can.

I speak the same language that my ancestors did when they founded this nation in 1143. Are you able to speak and read Amazigh? No?

12-06-2019, 05:30 PM
This is exactly what comes to my mind when someone says "native Mediterranean culture":


If I would be 100% southern euro I would feel closer to Lebanese than to NA's honestly.

12-06-2019, 05:30 PM
It's totally right. Europeans can appear to be very very different because there is more internal diversity than in any other race phenotypically speaking yet they are all related together and on a scale of a global PCA, are on the same cluster of course, tight each other.

I wouldn't such thing for south italians and greeks...

12-06-2019, 05:31 PM
Here in the Netherlands most Moroccans are from Rif and they look exactly similar like the photos you posted. This Nassbean is either a troll or delusional

In France there a good part of Riffians as well and they aren't at all light. Atleast for Southern Euro averages.

12-06-2019, 05:32 PM
haha, say that to all these Moroccans that claim they are as Spanish as ourselves xD

I remember the "discussion" between two of my coworkers, one Spanish and the other Moroccan (Saharaui to be exact). Both of them had one daughter, and the Moroccan saying his daughter was as Spanish as the daughter of the Spanish, and the Spanish laughing in his face :rotfl hilarious

they are saying this for staying and be economically tranquilo :)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2019, 05:33 PM
Here in the Netherlands most Moroccans are from Rif and they look exactly similar like the photos you posted. This Nassbean is either a troll or delusional

What is funny is that Nassbean (self-proclaimed authentic Berber) blends better with the ones with darker complexion than with the Miss Amazigh. We are meant to believe that Moroccans are no different than Southern Europeans though.