View Full Version : Classify Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

♥ Lily ♥
12-08-2019, 01:25 AM
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart) (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791),
baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart,
was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period.

In 1767, the 11-year-old composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was struck by smallpox. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallpox)
Like all smallpox victims, he was at serious risk of dying,
but he survived the horrific disease. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart_and_smallpox)

The smallpox disease left him with heavy scarring and pitting all over his skin,
which isn't often shown in portrait paintings of Mozart.

He was small with large intense eyes.

Based on pictures that researchers were able to find of Mozart,
he seemed to wear a white wig for most of his formal occasions –
researchers of the Salzburg Mozarteum declared that only 1 of his 14 portraits they had found showed him without his wig. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart#Appearance_and_character)


It's also believed that Mozart suffered from Asperger's syndrome,
which easily explains the reason for his incredibly high intelligence, excellent memory,
attention to fine details, repitition skills, and musically gifted talents.
(Most people with Asperger's have higher than average intelligence, are very repititive,
are usually extremely talented with music or drawing from very early ages in life,
tend to be shy and social loners (such as Gary Numan... another genius with AS)
and are excellent with paying attention to small details and have great memory skills.)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Portrait_of_Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart_at_the_age_of_ 13_in_Verona%2C_1770.jpg/1024px-Portrait_of_Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart_at_the_age_of_ 13_in_Verona%2C_1770.jpg
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/Louis_Carrogis_dit_Carmontelle_-_Portrait_de_Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart_%28Salzbourg% 2C_1756-Vienne%2C_1791%29_jouant_%C3%A0_Paris_avec_son_p%C 3%A8re_Jean..._-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/800px-thumbnail.jpg

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tragically died aged 35 in sickness and pain in his home.

Rest in peace.... and thank you dear Mozart for all the amazing and beautiful music. :heartbea:




12-08-2019, 01:27 AM
To me, he looks very Austrian - like a mixture between Germanic and Dinaric phenotypes.

12-08-2019, 01:32 AM
Subnordid and a Genius.

12-08-2019, 03:02 AM

12-08-2019, 03:04 AM
To me, he looks very Austrian - like a mixture between Germanic and Dinaric phenotypes.

It is called noric or sub-adriatic


The Noric type, in most respects, takes the form of a blond Dinaric variant. It displays features which are traditionally associated with the Dinaric race - a shallow nasion depression, leptorrhiny, great nose length, height, and convexity, great brachycephaly, and moderately tall stature. Norics are not, though, as accentuated in these Dinaric features as are the Dinarics themselves, but show a slightly less exaggerated nasality, a somewhat lower cephalic index (82-85), and a smaller stature, due to the predominance of the Nordic strain, which is mainly of Keltic inspiration.

Norics are, like Dinarics, planoccipital. This means that the occiput of the skull, the lower posterior bone extending from the foramen magnum to lambda, is straight rather than curved or projecting.

Norics are by definition blond, and typically Nordic in pigmentation. The hair is usually medium brown to golden blond, the eyes light or light-mixed, though this varies. In areas where the Dinaric element predominates, pigmentation naturally tends in a more brunet direction.


12-08-2019, 03:05 AM


12-08-2019, 03:49 AM
Noric with Anglo Saxon tendencies.

12-08-2019, 03:54 AM
Noric with Anglo Saxon tendencies.

Anglo-Saxon/Nordo-CM admixture in Austria? Don't think so.

12-08-2019, 08:20 AM
Norid IMHO, with nordid colours. A very typical austrian look. Soft chin, very strong convex nose and meso-leptoproposic face (see death mask), cerulean eyes, very light skin.

12-08-2019, 08:42 AM

♥ Lily ♥
12-08-2019, 09:16 AM
A description of Mozart's physical appearance and character: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart#Appearance_and_character)

He was small and his countenance, except for his large intense eyes, gave no signs of his genius."

His facial complexion was pitted, a reminder of his childhood case of smallpox. He loved elegant clothing.


Kelly remembered him at a rehearsal: "[He] was on the stage with his crimson pelisse and gold-laced cocked hat, giving the time of the music to the orchestra."

Based on pictures that researchers were able to find of Mozart, he seemed to wear a white wig for most of his formal occasions – researchers of the Salzburg Mozarteum declared that only 1 of his 14 portraits they had found showed him without his wig.

Of his voice, his wife later wrote that it "was a tenor, rather soft in speaking and delicate in singing, but when anything excited him, or it became necessary to exert it, it was both powerful and energetic".

He often made sketches and drafts; unlike Beethoven's, these are mostly not preserved, as his wife sought to destroy them after his death.

He enjoyed billiards and dancing and kept pets: a canary, a starling, a dog, and a horse for recreational riding.