View Full Version : Classify two deceased Afghan army soldiers

12-17-2019, 11:15 PM
Brave heroes


12-17-2019, 11:21 PM
How can you classify without side pictures? Anyway, they look East Euro to me.

12-17-2019, 11:26 PM
north caucasus bordering balkan look

12-17-2019, 11:38 PM
north caucasus bordering balkan look

If they were balkanite I would classify them as north Pontid +alpine, since their Afghan I would say pamirid + iranid.

Hurrem sultana
12-17-2019, 11:39 PM
the short guy can pass in south Europe,balkans,usa.are they pashtun?

12-17-2019, 11:39 PM
Russian leftovers from the soviet war.

12-17-2019, 11:42 PM
Russian leftovers from the soviet war.

I also see such vibe in them

12-17-2019, 11:44 PM
Russian leftovers from the soviet war.

That's not funny. They are martyred sons of a mother who is weeping their deaths. Thye fought for their country to achieve a better life for themselves. Russian my ass.

12-17-2019, 11:45 PM
I would suggest that only the dude closest to Thread Father's profile info passes unnoticed in Europe.

12-17-2019, 11:45 PM
the short guy can pass in south Europe,balkans,usa.are they pashtun?

They could be tajiks. The report says they were from badakhshan in North of the country.

12-17-2019, 11:46 PM
north caucasus bordering balkan look
Too white for balkan wogs

12-17-2019, 11:52 PM
Brave heroes


Rest in Peace.

12-18-2019, 12:12 AM
Rest in Peace.

Thank you for your kind words sir, very much appreciated.

12-18-2019, 12:14 AM
Thank you for your kind words sir, very much appreciated.


Hurrem sultana
12-18-2019, 12:55 AM
That's not funny. They are martyred sons of a mother who is weeping their deaths. Thye fought for their country to achieve a better life for themselves. Russian my ass.

they are in a better place now

Hurrem sultana
12-18-2019, 01:02 AM
are they brothers,what is their name?

12-18-2019, 01:21 AM
They look white to me. And yet people still deny original Indo Iranians looked European.

12-18-2019, 01:36 AM
based on the OP pic they look like generic eastern europeans.

but I would like to see more pics to get a better idea.

12-18-2019, 08:15 AM
are they brothers,what is their name?

Yes they were brothers. Honestly it hurts me. Diaspora groups who fled these harsh times are so lucky, I wish I could do something about it.

Regarding their phenotype, it's honestly not that rare. I could post similar folks who got posted on the same page.

12-18-2019, 08:18 AM
Yes they were brothers. Honestly it hurts me. Diaspora groups who fled these harsh times are so lucky, I wish I could do something about it.

Regarding their phenotype, it's honestly not that rare. I could post similar folks who got posted on the same page.

Do it

12-18-2019, 08:23 AM
are they brothers,what is their name?

Yes they were brothers. Honestly it hurts me. Diaspora groups who fled these harsh times are so lucky, I wish I could do something about it.

Regarding their phenotype, it's honestly not that rare. I could post similar folks who got posted on the same page.

12-18-2019, 08:49 AM
Do it


There are female ones too but I'm not posting it here


12-18-2019, 11:17 AM
Alpinised Irano Pamirids.

12-19-2019, 12:46 AM
That's not funny. They are martyred sons of a mother who is weeping their deaths. Thye fought for their country to achieve a better life for themselves. Russian my ass.

what a sensitive little bitch you are.

the only logical reason to explain their looks is this:

what afghans look like during winter (don't wanna hear they're brown because their "tanned"):


12-19-2019, 01:17 AM
Both look Euro type to me. Alpine + Pontid.

12-19-2019, 01:18 AM

12-19-2019, 02:56 AM

There are female ones too but I'm not posting it here


All of them here look much more typically central or south central asian. The first guy could pass as eastern European if he had a more chiseled nose.

12-19-2019, 02:57 AM
Corded + Iranid. Were they brothers? They look too similar not to be related...

12-19-2019, 03:02 AM
what a sensitive little bitch you are.

the only logical reason to explain their looks is this:

what afghans look like during winter (don't wanna hear they're brown because their "tanned"):


Afghanistan is a very diverse country. Yeah most people look like those in the video but you can also get psuedo European looking people, some with red hair even. These exotic types can be found in northern Pakistan as well. They are uncommon but not unheard of at all. Look up photos of Nuristani/Kalash people and you'll see that European phenotypes can present themselves without involving input from any modern Euro population.

12-19-2019, 08:41 AM
what a sensitive little bitch you are.

the only logical reason to explain their looks is this:

what afghans look like during winter (don't wanna hear they're brown because their "tanned"):


Who are you calling a bitch you cunt? Watch what you are saying you ignorant yankee. Even the white european looks brown in the vid due to the lighting. Russians in Afghanistan? Are you for real? There is barely 2 or 3 Russians left, a whole documentary has been done on them. Half of my family looks like the guys in the first pics. You have joined recently so I will excuse your ignorance, considering you ain't no sock account. Afghans score one of the highest steppe scoring populations. Studies on them Before the soviets have shown the frequency of light eyes and nordic look.

Also the video is based in mazari sharif. It's a metropolitan city packed with turkmens, uzbeks, mongoloid tajiks. The two soldiers are from badakhshan, most Likely pamiris.







This is the same city you posted of the guy. Look at 1:36, two guys who look similar to the soldiers.


Also, the most euro looking Afghan probably, called issa khan nuristani. He was a leader of a tribe in nuristan tyta first rebelled AGAINST the Soviets. He was born in 1957, way before the arrival of the Russians.


Also there are Afghans who were born before the arrival of the soviets that look euro







You are also underestimating Afghans. You honestly think the Russians raped in masses women? Do you know how much honor afghans have? Plus, Russians did not have a bad reputation as bad as the west makes it to be. Infact, they were well educated and most who come to Afghanistan were teachers etc. They were all high end government offiicials, no civilians.

"I have to say, the Afghan people must be among the most consistently beautiful people I’ve ever seen. It is rare to see an Afghan who is not striking. So many cultures and ethnicities converge in this place – I’ve been told by several Afghans that I look like I belong, which I find extremely flattering! A few people have even mistaken me for an Afghan. Light eyes and blonde streaks and all. Even my round features seem to be consistent with some of the various ethnicities here."

Study done way Before the time of the Soviets.

" The Afghans and Pathans, like the Persians, are usually brunet, and at the same time show a persistent minority of blondism, which in this case reflects Nordic admixture. They are heavy-bearded, and possess heavy body hair. Their facial features show a maximum of bony relief, and, on the whole, their facial skeletons seem much heavier and much more strongly marked than those of the more delicate Arabian Mediterraneans. They possess, in common with the Arabian Mediterranean group, a sharpness in definition of feature which stands in contrast to the coarser lineaments of the average Mesopotamian countenance.

In respect to the Dardic group, we have a certain amount of published and unpublished information which will be useful here.25

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27"

"The Tajiks of both countries are pale skinned hirsute europiform pamirians with 10% light hair(blonde) and 15% light eyes (blue)"

Sounds about white


Pashtuns and Tajiks also score considerably high amounts of steppe admixture, well over 30%.

karlani Pashtun

28.40% Iran_N + 23.05% Armenia_ChL/EBA
22.65% Steppe_MLBA + 9.95% Srubnaya_outlier + 3.00% Andronovo_outlier
10.20% ASI
2.75% Mongola


24.1% Iran_N + 19.2% Armenia_ChL/EBA
22.4% Steppe_MLBA + 19.5% Srubnaya_outlier + 1.2% Scythian_Pazyryk
9.2% ASI
4.4% Mongola

12-19-2019, 08:42 AM
Corded + Iranid. Were they brothers? They look too similar not to be related...

Yes they were

12-19-2019, 09:09 AM
Afghanistan is a very diverse country. Yeah most people look like those in the video but you can also get psuedo European looking people, some with red hair even. These exotic types can be found in northern Pakistan as well. They are uncommon but not unheard of at all. Look up photos of Nuristani/Kalash people and you'll see that European phenotypes can present themselves without involving input from any modern Euro population.

Its a diverse country yeah, but people are forgetting a large chunk of Afghanistan is turkic. That video is based in mazar e sharif. It's well known among us that alot of Afghans there are uzbeks or persianified uzbeks. Just look at the gedmatxh results of some. And no man, most afghans don't look like those folks. Most afghans live in rural mountanious Regions. Light eyes are common but mixed and brown eyes are more prevalent.

12-19-2019, 11:39 AM
Who are you calling a bitch you cunt? Watch what you are saying you ignorant yankee. Even the white european looks brown in the vid due to the lighting. Russians in Afghanistan? Are you for real? There is barely 2 or 3 Russians left, a whole documentary has been done on them. Half of my family looks like the guys in the first pics. You have joined recently so I will excuse your ignorance, considering you ain't no sock account. Afghans score one of the highest steppe scoring populations. Studies on them Before the soviets have shown the frequency of light eyes and nordic look.

Also the video is based in mazari sharif. It's a metropolitan city packed with turkmens, uzbeks, mongoloid tajiks. The two soldiers are from badakhshan, most Likely pamiris.






This is the same city you posted of the guy. Look at 1:36, two guys who look similar to the soldiers.


Also, the most euro looking Afghan probably, called issa khan nuristani. He was a leader of a tribe in nuristan tyta first rebelled AGAINST the Soviets. He was born in 1957, way before the arrival of the Russians.


Also there are Afghans who were born before the arrival of the soviets that look euro







You are also underestimating Afghans. You honestly think the Russians raped in masses women? Do you know how much honor afghans have? Plus, Russians did not have a bad reputation as bad as the west makes it to be. Infact, they were well educated and most who come to Afghanistan were teachers etc. They were all high end government offiicials, no civilians.

"I have to say, the Afghan people must be among the most consistently beautiful people I’ve ever seen. It is rare to see an Afghan who is not striking. So many cultures and ethnicities converge in this place – I’ve been told by several Afghans that I look like I belong, which I find extremely flattering! A few people have even mistaken me for an Afghan. Light eyes and blonde streaks and all. Even my round features seem to be consistent with some of the various ethnicities here."

Study done way Before the time of the Soviets.

" The Afghans and Pathans, like the Persians, are usually brunet, and at the same time show a persistent minority of blondism, which in this case reflects Nordic admixture. They are heavy-bearded, and possess heavy body hair. Their facial features show a maximum of bony relief, and, on the whole, their facial skeletons seem much heavier and much more strongly marked than those of the more delicate Arabian Mediterraneans. They possess, in common with the Arabian Mediterranean group, a sharpness in definition of feature which stands in contrast to the coarser lineaments of the average Mesopotamian countenance.

In respect to the Dardic group, we have a certain amount of published and unpublished information which will be useful here.25

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27"

"The Tajiks of both countries are pale skinned hirsute europiform pamirians with 10% light hair(blonde) and 15% light eyes (blue)"

Sounds about white


Pashtuns and Tajiks also score considerably high amounts of steppe admixture, well over 30%.

karlani Pashtun

28.40% Iran_N + 23.05% Armenia_ChL/EBA
22.65% Steppe_MLBA + 9.95% Srubnaya_outlier + 3.00% Andronovo_outlier
10.20% ASI
2.75% Mongola


24.1% Iran_N + 19.2% Armenia_ChL/EBA
22.4% Steppe_MLBA + 19.5% Srubnaya_outlier + 1.2% Scythian_Pazyryk
9.2% ASI
4.4% Mongola

i have noticed this general behaviour among whities and they have this general bias when they see "white" looking people from "in their own version brown" countries , they start making weird reason to disassociate with em.

I think 90% of these guys are nuristani and other related people or simply what i call "tajik belt" . pashtun looks more brown and mongloid absent pashtuns looks like punjabis and sindhi

12-19-2019, 11:43 AM
i have noticed this general behaviour among whities and they have this general bias when they see "white" looking people from "in their own version brown" countries , they start making weird reason to disassociate with em.

I think 90% of these guys are nuristani and other related people or simply what i call "tajik belt" . pashtun looks more brown and mongloid absent pashtuns looks like punjabis and sindhi

Yeah, i think this look is more common amongst afghan dards and tajiks than pashtuns(some of the pics are pashtun though), regardless dna-results

Us pashtuns as whole look like a mix between pamiris and punjabis

12-19-2019, 11:51 AM
i have noticed this general behaviour among whities and they have this general bias when they see "white" looking people from "in their own version brown" countries , they start making weird reason to disassociate with em.

I think 90% of these guys are nuristani and other related people or simply what i call "tajik belt" . pashtun looks more brown and mongloid absent pashtuns looks like punjabis and sindhi

No my Friend, alot of these folks are Pashtun too. I can post similar looking folks from northwest Pakistan. Pashtuns, tajiks and nuristanis are most of the time indistinguishable.

12-19-2019, 11:53 AM
Yeah, i think this look is more common amongst afghan dards and tajiks than pashtuns(some of the pics are pashtun though), regardless dna-results

Us pashtuns as whole look like a mix between pamiris and punjabis

I wouldnt say Punjabis. Balochis and light pamiris yes. Some look like balochis (strong Caucasian features but on the darker side) or Caucasus hindu kush pamiri type. Most Pashtuns fall in between these two. Outliers might resemble Punjabis (more in khyber pakhtunkwa) as well balkan types.

12-19-2019, 11:54 AM
No my Friend, alot of these folks are Pashtun too. I can post similar looking folks from northwest Pakistan. Pashtuns, tajiks and nuristanis are most of the time indistinguishable.

Pashtuns do not look like sindhis or Punjabis. Are you kidding me. I don't want this thread to get derailed anymore.

12-19-2019, 11:56 AM
I wouldnt say Punjabis. Balochis and light pamiris yes. Some look like balochis (strong Caucasian features but on the darker side) or Caucasus hindu kush pamiri type. Most Pashtuns fall in between these two. Outliers might resemble Punjabis (more in khyber pakhtunkwa) as well balkan types.

Nah, dude

I think it is punjabi and pamiris. Us pashtuns dont look super different from punjabis(tajiks do though), but we dont look much more like them than pamiris. However, we almost look like clones of balochs(actual balochs....not partly siddi/african or sindhi admixed balochs...like actual balochs, both pak and iranian ones).

12-19-2019, 12:01 PM
Nah, dude

I think it is punjabi and pamiris. Us pashtuns dont look super different from punjabis(tajiks do though), but we dont look much more like them than pamiris. However, we almost look like clones of balochs(actual balochs....not partly siddi/african or sindhi admixed balochs...like actual balochs, both pak and iranian ones).

You cannot be serous lmoa. What part of the videos I showed of Pashtuns and Tajiks from panjshir and surrounding areas who score similar results to Pashtuns look punjabi? Lameduck is a Pakistani and hes travelled to all areas in Pakistan. He says there is a gulf of difference between them, let alone Afghan Pashtuns. Don't derail this thread any more please.

12-19-2019, 12:02 PM
Pashtuns do not look like sindhis or Punjabis. Are you kidding me. I don't want this thread to get derailed anymore.

Dude, youre one of the VERY few afghans to say that. I didnt say we look like them exactly, but as whole pashtuns look like a mix between punjabis and pamiris which isnt too wrong either. Sure you can pick up a lot of west asian looking pashtuns, but its even easier to find brown looking afghan pashtuns.
As whole, us looking like a mix between pamiris and punjabis isnt too far off

12-19-2019, 12:03 PM
Dude, youre one of the VERY few afghans to say that. I didnt say we look like them exactly, but as whole pashtuns look like a mix between punjabis and pamiris which isnt too wrong either. Sure you can pick up a lot of west asian looking pashtuns, but its even easier to find brown looking afghan pashtuns.
As whole, us looking like a mix between pamiris and punjabis isnt too far off

I disagree. I'm not one of the few as well. There is a very good reason why everyone is doubting who you are and not me. Don't make laugh. Just because you look punjabi and trying to make yourlself feel better.

12-19-2019, 12:03 PM
Im not derailing anything. Youre the one who cant accept we look browner, man

But ok. "pashtuns look like a mix between pamiris and balochis"

12-19-2019, 12:08 PM
Im not derailing anything. Youre the one who cant accept we look browner, man

But ok. "pashtuns look like a mix between pamiris and balochis"

Browner than who??? Afghans I know all my life and the ones I see on TV etc etc look like generic west asians, some look european and others look a little darker. What's there to argue? Nothing has to do with Russians or Punjabis. You are the one making a stupid statement. Go get yourself banned again please.

Its. Certainly makes more sense tham Punjabis since Pashtuns live in proximity with balochis and pamiris, as well both groups present in Afghanistan. Lol.

12-19-2019, 12:08 PM
I disagree. I'm not one of the few as well. There is a very good reason why everyone is doubting who you are and not me. Don't make laugh. Just because you look punjabi and trying to make yourlself feel better.

I literally just posted my results and my pics.

Little butthurt about us pashtuns being brown. But ok, ok

12-19-2019, 12:13 PM
I literally just posted my results and my pics.

Little butthurt about us pashtuns being brown. But ok, ok

Nah buddy, your brown not me. FYI I'm tajik lol. Your definition of brown is different to mine. If I have white skin how can I be brown?

12-19-2019, 12:16 PM
Nah buddy, your brown not me. FYI I'm tajik lol. Your definition of brown is different to mine. If I have white skin how can I be brown?

Well, guess what?
I was talking only about AFG pastuns only(avg ones...yeah, yeah, i know. Pashtuns can look like west asians or europeans sometimes, more so west asians). Not tajiks.
Didnt call you brown. Called myself and most pashtuns brown.

Cool youre white skinned

12-19-2019, 12:29 PM
lol i have interacted with thousands of pashtuns in my life and know exactly how they look. This tajok nigga can't fool me.

Most of time paki pashtun here posted are not pashtun but north paksitanis disgused as pashtun. lot of people from tajiks belt in pakistani northern side identify as pashtun for political reasons

These are pashtun from my area from a pashtun organiation "young pashtun ittehad".

They are not mixed (incase here again mixed card is pulled)

They don't marry with Punjabis and came from zob or something like that side from kpk and it's only 2nd generation of em.

They are tanned as it's 40 here in summer but they do have very sharp features

https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35771116_2126605427576262_7382690852134453248_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&_nc_eui2=AeG2mc83HIrBLWK0RVgVdnWFID4OlUBZGpnwIVFt4 Ox8ASIOEb-shGvkVDjbOB35tc9UymwrAAt7q0XMnYcnz8WBpRqPsEtNoXYSg rOrrJ2kNg&_nc_oc=AQku9YkR2_r-vo5HlGLCRK53_AFmcjBJ3qM_ESItmt3Us_Hq4pWmz05GwiCBUe BPiVw&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=9266b811d7bdaede2177be43b39616d6&oe=5E7D66D0
https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35814924_2126605464242925_523241919912869888_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=106&_nc_eui2=AeFtERckb4Lo5ca9g2couNuWQeUxNgPn5ZO86gJYq obNoYBIpqXgZ1oOdzwYBFPw_jWJ3V7nmqFKAgRB-urpuQRNDv276l_CJYTIQauK_27jog&_nc_oc=AQloVdSa2rR-oU_V92Nsh3XBjKzZpth9UvHZ842RYeunimNYoA85dpwdY22xg6 ZDgUY&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=8f11aa3a966c6fad13510c1f67e7e503&oe=5E7F8B90
https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35870722_2126605567576248_6919122752565673984_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeHuPdZ02dVryOT5XtZWXV4uVKbt83UkXjX1EWb9E 9lokeDdsjplgozQjfO3quqqrzn_GDkib1ORSAgBA_tK0SZKNz6 PtScyw1AzOhM9fVjH0g&_nc_oc=AQmjfLkdsas8qJAmyJA4vGG9K5vQBtFhWAI4-jndagd60o0yi4PsX92dBH_cBeWu1ng&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=8404d042369a13c3ced78619dd6d9ed9&oe=5EB2EFC3
https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35528678_2126605594242912_2359242788576428032_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&_nc_eui2=AeFWgVjiJO0XPIkohrvzedW6yfy6azpJaDK4ZUUR7 3P9cV_Ys0m5qCy9vJHPNcR8ajz3rM4XQv8Pwvmr2pEVvOJdhkm 3GkJ1Xy4EUVkTktCqtg&_nc_oc=AQmp5oTM2vBP6Fu1Uoop2u8qlT2WdIpuwjeiFu99pYJ jtQ-xKZhwD6_SYyKj1xdM8EA&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=c2a7c74dec417f8b3b42aa4d2c28f2ef&oe=5E7EDB85

12-19-2019, 12:34 PM
lol i have interacted with thousands of pashtuns in my life and know exactly how they look. This tajok nigga can't fool me.

Most of time paki pashtun here posted are not pashtun but north paksitanis disgused as pashtun. lot of people from tajiks belt in pakistani northern side identify as pashtun for political reasons

These are pashtun from my area from a pashtun organiation "young pashtun ittehad".

They are not mixed (incase here again mixed card is pulled)

They don't marry with Punjabis and came from zob or something like that side from kpk and it's only 2nd generation of em.

They are tanned as it's 40 here in summer but they do have very sharp features

https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35771116_2126605427576262_7382690852134453248_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&_nc_eui2=AeG2mc83HIrBLWK0RVgVdnWFID4OlUBZGpnwIVFt4 Ox8ASIOEb-shGvkVDjbOB35tc9UymwrAAt7q0XMnYcnz8WBpRqPsEtNoXYSg rOrrJ2kNg&_nc_oc=AQku9YkR2_r-vo5HlGLCRK53_AFmcjBJ3qM_ESItmt3Us_Hq4pWmz05GwiCBUe BPiVw&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=9266b811d7bdaede2177be43b39616d6&oe=5E7D66D0
https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35814924_2126605464242925_523241919912869888_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=106&_nc_eui2=AeFtERckb4Lo5ca9g2couNuWQeUxNgPn5ZO86gJYq obNoYBIpqXgZ1oOdzwYBFPw_jWJ3V7nmqFKAgRB-urpuQRNDv276l_CJYTIQauK_27jog&_nc_oc=AQloVdSa2rR-oU_V92Nsh3XBjKzZpth9UvHZ842RYeunimNYoA85dpwdY22xg6 ZDgUY&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=8f11aa3a966c6fad13510c1f67e7e503&oe=5E7F8B90
https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35870722_2126605567576248_6919122752565673984_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeHuPdZ02dVryOT5XtZWXV4uVKbt83UkXjX1EWb9E 9lokeDdsjplgozQjfO3quqqrzn_GDkib1ORSAgBA_tK0SZKNz6 PtScyw1AzOhM9fVjH0g&_nc_oc=AQmjfLkdsas8qJAmyJA4vGG9K5vQBtFhWAI4-jndagd60o0yi4PsX92dBH_cBeWu1ng&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=8404d042369a13c3ced78619dd6d9ed9&oe=5EB2EFC3
https://scontent.flyp1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35528678_2126605594242912_2359242788576428032_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&_nc_eui2=AeFWgVjiJO0XPIkohrvzedW6yfy6azpJaDK4ZUUR7 3P9cV_Ys0m5qCy9vJHPNcR8ajz3rM4XQv8Pwvmr2pEVvOJdhkm 3GkJ1Xy4EUVkTktCqtg&_nc_oc=AQmp5oTM2vBP6Fu1Uoop2u8qlT2WdIpuwjeiFu99pYJ jtQ-xKZhwD6_SYyKj1xdM8EA&_nc_ht=scontent.flyp1-1.fna&oh=c2a7c74dec417f8b3b42aa4d2c28f2ef&oe=5E7EDB85

I'm a "tajok" nigga? Lmao stfu you jatt daal khor nigga. Live in your little fantasy. So many absurd statements you make me laugh you porkistani jatt daal khor.

12-19-2019, 12:35 PM
Well, guess what?
I was talking only about AFG pastuns only(avg ones...yeah, yeah, i know. Pashtuns can look like west asians or europeans sometimes, more so west asians). Not tajiks.
Didnt call you brown. Called myself and most pashtuns brown.

Cool youre white skinned

And yet majority of pashtun family ( yes I have pashtun in me) are white skinned. Anyways, agree to disagree.

12-19-2019, 12:35 PM
Why are there so many OWD Afghans/Pashtuns? I remember MyAnthropologies saying 15% of Pashtuns could pass as ethnic Russians :lol:

12-19-2019, 12:36 PM
RİP to the brave soldiers.

Afghans are a brave nation and hope that they will fare better in the future

12-19-2019, 12:39 PM
Why are there so many OWD Afghans/Pashtuns? I remember MyAnthropologies saying 15% of Pashtuns could pass as ethnic Russians :lol:

Most pashtuns arent owd(including internet types) and tbh, a good amount of pashtuns DO pass in europe tbh. Some kabuli guy posted pics of his uncle and he literally looks white actually. But yeah, saying 15% of pashtuns can pass as russians is kind of crazy. To me, max 8% would pass. Rest can pass as darker west asians(40%), some other afghan/paki groups(50%).

But yeah, sadly there are actual owd afghans around.

12-19-2019, 12:40 PM
I'm a "tajok" nigga? Lmao stfu you jatt daal khor nigga. Live in your little fantasy. So many absurd statements you make me laugh you porkistani jatt daal khor.

daal is great protein rich food. i love daal

12-19-2019, 12:43 PM
And yet majority of pashtun family ( yes I have pashtun in me) are white skinned. Anyways, agree to disagree.

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRZbjZi4Lhfbz29-6GgVZSgmf1QhQ%3A1576762833039&sa=1&ei=0X37Xc6EAo_1qwGm7KuAAQ&q=helmand+crowds&oq=&gs_l=img.1.1.35i362i39l10.1733.1733..7231...1.0..0 .353.353.3-1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....10..35i39j0.5UNPh3QxAis

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ56KKDjs0iHN6o7NTbOdNziHp9HQ%3A1576762 845531&sa=1&ei=3X37XYuMIIKMrwT9mZHACA&q=kandahari+crowds&oq=kandahari+crowds&gs_l=img.3..35i39.26127.28783..29034...1.0..0.254. 1277.8j3j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i67j0i7i30j0i7i5i30j0i8i7i30.dYC5HaQA NWo&ved=0ahUKEwjL7rWq68HmAhUCxosKHf1MBIgQ4dUDCAc&uact=5

And this is not brown for you? Dude, this is what MOST afg pashtuns look like. Clones of balochs almost(pure ones), then somewhere inbetween central asiatics and nw south asians. Sure there are light asf pashtuns, but majoirity of pashtuns look like this. And this is being brown, man

GUess im just speaking for southern pashtuns though. Guess pashtuns from other regions look different

12-19-2019, 12:44 PM
RİP to the brave soldiers.

Afghans are a brave nation and hope that they will fare better in the future

Thanks, man

Not sure though with piece of shit politicians

12-19-2019, 03:12 PM
https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRZbjZi4Lhfbz29-6GgVZSgmf1QhQ%3A1576762833039&sa=1&ei=0X37Xc6EAo_1qwGm7KuAAQ&q=helmand+crowds&oq=&gs_l=img.1.1.35i362i39l10.1733.1733..7231...1.0..0 .353.353.3-1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....10..35i39j0.5UNPh3QxAis

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ56KKDjs0iHN6o7NTbOdNziHp9HQ%3A1576762 845531&sa=1&ei=3X37XYuMIIKMrwT9mZHACA&q=kandahari+crowds&oq=kandahari+crowds&gs_l=img.3..35i39.26127.28783..29034...1.0..0.254. 1277.8j3j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i67j0i7i30j0i7i5i30j0i8i7i30.dYC5HaQA NWo&ved=0ahUKEwjL7rWq68HmAhUCxosKHf1MBIgQ4dUDCAc&uact=5

And this is not brown for you? Dude, this is what MOST afg pashtuns look like. Clones of balochs almost(pure ones), then somewhere inbetween central asiatics and nw south asians. Sure there are light asf pashtuns, but majoirity of pashtuns look like this. And this is being brown, man

GUess im just speaking for southern pashtuns though. Guess pashtuns from other regions look different
I can show you crowd pics of Italians, Albanians, Greeks and Bulgarians and try to dark wash them. Crowd pics are from afar plus most of the individuals look like normal aghans, just bearded with traditional clothing. If you take a picture of all their faces they will show light eyes mix eyes, other traits etc.

12-19-2019, 03:13 PM
daal is great protein rich food. i love daal

You know what else has protein? Chicken. Keep eating daal sardar ji.

12-19-2019, 03:15 PM
Most pashtuns arent owd(including internet types) and tbh, a good amount of pashtuns DO pass in europe tbh. Some kabuli guy posted pics of his uncle and he literally looks white actually. But yeah, saying 15% of pashtuns can pass as russians is kind of crazy. To me, max 8% would pass. Rest can pass as darker west asians(40%), some other afghan/paki groups(50%).

But yeah, sadly there are actual owd afghans around.

I am showing you videos, testimonies and actual anthropological quotes from real life anthropologists. You have your opinion I have mine. But don't derail my thread when I all I want is a classification. Is that f***** hard for people to understand? So annoying.

12-19-2019, 03:15 PM
I can show you crowd pics of Italians, Albanians, Greeks and Bulgarians and try to dark wash them. Crowd pics are from afar plus most of the individuals look like normal aghans, just bearded with traditional clothing. If you take a picture of all their faces they will show light eyes mix eyes, other traits etc.

TBH, i kind of doubt they do. ANd their faces arent really that far either

But the part with italian, albanians and whatever....please do that. I wanna see how dark/light all these groups are in crowd pics(yeah, i wouldnt be super suprised anyway if they look kind of west asian/inbetween west asians and other europeans as whole...)

12-19-2019, 03:17 PM
I am showing you videos, testimonies and actual anthropological quotes from real life anthropologists. You have your opinion I have mine. But don't derail my thread when I all I want is a classification. Is that f***** hard for people to understand? So annoying.

Actually, i havent seen a video from you. Maybe its just me not checking it.

Please dont post the one with the kids getting trained by taliban(yeah, theyre pretty light thoug, i admit that), seen that one before

12-19-2019, 03:34 PM
Actually, i havent seen a video from you. Maybe its just me not checking it.

Please dont post the one with the kids getting trained by taliban(yeah, theyre pretty light thoug, i admit that), seen that one before

I meant the videos I JUST posted. Anyways since your apparently kandahari, here is a video of a vlog, walking through bazaar in the city. Honestly, majority of them look very pashtun looking, very sharp features and honestly really good looking folks. You can see most have dark hair but there are a few scattered light looking types. They look distinct from Punjabis or sindhis. I cannot believe I even have to say that.


From afar, majority of Afghans will look... Afghan. This is because from a distance you notice clothing, head shape, beard. If you take a picture of most of these folks, alot of them will have light eyes. Like the ones you see on Google etc.

12-19-2019, 03:37 PM
I meant the videos I JUST posted. Anyways since your apparently kandahari, here is a video of a vlog, walking through bazaar in the city. Honestly, majority of them look very pashtun looking, very sharp features and honestly really good looking folks. You can see most have dark hair but there are a few scattered light looking types.


Yeah, thats what im saying. There ARE few light types amongst southerners(not speaking for all AFG pashtuns anymore, since they CAN look different from each other), but most just look like the people in the crowd pics.

Thanks for the video, man.

12-19-2019, 03:44 PM
TBH, i kind of doubt they do. ANd their faces arent really that far either

But the part with italian, albanians and whatever....please do that. I wanna see how dark/light all these groups are in crowd pics(yeah, i wouldnt be super suprised anyway if they look kind of west asian/inbetween west asians and other europeans as whole...)




12-19-2019, 03:47 PM



A good bunch of them pass as turks tbh.

But most have their own look...

Lol, also, the guy on the left can EASILY pass as pashtun:


12-19-2019, 03:47 PM
Yeah, thats what im saying. There ARE few light types amongst southerners(not speaking for all AFG pashtuns anymore, since they CAN look different from each other), but most just look like the people in the crowd pics.

Thanks for the video, man.

Yeah I'm not denying that, it just ticked me off when that moron said the reason for light types is becsude of russkies.


They look way different to Punjabis bro.

12-19-2019, 03:47 PM
Yeah, thats what im saying. There ARE few light types amongst southerners(not speaking for all AFG pashtuns anymore, since they CAN look different from each other), but most just look like the people in the crowd pics.

Thanks for the video, man.

Yeah I'm not denying that, it just ticked me off when that moron said the reason for light types is becsude of russkies.


They look way different to Punjabis bro.

12-19-2019, 03:52 PM
A good bunch of them pass as turks tbh.

But most have their own look...

Lol, also, the guy on the left can EASILY pass as pashtun:


But in reality most have their own look. As in, albos I know are not that dark compared to the photos. Group pics alter our perception since majority have similar features, head shape etc. If you look at the study done Pashtuns, nuristanis and Tajiks, blondeism isnt rare. Light eyes aren't either.

12-19-2019, 04:26 PM
But in reality most have their own look. As in, albos I know are not that dark compared to the photos. Group pics alter our perception since majority have similar features, head shape etc. If you look at the study done Pashtuns, nuristanis and Tajiks, blondeism isnt rare. Light eyes aren't either.

I think its kind of rare, dude. Even amongst nuris.

European feautures is one thing. Blondism is another. Not that either is much common.

Blondism likely isnt even common amongst pamiris or chechens or even south east europeans.

ALso, yeah. The people DO look different from punjabis. AGain, saying southern pashtuns are inbetween both punjabis and pamiris means they look VERY different from either, since pamiris and punjabis look even more different

Also, i think the amount of turkish looking people amongst bulgarians, albanians, montenegro(maybe included?) and specially greeks as whole is around 1/3 to even, who knows, 2/5 of their people? I mean, theyre not much closer to other europeans than to many turks. So of course a huge chunk of them should look turkish as in the pics( at least 1/4). Maybe my estimation is WAAAY off, but i wont be suprised if im right.

12-20-2019, 02:02 AM
There are some Pashtuns mainly in parts of Pakistan who resemble Punjabis(mainly the Pakistani ones) but for the most part they look quite distinct. One thing I've noticed about south asian features is there is something extra feminine/neotonous present in almost all indians even the most masculine ones. Most Pashtuns I see in photos do not have this look at all.
This is a typical Indian family, notice how they look:

Compare them to [ashtuns:


https://www.pajhwok.com/sites/pajhwok.com/files/photo/2016/1/%D9%88%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86%D 9%8A%20%DA%A9%DA%89%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84.jpg

As you can see, all of these people have rugged features. It's quite fascinating that despite genetic affinities to populations to their east and south the Pashtuns have managed to look very different. I guess the mountains produce good hardy looking people.

12-20-2019, 03:56 AM
Too many socks and toxic obsessive trolls in this thread. Nothing new.

OP, Alpinised but Irano/Pamirid Nordoids. Nordoid component is almost diluted.

12-20-2019, 09:05 AM
Too many socks and toxic obsessive trolls in this thread. Nothing new.

OP, Alpinised but Irano/Pamirid Nordoids. Nordoid component is almost diluted.

Merci Agha. All I asked was a simple classification and yet here we are lmao.

12-20-2019, 09:18 AM
There are some Pashtuns mainly in parts of Pakistan who resemble Punjabis(mainly the Pakistani ones) but for the most part they look quite distinct. One thing I've noticed about south asian features is there is something extra feminine/neotonous present in almost all indians even the most masculine ones. Most Pashtuns I see in photos do not have this look at all.
This is a typical Indian family, notice how they look:

Compare them to [ashtuns:


https://www.pajhwok.com/sites/pajhwok.com/files/photo/2016/1/%D9%88%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86%D 9%8A%20%DA%A9%DA%89%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84.jpg

As you can see, all of these people have rugged features. It's quite fascinating that despite genetic affinities to populations to their east and south the Pashtuns have managed to look very different. I guess the mountains produce good hardy looking people.

Those pictures are from the Pakistan side of pashtunistan. Plus it's a little hard to see.


You can see their features are sharp as you say

Not to criticise, but it's a little unfair you pick a very light well groomed modern Indian family and compared it to an old pashtun tribal photo where they extremely tanned, rugged etc. But even then your point still stands haha

12-20-2019, 09:21 AM
Those pictures are from the Pakistan side of pashtunistan. Plus it's a little hard to see.


You can see their features are sharp as you say

is this from quetta or peshewar?

12-20-2019, 09:36 AM
There are some Pashtuns mainly in parts of Pakistan who resemble Punjabis(mainly the Pakistani ones) but for the most part they look quite distinct. One thing I've noticed about south asian features is there is something extra feminine/neotonous present in almost all indians even the most masculine ones. Most Pashtuns I see in photos do not have this look at all.
This is a typical Indian family, notice how they look:

Compare them to [ashtuns:


https://www.pajhwok.com/sites/pajhwok.com/files/photo/2016/1/%D9%88%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86%D 9%8A%20%DA%A9%DA%89%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84.jpg

As you can see, all of these people have rugged features. It's quite fascinating that despite genetic affinities to populations to their east and south the Pashtuns have managed to look very different. I guess the mountains produce good hardy looking people.

Also its useless to make people doppelgangers and than loose diversity ,also when most these ethnicities live in same country anyways.

12-20-2019, 09:37 AM
is this from quetta or peshewar?

Nangarhar, eastern Afghanistan.

12-20-2019, 09:44 AM
Nangarhar, eastern Afghanistan.


they all look like any other typical pashtuns

12-20-2019, 10:01 AM

they all look like any other typical pashtuns

Yep, and as you can see lightee types are not rare either.

12-20-2019, 10:05 AM
Yep, and as you can see lightee types are not rare either.

I think only two of them looks light (the guy left to the other one in yellow, the one wearing a vest and the other who's behind the guy whos next right to the guy in yellow).
Rest are just around the same tbh

12-20-2019, 10:10 AM
I think only two of them looks light (the guy left to the other one in yellow, the one wearing a vest and the other who's behind the guy whos next right to the guy in yellow).
Rest are just around the same tbh

I count about 6 excluding the kids ofcourse. Again, from afar they look like that, but alot of the ones that we think look "dark" could be light, as in have light eyes etc. We just can't see it from here.

12-20-2019, 10:13 AM
I count about 6 excluding the kids ofcourse. Again, from afar they look like that, but alot of the ones that we think look "dark" could be light, as in have light eyes etc. We just can't see it from here.

Ok, probably.

12-20-2019, 01:35 PM
You know what else has protein? Chicken. Keep eating daal sardar ji.

shutup nikka, i am not sardar ji , i am pakistani and muslim , i have also noticed a certain hateful behaviour from you and pashtun members for punjabis in general which they time to time keep revealing. My sources are real people and it's you who is living in fantasy world. Plenty of my friends are khowari speaking chitralis and they tell me very interesting "stuff" about their certain neighbours and Some of them are extremely liberal and surprisingly feel more closer to kashmiris and north punjabis

12-20-2019, 01:43 PM
shutup nikka, i am not sardar ji , i am pakistani and muslim , i have also noticed a certain hateful behaviour from you and pashtun members for punjabis in general which they time to time keep revealing. My sources are real people and it's you who is living in fantasy world. Plenty of my friends are khowari speaking chitralis and they tell me very interesting "stuff" about their certain neighbours and Some of them are extremely liberal and surprisingly feel more closer to kashmiris and north punjabis

Nikka? What the hell is that lmao. The hateful behaviour you passionately speak came from you first, stop being the typical porkistani hyprcritical shaytaan behavior you are. I don't give a flying monkeys about your chitrali bs. Stop derailing my thread. I have sources too.. Being an afghan is one, knowing 100000 of Pashtuns all my life as well as evidence from anthropologists. Sardar ji.

I know what Pashtuns look like, I don't need you to tell me. Just now I came from jummah prayer and all the afghans I saw were pale skinned, brown haired. Not exaggerating. Ask dna8 about his experience on Pashtuns.

12-20-2019, 05:04 PM
shutup nikka, i am not sardar ji , i am pakistani and muslim , i have also noticed a certain hateful behaviour from you and pashtun members for punjabis in general which they time to time keep revealing. My sources are real people and it's you who is living in fantasy world. Plenty of my friends are khowari speaking chitralis and they tell me very interesting "stuff" about their certain neighbours and Some of them are extremely liberal and surprisingly feel more closer to kashmiris and north punjabis

I'm sure these tribal Pashtuns from the fake state of Pakistan are also "northern Pakistanis" posing as Pashtuns lmao


Why don't you go back to your motherland India? Afterall most pak Punjabis are from India.

12-20-2019, 05:30 PM
Nikka? What the hell is that lmao. The hateful behaviour you passionately speak came from you first, stop being the typical porkistani hyprcritical shaytaan behavior you are. I don't give a flying monkeys about your chitrali bs. Stop derailing my thread. I have sources too.. Being an afghan is one, knowing 100000 of Pashtuns all my life as well as evidence from anthropologists. Sardar ji.

I know what Pashtuns look like, I don't need you to tell me. Just now I came from jummah prayer and all the afghans I saw were pale skinned, brown haired. Not exaggerating. Ask dna8 about his experience on Pashtuns.

Lol, dude

that comment ;)

12-20-2019, 06:15 PM
Those pictures are from the Pakistan side of pashtunistan. Plus it's a little hard to see.


You can see their features are sharp as you say

Not to criticise, but it's a little unfair you pick a very light well groomed modern Indian family and compared it to an old pashtun tribal photo where they extremely tanned, rugged etc. But even then your point still stands haha

You can tell by the undertones of those Pashtuns I posted that they are lighter than the Indian family.

12-20-2019, 06:17 PM
they look Eastern Europeans

12-20-2019, 07:10 PM

Lol, you can clearly see the brothers on the far right, next to the most far right guy in hoodie being brothers(although one is dark, the other is light). The differences in facial feautures is 25% and the skin is the differences too.

Same case with myself and my brother

12-21-2019, 08:46 AM
On anthrogenica Ive got into multiple arguments with deluded Indians who think they look similar to Pashtuns, when they clearly don't. A fair number of Pashtuns could pass as far west as Syria, but how many Punjabis can? Almost none.

12-21-2019, 08:54 AM
On anthrogenica Ive got into multiple arguments with deluded Indians who think they look similar to Pashtuns, when they clearly don't. A fair number of Pashtuns could pass as far west as Syria, but how many Punjabis can? Almost none.

TBH, there are a good bunch of nw indian members who will pass amongst us(not as typical though....but some will pass as MAYBE typical?). But most dont.

12-21-2019, 08:54 AM
On anthrogenica Ive got into multiple arguments with deluded Indians who think they look similar to Pashtuns, when they clearly don't. A fair number of Pashtuns could pass as far west as Syria, but how many Punjabis can? Almost none.

TBH, there are a good bunch of nw indian members who will pass amongst us(not as typical though....but some will pass as MAYBE typical?). But most dont.

12-21-2019, 09:33 AM
TBH, there are a good bunch of nw indian members who will pass amongst us(not as typical though....but some will pass as MAYBE typical?). But most dont.

Like who?

12-21-2019, 09:36 AM
On anthrogenica Ive got into multiple arguments with deluded Indians who think they look similar to Pashtuns, when they clearly don't. A fair number of Pashtuns could pass as far west as Syria, but how many Punjabis can? Almost none.

And even more deluded when they think they are Pashtun. Just go see the comment sections on youtube. It's the most Indian looking Indians saying they are "pathans".

12-21-2019, 09:36 AM
Like who?

Ok, ok....if afghans can look like europeans, i dont see how nw indians can look like afghans to a good extent.

ALso, im talking about AG. Gotta be honest now, i just for now know one who can pass(he's a jatt). But i wouldnt be suprised if many more can pass as afghans

Edit: I think two now. SOme rajput girl could pass as atypical. TBH, the members from there really dont post their pics

Also, there used to be a jatt guy here who kind of a BIT looks afghan

12-21-2019, 09:47 AM
Shorter one looks neo-danubian to me.
Rest in peace to both, for I forgot they're deceased.

12-21-2019, 09:54 AM
Shorter one looks neo-danubian to me.
Rest in peace to both, for I forgot they're deceased.

Thank you brother for your kind comment :)

12-21-2019, 09:58 AM
Ok, ok....if afghans can look like europeans, i dont see how nw indians can look like afghans to a good extent.

ALso, im talking about AG. Gotta be honest now, i just for now know one who can pass(he's a jatt). But i wouldnt be suprised if many more can pass as afghans

Edit: I think two now. SOme rajput girl could pass as atypical. TBH, the members from there really dont post their pics

Also, there used to be a jatt guy here who kind of a BIT looks afghan

Post me some examples of who you can think can pass? I am curious tbh, I think some can, like sunny Leone. Afghans have mostly a mountainous look associated with the cool climate of the Hindu kush, so environment plays a part. Maybe this is why dinarid and iranid are both similar, except one is higher headed like atlanto meds and other is brachy.

12-21-2019, 10:15 AM
Post me some examples of who you can think can pass? I am curious tbh, I think some can, like sunny Leone. Afghans have mostly a mountainous look associated with the cool climate of the Hindu kush, so environment plays a part. Maybe this is why dinarid and iranid are both similar, except one is higher headed like atlanto meds and other is brachy.

https://i.imgur.com/uFacbmx.jpg (nepali)
https://i.imgur.com/0Pcsiif.jpg (punjabi)
https://i.imgur.com/6T9ijF7.jpg (nepali)
https://imgur.com/a/YS5cU7w (bengali, likely brahmin)
https://cdn2.stylecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/nine.jpg (sindhi)
https://sun9-11.userapi.com/c855628/v855628766/d537a/ZK8J7Kjy21I.jpg (sindhi and looks like a clone of my sister almost)
https://i.imgur.com/Nzw590G.jpg (nepali)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/623858203192590336/image0.jpg (kashmiris)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/623736354907619368/unknown.png?width=203&height=300 (kashmiri)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635638182100336650/image0.jpg?width=375&height=300 (Kashmiris)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635638380717146124/image0.jpg?width=400&height=153 (kashmiris)
https://i.imgur.com/usvI81G.jpg (nepali)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/653773366292906015/image0.jpg?width=400&height=228 (punjabi)
https://i.imgur.com/ZKfufy2.png (khatri)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mBW1s597tw (look at the start)
https://www.easterneye.biz/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Aishwarya-Rai-Bachchan-Birthday.jpg (south indian)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635637610743595019/image0.jpg?width=400&height=296 (kashmiris)

And lots of other pics Lameduck posts of punjabis(east pakis/nw indians). Of course as whole they dont pass amongst us, but i feel like a good bunch can

12-21-2019, 10:20 AM
https://i.imgur.com/uFacbmx.jpg (nepali)
https://i.imgur.com/0Pcsiif.jpg (punjabi)
https://i.imgur.com/6T9ijF7.jpg (nepali)
https://imgur.com/a/YS5cU7w (bengali, likely brahmin)
https://cdn2.stylecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/nine.jpg (sindhi)
https://sun9-11.userapi.com/c855628/v855628766/d537a/ZK8J7Kjy21I.jpg (sindhi and looks like a clone of my sister almost)
https://i.imgur.com/Nzw590G.jpg (nepali)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/623858203192590336/image0.jpg (kashmiris)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/623736354907619368/unknown.png?width=203&height=300 (kashmiri)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635638182100336650/image0.jpg?width=375&height=300 (Kashmiris)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635638380717146124/image0.jpg?width=400&height=153 (kashmiris)
https://i.imgur.com/usvI81G.jpg (nepali)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/653773366292906015/image0.jpg?width=400&height=228 (punjabi)
https://i.imgur.com/ZKfufy2.png (khatri)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mBW1s597tw (look at the start)
https://www.easterneye.biz/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Aishwarya-Rai-Bachchan-Birthday.jpg (south indian)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635637610743595019/image0.jpg?width=400&height=296 (kashmiris)

And lots of other pics Lameduck posts of punjabis(east pakis/nw indians). Of course as whole they dont pass amongst us, but i feel like a good bunch can

I can see some that could pass but even then some of those are off. They all have soft gracile features, some just flat out look nothing like it. The Pakistani sikhs look distinctly sikh, even the light featured guy. I know one Indian sikh girl with roots from peshawar and she looks very nw south asian. Nice pics though.

12-21-2019, 10:21 AM
I can see some that could pass but even then some of those are off. They all have soft gracile features, some just flat out look nothing like it. The Pakistani sikhs look distinctly sikh, even the light featured guy. I know one Indian sikh girl with roots from peshawar and she looks very nw south asian. Nice pics though.

Thanks, man

12-21-2019, 11:30 AM
https://i.imgur.com/uFacbmx.jpg (nepali)
https://i.imgur.com/0Pcsiif.jpg (punjabi)
https://i.imgur.com/6T9ijF7.jpg (nepali)
https://imgur.com/a/YS5cU7w (bengali, likely brahmin)
https://cdn2.stylecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/nine.jpg (sindhi)
https://sun9-11.userapi.com/c855628/v855628766/d537a/ZK8J7Kjy21I.jpg (sindhi and looks like a clone of my sister almost)
https://i.imgur.com/Nzw590G.jpg (nepali)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/623858203192590336/image0.jpg (kashmiris)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/623736354907619368/unknown.png?width=203&height=300 (kashmiri)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635638182100336650/image0.jpg?width=375&height=300 (Kashmiris)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635638380717146124/image0.jpg?width=400&height=153 (kashmiris)
https://i.imgur.com/usvI81G.jpg (nepali)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/653773366292906015/image0.jpg?width=400&height=228 (punjabi)
https://i.imgur.com/ZKfufy2.png (khatri)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mBW1s597tw (look at the start)
https://www.easterneye.biz/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Aishwarya-Rai-Bachchan-Birthday.jpg (south indian)
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/600047903137988624/635637610743595019/image0.jpg?width=400&height=296 (kashmiris)

And lots of other pics Lameduck posts of punjabis(east pakis/nw indians). Of course as whole they dont pass amongst us, but i feel like a good bunch can

passing is different to looking like an ethnicity , Pakistani girls that look very paki to me , might pass as Afghan in large group or so, but this doesnt mean that they look typical Afghans. All large groups have huge diversity.


12-21-2019, 05:50 PM
And even more deluded when they think they are Pashtun. Just go see the comment sections on youtube. It's the most Indian looking Indians saying they are "pathans".

Tbf Pashtun ancestry is 10X more common than Arab ancestry which is what Indians usually claim. Some of them definitely do have it but not all claim it. I have far out relatives like this. When you see them you can see the influence

12-22-2019, 09:50 AM
Nikka? What the hell is that lmao. The hateful behaviour you passionately speak came from you first, stop being the typical porkistani hyprcritical shaytaan behavior you are. I don't give a flying monkeys about your chitrali bs. Stop derailing my thread. I have sources too.. Being an afghan is one, knowing 100000 of Pashtuns all my life as well as evidence from anthropologists. Sardar ji.

I know what Pashtuns look like, I don't need you to tell me. Just now I came from jummah prayer and all the afghans I saw were pale skinned, brown haired. Not exaggerating. Ask dna8 about his experience on Pashtuns.

lol , black ass nigga , i am not interested in your bullshit , keep living in ur little tiny world

we pakistani punjabis are not daal khor , we eat more meat then afghanis , we drink more milk then afghanis , proper pakistani punajbis are far taller than afghanis and more lactose tolerant , robust people

originally dal khor were called sikhs only but Afghans are still stuck in the past memory and call "Muslim Punjabi" of Pakistan also "Daal Khor" as a gesture of "ethnic slur"

"Between 1790 and 1830 the Afghans were invaded by Sikh Punjabi hoards of "Sarkaar Khalsa" Sikh empire. The majority of the Sikh soldiers in those days were vegetarian and carried dried pulses [ "Daal" ]as main ration food. Being Vegetarian surviving on "Daal " without any meat was unheard of which baffled afghans . Hence the term "Daal Khor" was coined for" Sikh Punjabi" hoards only"

From The Scottish historian and travel writer William Dalrymple’s book “Return of a King

i am only interested in these "jatt, jaat, jutt , jat , khatri, gujjar , arain" and when some one mention any of these keywords on these forum, my little bot which i have created alerts me , i only came to these forums when these are mentioned , otherwise i don't give a rat ass fuck about any of u people

12-22-2019, 09:57 AM
lol , black ass nigga , i am not interested in your bullshit , keep living in ur little tiny world

we pakistani punjabis are not daal khor , we eat more meat then afghanis , we drink more milk then afghanis , proper pakistani punajbis are far taller than afghanis and more lactose tolerant , robust people

originally dal khor were called sikhs only but Afghans are still stuck in the past memory and call "Muslim Punjabi" of Pakistan also "Daal Khor" as a gesture of "ethnic slur"

"Between 1790 and 1830 the Afghans were invaded by Sikh Punjabi hoards of "Sarkaar Khalsa" Sikh empire. The majority of the Sikh soldiers in those days were vegetarian and carried dried pulses [ "Daal" ]as main ration food. Being Vegetarian surviving on "Daal " without any meat was unheard of which baffled afghans . Hence the term "Daal Khor" was coined for" Sikh Punjabi" hoards only"

From The Scottish historian and travel writer William Dalrymple’s book “Return of a King

i am only interested in these "jatt, jaat, jutt , jat , khatri, gujjar , arain" and when some one mention any of these keywords on these forum, my little bot which i have created alerts me , i only came to these forums when these are mentioned , otherwise i don't give a rat ass fuck about any of u people

Cool story

12-22-2019, 10:02 AM
Cool story

that's the delusional attitude i hate of south asians , where they have built false prides and identities and try to show themself different or better then others and when i burst their bubbles , they refused to believe it

its not a story , it's real origin of daal khor , you might want to read William Dalrymple’s book Return of a King

12-22-2019, 10:04 AM
that's the delusional attitude i hate of south asians , where they have built false prides and identities and try to show themself different or better then others

its not a story , it's real origin of daal khor , you might want to read William Dalrymple’s book Return of a King

Ok, cool story

12-22-2019, 10:11 AM
that's the delusional attitude i hate of south asians , where they have built false prides and identities and try to show themself different or better then others and when i burst their bubbles , they refused to believe it

its not a story , it's real origin of daal khor , you might want to read William Dalrymple’s book Return of a King

Ok, cool story

12-22-2019, 09:15 PM
that's the delusional attitude i hate of south asians , where they have built false prides and identities and try to show themself different or better then others and when i burst their bubbles , they refused to believe it

its not a story , it's real origin of daal khor , you might want to read William Dalrymple’s book Return of a King

Welcome back, you have been missed.

12-23-2019, 11:38 AM
lol , black ass nigga , i am not interested in your bullshit , keep living in ur little tiny world

we pakistani punjabis are not daal khor , we eat more meat then afghanis , we drink more milk then afghanis , proper pakistani punajbis are far taller than afghanis and more lactose tolerant , robust people

originally dal khor were called sikhs only but Afghans are still stuck in the past memory and call "Muslim Punjabi" of Pakistan also "Daal Khor" as a gesture of "ethnic slur"

"Between 1790 and 1830 the Afghans were invaded by Sikh Punjabi hoards of "Sarkaar Khalsa" Sikh empire. The majority of the Sikh soldiers in those days were vegetarian and carried dried pulses [ "Daal" ]as main ration food. Being Vegetarian surviving on "Daal " without any meat was unheard of which baffled afghans . Hence the term "Daal Khor" was coined for" Sikh Punjabi" hoards only"

From The Scottish historian and travel writer William Dalrymple’s book “Return of a King

i am only interested in these "jatt, jaat, jutt , jat , khatri, gujjar , arain" and when some one mention any of these keywords on these forum, my little bot which i have created alerts me , i only came to these forums when these are mentioned , otherwise i don't give a rat ass fuck about any of u people

Funny since we call Punjabis I. E. Pak Punjabis as black.. But anyways man, cool story bro

12-23-2019, 11:39 AM
that's the delusional attitude i hate of south asians , where they have built false prides and identities and try to show themself different or better then others and when i burst their bubbles , they refused to believe it

its not a story , it's real origin of daal khor , you might want to read William Dalrymple’s book Return of a King

I think someone is a little angry... Guessin you didnt like the panipat movie?

12-23-2019, 02:45 PM
I think someone is a little angry... Guessin you didnt like the panipat movie?

I like how the make some punjabi guy playing as ahmed shah durani. My uncle would had fit the role WAAY better than the current actor(not that i mind it much)

12-23-2019, 02:52 PM
I like how the make some punjabi guy playing as ahmed shah durani. My uncle would had fit the role WAAY better than the current actor(not that i mind it much)

I refuse to watch it though. Its utter bs.

12-23-2019, 02:55 PM
I refuse to watch it though. Its utter bs.

I guess so.

I wouldnt mind wathcing it tbh. its just the fact that all bollywood movies make their movies kind of unwatchable. Really dislike their movies and i dont understand 1% urdu even.

12-23-2019, 03:03 PM
I guess so.

I wouldnt mind wathcing it tbh. its just the fact that all bollywood movies make their movies kind of unwatchable. Really dislike their movies and i dont understand 1% urdu even.

On top of all that, the propaganda from the film is nonsensical. They've shown the afghans to be barbaric and ahmad Shah baba as some Arab tyrant whilst the Marathas as some feminist royal goodie two shoes.

12-23-2019, 03:04 PM
On top of all that, the propaganda from the film is nonsensical. They've shown the afghans to be barbaric and ahmad Shah baba as some Arab tyrant whilst the Marathas as some feminist royal goodie two shoes.

Well, i guess thats the case with hindu produced movies.
THey make muslims sometimes the dark ones, while hindus pale ass heroes

12-23-2019, 03:48 PM
Well, i guess thats the case with hindu produced movies.
THey make muslims sometimes the dark ones, while hindus pale ass heroes

Do you honestly believe pashtuns resemble Punjabis?


They look nothing like your average pashtun. At all.
Dont show me atypical looking celebs or individuals, because I could do the same thing for afghans.

But yeah, it ain't even that, sanjay dutt looks nothin like an afghan or like ahmad Shah, they couldve atleast gotten an actor who vaguely resembles either.

12-23-2019, 03:51 PM
Do you honestly believe pashtuns resemble Punjabis?


They look nothing like your average pashtun. At all.
Dont show me atypical looking celebs or individuals, because I could do the same thing for afghans.

But yeah, it ain't even that, sanjay dutt looks nothin like an afghan or like ahmad Shah, they couldve atleast gotten an actor who vaguely resembles either.

They all resembles southerners a bit(i said A BIT, not them looking like cousins to southerners or some shit like that. Similiarity levels of most of them is like 20%). But the guy in the middle could pass as pashtun without turban

ANyway, yeah. THey dont look like us as whole. DIdnt say they did, hence why i said we look like something inbetween pamiris and nw south asian punjabis, because pamiris also dont look much like us then.

But maybe i should stop saying that, because it really bothers you a lot.

12-23-2019, 03:54 PM
They all resembles southerners a bit(i said A BIT, not them looking like cousins to southerners or some shit like that. Similiarity levels of most of them is like 20%). But the guy in the middle could pass as pashtun without turban

ANyway, yeah. THey dont look like us as whole. DIdnt say they did, hence why i said we look like something inbetween pamiris and nw south asian punjabis, because pamiris also dont look much like us then.

But maybe i should stop saying that, because it really bothers you a lot.

Pamiris resemble Pashtuns way more than Punjabis ever will. Do you think pamiris are some lost ukrainian tribe or somehting?

12-23-2019, 03:56 PM
If they are indeed afghans its obviously they are Tajiks, an probably badakhshani pamirians.

12-23-2019, 04:00 PM
Pamiris resemble Pashtuns way more than Punjabis ever will. Do you think pamiris are some lost ukrainian tribe or somehting?

No, but tbh pamiris also look distinct from us southerners. Try post crowd pics of both pamiris, southerners and nw south asian punjabis

THe pamiris might look more like us and i might be wrong(anyways, im talking about nw south asian punjabis like khatris and whatever, not south indian alike punjabis)

12-23-2019, 04:01 PM
If they are indeed afghans its obviously they are Tajiks, an probably badakhshani pamirians.

THey can easily be pansheris though

12-23-2019, 04:06 PM
If they are indeed afghans its obviously they are Tajiks, an probably badakhshani pamirians.

Yeah they are "indeed" Afghans.

12-23-2019, 04:10 PM
No, but tbh pamiris also look distinct from us southerners. Try post crowd pics of both pamiris, southerners and nw south asian punjabis

THe pamiris might look more like us and i might be wrong(anyways, im talking about nw south asian punjabis like khatris and whatever, not south indian alike punjabis)

Southern Pashtuns resemble pamiris, they are just more exposed to the sun plus different style of clothing.


12-23-2019, 04:16 PM
Southern Pashtuns resemble pamiris, they are just more exposed to the sun plus different style of clothing.


Account the fact that tajikis and pamiris can look like light dards or even afghans sometimes + many southern pashtuns looking a bit more similiar to the pamiris make me believe we look more like pamiris now. But tbh, even without the beard we still look very different to them.

For me now south pashtuns look closer to pamiris, but with a bit strong punjabi dash(come on, we dont look THAT much closer to pamiris than to punjabis. Not even most of the people in the video. Being 2/3 pamiri and 1/3 nw south asian punjabi as whole sounds more right to me )

12-23-2019, 04:18 PM
Account the fact that tajikis and pamiris can look like light dards or even afghans sometimes + many southern pashtuns looking a bit more similiar to the pamiris make me believe we look more like pamiris now. But tbh, even without the beard we still look very different to them.

For me now south pashtuns look closer to pamiris, but with a bit strong punjabi dash(come on, we dont look THAT much closer to pamiris than to punjabis. Not even most of the people in the video. Being 2/3 pamiri and 1/3 nw south asian punjabi as whole sounds more right to me )

I understand, but what I don't get is, what part of them resemble Punjabis in the slightest? They look more like balochis, khos, chitralis, pashayis before Punjabis.

12-23-2019, 04:26 PM
I understand, but what I don't get is, what part of them resemble Punjabis in the slightest? They look more like balochis, khos, chitralis, pashayis before Punjabis.

I never said they didnt resemble the former groups than punjabis. I even said balochs look like slightly darker clones of us.

12-23-2019, 07:31 PM
On anthrogenica Ive got into multiple arguments with deluded Indians who think they look similar to Pashtuns, when they clearly don't. A fair number of Pashtuns could pass as far west as Syria, but how many Punjabis can? Almost none.

I think a lot of times the bar or the standard by which an ethnicity thinks they can pass as another group is inaccurate. Often time it is based on pigmentation which is really not the most precise method.

I think a lot of times if a Punjabi is fairer then they think they can pass as a Pashtun or if a Pashtun is darker the assumption is made that he can be a Punjabi.

However, I don't think this is limited to the South Asian group but rather in MENA the same holds true about passing in Southern Europe. Just because a MENA person is lighter it does not mean he looks southern European or if a European is darker it does not mean they look MENA.

This South Asian was thought to be an Iranian and killed by an American in Kansas. The bar or standard for an Iranian in the US is kind of off.


12-23-2019, 07:54 PM
I think a lot of time the bar or the standard by which an ethnicity thinks they can pass as another group is inaccurate. Often time it is based on pigmentation which is really not the most precise method.

I think a lot times if a Punjabi is fairer then they think they can pass a Pashtun or if a Pashtun is darker the assumption is made that he can be a Punjabi.

However,I don't think this is limited to the South Asian group but rather in MENA the same holds true about passing in Southern Europe. Just because a MENA person is lighter it does not mean he looks southern European or if a European is darker it does not mean they look MENA.

This South Asian was thought to be an Iranian and killed by an American in Kansas. The bar or standard for an Iranian in the US is kind of off.


Pashtuns have outliers, if you start placing people among them probably a good deal of Nord Indid can pass , but it will not make any sense. Also Punjabis are quite diverse with quite extremes toward lighter end , so when someone from particular ethnicity compare with ethnicity that is on average lighter than his/her they only focus on lighter types and think they dont look that different from lighter ethnicity and dont consider darker types found in his/her ethnicity(this is human pshyche).
I will never understood this though when a pakistani do this since both ethnicities are mostly pakistani at the end of the day and its useless to make people dopplegangers of each other and loose diversity.

Also regarding that indian getting mistaken for iranian is not surprising to me since what i have noticed that to lot of white people(if they are not exposed) , dark haired, dark eyed asian populations can appear similar. I have read instance when a dark haired/dark eyed european get called "go paki, go back home"

12-23-2019, 08:55 PM
I think a lot of time the bar or the standard by which an ethnicity thinks they can pass as another group is inaccurate. Often time it is based on pigmentation which is really not the most precise method.

I think a lot times if a Punjabi is fairer then they think they can pass as a Pashtun or if a Pashtun is darker the assumption is made that he can be a Punjabi.

However, I don't think this is limited to the South Asian group but rather in MENA the same holds true about passing in Southern Europe. Just because a MENA person is lighter it does not mean he looks southern European or if a European is darker it does not mean they look MENA.

This South Asian was thought to be an Iranian and killed by an American in Kansas. The bar or standard for an Iranian in the US is kind of off.

I agree with you. The amount of times I've encountered people in real life that assume they would pass as something lighter than what they are based on the fact being fairer by a margin is laughable. People don't get that features is the most important factor.

12-23-2019, 08:57 PM
Pashtuns have outliers, if you start placing people among them probably a good deal of Nord Indid can pass , but it will not make any sense. Also Punjabis are quite diverse with quite extremes toward lighter end , so when someone from particular ethnicity compare with ethnicity that is on average lighter than his/her they only focus on lighter types and think they dont look that different from lighter ethnicity and dont consider darker types found in his/her ethnicity(this is human pshyche).
I will never understood this though when a pakistani do this since both ethnicities are mostly pakistani at the end of the day and its useless to make people dopplegangers of each other and loose diversity.

Also regarding that indian getting mistaken for iranian is not surprising to me since what i have noticed that to lot of white people(if they are not exposed) , dark haired, dark eyed asian populations can appear similar. I have read instance when a dark haired/dark eyed european get called "go paki, go back home"

In all my time in England, I can truly say that I have never met a punjabi that has been mistaken for a european. They all for the most part have a very distinct look about them, mirpuris included.

12-23-2019, 09:00 PM
In all my time in England, I can truly say that I have never met a punjabi that has been mistaken for a european. They all for the most part have a very distinct look about them, mirpuris included.

Yeah, got to admit IRL punjabis dont really look like pashtuns mostly. And these west asian looking types are kind of impossible to find. The ones on the internet look a bit different, while most punjabis IRL kind of look like this:


12-23-2019, 09:00 PM
In all my time in England, I can truly say that I have never met a punjabi that has been mistaken for a european. They all for the most part have a very distinct look about them, mirpuris included.

well very few groups outside of europe can pass in europe in a large group ,there is a reason even Turks are seen as exotic in Europe.

12-23-2019, 09:03 PM
well very few groups outside of europe can pass in europe in a large group ,there is a reason even Turks are seen as exotic in Europe.

Even Europeans have a hard time passing in Europe lmao

12-23-2019, 09:05 PM
well very few groups outside of europe can pass in europe in a large group ,there is a reason even Turks are seen as exotic in Europe.

True that

Turks in Denmark are either seen as muslim mexicans or integrated mexicans

12-23-2019, 09:10 PM
well very few groups outside of europe can pass in europe in a large group ,there is a reason even Turks are seen as exotic in Europe.

Even Europeans have a hard time passing in Europe lmao

12-24-2019, 01:11 PM
Yeah, got to admit IRL punjabis dont really look like pashtuns mostly. And these west asian looking types are kind of impossible to find. The ones on the internet look a bit different, while most punjabis IRL kind of look like this:

In the US, from my experience Indians who look like this are Punjabs, but of course, many Punjabis don't look like this but when an Indian looks like him then he is almost certainly Punjabi


12-24-2019, 02:16 PM
In the US, from my experience Indians who look like this are Punjabs, but of course, many Punjabis don't look like this but when an Indian looks like him then he is almost certainly Punjabi


when I used to read about North West Indians talking about differences with other Indians ,I used to think its exxageration but after coming to europe when ever i see an indian who is Nord indid or lighter he is always Punjabi or sikh, nord indid type of look is quite rare among other indians

Many Pakistani Punjabis look like what you see in rallies from gujranwala/multan/faislabad etc


walking through a bazaar in Gujranwala


for pashtuns you can use quetta/kandhar etc, Pashtuns are lighter than Punjabis , while Punjabis have lots of very dark types as well, but none look european

London is mostly Punjabi


Bradford is mirpuri


12-25-2019, 12:10 AM
well very few groups outside of europe can pass in europe in a large group ,there is a reason even Turks are seen as exotic in Europe.

You with your “groups” again. Shut up

12-25-2019, 12:11 AM
You with your “groups” again. Shut up

ok brotha

12-25-2019, 03:32 PM
I think someone is a little angry... Guessin you didnt like the panipat movie?

i wouldn't lie, i don't like abdali , neither i like marathas

i bet if a random white guy asked to tell who is white , he will say i am white and you are Chinese hybrid (mongols rape product) or hispanic.

most real, robust, strong, tall aryans settled in fertile plains to raise kids and mixed with locals and all the midget scrap was left who, from last 2000 years are getting fucked by every invaders.

you came from us , we didn't came from you

12-25-2019, 05:43 PM
i wouldn't lie, i don't like abdali , neither i like marathas

i bet if a random white guy asked to tell who is white , he will say i am white and you are Chinese hybrid (mongols rape product) or hispanic.

most real, robust, strong, tall aryans settled in fertile plains to raise kids and mixed with locals and all the midget scrap was left who, from last 2000 years are getting fucked by every invaders.

you came from us , we didn't came from you

Hahahahahahahahahhahahahagagagagaggahahahahhahahah ahahhha funny

12-25-2019, 05:48 PM
i wouldn't lie, i don't like abdali , neither i like marathas

i bet if a random white guy asked to tell who is white , he will say i am white and you are Chinese hybrid (mongols rape product) or hispanic.

most real, robust, strong, tall aryans settled in fertile plains to raise kids and mixed with locals and all the midget scrap was left who, from last 2000 years are getting fucked by every invaders.

you came from us , we didn't came from you

Shitty lies coming out of your ass as always. Still dont forget how you manipulated with your results and that "Youre a member in anthrogenica"

Why cant you never stick with the truth? And these chink afghans kind of look more "white" than you do tbh. Theyre not even less caucasiod than you, since you get a shitton of aasi, even WAAY more than me

12-25-2019, 05:49 PM
i wouldn't lie, i don't like abdali , neither i like marathas

i bet if a random white guy asked to tell who is white , he will say i am white and you are Chinese hybrid (mongols rape product) or hispanic.

most real, robust, strong, tall aryans settled in fertile plains to raise kids and mixed with locals and all the midget scrap was left who, from last 2000 years are getting fucked by every invaders.

you came from us , we didn't came from you

Shitty lies coming out of your ass as always. Still dont forget how you manipulated with your results and that "Youre a member in anthrogenica"

Why cant you never stick with the truth? And these chink afghans kind of look more "white" than you do tbh. Theyre not even less caucasiod than you, since you get a shitton of aasi, even WAAY more than me

12-25-2019, 06:35 PM
Shitty lies coming out of your ass as always. Still dont forget how you manipulated with your results and that "Youre a member in anthrogenica"

Why cant you never stick with the truth? And these chink afghans kind of look more "white" than you do tbh. Theyre not even less caucasiod than you, since you get a shitton of aasi, even WAAY more than me

aviceena is constantly insulting others , what do you expect from others in return? I think he want to create distinct white Afghansitan well and good , everyone has the right to do so, but this deosnt mean that you do this on denying diversity of others(which is scientifically proven) and trolling others.

12-25-2019, 06:43 PM
aviceena is constantly insulting others , what do you expect from others in return? I think he want to create distinct white Afghansitan well and good , everyone has the right to do so, but this deosnt mean that you do this on denying diversity of others(which is scientifically proven) and trolling others.

TBH, bandesha is a troll himself(proved himself to be that A LOT of times) so i dont see too much wrong in avicenna being like that towards bandesha. I dont exaclty remember the reason why they started fighting, but i wont be suprised if it is because of bandesha.

Im not sure if he wants to create a "white afghanistan". He did post pics based on what the avg looks on afghans are(and included many darker looking afghans) in the other thread.

However he seems rather fascinated by the lighter afghans and cant wrap up his head that nw south asians and pashtuns CAN look a bit similiar.

Not sure how he's trolling, apart from the insults towards desis(which is meant towards bandesha though)

12-25-2019, 06:55 PM
aviceena is constantly insulting others , what do you expect from others in return? I think he want to create distinct white Afghansitan well and good , everyone has the right to do so, but this deosnt mean that you do this on denying diversity of others(which is scientifically proven) and trolling others.

Sorry lameduck, but don't speak nonsense. Your paki freind insulted me first with his "tajok nigga" slur. Get your facts straight before you start pointing fingers. And who is whiteashsing? I'm nkt the one creating 1000 threads showing the lightest pakis when in reality we all know they are indo Armenoids.

12-25-2019, 06:58 PM
TBH, bandesha is a troll himself(proved himself to be that A LOT of times) so i dont see too much wrong in avicenna being like that towards bandesha. I dont exaclty remember the reason why they started fighting, but i wont be suprised if it is because of bandesha.

Im not sure if he wants to create a "white afghanistan". He did post pics based on what the avg looks on afghans are(and included many darker looking afghans) in the other thread.

However he seems rather fascinated by the lighter afghans and cant wrap up his head that nw south asians and pashtuns CAN look a bit similiar.

Not sure how he's trolling, apart from the insults towards desis(which is meant towards bandesha though)

Hes butthurt that's all. I don't even pay attention to what he says anyways. Plus if I wss so obsessed with showing white people of afg I would post myself or my family members. I got told by members I pass well in Europe. But who cares? I posted dark afghans too. That shouldn't matter since I never claimed they were typical.

12-25-2019, 07:38 PM
May they rest in peace

12-25-2019, 08:06 PM
Sorry lameduck, but don't speak nonsense. Your paki freind insulted me first with his "tajok nigga" slur. Get your facts straight before you start pointing fingers. And who is whiteashsing? I'm nkt the one creating 1000 threads showing the lightest pakis when in reality we all know they are indo Armenoids.

well its your right to post what ever you like and i dont care tbh but you shouldnt be insulting others

All Pakis I post belong to diversity of pakistani groups that is well recorded anthropology (according to notes posted by crimson gauard on anthroscape). Yes there might be other pakis that i dont post but this doesnt mean that pakis I post arent pakis

Video of paks in london apart from those lighter pashtun/gilgit balitistanis etc , all i post fit in the diversity of these.



12-25-2019, 10:07 PM
well its your right to post what ever you like and i dont care tbh but you shouldnt be insulting others

All Pakis I post belong to diversity of pakistani groups that is well recorded anthropology (according to notes posted by crimson gauard on anthroscape). Yes there might be other pakis that i dont post but this doesnt mean that pakis I post arent pakis

Video of paks in london apart from those lighter pashtun/gilgit balitistanis etc , all i post fit in the diversity of these.



And I'm telling you I wasn't the person who started insulting first. If someone slaps me I'll slap back. Secondly, I will post what I want, so should you and anyone in this forum, as long as it abides by the forum rules and is respectable. What I don't get is how it's me whitewashing my ethnicity ( apparently) but the same doesn't apply to you. The afghans I post is well within our range of phenotypes, yes even the very light ones. I can find you hundreds of them.

12-26-2019, 08:19 PM
what a hypocrite , This tajok is popping up in my newsfeed quite often due to mention of "punjabi" keyword on this forum and and i have tolerated enough of his hateful tone and behaviour against punjabis

i am well aware of tajiks diversity and yes they are far lighter then pashtuns

Also i have no problems with real pashtuns as those are our brothers in arms and we eat, shit , dine, fight together but i can't stand these mountain punjabis of tajik belt (who hate punjabis), these are more aggressive and hateful against punjabis and Pakistan in general

for example Zadran a subtribe of bangash tribe , from whom man taliban are from but most people don't know there is jatt clan in pakistan jadran who are same

these mountain punjabis think they are different or they are turks or iranians but they are monutians punjabis and these are people who are most aggressive and passive against punjabis or paksitan also ironically

real pashtuns are far cool and are far more pro pakis then these

12-27-2019, 09:50 AM
what a hypocrite , This tajok is popping up in my newsfeed quite often due to mention of "punjabi" keyword on this forum and and i have tolerated enough of his hateful tone and behaviour against punjabis

i am well aware of tajiks diversity and yes they are far lighter then pashtuns

Also i have no problems with real pashtuns as those are our brothers in arms and we eat, shit , dine, fight together but i can't stand these mountain punjabis of tajik belt (who hate punjabis), these are more aggressive and hateful against punjabis and Pakistan in general

for example Zadran a subtribe of bangash tribe , from whom man taliban are from but most people don't know there is jatt clan in pakistan jadran who are same

these mountain punjabis think they are different or they are turks or iranians but they are monutians punjabis and these are people who are most aggressive and passive against punjabis or paksitan also ironically

real pashtuns are far cool and are far more pro pakis then these

Lol cool story bro tell me more sardar ji