View Full Version : Classify me and where do I fit?

12-19-2019, 02:04 PM
- AGE: 17.

- WEIGHT: 66,95

- HEIGHT: 1.77

- HAIR: It was straight blonde as a kid; it turned medium brown as I was growing up, and now it's wavy, somewhat curly and dark brown as an adolescent.

- NOSE: I have a nasal septum deviation, which makes my nose crooked. The nose tip is down. My nose looks thinner in the sunlight and wider in the dark.

- EARLY CLASSIFICATIONS: My mother was classified as a Berid with Amerindian contribution and my father was classified as a Gracile Mediterranid + Borreby or Subnordid.

- ANCESTRY: Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, and possibly French, in this order.
I also have Amerindian and African ancestry, although the African part is about 3%.

- PHOTOS: https://www.instagram.com/?hl=pt-br