View Full Version : Change the name of Romania

08-04-2011, 08:28 AM
Is it possible to change the name of Romania? So people don't think that Romania is the gypsy land.

Gypsy aka The Romani (also Romany, Romanies, Romanis, Roma or Roms; exonym: Gypsy; Romani: Romane or Rromane, depending on the dialect)

wtf?? romani (români) are also the romanians and when you type "romani" google images shows you only gypsy people.
you can type the romanian version "români" and still get gypsy images.

Gypsies are stealing our country and our name while romanian people are busy listening to their gypsy crappy music(manele) and watching crappy gypsy tv shows.

Yes, gypsy music and movies are liked here. Gypsies are tolerated, they don't pay taxes, they receive house for free, they have special places in college and university. Gypsies rule here and politicians are gypsies.

08-04-2011, 08:47 AM
We could take the name Vlachia (Wallachia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallachia)), but I think I had enough of the Wallachian culture shoved down my throat, thank you very much. Not to mention the fact that the term is an exonym.

Then there's Dacia, but we're hardly Dacians, are we?

No, I think our present name România (Romania), despite the fact that it exaggerates our links with the Romans, is the best since it's derived from an endonym. But I guess we could switch it to Rumânia (Rumania) derived from the original name of the Romanians, rumâni.

But the real problem comes from the gypsies not from us, its not us that have to change our name, it's them that they have find another name to be known by, if they don't like the traditional ones used: cigányok, cikáni, gitanos, gypsies, sigřjner, țigani, Zigeuner, zíngaros etc.

08-04-2011, 09:31 AM
Why not just rename the entire country Transylvaaania?

This could be the new flag:


08-04-2011, 09:45 AM
Seriously though, most people are aware that the name Romania was used the ancient Romans already. After all, most people don't think that the capital of Italy is inhabited exclusively by Gypsies. ;)

08-04-2011, 09:47 AM
Why not just rename the entire country Transylvaaania?

This could be the new flag:

This one would be better ;) :


W. R.
08-04-2011, 09:48 AM
Yes, gypsy music and movies are liked here. Gypsies are tolerated, they don't pay taxes, they receive house for free, they have special places in college and university. Gypsies rule here and politicians are gypsies.Huh?

08-04-2011, 10:46 AM
Seriously though, most people are aware that the name Romania was used the ancient Romans already. After all, most people don't think that the capital of Italy is inhabited exclusively by Gypsies. ;)

Indeed and I can't stand it, I'd rather change the name of gypsies, for example Filthoids or Homo Subhumanos.

08-04-2011, 10:49 AM
Why not just rename the entire country Transylvaaania?

This could be the new flag:


I like Transilvania name but it's only region of Romania.
Although i wouldn't mind if Transilvania became independent.

08-04-2011, 10:57 AM
Is it possible to change the name of Romania? So people don't think that Romania is the gypsy land.

Not everyone thinks Romania is a gypsy land..Roma people exist across Europe, Landa.

08-04-2011, 11:54 AM
Not everyone thinks Romania is a gypsy land..Roma people exist across Europe, Landa.

I know... but take a look at What comes to mind when you think of these European countries? (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1081)
Almost everyone wrote: Romania: Gypsy

and Romania has the largest population of gypsies. Maybe I'm paranoid but I still think that gypsies want to steal our country.

08-04-2011, 12:42 PM
and Romania has the largest population of gypsies. Maybe I'm paranoid but I still think that gypsies want to steal our country.

I don't think there's a gypsy conspiracy to take our country, but that's certainly what is happening... And this is enabled by their lifestyle and the inaction of our people and enhanced by the help they receive from our state and the EU.

The Ripper
08-04-2011, 12:56 PM
Seriously though, most people are aware that the name Romania was used the ancient Romans already.

Not in my experience. :D

Damiăo de Góis
08-04-2011, 04:37 PM
How old is that name in your country?

08-04-2011, 04:45 PM
Send all the Gypsies of Romania into one single place and grant them independence, the new country should be named "Gypsystan" and then all the Europeans would be saying, "Damn, we should send these Gypsies back to Gypsystan." Not this: "Damn, we should send these Romanians back to Romania."

08-04-2011, 04:50 PM
Romani = Romans

Gypsies don't have any right to that term.

08-04-2011, 05:02 PM
How old is that name in your country?

Numele de „România” provine de la „român”, cuvânt derivat din latinescul romanus.[7]

Cel mai vechi indiciu referitor la existența numelui de „român” ar putea fi conținut de Cântecul Nibelungilor: „Ducele Ramunch din țara Valahilor/cu șapte sute de luptători aleargă în întâmpinarea ei/ca păsările sălbatice, îi vedeai galopând”.[8] Ramunch ar putea fi o transliterație a numelui „Român” reprezentând în acest context un conducător simbolic al românilor.
Cele mai vechi atestări documentare ale termenului de „rumân/român” cunoscute în mod cert sunt conținute în relatări, jurnale și rapoarte de călătorie redactate de umaniști renascentiști din secolul al XVI-lea care, fiind în majoritate trimiși ai Sfântului Scaun, au călătorit în Țara Românească, Moldova și Transilvania. Astfel, Tranquillo Andronico notează în 1534, că valahii „se numesc romani”.[10] Francesco della Valle scrie în 1532 că valahii „se denumesc romani în limba lor”. Mai departe, el citează chiar și o scurtă expresie românească: „Sti rominest?”.[11] După o călătorie prin Țara Românească, Moldova și Transilvania, Ferrante Capecci relatează prin 1575 că locuitorii acestor provincii se numesc pe ei înșiși „români” (romanesci).[12] Pierre Lescalopier scrie în 1574 că cei care locuiesc în Moldova, Țara Românească și cea mai mare parte a Transilvaniei, „se consideră adevărați urmași ai romanilor și-și numesc limba «românește», adică romana”.[13]

Mărturii suplimentare despre endonimul de „rumân/român” furnizează și autori care au venit în mod prelungit în contact direct cu românii. Astfel, umanistul sas Johann Lebel relatează în 1542 că „românii […] se numesc pe ei înșiși «Romuini»”.[14] Istoricul polonez Orichovius (Stanisław Orzechowski) scrie în 1554 că românii „se numesc pe limba lor romini după romani, iar pe limba noastră (poloneză) sunt numiți valahi, după italieni”,[15] în timp ce primatul și diplomatul ungar Anton Verancsics scrie în 1570 că „românii se numesc romani”,[16] iar eruditul maghiar transilvan Martinus Szent-Ivany citează în 1699 expresii românești ca: „Sie noi sentem Rumeni” și „Noi sentem di sange Rumena”.
source (http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rom%C3%A2nia)

"romani" basically appears in written documents around 1532.
The oldest source attesting the word „rumânesc” appears in Iordanes' "Getica":
... Sclavini a civitate nova et Sclavino Rumunense et lacu qui appellantur Mursianus...
The exact term of "România" appears in written in documents later, in the second decade of the XIX century.

08-04-2011, 05:14 PM
I wouldnt want to change the name of my country(it is a wonderful name and it fits our people good, I go along with Daos on this one), although I am sorry it is wrongfully associated with unpleasant and unfortunate sitations.

What I would like though, in an ideal manner, is for Romanians to learn to fight this, to organize themselves, to work harder in improving the country's image, to keep a close guard on those whom need to be "civilized". To change the political leaders if not satisfied with them. To stay united, and caring for each other... To come up with solutions to solve the matter...not run away from it.

Of course...Im much too much of an idealist... :)

Damiăo de Góis
08-04-2011, 05:55 PM
Well, the name Romania is not as old as i thought. But still changing it because of gypsies would be a step in the wrong direction.
Roma means Rome in portuguese by the way, so that's another potential problem :p


08-04-2011, 07:19 PM


Ugh. The "kaaleet" are without any exaggeration whatsoever one of the most hideous tribes of people to ever disgrace the face of the Earth with their presence. :speechless-smiley-0

Not that I'm under any illusions of other Gypsy groups being any better or anything.

Damiăo de Góis
08-04-2011, 07:23 PM

Ugh. The "kaaleet" are without any exaggeration whatsoever one of the most hideous tribes of people to ever disgrace the face of the Earth with their presence. :speechless-smiley-0

Not that I'm under any illusions of other Gypsy groups being any better or anything.

You call them that? I actually had no idea that the ones from here were called "Iberian Kale" before checking that map. We just call them gypsies (ciganos).

08-04-2011, 07:34 PM
You call them that? I actually had no idea that the ones from here were called "Iberian Kale" before checking that map. We just call them gypsies (ciganos).

Kaale (plural kaaleet) is what Finnish Gypsies call themselves, we call them mustalaiset, "blackies". :p

The politically correct term in Finnish is, unfortunately, romani in the singular, and romanit in the plural.

08-04-2011, 07:41 PM
Cigania? Sintistan?


Comte Arnau
08-04-2011, 08:15 PM
Here we distinguish "la Romŕnia", stress on the first a (which is a technical word for the Romance-speaking area) from "Romania", stress on the i, the country.

At a different level, you have also in Switzerland the Romansh language, which is the fourth national one, or the Romand variety of Francoprovençal, which is disregarded in favour of French. In Italy, you have the Romagna, with the Romagnolo variety of Galloitalian.

I don't think the name should be changed at all, lol. Although Dacia doesn't sound bad. :)

You call them that? I actually had no idea that the ones from here were called "Iberian Kale" before checking that map. We just call them gypsies (ciganos).

Calé is the plural form of caló ('black'), which is basically used for the South-Western variety of their language (Portuguese Caló, Spanish Caló, Catalan Caló, Basque Caló 'erromantxela', Occitan Caló...), a variety that is extinct, even if the speakers retain many words from it. Yes, the word is used, although not to the level of words like gitano or in your case cigano. But I guess the map is talking about endonyms rather than about derogative common names. In fact, you can hear things as "un gitano caló", an Iberian gypsy.

08-06-2011, 02:12 PM
It's crap that these fucking gypsies steal the name of Romania. :(

Here, in western Europe, people think that Romanians are Gypsies. I try to explain that Romanians aren't Gypsies, but are our Latins cousins, with Roman ancestry just like us, but I think that no one want to understand, they are too proud to be stupid...

Tiganii nu sunt romani !

08-06-2011, 02:21 PM
romania is an invention of the 19th century. western moldavia should go to the republic of moldova, transylvania should be independent, banat independent, crisana to hungary, szekler land to hungary, wallachia (muntenia and oltenia) independent, dobrudja to turkey, maramures and bucovina to austria or czechoslovakia


08-06-2011, 02:25 PM
romania is an invention of the 19th century. western moldavia should go to the republic of moldova, transylvania should be independent, banat independent, crisana to hungary, szekler land to hungary, wallachia (muntenia and oltenia) independent, dobrudja to turkey, maramures and bucovina to austria or czechoslovakia


My dear...the "invention" is everything you see in bold....

08-06-2011, 02:32 PM
The Lower Danube Republic /Danubians/

The Carpathian Republic /Carpathians/ (more than 1/3 of the territory is mountainous)

The Lower Danube Union /Danubians/

The United Territories of the Lower Danube, the West-Pontic Steppe and the Carpathians /Vlachs/

08-06-2011, 02:42 PM
I always found the name "Romania" to be a bit of an anomaly, and associated it with the Romans and Roman Empire - never with Gypsies.

As Count Arnau has said, if anything then "Dacia" would be a suitable alternative.

08-06-2011, 08:18 PM
Atrox !!! I am ain't agree... Romania Mare is the solutions... there is only one blood in the Romanian nations, one language. We don't have to divides, but latines (romanians, italians, provençals, catalans, spanish, etc) should unite against the moderns problems! :)

Unity, not uniformity.

08-06-2011, 08:21 PM
Give South Romania to Bulgaria. After all, we are of the same low racial quality woggish people

08-06-2011, 11:06 PM
Give South Romania to Bulgaria. After all, we are of the same low racial quality woggish people

i agree. and all northern and eastern romanians would

08-06-2011, 11:09 PM
Moldovlahia (Moldowallachia).

08-06-2011, 11:23 PM
"Rom", "Roma", "Romi" is a lot more common when designating Gypsies, rather than the full word "Romani".
If anything the problem is that people associate gypsies with Romania because of it, rather than associating Romania to gypsies.

I think people just need a refresher about Romania. Most people are still stuck with the image of early 90s Romania, and don't realize a whole lot of progress has been made since then. Evolution in the perception of Romania has been made, enough that when I mention I spent a month there last year people exclaim "that's so cool!", but there is still a long way to go.

Comte Arnau
08-06-2011, 11:44 PM
romania is an invention of the 19th century. western moldavia should go to the republic of moldova, transylvania should be independent, banat independent, crisana to hungary, szekler land to hungary, wallachia (muntenia and oltenia) independent, dobrudja to turkey, maramures and bucovina to austria or czechoslovakia

Interesting. What about the Budjak and Transnistria?

08-07-2011, 12:15 AM
I wouldnt want to change the name of my country(it is a wonderful name and it fits our people good, I go along with Daos on this one), although I am sorry it is wrongfully associated with unpleasant and unfortunate sitations.

What I would like though, in an ideal manner, is for Romanians to learn to fight this, to organize themselves, to work harder in improving the country's image, to keep a close guard on those whom need to be "civilized". To change the political leaders if not satisfied with them. To stay united, and caring for each other... To come up with solutions to solve the matter...not run away from it.

Of course...Im much too much of an idealist... :)

I want you as the Mayor of my pueblo :thumb001:

08-07-2011, 10:07 AM
Give South Romania to Bulgaria. After all, we are of the same low racial quality woggish people

:) Both you and Atrox are sharing interesting creative sides, and a wild imagination. :cool:

08-07-2011, 11:34 AM
Give South Romania to Bulgaria. After all, we are of the same low racial quality woggish people


09-19-2011, 06:00 PM
romania is an invention of the 19th century. western moldavia should go to the republic of moldova, transylvania should be independent, banat independent, crisana to hungary, szekler land to hungary, wallachia (muntenia and oltenia) independent, dobrudja to turkey, maramures and bucovina to austria or czechoslovakia

keep dreaming jew

Moldova never to the Russian Colony of soviet R.M.

Not a piece of land to the khazar-magyars.

NOTHING to the subhuman turks or nemtze.

Here is a more logic resolution, the asians out of Europe. Greeks and albanians back to Italy and Spain. Return all Romanians to the Balkans and Charpatians, and give all Central and East Europe to Poland-Lithuania.

09-19-2011, 06:02 PM
Romania = "land of the Romans" becouse it was the last part of the Eastern Empire to fall.
Romaně should change their name. :mad:

09-19-2011, 06:14 PM
Orthodoxchristian...ia. :cool:

I am very, very original, as you can see. :coffee:

09-19-2011, 06:16 PM
They have their own name.
Tzigani, mangali, kunec, coals

09-26-2011, 09:19 AM
It´s a sad fact that Romania is always tagged as gypsy land, but I have to agree with Ranger on this one, no one really calls gypsies Roma people, so there is no need to change the name of your country.

09-26-2011, 11:01 AM
No way in hell 23.000.000 romanians will change their name because of 500.000 (2%) gypsies. Gypsies have the right to call themselves whatever they like. The resemblance between these 2 words (Romanians and Romani) is only a coincidence. Romanian is a derivative of the latin Romanus - citizen of Rome. Romani, Rom, Roma means man or husband in the romani language

I have to say that I like the term "Wallachia" a lot. It's a cool sounding name :) Wallachia has the same meaning as Romania, the difference is that while Wallachia is a germanic word, Romania is a latin word.

09-26-2011, 11:04 AM
You wish only 500 000
At least 7-8 times higher

09-26-2011, 11:13 AM
You wish only 500 000
At least 7-8 times higher

Checkout Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people

Spain 650,000 (1.62%)
Romania 535,140 (2.46%)
Turkey 500,000 (0.72%)
France 500,000 (0.79%)
Bulgaria 370,908 (4.67%)
Hungary 205,720 (2.02%)
Greece 200,000 (1.82%)
Russia 182,766 (0.13%)
Italy 130,000 (0.22%)
Serbia 108,193 (1.44%)
United Kingdom 90,000 (0.15%)
Slovakia 89,920 (1.71%)
Germany 70,000 (0.09%)

23.000.000 Romanians (Rep. of Moldova included) Gypsies in Rep. of Molodva less than 0.5 %

09-26-2011, 11:25 AM
Yes, but a lot of them don't own an ID card and/or declare themselves Romanians or Hungarians. Not to mention that since the last census (2002) their numbers have greatly increased. October is not far away, we'll find out soon enough how the (official) demographics of our country have changed.

09-26-2011, 11:27 AM

09-26-2011, 11:33 AM

I live about 500 km away from the Danube... Carpathia would make more sense.

09-26-2011, 11:34 AM
I call it Rumania, anyway. :shrug: Putting the 'o' in was daft. :p

09-26-2011, 11:39 AM
I would also inform a dear moderator... to take care of the tags for this thread... Harsh and disrespectful. The ones writing such have no self respect first and foremost.

09-26-2011, 11:45 AM
I call it Rumania, anyway. :shrug: Putting the 'o' in was daft. :p

That's probably the best option. I know Romanians can cause trouble where they emigrate en mass, but I really think people are going a bit over board here on the insults towards them.

09-26-2011, 11:57 AM
Call it Dracula,I will be the first to visit it.:D