View Full Version : Why are anglo-irish Americans darker in complexioin than British and Irish?

12-21-2019, 12:41 AM
anglo-irish americans look darker in skin complexion than British and Irish. I'm not saying swarthy, I'm saying there are more of them with a peach-light sallow kind of skin tone. Is it because they are mixed with other ethnicities? Founder effect? Or maybe growing up with a warmer climate with real summers does that to your skin? When you are a kid you spend a few summers getting a tan and that affects permanently your complexion?

12-21-2019, 12:51 AM
the sun is brighter, the climate of 99% of america is either hotter or more extreme then Britain or Ireland, even in Michigan, the cruel summer sun scorches your skin

12-21-2019, 12:51 AM
All of them combined probably, add it Native American, Southern Euro and even diluted SSA admixture to this.

unlikely, the average american is only less then a percent of either

Daco Celtic
12-21-2019, 12:54 AM
A lot of old stock English and Scottish in the US have trace amounts of Amerindian and SSA but I doubt this accounts for their looks. This really doesn't apply to Irish-Catholic Americans who came later and did less mixing.

12-21-2019, 12:54 AM
anglo-irish americans look darker in skin complexion than British and Irish. I'm not saying swarthy, I'm saying there are more of them with a peach-light sallow kind of skin tone. Is it because they are mixed with other ethnicities? Founder effect? Or maybe growing up with a warmer climate with real summers does that to your skin? When you are a kid you spend a few summers getting a tan and that affects permanently your complexion?

A lot of Irish Americans on the East coast or mixed with Italian and/or Jewish and down south probably SSA and out West Amerindian and/or SSA.

I have an Irish name but I just came back from San Diego like a month ago. So I got a lot of sun since the temperature is like New York's summer temperature during the day. I am Irish, English, Scottish and German/French and my DNA.land results say 96% NorthWest European, 99% West Eurasian and 1.3% Native Oceanian.

So I have no SSA but unlike most Americans I have native oceanian probably from the British empire days in Australia and New Zealand

Daco Celtic
12-21-2019, 12:56 AM
A lot of Irish Americans on the East coast or mixed with Italian and/or Jewish and down south probably SSA and out West Amerindian and/or SSA.

I have an Irish name but I just came back from San Diego like a month ago. So I got a lot of sun since the temperature is like New York's summer temperature during the day. I am Irish, English, Scottish and German/French and my DNA.land results say 96% NorthWest European, 99% West Eurasian and 1.3% Native Oceanian.

So I have no SSA but unlike most Americans I have native oceanian probably from the British empire days in Australia and New Zealand

lol...i was in San Diego exactly a month ago on business, no joke. Admit the women are better looking than the east coast.

Cristiano viejo
12-21-2019, 01:03 AM
SSA and Amerindian blood + climate.

Daco Celtic
12-21-2019, 01:10 AM
SSA and Amerindian blood + climate.

The SSA and Amerindian is usually just trace amounts in Americans of NW European decent. Not to be provocative, but the typical Spaniard typically has a bit more non-European influence but it's probably fairly small as well.

12-21-2019, 01:15 AM
the sun is brighter, the climate of 99% of america is either hotter or more extreme then Britain or Ireland, even in Michigan, the cruel summer sun scorches your skin

This, the midwest and east coast are both much colder and hotter than Britain. There isn't really any place in the New World with similar climate to Britain. Maybe parts of southern Argentina and Chile

Cristiano viejo
12-21-2019, 01:18 AM
The SSA and Amerindian is usually just trace amounts in Americans of NW European decent.

I was joking, at least in part. It is impossible under my humble opinion that these SSA and Amerindian traces, so small as they are, made that Americans were darker than is their original state.

Daco Celtic
12-21-2019, 01:18 AM
This, the midwest and east coast are both much colder and hotter than Britain. There isn't really any place in the New World with similar climate to Britain. Maybe parts of southern Argentina and Chile

I think the Pacific Northwest, places like Seattle, would be the closest but even that area has dry summers.

12-21-2019, 01:19 AM
I dont know if they are but if they are it is because they are half german or half southern euro.

12-21-2019, 01:19 AM
This, the midwest and east coast are both much colder and hotter than Britain. There isn't really any place in the New World with similar climate to Britain. Maybe parts of southern Argentina and Chile

using the koppen climate map, we can actually see that the coast of Washington state is damn near close

12-21-2019, 01:27 AM
the sun is brighter, the climate of 99% of america is either hotter or more extreme then Britain or Ireland, even in Michigan, the cruel summer sun scorches your skin
I don't think that's the case. Light or dark, "Anglo Americans" would tend to look more Mediterranean or at least pan European compared to actual white British Isles people. You can tell when a really pale person has a suntan. They still have "Nordic" features.

Anglo Australians in here are also akin to those in the British Isles and don't look much like white Americans. They are pretty light and look purely Anglo/Irish, despite how much sunburned they get. The 'darkest' Anglo Australian is pretty much similar to Steve Irwin or these folks:


Their appearance still scream Northern European, but they're just tanned. In the US, dark Anglo/Irish guys generally look like this:


I don't think I've met or seen an Anglo Australian person who looks like Clooney. And when they do, they are at least partially of Greek, Italian or Lebanese descent. Even the 'lighter', Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck types are not that common among Anglo Australians. So, as such, I still think white or "Anglo Americans" (such as those from the east coast and the west coast) are a mix of many European ethnicities (including Jewish and perhaps a little Native as well), and they just don't know it.

Furthermore, those in the Southern US states do resemble white Brits and English/Irish Australians more, and would look more "Nordic", which makes sense because they're the most purest Anglo/Germanic/Irish stock in the US. Ironically, they're the "darkest", because of the hot weather down there, but would still retain apparent Nordic features nonetheless.


12-21-2019, 01:28 AM
I think the Pacific Northwest, places like Seattle, would be the closest but even that area has dry summers.

using the koppen climate map, we can actually see that the coast of Washington state is damn near close

"Officially" they may have similar climate classifications, but even PNW places like Seattle or Bend are 10 degrees higher in the summer



12-21-2019, 01:34 AM
I don't think I've met or seen an Anglo Australian person who looks like Clooney. And when they do, they are at least partially of Greek, Italian or Lebanese descent. Even the 'lighter', Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck types are not that common among Anglo Australians. So, as such, I still think white or "Anglo Americans" are a mix of many European ethnicities (including Jewish and perhaps a little Native as well), and they just don't know it.

You can't compare famous people because they don't represent the common man

Anglo couple in eastern Tennessee, for instance:


same city:


12-21-2019, 04:32 AM
I don't think that's the case. Light or dark, "Anglo Americans" would tend to look more Mediterranean or at least pan European compared to actual white British Isles people. You can tell when a really pale person has a suntan. They still have "Nordic" features.

Anglo Australians in here are also akin to those in the British Isles and don't look much like white Americans. They are pretty light and look purely Anglo/Irish, despite how much sunburned they get. The 'darkest' Anglo Australian is pretty much similar to Steve Irwin or these folks:


Their appearance still scream Northern European, but they're just tanned. In the US, dark Anglo/Irish guys generally look like this:


I don't think I've met or seen an Anglo Australian person who looks like Clooney. And when they do, they are at least partially of Greek, Italian or Lebanese descent. Even the 'lighter', Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck types are not that common among Anglo Australians. So, as such, I still think white or "Anglo Americans" (such as those from the east coast and the west coast) are a mix of many European ethnicities (including Jewish and perhaps a little Native as well), and they just don't know it.

Furthermore, those in the Southern US states do resemble white Brits and English/Irish Australians more, and would look more "Nordic", which makes sense because they're the most purest Anglo/Germanic/Irish stock in the US. Ironically, they're the "darkest", because of the hot weather down there, but would still retain apparent Nordic features nonetheless.


well the southern thing is obvious because besides Utah, Idaho, and the states NE of NY, the south the the most anglo-celtic

12-21-2019, 04:33 AM
I don't think that's the case. Light or dark, "Anglo Americans" would tend to look more Mediterranean or at least pan European compared to actual white British Isles people. You can tell when a really pale person has a suntan. They still have "Nordic" features.

Anglo Australians in here are also akin to those in the British Isles and don't look much like white Americans. They are pretty light and look purely Anglo/Irish, despite how much sunburned they get. The 'darkest' Anglo Australian is pretty much similar to Steve Irwin or these folks:


Their appearance still scream Northern European, but they're just tanned. In the US, dark Anglo/Irish guys generally look like this:


I don't think I've met or seen an Anglo Australian person who looks like Clooney. And when they do, they are at least partially of Greek, Italian or Lebanese descent. Even the 'lighter', Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck types are not that common among Anglo Australians. So, as such, I still think white or "Anglo Americans" (such as those from the east coast and the west coast) are a mix of many European ethnicities (including Jewish and perhaps a little Native as well), and they just don't know it.

Furthermore, those in the Southern US states do resemble white Brits and English/Irish Australians more, and would look more "Nordic", which makes sense because they're the most purest Anglo/Germanic/Irish stock in the US. Ironically, they're the "darkest", because of the hot weather down there, but would still retain apparent Nordic features nonetheless.



12-21-2019, 04:35 AM
A lot of old stock English and Scottish in the US have trace amounts of Amerindian and SSA but I doubt this accounts for their looks. This really doesn't apply to Irish-Catholic Americans who came later and did less mixing.

its impossible mix skin tones

12-21-2019, 08:53 AM
Well, there's a group known as the Black Irish, who are Mediterraneans who are ethnically Irish, a good example is Collin Farrell, so that could be, I met some Mediterranean looking Irish folks here in California.

It could also be Amerindian or SSA ancestry, as other's have already mentioned, within White Americans, but there wasn't much mixing with Amerindians, & the SSA in White Americans is mostly found in White Southerners, & it's usually those with French ancestry, such as the Cajun, & it's usually 1/8 or less.

It could also be that they are part Latino (such as Mexican).

12-21-2019, 09:41 AM
the SSA in White Americans is mostly found in White Southerners, & it's usually those with French ancestry, such as the Cajun, & it's usually 1/8 or less.

Actually it's usually less than 2% and it's found in less than 5% of American whites according to 23andMe.

12-21-2019, 09:54 AM
Actually it's usually less than 2% and it's found in less than 5% of American whites according to 23andMe.

It is mostly found in the South, like he said. When considering the South alone, the number of people with it are probably a bit higher. It's correct though that it is usually not more than that amount.

12-21-2019, 10:26 AM
It is mostly found in the South, like he said. When considering the South alone, the number of people with it are probably a bit higher. It's correct though that it is usually not more than that amount.

23andMe posted a map of all the states and the percentage of whites who scored SSA in each one. Even in the South the number is mostly in the single digits. Louisiana and South Carolina each have around 12% of whites scoring some minor SSA and that's the highest amount in the country.

12-21-2019, 10:42 AM
23andMe posted a map of all the states and the percentage of whites who scored SSA in each one. Even in the South the number is mostly in the single digits. Louisiana and South Carolina each have around 12% of whites scoring some minor SSA and that's the highest amount in the country.

Well, when taking the whole country, the number of whites with SSA is actually 3.5%.

Southern whites are considerably more likely to have African ancestry than whites from other regions: "European Americans with African ancestry comprise as much as 12% of European Americans from Louisiana and South Carolina and about 1 in 10 individuals in other parts of the South," the authors found.

12-21-2019, 01:09 PM
The British Isles have a foggy, rainy climate with little sun. That is why they are so pasty over there. North America has more sunny climate and warmer summers.

♥ Lily ♥
12-21-2019, 01:21 PM
After many generations have lived in a particular climate, their skin and features gradually acclimatise to survive in their natural surroundings and environment. So rather than instantly burning in the very intense and strong sunlight there, they have more people who've developed more pigmentation through their ancestors living there for somewhile and are able to tan.

I think it's a combination of nature taking its course and an admixture of various peoples in the U.S.

Also bear in mind that the U.S. buys a lot of fake tanning products each year, (the U.K. and Ireland also have a lot of annual fake tan sales too,) so I don't think all Americans are naturally able to tan. (Or maybe they can naturally tan, but don't want to damage their skin through dangerous sunbathing, so use fake tans instead.) For example, I don't think President Trump's tan looks real.

I've seen some pale American people too, but they idolise the tanned 'beach-look' aesthetic in their culture, hence the heavy sales of fake tans in the U.S.

It's often very cloudy in the U.K. and Ireland and we generally live at a low altitude from the sunlight.

We also live further north from the Equator than Americans. Excluding Alaska, one of the northernmost states in the U.S. (Maine) lies at a latitude point of 45.2538° N, whereas the southernmost part of mainland England (Cornwall) lays at a latitude distance of 50.2660° N from the Equator.