View Full Version : The genomic ancestry of the Scandinavian Battle Axe Culture people and their relation to the broader

12-21-2019, 10:43 AM

01-12-2020, 07:35 PM
https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2019.1528Polako said R1a-Z284 was in CWC graves and on his blog, I saw similar discussion of correlation between R1a with K mtDNA, in Siberia. Now, Living DNA says my mtDNA is East Iranic Pashtun (I've thrown in the theory that it may actually be East Iranic Alanian in my case, from the Völkerwanderung), but while K2a5 is found in Iran, it is also found in Bronze Age Sweden and Saxony. Either way, both R1a and K are associated with East or Satem Indo-Europeans. Now, as to the ingress of R1a for Scandinavia, I believe it is a Baltic offshoot, just as I hold that R1a-L664 is a Slavic offshoot in Germany, that neither of these is properly Germanic (but Balto-Slavic), found as I in North Germanic, connected to the Germanic Substrate Hypothesis. Of course, R1b is Celtic and obvious why West Germanic have it most, thereby explaining their integration with Italic in Western Europe.

01-13-2020, 01:32 PM
Polako said R1a-Z284 was in CWC graves and on his blog, I saw similar discussion of correlation between R1a with K mtDNA, in Siberia. Now, Living DNA says my mtDNA is East Iranic Pashtun (I've thrown in the theory that it may actually be East Iranic Alanian in my case, from the Völkerwanderung), but while K2a5 is found in Iran, it is also found in Bronze Age Sweden and Saxony. Either way, both R1a and K are associated with East or Satem Indo-Europeans. Now, as to the ingress of R1a for Scandinavia, I believe it is a Baltic offshoot, just as I hold that R1a-L664 is a Slavic offshoot in Germany, that neither of these is properly Germanic (but Balto-Slavic), found as I in North Germanic, connected to the Germanic Substrate Hypothesis. Of course, R1b is Celtic and obvious why West Germanic have it most, thereby explaining their integration with Italic in Western Europe.

If we consider CWC in Scandinavia as a Balto-Slavic offshoot then I agree but I think it is not a Balto-Slavic proper branch (but an extinct cousin branch of linguistics, that ceased to exist somewhere in the late bronze age/early iron age transition).

L664 is definitely not Slavic but a descendant of western continental CWC population. CTS4385+ L664- results were found in Bronze Age Western Poland (Oblaczkowo), Czechia (Stradovesice) and Germany. L664 results were found in Southern Germany (Bergrheinfeldt).

In that thesis, R1a found in central Sweden belongs to the Y2395+ Z284- branch and it was uploaded to YFull as ber1: https://www.yfull.com/tree/R-Y2395/

01-13-2020, 01:40 PM
If we consider CWC in Scandinavia as a Balto-Slavic offshoot then I agree but I think it is not a Balto-Slavic proper branch (but an extinct cousin branch of linguistics, that ceased to exist somewhere in the late bronze age/early iron age transition).

L664 is definitely not Slavic but a descendant of western continental CWC population. CTS4385+ L664- results were found in Bronze Age Western Poland (Oblaczkowo), Czechia (Stradovesice) and Germany. L664 results were found in Southern Germany (Bergrheinfeldt).

In that thesis, R1a found in central Sweden belongs to the Y2395+ Z284- branch and it was uploaded to YFull as ber1: https://www.yfull.com/tree/R-Y2395/

I'm only stating that these two versions of R1a were transmitted to the two different types of Germanic by genetic outliers of the Balto-Slavs, even if it was before modern meta-ethnogenesis, but it's not necessarily the case that the subclades constituted distinct populations and may have been the offspring of assimilated individuals.

01-13-2020, 01:44 PM
I'm only stating that these two versions of R1a were transmitted to the two different types of Germanic by genetic outliers of the Balto-Slavs, even if it was before modern meta-ethnogenesis, but it's not necessarily the case that the subclades constituted distinct populations and may have been the offspring of assimilated individuals.

I agree that there is no universal kind of R1a among the Germanics so we can doubt about the importance of R1a package in proto-Germanic population but I just don't agree with how they were named.

01-13-2020, 01:47 PM
I agree that there is no universal kind of R1a among the Germanics so we can doubt about the importance of R1a package in proto-Germanic population but I just don't agree with how they were named.

Balto-Slavic is just European Corded in modern group designation.

01-13-2020, 01:48 PM
Balto-Slavic is just European Corded in modern group designation.
But that obviously ignores existence of Indo-Iranic groups (they descend significantly from eastern CWC offshoots) and groups there are now extinct but were present in Scandinavia and Central-Western Europe.

01-13-2020, 01:50 PM
But that obviously ignores existence of Indo-Iranic groups (they descend significantly from eastern CWC offshoots) and groups there are now extinct but were present in Scandinavia and Central-Western Europe.

Balto-Slavs are reconstituted Sarmato-Scythians.

01-18-2020, 05:02 AM