View Full Version : Y DNA Serbian DNA Project

12-22-2019, 05:24 AM

Your Confirmed Haplogroup is E-PH1246
Haplogroup E (M-35+) is a North African lineage. It is commonly found throughout all North African countries and is, therefore, closely linked to people of Arab cultures. It is also found at a low frequencies in the Middle East.

Dobro Jutro. Ja sam Svetozar Plemic. Moje Poreklo sa Oceve strane je srpsko. Moj otac je rodjen u vojvodini. Radoslav Plemic ali mi je kazo da je njegov deda Ilija Plemic poreklom iz Bosne. Neznam tacno odakle. I da se naselijo u Vojvodini. Ja sam testiro Y DNA i ja sam E haplogrupa. Prvo sam testiro E SNP pack. A sad sam testiro Y DNA 37 bilo je jeftiniji za prasnike. Zamolijo bi vas da pogledate moje resultate i ako mozete neke daljne Informacije da mi uporucite. Siguran sam da sam omogucijo administratori da vide moje resultate. Ako nisam molim vas objaznite kako da podelim sa vama. Imam Y STR 37 marker i E V 13 SNP Pack. Nasa Slava je Sveti Nikola.

Svako Dobro Svetozar Plemic

12-25-2019, 03:32 AM
Zdravo Svetozare,

Da, administartori ukljucujuci tu i mene mogu da vide tvoje rezultate.

Tvoj rezultat ukazuje na poreklo od Vasojevića po muskoj liniji. Sa aspekta genetike takav zakljucak o vasojevickom poreklu je verovatno maksimum koji se moze izvuci na osnovu raspolozivog rezultata. Konkretno radi se o grani E-V13>PH1246>BY14151. Usudio bih se da kazem da ovo saznanje o pripadnosti odredjenom plemenu i Y-DNK grani samo po sebi nije mala stvar.

Sa aspekta istorije tvojih relativno bliskih predaka u smislu moguce rekonstrukcije migracija, tvoj raspolozivi rezultat ukljucujuci tu i (ne)poznavanje strukture Y-DNK unutar plemena Vasojevica, na zalost ne govori mnogo. U tom smislu mogu da te uputim na ove linkove gde mozda mozes da nadjes dodatne informacije:


U buducnosti nakon sto pripadnici ovog plemena budu uradili detaljnije testove kao sto su Big-Y ili WGS izvesno cemo doci do novih saznanje o strukturi Y-DNK unutar plemena pa ce to verovatno biti zanimljivi i za tebe. Ipak pitanje je da li ce se to desiti za nekoliko meseci ili nekoliko godina. Videcemo.

Na kraju bih rekao da ja ne spadam u najbolje poznavaoce crnogorskih plemena ukljucujuci tu i Vasojevice pa ako budes imao jos nedoumica verovatno je najbolje da ih izneses na forumu ciji sam link dao iznad.

Seems like Im really of the Vasojevici Clan. Cool.

12-25-2019, 04:55 AM
Hello Svetozar,

Yes, administrators including myself and you can see your results.

Your result indicates the origin of Vasojevic along the male line. From the point of view of genetics, such a conclusion on vasoevic origin is probably the maximum that can be drawn from the result available. Specifically, it is a branch of E-V13> PH1246> BY14151. I dare say that this knowledge of belonging to a particular tribe and Y-DNA branch is no small matter in itself.

From the point of view of the history of your relatively close ancestors in terms of possible reconstruction of migration, your available score, including (in) knowledge of the structure of Y-DNA within the Vasojevic tribe, unfortunately does not say much. To that end, I can refer you to these links where you may find additional information:


In the future, after more detailed tests such as Big-Y or WGS have been done by members of this tribe, we will surely gain new insights into the structure of Y-DNA within the tribe, so this will probably be of interest to you as well. However, the question is whether it will happen in a few months or a few years. We'll see.

Finally, I would say that I do not belong to the best experts of the Montenegrin tribes, including Vasojevice, so if you have further doubts it is probably best to bring them to the forum whose link I gave above.


07-10-2022, 03:36 PM
Serbian/Montenigrin Piperi tribe linked to Albanian R1b-BY611>Z2705 (Trieshi and Gruda)

https://www.facebook.com/gjenetika/posts/pfbid02pu4eNQfLuEta4tZersvZgcDCso4S7hLsRqsLfre2VzU ZzwzwQeaNTmz13DGUJd4ql

https://scontent.fosl3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/162185926_2946025225631481_7486409073497701698_n.p ng?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=DxhMJlJpIpgAX8w67C7&_nc_ht=scontent.fosl3-1.fna&oh=00_AT8xxy1ZddCnnJPL_Iz0hiNKXKWhTKX9nQo0ieTUHfRE Tg&oe=62F17116

07-10-2022, 03:39 PM
Cetnicku majko bre