View Full Version : Classify these random Chilean students and how many (%) could pass in Europe?

12-26-2019, 10:35 PM
I was bored and just created a different thread.

https://scontent.fjdo10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/42174074_291342635024762_50838617349685248_o.jpg?_ nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=9bezD9qlxdkAQkZp8qzNqMYjsDyz1ExDpPuHRLf0w_ PYu5LhGUs0JEIew&_nc_ht=scontent.fjdo10-1.fna&oh=836bb407a67d401f0c144df99755b18d&oe=5E67A5E0

^ I think the guy in the photo is American.

12-26-2019, 11:19 PM
I would say 20% of the people in those photos pass in Europe.

Most of the people are Balanced Mestizos, Harnizos, & Castizos.

A few are Indo-Mestizos, & there's one Native American on one of the pictures as well.

12-26-2019, 11:20 PM
Mainly Castizos + some whites.
Brazil is whiter than Chile despite the former having a significant African imput, while the latter, Amerindian.

Tooting Carmen
12-26-2019, 11:22 PM
While Chile may be one of the whiter countries in Latin America, most still clearly look Mestizo. Maybe a quarter can pass (somewhere) in Europe.

12-26-2019, 11:23 PM
Not sure but i detect the vibe they all around 60-85% European.

12-26-2019, 11:25 PM
While Chile may be one of the whiter countries in Latin America, most still clearly look Mestizo. Maybe a quarter can pass (somewhere) in Europe.

Well, I live in a city with a significant African imput and an Africanized image, but even here whites are very common, I think more than in Santiago.

12-26-2019, 11:28 PM
Most of the people are Balanced Mestizos, Harnizos, & Castizos.

Are you sure about it? I agree with Latinus, there are way more 'Castizos' than Mestizos.
Despite of most looking mixed, an average Mestizo would look more Amerindian than the average person in the photos, i think.

12-26-2019, 11:41 PM
Are you sure about it? I agree with Latinus, there are way more 'Castizos' than Mestizos.
Despite of most looking mixed, an average Mestizo would look more Amerindian than the average person in the photos, i think.

Yep, they all pass in Mexico very easily, but see, people have this stupid image that Chile is like Ireland or Spain, when the vast majority are biracial (white & native american) but leaning toward the white side, it's no different than Northern & Western Mexico, but some ignorant fools think that Mexico is like Peru, Bolivia, or Guatemala, because they only focus on Southern Mexico (like Oaxaca or Chiapas), don't fall for this "Southern cone is very white" bullshit, there's no country in Latin America that is majority white, maybe Southern Brazil (but that's still part of Brazil), the only countries in the Americas that are majority white are the USA & Canada, but that's kinda changing already, especially here in the USA due to obvious reasons, & that's because the British were totally against race mixing due to them being Protestant, & because they brought their women & children with them, while the Iberians were total race mixers, because the Catholic church & the Monarchy allowed it, & because it was nearly all men who went to Iberoamerica, which is why Latin America is very mixed today, even the Southern Cone, sure there was recent immigration from many European countries (especially Italy), but many of them are mixed today themselves just look at Maradona for an example, nearly all the Criollos in Latin America have a little trace of Amerindian or SSA admixture, pure whites don't really exist in Latin America anymore, unless they are recent immigrants, while in the USA & Canada, most of the whites are still pure, except for the French-Canadians & Cajuns, because they French were more open to mixing than the British were, but they didn't mix anywhere close as the Iberians did, kinda similar to the Dutch in South Africa.

12-26-2019, 11:50 PM
Yep, they all pass in Mexico very easily, but see, people have this stupid image that Chile is like Ireland or Spain, when the vast majority are biracial (white & native american) but leaning toward the white side, it's no different than Northern & Western Mexico, but some ignorant fools think that Mexico is like Peru, Bolivia, or Guatemala, because they only focus on Southern Mexico (like Oaxaca or Chiapas), don't fall for this "Southern cone is very white" bullshit, there's no country in Latin America that is majority white, maybe Southern Brazil (but that's still part of Brazil), the only countries in the Americas that are majority white are the USA & Canada, but that's kinda changing already, especially here in the USA due to obvious reasons, & that's because the British were totally against race mixing due to them being Protestant, & because they brought their women & children with them, while the Iberians were total race mixers, because the Catholic church & the Monarchy allowed it, & because it was nearly all men who went to Iberoamerica, which is why Latin America is very mixed today, even the Southern Cone, sure there was recent immigration from many European countries (especially Italy), but many of them are mixed today themselves just look at Maradona for an example, nearly all the Criollos in Latin America have a little trace of Amerindian or SSA admixture, pure whites don't really exist in Latin America anymore, unless they are recent immigrants, while in the USA & Canada, most of the whites are still pure, except for the French-Canadians & Cajuns, because they French were more open to mixing than the British were, but they didn't mix anywhere close as the Iberians did, kinda similar to the Dutch in South Africa.

Chile Colombia Venezuela Mexico Dominican republic Costa rica are not the different from each other maybe around 5-15% of European admixture

12-26-2019, 11:58 PM
Cheverus is an upscale bilingual high school and Universidad de Chile is the best univesity of the country, these ain't no random sets of students, there's a lot of left-leaning politicians too, from the first pictures I recognize Camila Vallejo, Gabriel Boric and Maite Orsini

Chileans are just glorified depigmented Peruvians

12-27-2019, 12:22 AM
You will find proper white people among high class in Santiago, but really really high class, minority of minority, they pass easily in Europe, even have nordoids features for example, model Trinidad De La Noi and her boyfriend (Nordid?), Jose Antonio Kast, and other...the reason is because they were really care about lineage and ancestry, so very classist and racist selective couples among these people , if they were of german descent they preserve the german ancestry on both sides (mother and father), same thing if Jewish, Italian, Arabian, etc.

Trinidad De la Noi and boyfriend

Jose Antonio Kast Rist

12-27-2019, 12:27 AM
Cheverus is an upscale bilingual high school and Universidad de Chile is the best univesity of the country, these ain't no random sets of students, there's a lot of left-leaning politicians too, from the first pictures I recognize Camila Vallejo, Gabriel Boric and Maite Orsini

Chileans are just glorified depigmented Peruvians
There’s also sets of students from USACH and Inacap which are mid to low class establishments. Also the Liceo LN-7, which is a public school for girls. Chileans and Peruvians are significantly different genetically.

12-27-2019, 12:58 AM
There’s also sets of students from USACH and Inacap which are mid to low class establishments. Also the Liceo LN-7.
I'd bet those are the ones who look like full blown Chilean mestizos

Chileans and Peruvians are significantly different genetically
Nu-uh, significantly is a big word, Chileans and Peruvians are linked by birthright, maybe percentage-wise Chileans marginally leaning towards the European side unlike Peruvians

12-27-2019, 01:25 AM
I'd bet those are the ones who look like full blown Chilean mestizos

Nu-uh, significantly is a big word, Chileans and Peruvians are linked by birthright, maybe percentage-wise Chileans marginally leaning towards the European side unlike Peruvians
Yes, class has a big role on the genetic components. Chilean and Peruvian populations have some overlap for sure and are related, but based on autosomal studies, the genepool of Chile is between 55-60% european and in the case of Peru it’s around 35% european.

To me that is significant, and even in self classification there’s a huge margin of difference, with 5.9% of Peruvians identifying as white and 59% of chileans doing so.

Tenma de Pegasus
12-27-2019, 01:36 AM
I see mostly castizos, harnizos, whites and mestizos.

As whole they are shifted towards Europe but only 20% could pass in Spain. But I have the impression that another 45% could somewhat pass in peripheral parts of Russia, Central Asia, Turcomenistan, Kazan and Turkey.

Tooting Carmen
12-27-2019, 02:10 AM
Yes, class has a big role on the genetic components. Chilean and Peruvian populations have some overlap for sure and are related, but based on autosomal studies, the genepool of Chile is between 55-60% european and in the case of Peru it’s around 35% european.

To me that is significant, and even in self classification there’s a huge margin of difference, with 5.9% of Peruvians identifying as white and 59% of chileans doing so.

Ay Dios Mio!:picard1:

12-27-2019, 03:14 AM
Ay Dios Mio!:picard1:

Lol. Even if it’s a mixed country, most of the indigenous culture has been replaced, with only 5-6% being true amerindians. The rest are essentially mestizos (who might identify as white altough rare) and harnizos, castizos; both of whom most certainly identify culturally more with Europe than to America, and as thus think of themselves as being white. Also it’s very probable that they think of light skin as being inherently white, and dismissing the other things present in phenotypes.

Tooting Carmen
12-27-2019, 03:17 AM
Lol. Even if it’s a mixed country, most of the indigenous culture has been replaced, with only 8% being true amerindians. The rest are essentially mestizos (who might identify as white altough rare) and harnizos, castizos; both of whom most certainly identify culturally more to Europe than America, and as thus think of themselves as being white.

Most Chileans look clearly Mestizo, even if on average they may be a tad lighter and more Euro-shifted than are e.g. Mexican or Colombian Mestizos. Having done it myself, crossing the border from Chile into Argentina is practically like night and day as far as the racial make-up of the two countries is concerned. If an outright majority of Chileans identify as White, then you must have an even bigger collective OWD complex than I thought.

12-27-2019, 03:24 AM
Most Chileans look clearly Mestizo, even if on average they may be a tad lighter and more Euro-shifted than are e.g. Mexican or Colombian Mestizos. Having done it myself, crossing the border from Chile into Argentina is practically like night and day as far as the racial make-up of the two countries is concerned. If an outright majority of Chileans identify as White, then you must have an even bigger collective OWD complex than I thought.

I agree, most mixed race people suffer from identity issues. At least with Peru and Bolivia, their native groups are thriving and are the visible majority. When you’re stuck in between Europe and America, it’s hard to create an unique identity, so most just choose one of the two despite their genetics.

Tooting Carmen
12-27-2019, 03:27 AM
I agree, most mixed race people suffer from identity issues. At least with Peru and Bolivia, their native groups are thriving and are the visible majority. When you’re stuck in between Europe and America, it’s hard to create an unique identity, so most just choose one of the two despite their genetics.

Well in Mexico to some extent they get round it by saying in unison "we are all Mestizos".

12-27-2019, 03:27 AM
Around 30% of them would pass in Europe. Among the non-full Euro looking ones, there are lots of harnizos and castizos, some balanced mestizos, and few indo-mestizos here and there.

I would say that all of them as group look like being around 60-70% European, on average.