View Full Version : Pictures and Travelogues of the Netherlands East Indies

The Lawspeaker
12-27-2019, 01:23 PM
Along the Grote Postweg in Bandoeng (today: Bandung, Indonesia)


A Dutch doctor vaccinating his Indonesian patients against yaws (a tropical disease), (1920s/1930s):


The port and resort town of Tandjong Priok on the island of Java and close to Batavia (now Jakarta) - its present status is unknown to me. Included are images of Batavia itself:



Director: H. Flindt | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1920 | Production Company: unknown | FLM27219 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=npDjtlOq6h6P0kjj_nKeCsaXuZF8M TU3NzU0MjI2OEAxNTc3NDU1ODY4&v=UliALT4fRjM&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen%2Fcollection%2 Ffilm-history%2Ffilm%2Fhaven-te-tandjong-priok&event=video_description) Shots of the harbour, the first inland port, the morning rush hour, the train station, the harbour office, the old pasar (market), the second inland port, labourers at work, unloading the ship “Jan Pieterszoon Coen Amsterdam”, the electric transportation of coal, the new “coolie camp” (shelter for native workers), a dry dock, naval aircraft, Petit-Trouville, people on terraces, a beach scene, a woman with a monkey and a dog.


Director: Willy Mullens | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1927 | Production Company: Haghe Film (Den Haag) | FLM27227 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen%2Fcol lection%2Ffilm-history%2Ffilm%2Fhet-havenbedrijf-der-kpm-te-tandjong-priok&v=jHvHpmkRgvY&event=video_description&redir_token=IgvPmPIoZ6_PHefzMACDKr10Ell8MTU3NzU0Mj I3NkAxNTc3NDU1ODc2) An industrial film in three parts about the business of the Royal Shipping Company in the port of Batavia (Jakarta).

The Lawspeaker
12-29-2019, 03:23 AM

Dutch East Indies in HD Colour 1938
The Dutch East Indies (or Netherlands East Indies; Dutch: Nederlands-Oost-Indië; Indonesian: Hindia Belanda) was a Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia following World War II. It was formed from the nationalised colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Dutch government in 1800. During the 19th century, Dutch possessions and hegemony were expanded, reaching their greatest territorial extent in the early 20th century. This colony which later formed modern-day Indonesia was one of the most valuable European colonies under the Dutch Empire's rule, and contributed to Dutch global prominence in spice and cash crop trade in the 19th to early 20th century. The colonial social order was based on rigid racial and social structures with a Dutch elite living separate but linked to their native subjects. The term Indonesia came into use for the geographical location after 1880. In the early 20th century, local intellectuals began developing the concept of Indonesia as a nation state, and set the stage for an independence movement. Japan's World War II occupation dismantled much of the Dutch colonial state and economy. Following the Japanese surrender in August 1945, Indonesian nationalists declared independence which they fought to secure during the subsequent Indonesian National Revolution. The Netherlands formally recognized Indonesian sovereignty at the 1949 Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference with the exception of the Netherlands New Guinea (Western New Guinea), which was ceded to Indonesia in 1963 under the provisions of the New York Agreement.


Join me on a colourful journey to Jakarta in 1941. Enjoy the rare coloured footage, absorb the sounds and ambience of 77 years ago, listen to some original N.I.R.O.M radio broadcasting, recognise the buildings that do still exist in today's Jakarta, and admire some of the beautiful Batavia landmarks that have sadly been demolished since then. Selamat jalan!

The Lawspeaker
03-07-2020, 01:04 PM

Jan Weissenbruch - Een straatje in het oude gedeelte van Batavia (today: Jakarta), painted around 1860.

The Lawspeaker
01-03-2021, 11:26 PM

Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1919 | Production Company: unknown | FLM32784 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=-keXk8vLrdU&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW10RHFNT1dGT2tnWFhHSnp2Z2Nxan BIM0FWd3xBQ3Jtc0ttYmMtcVNHSXhLTFVOcUpPU21EaW9pSUVF WlRTcXRSWHU5WEJWaHV4VWNFNWROQzRjVENIOE9vRnc3NC1mQn Bza0JxNHl0Rl91SF9aS3BpRmNRQ2MwRUNZaS1XRGxNZjdITHgw bF9fVXY1MTRuRmxFWQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen) A reportage about the port of Tanjong Priok on Java, as well as a train ride to Batavia full of offloaded goods. We see images of the old downtown, which is criss-crossed by waterways that are used for ship transport, for washing, and for the transport of bamboo. We also see the steam tram from Batavia to Meester Cornelis.

The Lawspeaker
01-04-2021, 03:26 PM

Director: Willy Mullens | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1927 | Production Company: Haghe Film (Den Haag) | FLM43741 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen%2Fcol lection%2Ffilm-history%2Ffilm%2Fmooi-bandoeng&v=n-zy_vV1S24&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3BTNjlaa2NkMzVpNGFRTW5ybnU2Nl 95WG5fd3xBQ3Jtc0tuaG9TZjFlZDFGcW8wQXlBbTZhdzRDNHNO ZVM2N2FoOHVweXFiY1ZNZThmci1SN2htTjlVX2RTd1NuUVgtX0 Y0SVlMWUt3VDB3OGZjamJRTGg2M1dXdjlUVWFRMXEtekFtaTZH aUp1MDBHdGhwbnFoRQ%3D%3D) Impressions of the city of Bandung, with shots of the pasar (market), the Departments of War and Government Corporations, churches, parks, the residential office, a hospital, staff and service houses of the PTT, the Concordia society, the Chinese neighbourhood, the library and the observatory in Lembang.

The Lawspeaker
01-04-2021, 05:10 PM

Director: Philip Gerard Carli | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1929 [?] | Production Company: Kinowerk Carli & Co (Batavia) and others | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen&v=x7AKNX4hax8&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblU4cXdaU2l0SzlQMVpYRG9NVm9KVV NmTlVxZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsZlBjYXBnSV81LUZUdWs5c29QOC1KN3U5 bTRGUU9DYmw0SkxFT25zSzFIUjdITUdLUmJFVFEtdklwZHNuUW 1MZ3J6OF9PSk9NWW8xS0otc1ZtQ3JpS2tnWTRRVEhLTzN0bTVv T2NoSTdUTmFkTjh6NA%3D%3D) Six-part film about trains, buildings and railroads on Java circa 1930, 1930, exploited by the companies ESS, SCS, NIS, and SS.


Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1930 | Production Company: unknown | FLM34529 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=XffwLPb5aCs&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblM0dkZvd0VlYURyN0RaY3pnY1dsOU tUWE93d3xBQ3Jtc0tsekFOQkVXXzRaMml0Nko1SmdDMzRfVF9f SUxPbW01eVdCSmtxeEZCQXQwYjJPT055blpfNURhVDJiN1hkVl pOQnJ5WWEyWXB6TjctZl9QV3U3ejVIY3VSWXNyY1BJUXhISzdN MnAxd3lpSFUzNWg2OA%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen) A corporate film about the production of kapok. We see the entire business cycle, from picking and peeling the kapok to the processing of bales, which are then shipped. Bedrijfsfilm van een kapokonderneming. We zien het hele bedrijfsproces, van het plukken en pellen van de kapok tot de verwerking van balen die vervolgens verscheept worden.

The Lawspeaker
01-09-2021, 09:02 PM

Director: Willy Mullens | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1930 | Production Company: Koloniaal Instituut (Amsterdam) | FLM50885 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen&v=z9TYkSIe3rA&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVNmYlJMZG1UVXRGQmdhd1dzSFgwSW NoS3NuZ3xBQ3Jtc0treDZUZnR2MC1NM2pHTVV4LVVlZkZEN0Nu RHV3OENzbFY5el9EcmNZNlFnNTJzTkxRcXdwa0xySjBzak83bU x4R0c5Z0pQbk1SSUNkSHNsSXMyMzRqaHQtaTdtNW5kRWFxNlRr ckt5bkNvaC1HckEyYw%3D%3D) A travelogue along the basin of the Lematang River on the island of Sumatra.

The Lawspeaker
01-10-2021, 05:06 PM

Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1922 | Production Company: Syndicaat voor Filmopnamen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië (Bandung) | FLM36175 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk93dk9xdzRiUjZ5NUtXTVpsSEFHMS 1RS213UXxBQ3Jtc0tsa2p0QXhRSGVhQXdTSjlVSzZVYW1jMktN bVlHanZabkhJTFVoZ1lTaWp3WUw0Q0NwMlp0bWNZemJ2SkJULV VXSk41MXZqNlN1QktJd3VpNHdtN1plZUlYd3RZQnRkMFRuOURY TG9PeWZGNkkzUkFZOA%3D%3D&event=video_description&v=qfwC9hdAoBg) A brief reportage about the official opening, held by Governor-General D. Fock, of the physics laboratory at a technical college in Bandung on Java; a group of invited guests get a glimpse into the classrooms and the laboratories, where students are at work.

The Lawspeaker
01-11-2021, 12:32 AM

Director: unknown | Production Country: United States | Year: 1919 - 1923 | Production Company: Koloniaal Instituut (Amsterdam) [?] | FLM58805 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXRiaVNWWXRrMmJPX3Ezc 2s5LXc0em53YnRzZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuNjA2cEtfQXBfZlZ5NFY4Snh lbmlBTUFYVzFILUVaaDRqVUdrQnN3aVZsRmNMYzFubGhhM3ZxS C1PNXM2bDZ6Ty04b1RQaE5IOEpVbm1La2dFalJ5cGRaNnFUbHZ NOWpvSnlSLVZyT3JJaU5BUEZjTQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&v=aeIU0eZMHAo&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2F) Images of trains and railway workshops on Java around 1920. A special train for the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies can make the journey from Batavia (present-day Jakarta) to Surabaya within one day.

The Lawspeaker
01-11-2021, 01:01 AM

Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1919 - 1923 | Production Company: Koloniaal Instituut (Amsterdam) | FLM38701 | Film from the collection of Eye (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqazhHdFBRS1ZvVHZkZ1dKV HZzNlZDYmZsc05qd3xBQ3Jtc0tuX1pFY3FrbUpVOEJyXzNWaGZ WYTVtbDF6U1F6NnMxbnhwZjJScExTZGI4Z2tVVl9UcEI0SHp1W llzWjhtQzJTa1p1VFRxeEh2Tk5pQ2ZtTUxiV2s5TzFNeTZ1blV uaWJkM1QyS1FKVHNoTDZ0TWVHWQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&v=DMtZYgAKPCE&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen%2Fcollection%2 Ffilm-history%2Ffilm%2Flijn-weltevreden-meester-cornelis) A brief reportage about the train trip from Weltevreden to Meester Cornelis and from Meester Cornelis to Manggarai station on Java, around 1920.

The Lawspeaker
01-11-2021, 11:28 AM

Director: Charles Umbgrove | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1929 | Production Company: Foto- en Kinoatelier Umbgrove (Soerabaja) en andere | FLM61903 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=X_UKZ60abL0&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTJuZTY5QmlyLTdDR2ZMcUNpOENLbF 95NnI4Z3xBQ3Jtc0tucjZqRWI4SldwZVg4c2FrMzRtR2g3blRz VjNReEdYNGtWYUE2UTJRdHBzekd5VTFvdGtqOFVkTjZXeWJScW RHZHhKREdoSXlQMkI4eXdoeE9HQVh5UFF6UFlvNUVhNkNyNlVN MGt1VlRwaEl2WTVrWQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eyefilm.nl%2Fen%2Fcollection%2 Ffilm-history%2Ffilm%2Fsoerabaia-het-straatverkeer-op-pasar-besar-15-juli-1929) "Documentary footage of the traffic around the railway viaduct op pasar-besar, around half past one in the afternoon. The camera focuses on the viaduct and on both sides of the traffic artery that crosses it. Images of traffic chaos, cars racing past each other, electric trams, ox carts, and bicycling office clerks. The camera pans along advertisements for aspirin and for Deluze's table wines, as well as shops with galleries and announcements for the film The Last Warning and Fritz Lang’s Siegfried and Die Nibelungen. On the facade of the Apollo cinema, billboards announce that starting on 18 July, the American actor Lon Chaney can be seen in The Unholy Three. The shots of Surabaya show a city that resembles a European city. In some ways, the architecture is even more modern than the architecture in the West. Only the few local natives and the ox carts with water buffaloes indicate that the film is set in the Dutch East Indies."

Your Old Comrade
08-25-2023, 06:17 AM

Director: J.C. Lamster | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1919 - 1923 | Production Company: Koloniaal Instituut (Amsterdam) | FLM4736 | Film from the collection of Eye (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en/collection/...

A 'phantom ride' filmed from a car driving through Bandung (Java) and the surroundings around 1913.

'Phantom ride' vanuit een auto door Bandung (Java) en omgeving rond 1913.

Your Old Comrade
08-25-2023, 06:23 AM

Director: unknown | Production Country: The Netherlands | Production Year: 1921 | Production Company: Nationale Filmfabriek Bloemendaal (Bloemendaal) and others | FLM51595 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/

Impressies van een markt in Nederlands-Indië, vermoedelijk op Java, met opnamen van kooplieden, marktkramen, handel, transportmiddelen, diverse levensmiddelen en nijverheidsprodukten.

Impressions of a market in the Dutch East Indies, presumably on Java, with shots of merchants, market stalls, trade, means of transport, miscellaneous foodstuffs, and industrial products.

Your Old Comrade
08-25-2023, 06:53 AM

Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1914 | Production Company: Pathé Frères (France) | FLM6966 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en

Short French report about a visit to a tea plantation in a colonial setting in Asia, possibly the Dutch indies.


Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1921| Production Company: Syndicaat voor Filmopnamen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië (Bandung) | FLM68661 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en

A short impression of the festivities to celebrate of the fifteenth night after the Chinese New Year in the Dutch East Indies, including the Kwan Tee Bio temple, and parades featuring dragons.

Your Old Comrade
08-25-2023, 07:16 AM

Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1929 - 1930 | Production Company: Foto- en Kinoatelier Umbgrove (Soerabaja) | FLM63328 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en

Reportage about Surabaya on Java, with an overview of the port, and images of important buildings, boulevards, squares, bridges, churches, and mosques. At the end, we see a panoramic view, shot from a balcony, of the residence office and of the European residential areas.

Reportage over Soerabaja op Java met een overzicht van de haven en beelden van belangrijke gebouwen, boulevards, pleinen, bruggen, kerken en moskeeën. Tot slot een panorama vanaf het balkon van het residentiekantoor en Europese woonwijken.

Your Old Comrade
08-25-2023, 08:28 AM

Director: J.C. Lamster | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1912 - 1913 | Production Company: Koloniaal Instituut (Amsterdam) | FLM56487 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://filmdatabase.eyefilm.nl/en/co...

A train journey to central Java, from Willem I to Djocja (Yogyakarta), filmed from the front of the train. Landscapes along the route; stations; the main road in Magelang, a Chinese district, a sugar factory, tobacco fields.


Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1919 | Production Company: unknown | FLM32784 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) - https://www.eyefilm.nl/en

A reportage about the port of Tanjong Priok on Java, as well as a train ride to Batavia full of offloaded goods. We see images of the old downtown, which is criss-crossed by waterways that are used for ship transport, for washing, and for the transport of bamboo. We also see the steam tram from Batavia to Meester Cornelis.

08-28-2023, 03:48 AM
Gedung Sate


Lawang Sewu


Your Old Comrade
12-17-2023, 03:51 AM

Credit : Indisch Filmarchief

Your Old Comrade
01-13-2024, 04:19 AM

Compilatie van fragmenten van treinen die dienst deden in voormalig Nederlands-Indië.

Your Old Comrade
01-14-2024, 03:06 PM

Director: unknown | Production Country: Netherlands | Year: 1919 - 1923 | Production Company: Koloniaal Instituut (Amsterdam) | FLM38701 | Film from the collection of Eye (Amsterdam) - https://filmdatabase.eyefilm.nl/en/co...

A brief reportage about the train trip from Weltevreden to Meester Cornelis and from Meester Cornelis to Manggarai station on Java, around 1920.

Your Old Comrade
01-14-2024, 03:44 PM

Enkele shots zijn te zien van het station Tandjoeng Priok, het spoorwegemplacement en de grote stationshal. Verder valt een gedeelte van de rit Tandjoeng Priok - Benedenstad (Jakarta-Kota) te zien. De film is gemaakt in het kader van de nieuw geleverde Heemaf/Werkspoor locs voor de elektrische staatsspoorwegen (ESS) op Java.