View Full Version : Classify my mom

12-28-2019, 02:10 PM
Here are some pictures, we are from Nigde. I said that because i actually think my mom might have some cappadocian greek dna.


12-28-2019, 04:26 PM
No classifies huh? :/

12-28-2019, 04:28 PM
Here are some pictures, we are from Nigde. I said that because i actually think my mom might have some cappadocian greek dna.


Why two first pics aren't show?

12-28-2019, 04:30 PM
First two links don't work buddy it says : "Aradığınız sayfa bulunamadı! Anasayfa'ya gitmek için tıklayınız."

12-28-2019, 04:31 PM
How can you be from nowhere?

12-28-2019, 04:33 PM
Ahhhh my bad wait a min please guys

12-28-2019, 04:37 PM
First two links don't work buddy it says : "Aradığınız sayfa bulunamadı! Anasayfa'ya gitmek için tıklayınız."

Done, can you try again

12-28-2019, 04:37 PM
Why two first pics aren't show?

I uploaded again, you can try

12-28-2019, 04:40 PM
How can you be from nowhere?

Am i?

12-28-2019, 04:43 PM
Here are some pictures, we are from Nigde. I said that because i actually think my mom might have some cappadocian greek dna.

Mediterranean-Hither-Asiatic mix. Can pass in Caucasus as full-blooded aborigine.

12-28-2019, 04:44 PM
Mediterranean-Hither-Asiatic mix. Can pass in Caucasus as full-blooded aborigine.

Can you explain more? What does hither mean

12-28-2019, 04:44 PM
Alpine + Pontid
she gives northern Balkan and Georgian vibes

12-28-2019, 04:46 PM
Iranic/Pontid + some slavic

12-28-2019, 04:47 PM
Alpine + Pontid
she gives Georgian vibes

So my theory is true right? She has cappadocian greek dna?

12-28-2019, 04:47 PM
Looks pontid.

12-28-2019, 04:47 PM
Wow thats cool too

12-28-2019, 04:48 PM
Looks pontid.

Yea she has pontid

12-28-2019, 04:52 PM
Can you explain more? What does hither mean

Hither-Asiatic is a term describing type, aboriginal to Eastern Anatolia, Georgia and Caucasus. Western authors wrongfully called it Armenoid, but purest types are found among Caucasian-speakers. Armenians have Iranid admixture (from Medes and Parthians) and Turks - Turanid and Pontid one.

12-28-2019, 04:53 PM
So my theory is true right? She has cappadocian greek dna?

There are some Slavic vibes I see in her face, i.e. the rounded oval shape, which could be Neo-Danubian influenced I suppose. I just generalized it to "Alpine" (but both Alpine and Neo-Danubian/Baltid are a result of borealization in northeast Europe/Urals

Greeks and northern Anatolids tend to have sharper features I suppose, because the hotter weather leads to less fat accumulation in cheeks.

12-28-2019, 04:55 PM
There are some Slavic vibes I see in her face, i.e. the rounded oval shape, which could be Neo-Danubian influenced I suppose. I just generalized it to "Alpine" (but both Alpine and Neo-Danubian/Baltid are a result of borealization of northeast Europe/Urals

Greeks and northern Anatolids tend to have sharper features I suppose.

Hmm i get it, my sister is neo danubian

12-28-2019, 04:56 PM
Hmm i get it, my sister is neo danubian

What's your family history if I may ask

12-28-2019, 04:58 PM
What's your family history if I may ask

I dont know before 1800s we are turkish. My mom and my dad are from the same region. Nigde/altunhisar/yesilyurt village. We have some anatolian greek genes i think. Because the greeks lived there

12-28-2019, 05:02 PM
What's your family history if I may ask


Can you classify me too

12-28-2019, 05:03 PM
She could 100% pass in Georgia... I know many georgian women who look exactly same..-

12-28-2019, 05:05 PM
She could 100% pass in Georgia... I know many georgian women who look exactly same..-

How georgians classified?

12-28-2019, 05:08 PM
Mtebid, pontid, mediterranid... etc..

12-28-2019, 05:08 PM
I dont know before 1800s we are turkish. My mom and my dad are from the same region. Nigde/altunhisar/yesilyurt village. We have some anatolian greek genes i think. Because the greeks lived there

Well there is lots of Slavic DNA all throughout Turkey which I'm sure you know already, or it could be Celtic Gallatians influence, who lived all the way to central Turkey as well (her eyes sort of look southern French in a way, so that could be a feature she inherited from Gauls: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Celts_in_III_century_BC.jpg )

Do a dna test and you may find some new info, but phenotype is actually a small portion of our dna so it could turn out the test gives her 99% Anatolian or something (but you can't trust the commercial dna tests entirely, so use the result of the commercial dna test to input into ancient-dna calculator which you can find on this site; ask around as I haven't used it yet)

Would be interesting to see pics of the rest of your fam, are they upper or working class?

12-28-2019, 05:10 PM
Well there is lots of Slavic DNA all throughout Turkey which I'm sure you know already, or it could be Celtic Gallatians influence, who lived all the way to central Turkey as well (her eyes sort of look southern French in a way, so that could be a feature she inherited from Gauls: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Celts_in_III_century_BC.jpg )

Do a dna test and you may find some new info, but phenotype is actually a small portion of our dna so it could turn out the test gives her 99% Anatolian or something (but you can't trust the commercial dna tests entirely, so use the result of the commercial dna test to input into ancient-dna calculator which you can find on this site; ask around as I haven't used it yet)

Would be interesting to see pics of the rest of your fam

Yea you right, can you classify me too please


12-28-2019, 05:11 PM
Mtebid, pontid, mediterranid... etc..

Hmm i get it

12-28-2019, 05:18 PM
Well there is lots of Slavic DNA all throughout Turkey which I'm sure you know already, or it could be Celtic Gallatians influence, who lived all the way to central Turkey as well (her eyes sort of look southern French in a way, so that could be a feature she inherited from Gauls: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Celts_in_III_century_BC.jpg )

Do a dna test and you may find some new info, but phenotype is actually a small portion of our dna so it could turn out the test gives her 99% Anatolian or something (but you can't trust the commercial dna tests entirely, so use the result of the commercial dna test to input into ancient-dna calculator which you can find on this site; ask around as I haven't used it yet)

Would be interesting to see pics of the rest of your fam, are they middle or lower class?

So the rest of my family

12-28-2019, 05:20 PM
So the rest of my family

Quality may be bad sorry

12-28-2019, 05:38 PM

12-28-2019, 05:41 PM

What? :D

12-28-2019, 05:42 PM

What? :D

12-28-2019, 05:51 PM
So the rest of my family

First pic:
1: Pontid + Armenid
2: Pontid + Armenid
3: Pontid + Alpine/Neo-Danubian + Turanid eyes
4: Pontid + Faelid

Second pic:
1: Orientalid
2: Armenid + CM (Cro-Magnid, i.e. robust skull structure (Alpine, Faelid, Borreby are all the "CM" northern types)
3: Armenid + CM
4: Pontid + Iranid
5: Neo-Danubian
6: Pontid + Alpine

Third pic:
1: Armenid + CM
2: Pontid + Proto-Nordid
3: Pontid + Alpine
4: Armenid + Alpine
5: Pontid
kids: Pontid/Armenid and Pontid

generally Turkish family, with Pontid/Armenid features, some Turkic eyes, and some Balto-Slavic features

12-28-2019, 05:58 PM
First pic:
1: Pontid + Armenid
2: Pontid + Armenid
3: Pontid + Alpine/Neo-Danubian + Turanid eyes
4: Pontid + Faelid

Second pic:
1: Orientalid
2: Armenid + CM (Cro-Magnid, i.e. robust skull structure (Alpine, Faelid, Borreby are all the "CM" northern types)
3: Armenid + CM
4: Pontid + Iranid
5: Neo-Danubian
6: Pontid + Alpine

Third pic:
1: Armenid + CM
2: Pontid + Proto-Nordid
3: Pontid + Alpine
4: Armenid + Alpine
5: Pontid
kids: Pontid/Armenid and Pontid

generally Turkish family, with Pontid/Armenid features, some Turkic eyes, and some Balto-Slavic features

How can they change, 3 pics are the same people. Im that orientalid but 5 years old lol. First pic im like 12 or 11 and third pic im 6

12-28-2019, 06:04 PM
How can they change, 3 pics are the same people. Im that orientalid but 5 years old lol. First pic im like 12 or 11 and third pic im 6

Generally we don't even do classifications for kids, because they aren't close to forming their final phenotype. And also people's appearances can change in old age so that's why the best age-range to do classifications is 18-40

Also the type of camera and the distance from camera can change facial proportions, so that in one pic someone can look Pontid, and in another he can have a much longer face, i.e. Orientalid

Selfies aren't good for classifications because they change facial proportions due to the type of lens in smartphone cameras and the closeness of the face to the camera

12-28-2019, 06:06 PM
Your mom is Armenoid+Pontid
The rest Im too lazy to classify xD

12-28-2019, 06:11 PM
Generally we don't even do classifications for kids, because they aren't close to forming their final phenotype. And also people's appearances can change in old age so that's why the best age-range to do classifications is 18-40

Also the type of camera and the distance from camera can change facial proportions, so that in one pic someone can look Pontid, and in another he can have a much longer face, i.e. Orientalid
Selfies aren't good for classifications because they change facial proportions due to the type of lens in smartphone cameras and the closeness of the face to the camera

You are right, i was just curious. Im pontid wrh armenoid affect right?

12-28-2019, 06:26 PM
You are right, i was just curious. Im pontid wrh armenoid affect right?

This is what Armenids typically look like: https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.peacecorps.gov/images/Maria.007e97d9.fill-512x288.width-512.height-288.png

As you can see, Armenid features are brachycephalic (wide face + flat occiput) and triangular sloping face (wider at eye region and thinner at jaw region)

So you are mostly Pontid (Pontids have little-to-none CM features, i.e. no brachycephaly; because Pontids are part of the Med classification, and Meds are a result of civilizational factors (i.e. longer faces, less fat deposits (because civilization started in warm climates), shorter, and more neoteny than is found in CM (except for Alpine CM, as Alpine is a more neotenized form of CM, also known as "reduced-CM")

I just saw this now, but you also have slight Turkic-influence upper-eyelid (you have large eyes (a Med feature), so mostly Pontid, but the eyelid shape is partly Turkic influenced)

The guy in my avatar is also a pseudo-Med face, but he is the result of German+native-Brazilian admixture. As you can see, Med-type features often result from many different peoples coming together in civilization and thus the facial structure "averages-out" the phenotype of the parents.

The European Med type was most likely a result of northern European type peoples mixing with Orientalid type peoples. And the Orientalid type peoples were likely a result of proto-Caucasid types mixing with east-African types (who have long faces just like the Orientalid/Arabid type does)

12-28-2019, 06:29 PM
This is what Armenids typically look like: https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.peacecorps.gov/images/Maria.007e97d9.fill-512x288.width-512.height-288.png

As you can see, Armenid features are brachycephalic (wide face + flat occiput) and triangular sloping face (wider at eye region and thinner at jaw region)
Ahhh i see so mostly pontid+turanid
So you are mostly Pontid (Pontids have little-to-none CM features, i.e. no brachycephaly; because Pontids are part of the Med classification, and Meds are a result of civilizational factors (i.e. longer faces, shorter, and more neoteny than is found in CM (except for Alpine CM, as Alpine is a more neotenized form of CM, also known as "reduced-CM")

I just saw this now, but you also have slight Turkic-influence upper-eyelid (you have large eyes (a Med feature), so mostly Pontid, but the eyelid shape is partly Turkic influenced)

12-28-2019, 06:42 PM
Ahhh i see so mostly pontid+turanid

Very minor Turanid, lol. basically just the upper eyelid, which is less than 0.00001% of your total dna

12-28-2019, 06:43 PM
Very minor Turanid, lol. basically just the upper eyelid, which is less than 0.00001% of your total dna

Okay wait

12-28-2019, 06:45 PM
This is what Armenids typically look like: https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.peacecorps.gov/images/Maria.007e97d9.fill-512x288.width-512.height-288.png

As you can see, Armenid features are brachycephalic (wide face + flat occiput) and triangular sloping face (wider at eye region and thinner at jaw region)

So you are mostly Pontid (Pontids have little-to-none CM features, i.e. no brachycephaly; because Pontids are part of the Med classification, and Meds are a result of civilizational factors (i.e. longer faces, less fat deposits (because civilization started in warm climates), shorter, and more neoteny than is found in CM (except for Alpine CM, as Alpine is a more neotenized form of CM, also known as "reduced-CM")

I just saw this now, but you also have slight Turkic-influence upper-eyelid (you have large eyes (a Med feature), so mostly Pontid, but the eyelid shape is partly Turkic influenced)

The guy in my avatar is also a pseudo-Med face, but he is the result of German+native-Brazilian admixture. As you can see, Med-type features often result from many different peoples coming together in civilization and thus the facial structure "averages-out" the phenotype of the parents.

The European Med type was most likely a result of northern European type peoples mixing with Orientalid type peoples. And the Orientalid type peoples were likely a result of proto-Caucasid types mixing with east-African types (who have long faces just like the Orientalid/Arabid type does)
Oh i see, i should consider myself as pontid right?

12-28-2019, 06:47 PM
Oh i see, i should consider myself as pontid right?

I mean, do as you like, lol. This isn't objective fact, even though there is some logic to it. Some people consider it pseudoscience, other people have different views, and it's best not to take this stuff so seriously.

Personally, I don't like labels, and I prefer to identify with ideology, i.e. ideological superiority instead of racial superiority

It just so happens though that within each race, a certain ideology manifests itself as the standard within that race. There are exceptions, though, as is natural.

12-28-2019, 06:49 PM
I mean, do as you like, lol. This isn't objective fact, even though there is some logic to it. Some people consider it pseudoscience, other people have different views, and it's best not to take this stuff so seriously.

Ah lol, i dont know actually i really take that stuff seriously lul.

12-28-2019, 06:55 PM
Ah lol, i dont know actually i really take that stuff seriously lul.

I mean, I take it seriously as well, in the sense of being able to find historical patterns and thus migrational movements throughout history. And each nation of people has its own general personality, so classifying people is useful in real life to get a better "head-start" on guessing a person's personality before talking to them; they may turn out to entirely subvert your classification and expectation, but it's more likely the case that they will fulfill it in some sense.

In the sense that it's not useful, I give you exhibit B: the autism of this entire forum

12-28-2019, 06:58 PM
I mean, I take it seriously as well, in the sense of being able to find historical patterns and thus migrational movements throughout history. And each nation of people has its own general personality, so classifying people is useful in real life to get a better "head-start" on guessing a person's personality before talking to them; they may turn out to entirely subvert your classification and expectation, but it's more likely the case that they will fulfill it in some sense.

In the sense that it's not useful, I give you exhibit B: the autism of this entire forum

Ah i get you. Youre right in some ways

12-28-2019, 07:00 PM
Hither-Asiatic is a term describing type, aboriginal to Eastern Anatolia, Georgia and Caucasus. Western authors wrongfully called it Armenoid, but purest types are found among Caucasian-speakers. Armenians have Iranid admixture (from Medes and Parthians) and Turks - Turanid and Pontid one.

Ridiculous. Armenians predate the Parthians and Medes and have been homogenious since the Late Bronze Age at least.

12-28-2019, 07:24 PM
Ridiculous. Armenians predate the Parthians and Medes and have been homogenious since the Late Bronze Age at least.

Before Indo-Europeans Armenian highland was inhabited by Hurrians and Urartians, who were distantly akin to Caucasians. Proto-Armenians who assimilated them were either Luwians from Hayasa or Mushki/Phrygians (second more probable).

12-28-2019, 07:28 PM
Before Indo-Europeans Armenian highland was inhabited by Hurrians and Urartians, who were distantly akin to Caucasians. Proto-Armenians who assimilated them were either Luwians from Hayasa or Mushki/Phrygians (second more probable).

I find that hard to believe considering that you can model current Armenian samples as at least 50% Armenian MBA or LBA. Kura-Araxes culture seems to be more relevant thus far though. Either way, Iranoids and whatnot are not really relevant for a predominantly brachy population.