View Full Version : Classify Me? (Sicilian, French, Native American)

12-30-2019, 08:41 PM
I'm often asked where I'm from and thought it could be fun for people to classify me.
I'm Sicilian, Native American (Choctaw/Creek/Cherokee, tiny bit of Seminole), and French.
I have blue eyes, brown hair, and am 5'6. My hair is naturally completely straight but often wavy from sleeping in braids. I have a light brown skin tone but the photo labeled "sun" is about as dark as I get before I'm just sunburned.


12-30-2019, 08:55 PM
Atlanto-Alpine + slight amerind

12-30-2019, 09:14 PM
North Atlantid + Alpine + residual Silvid influence (Castiza)

12-30-2019, 09:21 PM
North Atlantid + Alpine + residual Silvid influence (Castiza)

Blue eyes dark hair =/ N.Atlantid

She doesn't look N.Atlantid at all.

12-30-2019, 09:25 PM
Blue eyes dark hair =/ N.Atlantid

She doesn't look N.Atlantid at all.

She clearly has a Nordish vibe IMO, if her Caucasoid was just Mediterranean or mostly Mediterranean, she would look more Latin American (like a Mexican or Chilean), she looks very North American.

12-30-2019, 09:30 PM
She clearly has a Nordish vibe IMO, if her Caucasoid was just Mediterranean or mostly Mediterranean, she would look more Latin American (like a Mexican or Chilean), she looks very North American.

yea she has common features found in scandinavia

i see no native features or Italian

12-30-2019, 09:34 PM
Interesting, I'm not Scandinavian at all that I know of. :) Without being exact with percentages, I'm 40% Sicilian (definitely with unknown amount of Spanish admixture in there, though), 40% Eastern Woodlands Native, and 20% French.

12-30-2019, 09:35 PM
Interesting, I'm not Scandinavian at all that I know of. :) Without being exact with percentages, I'm 40% Sicilian (definitely with unknown amount of Spanish admixture in there, though), 40% Eastern Woodlands Native, and 20% French.

yea, those are just dreams that you have xD

you look like the average white girl, why would people ask you were you're from?

12-30-2019, 09:36 PM
What sicilian region ? Palermo ?

12-30-2019, 09:37 PM
double post

12-30-2019, 09:38 PM
yea, those are just dreams that you have xD

you look like the average white girl, why would people ask you were you're from?

Last time I checked Sicilian is white, and I'm more European than Native and I definitely look it. I'm fine with that.

12-30-2019, 09:39 PM
40% Native American? how do you know this percentage for sure exactly, family stories? or a DNA test? or genealogical records from like Ancestry.com?

12-30-2019, 09:39 PM
She clearly has a Nordish vibe IMO, if her Caucasoid was just Mediterranean or mostly Mediterranean, she would look more Latin American (like a Mexican or Chilean), she looks very North American.

I don't think that his white component is med like but I still don't think that's North Atlantid his "nordic" component.

12-30-2019, 09:40 PM
What sicilian region ? Palermo ?

Palermo and Lampedusa.

12-30-2019, 09:40 PM
double post

Yea but by average white girl i mean anglo mix like most Americans.

by all the so called cherokees that has been here you look the least NA, and none has scored any native american after dna tests...

12-30-2019, 09:40 PM
Last time I checked Sicilian is white, and I'm more European than Native and I definitely look it. I'm fine with that.

People that say that sicilians aren't white are retarded trolls or idiots, don't worry.

12-30-2019, 09:40 PM
Welcome :)

12-30-2019, 09:43 PM
Palermo and Lampedusa.

You must have some north-african/levantine then, I would very interesting to see your genetical results !

Palermo is more from Madonie area, Trapani or metropolitan city of Palermo itself ?

12-30-2019, 09:44 PM
40% Native American? how do you know this percentage for sure exactly, family stories? or a DNA test? or genealogical records from like Ancestry.com?

Genelogical records and most of my father's family is tribally enrolled. I'm not super interested in a DNA test but if I tested lower I wouldn't be surprised or upset.

12-30-2019, 09:44 PM
40% Native American? how do you know this percentage for sure exactly, family stories? or a DNA test? or genealogical records from like Ancestry.com?

one parent who somehow stayed pure then lost a foot.

12-30-2019, 09:48 PM
one parent who somehow stayed pure then lost a foot.

One parent Sicilian/some unverified amount of French, one parent mostly Native and French. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers were wrong and that's why I say they're not exact. :)

12-30-2019, 09:50 PM
Genelogical records and most of my father's family is tribally enrolled. I'm not super interested in a DNA test but if I tested lower I wouldn't be surprised or upset.

If they were from a tribe doesn't matter, many Amerindians from USA are below 10% Native, you may have Native American DNA but it doesn't show and it's likely less than 40%.

It's possible to be 40% Amerindian and still look white, but 40% Sicilian + 40% Amerindian and looking white is barely possible. You have significant North European in you even from your ''Amerindian'' side.

12-30-2019, 09:59 PM
If they were from a tribe doesn't matter, many Amerindians from USA are below 10% Native, you may have Native American DNA but it doesn't show and it's likely less than 40%.

It's possible to be 40% Amerindian and still look white, but 40% Sicilian + 40% Amerindian and looking white is barely possible. You have significant North European in you even from your ''Amerindian'' side.

That's fair, I've never really questioned it to be honest. A DNA test would probably show something a lot different from what I've been told.

12-30-2019, 10:03 PM
Genelogical records and most of my father's family is tribally enrolled. I'm not super interested in a DNA test but if I tested lower I wouldn't be surprised or upset.

Yea, records or tribal enrollment aren't the most accurate ways of knowing your ethnic or racial ancestry, although they are more accurate than family stories, because I don't believe you are 40% Native American, I'm around 33% Native American (I tested with about 5 different companies), & I look more native than you, & my native is obvious, while you will be seen as white here in the states, people would see me as exotic, Latino (especially Mexican), native american, middle eastern, or mixed Mediterranean & US native american, you would pass in Europe very easily, as over 95% of the people there are not anthropologists, but I would be seen as a foreigner there.

Before the Dawes rolls, there already mixing with Europeans, even with Sub-Saharan Africans, there was a YouTube video, where a guy who's tribal enrollment said he was half native american, but only got 7% Native American on his DNA results, & his "native" father already looked predominantly European, the federal government also paid white & black folks $5 dollars just to "become native american", they were known as "$5 dollar indians".

Actual American Mestizos (not the imported ones like myself, but those who are mixed Anglo & US native american) are now a very tiny minority here in the states & are mostly found in the reservations or near the reservations, I know many of them personally, as I live in northern California, & there are many reservations around here, but most of the mestizos were bred out, & became either predominantly white or predominantly native american, kinda similar to American Mulattoes like Fredrick Douglas, they were bred out, & most of them became predominantly black, which is pretty much the vast majority of the AA population today, while a minority became predominantly white, but there are newer generations of first generation mulattoes (like Obama), & first generation mestizos (like Benjamin Bratt), the thing with the Mestizos is that their Native is Latino Amerindian not North American Amerindian, I know a few half Mexican & half Anglo folks who look very mestizo, & that's because their Mexican parent is a Amerindian from Oaxaca or Chiapas.

The point is you could believe what ever you want, I don't care tbh, but the DNA test is the most accurate & scientific way to determine your racial & ethnic group, while a combination of physical anthropology & genealogical DNA testing is a very accurate & nearly perfect way to determine racial ancestry.

12-30-2019, 10:12 PM
Yea, records or tribal enrollment aren't the most accurate ways of knowing your ethnic or racial ancestry, although they are more accurate than family stories, because I don't believe you are 40% Native American, I'm around 33% Native American (I tested with about 5 different companies), & I look more native than you, & my native is obvious, while you will be seen as white here in the states, people would see me as exotic, Latino (especially Mexican), native american, middle eastern, or mixed Mediterranean & US native american, you would pass in Europe very easily, as over 95% of the people there are not anthropologists, but I would be seen as a foreigner there.

Before the Dawes rolls, there already mixing with Europeans, even with Sub-Saharan Africans, there was a YouTube video, where a guy who's tribal enrollment said he was half native american, but only got 7% Native American on his DNA results, & his "native" father already looked predominantly European, the federal government also paid white & black folks $5 dollars just to "become native american", they were known as "$5 dollar indians".

Actual American Mestizos (not the imported ones like myself, but those who are mixed Anglo & US native american) are now a very tiny minority here in the states & are mostly found in the reservations or near the reservations, I know many of them personally, as I live in northern California, & there are many reservations around here, but most of the mestizos were bred out, & became either predominantly white or predominantly native american, kinda similar to American Mulattoes like Fredrick Douglas, they were bred out, & most of them became predominantly black, which is pretty much the vast majority of the AA population today, while a minority became predominantly white, but there are newer generations of first generation mulattoes (like Obama), & first generation mestizos (like Benjamin Bratt), the thing with the Mestizos is that their Native is Latino Amerindian not North American Amerindian, I know a few half Mexican & half Anglo folks who look very mestizo, & that's because their Mexican parent is a Amerindian from Oaxaca or Chiapas.

The point is you could believe what ever you want, I don't care tbh, but the DNA test is the most accurate & scientific way to determine your racial & ethnic group, while a combination of physical anthropology & genealogical DNA testing is a very accurate & nearly perfect way to determine racial ancestry.

All good points. I'm not attached to or committed to any of the percentages, I just consider them approximates from the information I have (which is enrollment records, like you said can be inaccurate). If I took a DNA test with something completely different that would be fine. I'm just posting for fun.

12-30-2019, 10:12 PM
The last american here who claimed being part Amerindian not being of Latin American heritage got 0% Native when tested. Maybe it is your case too

I guess most Americans think their unknown heritage is Cherokee when in reality it is mostly colonial British with some SSA, mainly if they are southerners.

12-30-2019, 10:15 PM
All good points. I'm not attached to or committed to any of the percentages, I just consider them approximates from the information I have (which is enrollment records, like you said can be inaccurate). If I took a DNA test with something completely different that would be fine. I'm just posting for fun.

You're sure that you are 50% sicilian ? 2 full grandparents ?

12-30-2019, 10:18 PM
The last american here who claimed being part Amerindian not being of Latin American heritage got 0% Native when tested. Maybe it is your case too

I guess most Americans think their unknown heritage is Cherokee when in reality it is mostly colonial British with some SSA, mainly if they are southerners.

I really didn't mean to open a can of worms with the Native thing, lmao. I'm an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe but it's very likely my actual DNA is lower than what's on my CDIB. Not upset about that.

12-30-2019, 10:20 PM
You're sure that you are 50% sicilian ? 2 full grandparents ?

2 grandparents were both children of immigrants who came directly from Sicily. One of my great-grandparents was part French on this side too so I'm not sure of any admixture in Sicily before immigration.

12-31-2019, 12:04 AM
North Atlantid + Alpine

12-31-2019, 01:05 AM
Alpine-med, you look typical white-mixed american.

12-31-2019, 01:09 AM
Craziest looking eyes, this site attracts some pretty scary women. Be warned.

12-31-2019, 01:34 AM
The last american here who claimed being part Amerindian not being of Latin American heritage got 0% Native when tested. Maybe it is your case too

I guess most Americans think their unknown heritage is Cherokee when in reality it is mostly colonial British with some SSA, mainly if they are southerners.

That's absolutely true, most Americans claiming to have Native don't have it, and when they have extra-Euro it's usually SSA.

12-31-2019, 09:01 AM
People that say that sicilians aren't white are retarded trolls or idiots, don't worry.

Sicilians are close to ashkenazi. They have post neolithic levant (causasus farmer or iran farmer). Facts, not sentiments.

12-31-2019, 09:08 AM

Mediterranean-Nordic blend of features. Very French combo...

12-31-2019, 09:20 AM
Sicilians are close to ashkenazi. They have post neolithic levant (causasus farmer or iran farmer). Facts, not sentiments.

You begin again your trolling. Apparently you haven't learned something from your ban.

12-31-2019, 09:43 AM
Alpine + Amerindian imo. You do look moreso as a tan European more than anything else.

12-31-2019, 09:53 AM
Nice eyes.

12-31-2019, 11:35 AM
Southwest Europe (most specifically Italy) amerindian ancestry under from 1 to as much 10-15% (non-visible)

Most probably nothing.