View Full Version : Classify Indian woman

12-31-2019, 04:12 PM
https://scontent.fphx1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p640x640/80337425_2519712554968237_5493879263167774720_o.jp g?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQnzcclr3ENnKML0dHgLzxzqqm3X2SmRB87tFy0gAyj Qw5uG2O63XPAz3RbB0M8X-ew&_nc_ht=scontent.fphx1-3.fna&oh=8b48575d833c849e32785611f1f4e99b&oe=5EA173DC
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12-31-2019, 04:20 PM
Indo Alpinid nice bbw

12-31-2019, 04:29 PM
Most likely in an Indid/Indo Brachid range.

12-31-2019, 04:54 PM
North Indid + West Indo Brachid. Slightly Iranized.
Btw passes as less typical (eastern) Afghan.

12-31-2019, 05:10 PM
North Indid + West Indo Brachid. Slightly Iranized.
Btw passes as less typical (eastern) Afghan.

There is no difference between eastern Afghan or a southern Afghan or a northern Afghan btw. If anything southern Afghans are "darker". From afar she could pass atypically as a darker individual but she passes much better in Punjab Pakistan and sindh imo.

12-31-2019, 05:14 PM
There is no difference between eastern Afghan or a southern Afghan or a northern Afghan btw. If anything southern Afghans are "darker". From afar she could pass atypically as a darker individual but she passes much better in Punjab Pakistan and sindh imo.

I agree she fit best in IVC region , though she can also pass as atypical pashtun as you said.

12-31-2019, 05:15 PM
There is no difference between eastern Afghan or a southern Afghan or a northern Afghan btw. If anything southern Afghans are "darker". From afar she could pass atypically as a darker individual but she passes much better in Punjab Pakistan and sindh imo.

There is something perceptibly Indic about her. This is the difference between Afghans(who usually lack it) and Punjabi’s particularly the Indian ones

12-31-2019, 06:40 PM
There is no difference between eastern Afghan or a southern Afghan or a northern Afghan btw.

Baby there is! Among Afghans (here defined as citizens of Afghanistan, and neighbouring Pashtuns):
Indo-Iranid is highest in the centre-south and low in the north.
North Indid is very low in the west and north and high elsewhere.
Iranid is highest is the west and low in the east.
Plains Pamirid is highest in the north and non-existent in the south.
Central Pamirid is high in the northeast-east and v. low in the west.
Indo Nordic is high in the very northeast-east, not found elsewhere.
Proto Nordid/Eastnordid is higher in the very northeast-east and usually non-existent elsewhere except for the centre and west.
Indo (West) Brachid is only found in the east, centre and south.
Gracile Indid is only found in the east and south-southeast.
I forget about Proto-Iranid.

This is only a racial analysis. There are many ethnic groups.

Anyway, you been to Afghanistan?

12-31-2019, 06:44 PM
There is something perceptibly Indic about her. This is the difference between Afghans(who usually lack it) and Punjabi’s particularly the Indian ones

True. Do note that there exist Afghans that are pure, or mostly, North Indids, and they are more than 2 million in my estimation.

12-31-2019, 07:00 PM
Baby there is! Among Afghans (here defined as citizens of Afghanistan, and neighbouring Pashtuns):
Indo-Iranid is highest in the centre-south and low in the north.
North Indid is very low in the west and north and high elsewhere.
Iranid is highest is the west and low in the east.
Plains Pamirid is highest in the north and non-existent in the south.
Central Pamirid is high in the northeast-east and v. low in the west.
Indo Nordic is high in the very northeast-east, not found elsewhere.
Proto Nordid/Eastnordid is higher in the very northeast-east and usually non-existent elsewhere except for the centre and west.
Indo (West) Brachid is only found in the east, centre and south.
Gracile Indid is only found in the east and south-southeast.
I forget about Proto-Iranid.

This is only a racial analysis. There are many ethnic groups.

Anyway, you been to Afghanistan?

If you include hindus and sikhs then I agree. They are mainly concentrated in jalalabad and they are mainly indo brachids, gracile Indids and nord Indids. Yes, I'm very familiar with Afghan phenotypes, being afghan is one. Iranid is pre dominant everywhere. Indo iranid ( East iranid?) is more common in kpk region. Pamirid is common northern Afghanistan as well as central North(panjshir, parwan, kapisa etc). We don't have indo nordic but Irano nordoids my friend. They are mostly in North East area( panjshir, parwan, kapisa, laghman, kunar, nuristan etc). Proto iranid is spread out too since alot of Afghans have CM influence while others are more longer faced. Light pigmented eyes are spread out through the whole region, although much more common in Pashtuns as well nuristanis and Tajiks.

I will post some examples of those phenos in a moment

12-31-2019, 07:05 PM
True. Do note that there exist Afghans that are pure, or mostly, North Indids, and they are more than 2 million in my estimation.
That is statistically incorrect.

12-31-2019, 08:02 PM
If you include hindus and sikhs then I agree. They are mainly concentrated in jalalabad and they are mainly indo brachids, gracile Indids and nord Indids. Yes, I'm very familiar with Afghan phenotypes, being afghan is one. Iranid is pre dominant everywhere. Indo iranid ( East iranid?) is more common in kpk region. Pamirid is common northern Afghanistan as well as central North(panjshir, parwan, kapisa etc). We don't have indo nordic but Irano nordoids my friend. They are mostly in North East area( panjshir, parwan, kapisa, laghman, kunar, nuristan etc). Proto iranid is spread out too since alot of Afghans have CM influence while others are more longer faced. Light pigmented eyes are spread out through the whole region, although much more common in Pashtuns as well nuristanis and Tajiks.

I will post some examples of those phenos in a moment

indo iranid is more common among balochs and west shifted sindhis, most Pak pashtuns are irano afghans with mionority nord indid and minority nordoid types.

12-31-2019, 08:21 PM
indo iranid is more common among balochs and west shifted sindhis, most Pak pashtuns are irano afghans with mionority nord indid and minority nordoid types.

You are more fanillair with kpk phenos so I will take your word for it

01-01-2020, 08:35 AM
If you include hindus and sikhs then I agree. They are mainly concentrated in jalalabad and they are mainly indo brachids, gracile Indids and nord Indids. Yes, I'm very familiar with Afghan phenotypes, being afghan is one. Iranid is pre dominant everywhere. Indo iranid ( East iranid?) is more common in kpk region. Pamirid is common northern Afghanistan as well as central North(panjshir, parwan, kapisa etc). We don't have indo nordic but Irano nordoids my friend. They are mostly in North East area( panjshir, parwan, kapisa, laghman, kunar, nuristan etc). Proto iranid is spread out too since alot of Afghans have CM influence while others are more longer faced. Light pigmented eyes are spread out through the whole region, although much more common in Pashtuns as well nuristanis and Tajiks.

Yes, Indo Iranid is sometimes called East Iranid, but it is possible that what you refer to as East Iranid differs from my Indo Iranid. This is because Indo Iranid is found throughout the south and centre of Afghanistan in addition to the east and KPK. It is meso-brachycephalic.

Indo Nordic is found among Nuristanis. Did you mean Iranian Nordoid? It is found too, usually in a mixed form. Btw many Cromagnoid individuals are long-faced.

Yes about light eyes. Wherever there are light eyes there is Nordid admixture.

01-01-2020, 08:36 AM
That is statistically incorrect.

I don't understand.

01-01-2020, 09:22 AM
Punjabi, surely?

01-01-2020, 09:55 AM
Rajput or Sindhi?