View Full Version : Classify Anya Chalotra (Yennefer of Vengerberg)

01-01-2020, 08:06 PM




https://external-preview.redd.it/ojetrBlTFKpj5zqOEbG2ufZJL9CQ0OmGeBk_5npaVws.jpg?au to=webp&90721819


01-01-2020, 08:38 PM




https://external-preview.redd.it/ojetrBlTFKpj5zqOEbG2ufZJL9CQ0OmGeBk_5npaVws.jpg?au to=webp&90721819


She looks a lot like a young Salma Hayek, in a couple of those photos.

Generally, she looks Gujarati or Sylheti, or at least would "pass" as either. Something about her face makes me discount Punjabi, even though she probably is Punjabi.

South America and South Asia, imo. Oh and Vengerberg, of course.

She's not a bad actress. Lucky that she's managed to make a go of a very contentious piece of casting. Cavill and her are the best things in the show. Shame it's such a mediocre mess.

01-01-2020, 08:40 PM
She looks a lot like a young Salma Hayek, in a couple of those photos.

Generally, she looks Gujarati or Sylheti, or at least would "pass" as either. Something about her face makes me discount Punjabi, even though she probably is Punjabi.

South America and South Asia, imo. Oh and Vengerberg, of course.

She's not a bad actress. Lucky that she's managed to make a go of a very contentious piece of casting. Cavill and her are the best things in the show. Shame it's such a mediocre mess.

she is half brit though , she cant pass as full punjabi , there is clearly british isle infleunce in her pheno

01-01-2020, 08:44 PM
As far as I am aware, she's British Indian, in the same sense that I'm British Bangladeshi.

I don't think she's mixed. Definitely doesn't look it.

EDIT: wow, I guess I should have wikied her!

You are right, I'm wrong. Father Indian, mother English.

Definitely can't see it, myself.

01-01-2020, 08:47 PM
As far as I am aware, she's British Indian, in the same sense that I'm British Bangladeshi.

I don't think she's mixed. Definitely doesn't look it.

according to her wiki she is