View Full Version : Classify this Mapuche Amerindian from Chile

01-02-2020, 04:05 PM
How typical is his look among Amerindians and Indomestizos in Latin America?




01-02-2020, 04:28 PM
Looks like 30-40% European

01-02-2020, 04:29 PM
Got a moustache, probably European admixed.

01-02-2020, 06:32 PM
Pampid + residual Baskid influence (Indo-Mestizo)

01-03-2020, 03:05 AM
Looks like 30-40% European

Can he pass among Pueblid or Pacifid Amerindians and Indomestizos in Mexico? Or he look too ethnic?

01-03-2020, 03:14 AM
Pampid + residual Baskid influence (Indo-Mestizo)

Baskid, lol. As if you could tell the european “subrace” by looking at a mixed person. The main ethnicity will shift the european so much it’s impossible to know its origin. But you see a big nose and automatically say baskid lol.

01-03-2020, 03:17 AM
Baskid, lol. As if you could tell the european “subrace” by looking at a mixed person. The main ethnicity will shift the european so much it’s impossible to know its origin. But you see a big nose and automatically say baskid lol.

The bridge of his nose is clearly European. This man does not look Amerindian to me, he's too progressive.

01-03-2020, 03:23 AM
The bridge of his nose is clearly European. This man does not look Amerindian to me, he's too progressive.

I’m not saying he’s 100% amerindian. I am saying we cannot tell which european component he got like the guy that said “+ baskid”.

Its like when mixed latinos say they’re amerindian + alpine, just because they got round faces. Most of the times the round faces are a product of the amerindian input itself. The mix deforms the original euro trait so its almost impossible to guess. Especially when the relation is about 70-30% as someone above said and I agree.

01-03-2020, 03:33 AM
I’m not saying he’s 100% amerindian. I am saying we cannot tell which european component he got like the guy that said “+ baskid”.

Its like when mixed latinos say they’re amerindian + alpine, just because they got round faces. Most of the times the round faces are a product of the amerindian input itself. The mix deforms the original euro trait so its almost impossible to guess. Especially when the relation is about 70-30% as someone above said and I agree.

He looks like the Natives here in Canada, who don't have that much Amerindian blood. I think the percentages are off in the DNA companies, they have trouble identifying the mixture.

I still remember that Larry David came out as Native in the tests when he's Jewish. They have trouble with Native DNA for some reason.


Real Natives had a really distinct look.

01-03-2020, 03:45 AM
Can he pass among Pueblid or Pacifid Amerindians and Indomestizos in Mexico? Or he look too ethnic?

Nope looks to ethnic passes as Hazara from the old world i get the feeling this guy is around 55% amerindian

01-03-2020, 04:01 AM
Nope looks to ethnic passes as Hazara from the old world i get the feeling this guy is around 55% amerindian

Right, he has some dinaromorphic central asian look.

01-03-2020, 05:47 AM
Nope looks to ethnic passes as Hazara from the old world i get the feeling this guy is around 55% amerindian

He can also easily pass as Uzbek, Uighur as well.

So Mexicans would be able to tell immediately he is foreigner? Where would he think he is from?

01-03-2020, 05:52 AM
Right, he has some dinaromorphic central asian look.

Concurred. I feel he looks very Siberian and Central Asian shifted which is very atypical and uncommon among Latin American Amerindians and Indomestizos (except Andeans ,Patagonians and Ache tribes) who tend to incline towards a "southern" look

Can you see the OP passing among some Native Americans and Indomestizos in Argentina or would he stand out from them?

01-03-2020, 06:20 AM
Concurred. I feel he looks very Siberian and Central Asian shifted which is very atypical and uncommon among Latin American Amerindians and Indomestizos (except Andeans ,Patagonians and Ache tribes) who tend to incline towards a "southern" look

Can you see the OP passing among some Native Americans and Indomestizos in Argentina or would he stand out from them?

Hummm He has a very unique type to be honest...
I was looking even at some argentines indomestizos of mapuche ancestry and they seem quite disctint to him.
Let's see them:


(This second could be in the "Chamizo" spectrum (around 15/25% Euro, not more) may be.


01-03-2020, 06:44 AM
Hummm He has a very unique type to be honest...
I was looking even at some argentines indomestizos of mapuche ancestry and they seem quite disctint to him.
Let's see them:

(This second could be in the "Chamizo" spectrum (around 15/25% Euro, not more) may be.

Agreed. He looks very unique and distinct. I am convinced he would pass better among some Northern Amerindians from Canada and Alaska who have much more recent Siberian and Beringian/Arctic ancestry than Latin American Natives who look quite southern shifted

Intriguing. Never heard of term Chamizo before. Is the third pure Amerindian or also a Chamizo? How much Euro is the first guy?

01-03-2020, 07:31 AM
He can also easily pass as Uzbek, Uighur as well.

So Mexicans would be able to tell immediately he is foreigner? Where would he think he is from?

No he passes but not as most typical

01-03-2020, 07:37 AM
No he passes but not as most typical

Well where in Mexico would he pass the best then? And he would be around 55-60% Amerindian?

The Great Uniter
01-03-2020, 08:21 AM
Baskid, lol. As if you could tell the european “subrace” by looking at a mixed person. The main ethnicity will shift the european so much it’s impossible to know its origin. But you see a big nose and automatically say baskid lol.

This. lmfao