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View Full Version : Do you listen to music made by non-europeans?(jews, negros etc.)

03-19-2009, 06:41 PM
As the title say, do you? And of course, what's your opinion on it?

I myself do this, Leonard Cohen for mentioning a jew, Bob Marley for mentioning a negro.

But do you, why or why not?

03-19-2009, 06:51 PM
As the title say, do you? And of course, what's your opinion on it?

I myself do this, Leonard Cohen for mentioning a jew, Bob Marley for mentioning a negro.

But do you, why or why not?

Stevie Wonder, some blues stuff. Just because they're not my favourite type of people, doesn't mean that they haven't composed great songs!:lightbul:

Edit: How could I forget about some Snoop Dogg / Dr. Dre! And I mean the old songs like "Forgot about Dre" or "The Next Episode" Great stuff for a party!

The Lawspeaker
03-19-2009, 07:01 PM
I listen to all kinds of music: from jazz to Japanese or Chinese music or the oud (Arab lute) but only on Youtube or by downloading it. I personally love Japanese traditional music and gamelan because it is so calming.
Just because I am not the Arab's best friend does not mean that I can't stand their music either.
The fact that I am against multiculturalism but does not mean that I loathe everything other nations produce- it's the "cultural" ( I am yet to meet the first non-European poet or musician that choose our country to work here instead of the numerous criminals that we see everyday) and demographic invasion that I cannot stand.

Manifest Destiny
03-19-2009, 07:11 PM
I don't listen to anything blatantly non-European (like rap or Mariachi music). There are certain genres of music that I enjoy, and I'm honest enough to admit that some non-Europeans have made great contributions to those genres.

After all, there were some great classical composers who were Jewish. I like Metallica and I'm not the least bit bothered by Kirk Hammett's non-European ancestry. So on and so forth.

03-19-2009, 07:12 PM
Yes, I do. Two of my favorite post-rock bands are the brainchildren of non-Europeans. Godspeed You! Black Emperor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godspeed_You!_Black_Emperor) was in part created and run by a Jew, Efrim Menuck. Another of my favorites, Mono (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_(Japanese_band)) is entirely Japanese. I very much enjoy listening to classical Indian and Persian music. That's about it though. Negro music has never struck me in any way.

03-19-2009, 07:59 PM
I listen to some bands featuring people with origins in other parts of the world. Like for example Slayer (Tom is chilean), Mayhem (Wherever Hellhammers parent(s?) comes from, Infected Mushroom (Israel), Sigh (Japan), David Allan Coe (black drummer), Kypck (Russia), Sepultura (Brazil), Soulfly (Brazil). And who can dislike Screamin Jay Hawkins song "I put a spell on you"?

03-19-2009, 08:11 PM
Yes, I also listen to music that is made by non-Europeans. Listened a lot to Eminem, especially for the text of his songs. I also listened to D12 (with Eminem), great songs especially Fight Music.

If the music is good, I will listen it.

03-19-2009, 08:20 PM
I'd never really paid much attention to the racial make-up of who composes the music I enjoy. Music is music to me, whatever.

I've always listened to bands like Guns 'n Roses, Slayer, Metallica, etc..., who do have iconic members which are non-European in the strongest sense of the word.

I grew up listening to and loving Motown. Notably Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross. I have a good appreciation for other nations cultural music. Why shouldn't I? Or indeed anyone?

As the Lawspeaker said - "The fact that I am against multiculturalism does not mean that I loathe everything other nations produce"

Baron Samedi
03-19-2009, 08:27 PM
I don't listen to anything blatantly non-European (like rap or Mariachi music). There are certain genres of music that I enjoy, and I'm honest enough to admit that some non-Europeans have made great contributions to those genres.

After all, there were some great classical composers who were Jewish. I like Metallica and I'm not the least bit bothered by Kirk Hammett's non-European ancestry. So on and so forth.

He's half-Irish :)

I listen to some bands featuring people with origins in other parts of the world. Like for example Slayer (Tom is chilean), Mayhem (Wherever Hellhammers parent(s?) comes from, Infected Mushroom (Israel), Sigh (Japan), David Allan Coe (black drummer), Kypck (Russia), Sepultura (Brazil), Soulfly (Brazil). And who can dislike Screamin Jay Hawkins song "I put a spell on you"?

Sepultura and Soulfy are have European-descended members in them.

Max and Igor Cavalera are both Italian, and Andreas Kisser is German/Slavic.

Yes, I also listen to music that is made by non-Europeans. Listened a lot to Eminem, especially for the text of his songs. I also listened to D12 (with Eminem), great songs especially Fight Music.

If the music is good, I will listen it.

Bizzare is the man, man!

I'm mostly a metal/Industrial/electronic dude, but I really enjoy some soulful, R&B esque stuff as well, like Seal, Brian McKnight, Sade and etc.

I have also really dug some rap in the past, a lot of it is fucking hilarious, and the beats are pretty awesome. Underground Kings - Takin Tha Hood Back is a good example.... It basically tells you how to start selling drugs in a neighborhood from scratch.... Excellent sociological work.

(all BS aside, I have really dug some black music in my time).

03-19-2009, 08:40 PM
You don't see many Black Goths....even the few there are :p but even in amongst the other music I listen too, Industrial, Metal etc non-whites are few and far between. But overall I have no major issue with who made the music...but I won't listen to (c)rap.

03-19-2009, 09:01 PM
I listen to a lot of non-European derived music. I'm a big jazz head. To deny myself the pleasures of John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Eric Dolphy would be quite depressing. Not only that, but these guys inspired a lot of the European musicians that I listen too as well. John McLaughlin is a god. He wouldn't have done the things he did/does without inspiration from those cats. Same goes for blues. I went through a period where I learned & listened to everything I could by all the old cats. Then again, those guys owed a lot to either "classical" traditions (that heavily influenced jazz) or to Appalachian folk musicians who were mostly of Scots-Irish/British descent (influenced blues). It works both ways.

I'm also a huge metal head. Sure metal has a huge influence from European classical music, but it's wedded in a solid partnership that owes a lot to blues music. Hel, Black Sabbath started out as a jazz/blues jam band.

I love Hendrix, to me his music almost transcends color barriers. I could go on, but you get the point...

I listen to all kinds of music, a large part of which is either Euro by direct origin or descent. That doesn't mean I'm going to limit my listening to exclude anything that doesn't conform to those parameters. Even if the musicians themselves aren't Euro, (aside from some Indian music I listen to) most of the musicians are working within the confines of Western music tonalities and structures anyway. Music is definitely a strong cultural force that can help define certain conditions of identity, but there are aspects that are just to universal to be exclusively limited by them.

...Metallica, etc..., who's main iconic members are all non-European in the strongest sense of the word.

James & Cliff were of European ancestry (pred. German & English), Kirk is 1/2 Irish, & Lars is from Denmark. Aside from Kirk's 1/2 Filipino ancestry, Metallica are pretty Euro in ancestry and/or origin.

03-19-2009, 11:39 PM
During the last years, I download most, if not all, of my music.

I listen to many genres, and I don't have an ideological issue, however in reality the portion of non-white music in my collection should amount to about 2% of the total of it ;)

That's because my instinctive tastes seem to naturally incline me towards that direction. Asides from Hocico (industrial), there's hardly anything that I can think of...
Even my favorite modern "jazz" singers are "white" (Madeleine Peyroux and Diana Krall), and I don't know why....probably I find 'familiar' voices more soothing than unfamiliar ones.

I guess the only music of non-European origin must be the Hindu chants in my collection. And that's about all I can think about....as my favorite genres are dark wave, dark ambient, neo-folk, and all that...and there's not much diversity there. :p

03-20-2009, 12:23 AM
I listen to a lot of non-European derived music. I'm a big jazz head. To deny myself the pleasures of John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Eric Dolphy would be quite depressing. Not only that, but these guys inspired a lot of the European musicians that I listen too as well. John McLaughlin is a god. He wouldn't have done the things he did/does without inspiration from those cats. Same goes for blues. I went through a period where I learned & listened to everything I could by all the old cats. Then again, those guys owed a lot to either "classical" traditions (that heavily influenced jazz) or to Appalachian folk musicians who were mostly of Scots-Irish/British descent (influenced blues). It works both ways.

I'm also a huge metal head. Sure metal has a huge influence from European classical music, but it's wedded in a solid partnership that owes a lot to blues music. Hel, Black Sabbath started out as a jazz/blues jam band.

I love Hendrix, to me his music almost transcends color barriers. I could go on, but you get the point...

I listen to all kinds of music, a large part of which is either Euro by direct origin or descent. That doesn't mean I'm going to limit my listening to exclude anything that doesn't conform to those parameters. Even if the musicians themselves aren't Euro, (aside from some Indian music I listen to) most of the musicians are working within the confines of Western music tonalities and structures anyway. Music is definitely a strong cultural force that can help define certain conditions of identity, but there are aspects that are just to universal to be exclusively limited by them.

James & Cliff were of European ancestry (pred. German & English), Kirk is 1/2 Irish, & Lars is from Denmark. Aside from Kirk's 1/2 Filipino ancestry, Metallica are pretty Euro in ancestry and/or origin.

Very similar to this but less on the metal, although we did recently go to see Metallica together, adn I loved it. I also like the blues which the early masters were predominately black. But it took the admixture of Celtic/Bluegrass to the blues to create rock and roll. I think I appreciate jazz the older I get, and there is some wild jazz out there. Get some John McLaughlin with his 70's band Mahavishnu Orchestra and you will see how hard jazz can be. I am finding out that a lot of British rock has a lot of Celtic in it, like Thin Lizzie, Wishbone Ash and Iron Maiden.

One German guitar god, Uli Jon Roth, is out of this world, and we saw him a few years ago. He is heavily influenced by Jimi Hendrix.

03-20-2009, 02:07 AM
There are not many, but there are a few bands that I enjoy who have non-European members though those members are predominantly Hispanic, for example Sarcofago, Slayer, Death Angel etc.

Also, I wouldn't call myself a Blasphemy fan but I do enjoy their debut, though their lead guitarist is black. Katon Depena of Hirax is also black, but neither Blasphemy nor Hirax are even close to being among favourite bands by any means, though I do occasionally enjoy some of their material. I think that's about it. They only really make up a very small fraction of what I listen to since the genre is generally pretty white dominated anyway.

W. R.
06-05-2011, 06:14 PM
I voted no, but suddenly realized that actually I do. One of the latest downloads Valkyria Chronicles Original Soundtrack was entirely composed by a Japanese.

Also I download compilations from time to time and there may be tracks composed by non-Europeans.

Aces High
06-07-2011, 04:32 PM
I listen to keyboard cat....which is another species,how cool does that make me.....:cool:


alzo zero
06-07-2011, 04:57 PM
'Course I do!

06-07-2011, 04:58 PM
No. I mostly listen to Folk, Neofolk, Early Music and Classical Music, so Europe has more than enough to offer me.:thumb001:

06-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Hm, I never thought about it. I listen music i like without thinking who make it. I can't remember now what non-European musician I like, but probably there is some..

Don Brick
06-07-2011, 05:18 PM
I listen to everything and anything as long as it´s good, naturally. Of course, having said this, my musical diet consists primaly of Western artists (really couldn´t care less whether they´re ancestrally non-Europeans or not), but I do also enjoy musical expressions from across the world and would like to learn to appreciate them even more as years go by. Music is music, diluting such a (usually) beautiful thing with politics and such simply sucks. :)

06-07-2011, 06:07 PM
Interesting one. Well, I mostly listen to american music, I used to love country since I was a kid (cuz I loved to make fun of the dances haha), then, I've started to get into celtic music and medieval. Years ago I had my pop-mania (which lasted pretty short, thank God), used to listen commercial stuff, mostly from USA, aswell. Also got a fix on classical music and old rock bands, always. And about now, I simply dont care about such superficial things. Music is great while its healthy for you (cuz I usually feel better when I'm listening to something I enjoy with)..and to be honest, I even got the time to listen to some good music lately.

Arthur Scharrenhans
06-07-2011, 06:21 PM
Of course I do. Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of black music, but not because of racial prejudice, simply because I prefer other genres. And some of the musicians/composers I admire the most are of Jewish heritage.

06-07-2011, 07:16 PM
I voted yes, I fancy the music non-European artists like Leadbelly and the likes.

Grumpy Cat
06-07-2011, 08:02 PM
We all need to be good folkish Heathens and only listen to hair metal and Oi!.

06-07-2011, 08:06 PM
We all need to be good folkish Heathens and only listen to hair metal and Oi!.

But but but methulz has teh kneegrow influnz! Oh noez. :P

Grumpy Cat
06-07-2011, 08:20 PM
But but but methulz has teh kneegrow influnz! Oh noez. :P

*plugs ears* LALALALALA NO IT DON'T!!!

06-07-2011, 08:22 PM

06-07-2011, 08:24 PM
But but but methulz has teh kneegrow influnz! Oh noez. :P

Yeah, from now on we should only be allowed to listen to music made by tr00 ary4nz with tr00 ary4n instr00m3nts and tr00 ary4n influ3ncez.

06-07-2011, 08:25 PM
Given the sheer quantity of today's music that is made by non-Europeans, it'd be pretty difficult to avoid it altogether. Listening to music isn't having sex, where there's a need to be selective and choosy. Music is music.

06-07-2011, 08:26 PM
Given the sheer quantity of today's music that is made by non-Europeans, it'd be pretty difficult to avoid it altogether. Listening to music isn't having sex, where there's a need to be selective and choosy. Music is music.

To me it is.

06-07-2011, 08:27 PM
. Listening to music isn't having sex, where there's a need to be selective and choosy. Music is music.

So Paganini is equal to cristina aguilera?:D:confused:

06-07-2011, 08:30 PM
So Paganini is equal to cristina aguilera?:D:confused:

No, but all music (with some exceptions i.e. Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black) has the potential to be enjoyed. I love Christina Aguilera, by the way :cool:

06-07-2011, 08:32 PM
No, but all music (with some exceptions i.e. Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black) has the potential to be enjoyed. I love Christina Aguilera, by the way :cool:

I love Rebecca Black


06-07-2011, 08:35 PM

06-07-2011, 08:36 PM

Grumpy Cat
06-07-2011, 08:36 PM
To me it is.

Well you either really love music or had really bad sex. :D

06-07-2011, 08:37 PM
No, but all music (with some exceptions i.e. Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black) has the potential to be enjoyed. I love Christina Aguilera, by the way :cool:

well your statement could be used talking about everything so it all depends from singular tastes..

06-07-2011, 08:39 PM

Don Brick
06-07-2011, 08:49 PM
^haha yes. This "big ol´ scary 2-meter tall negro" sure would make the folks at Stormfront (lol :D) and the like shit their pants, but I love this stuff. What a showman. Funny too.


And Jimi Hendrix was my first musical hero. :)

06-07-2011, 11:03 PM
lol do I listen to music made by jews or negros? LOL what kind of question is that? I listen to good music, that should be enough. I prefer metal and classical but will enjoy any piece of interesting music.

Maybe you think that because blacks have mostly poor and bakwards countries they can´t even make good music? and jews...so busy ruling the world in the shadows...they can´t possibly make good music either, can they? LOL



Comte Arnau
06-07-2011, 11:20 PM
Who doesn't, when pop-rock music is partly Negro-derived? The only guy I've met who doesn't is an old weirdo who really only listens to European classical music of the 17th and 18th centuries...

06-07-2011, 11:28 PM
Who doesn't, when pop-rock music is partly Negro-derived? The only guy I've met who doesn't is an old weirdo who really only listens to European classical music of the 17th and 18th centuries...

Even European classical music isn't fully European, considering that some of the instruments being used (such as violins) are most likely not of European orgin.

Bowed instruments may have originated in the equestrian cultures of Central Asia, an example being the Kobyz (Kazakh: қобыз) or kyl-kobyz is an ancient Turkic, Kazakh string instrument or Mongolian instrument Morin huur:
Turkic and Mongolian horsemen from Inner Asia were probably the world’s earliest fiddlers. Their two-stringed upright fiddles were strung with horsehair strings, played with horsehair bows, and often feature a carved horse’s head at the end of the neck. ... The violins, violas, and cellos we play today, and whose bows are still strung with horsehair, are a legacy of the nomads.

Just sayin'

06-08-2011, 03:04 AM
Even European classical music isn't fully European, considering that some of the instruments being used (such as violins) are most likely not of European orgin.

That's like saying your house is Chinese for being built with some Chinese materials...

06-08-2011, 04:10 AM
I happen not to, so I voted 'no'.

06-08-2011, 04:10 AM
I don't listen to rap, I hate that shit. I listen to classic rock and SOME of the new rock that is out today, I usually don't look up the band and their ethnicity before listening to them.

06-09-2011, 06:01 PM
I don't listen to rap, I hate that shit. I listen to classic rock and SOME of the new rock that is out today, I usually don't look up the band and their ethnicity before listening to them.


06-09-2011, 06:08 PM
I listen to Indian music, mostly Hindustani classical ragas. It represents a very ancient, very profound, and deeply moving musical tradition.

06-09-2011, 06:33 PM
"Made by" is very vague. Did you mean performed by, written by, or what ?
Most of the great classical violinists of the past 200 years have been Jewish.
A large number of the performers of classical music on any other instrument(s) have been and are Jewish.

Therefore, anyone who listens to classical music is very likely to hear it performed by Jewish musicians. SO WHAT ? The only significant issue is "Are they good musicians ?" The answer is too obvious to require belabouring.

06-09-2011, 09:43 PM
I love a lot of Japanese and some Middle Eastern music.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oi-8xl7uZs - Good J-Trance metal band

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQhRS-4NXiE&feature=related - Same band Trance metal band

06-10-2011, 02:36 PM
How about some Japanese music!:D


06-10-2011, 03:40 PM
Speaking of Oriental, I like that opening song for the Once Upon A Time in China movie, good exercise music.

06-10-2011, 03:41 PM
yo palantides, that´s the biggest piece of shit I have seen in 26 years of life in planet earth when talking about videoclips.

LOL I mean it. That sets a new standard. Is not so bad that it´s good, its so bad that everytime somebody clicks it on youtube, a bus full of babbies and kitties crashes somewhere in Bangladesh

06-10-2011, 03:43 PM
How about some Japanese music!:D


06-10-2011, 03:55 PM
Yeah, the Radio that plays Candian/American Pop/Rock Stuff.
Mainly Shit imho cause everything sounds similar.
For Example Madonna and Kidrock are both the worsest of them all.
Britney Spears is cool and so European.

And every 50 cent/tupac clone has a bad Influence on our Ghetto Kids.

06-10-2011, 08:38 PM
Britney Spears is cool and so European.


Karl der Große
06-10-2011, 08:42 PM
American music in general is not European for my understanding being it nigga or whitey. I like Jamaican music btw!

alzo zero
06-13-2011, 02:12 PM
What about European or American musicians of non-European descent making predominantly "white" music like rock electro pop or even punk?

06-13-2011, 02:19 PM
Rock music have some african american roots. http://www.menziesera.com/origins_of_rock/origins_of_rock.shtml

alzo zero
06-13-2011, 02:33 PM
Rock music have some african american roots. http://www.menziesera.com/origins_of_rock/origins_of_rock.shtml
Yeah yeah I know... This doesn't change the fact that 90% of modern rock music is made by people of European descent ("whites" as Americans call them).

06-13-2011, 05:40 PM
Just because you listen to black music or whatever doesn't mean you want to be like them. I think black music are quite very successful...

06-14-2011, 12:36 PM
Rock music have some african american roots. http://www.menziesera.com/origins_of_rock/origins_of_rock.shtml

I'm getting a bit sick of this old canard (although I obviously understand how important it is for the multis to keep repeating it).

So rock'n'roll is based on blues, gospel and country, which (with the exception of the last genre) were pioneered by blacks. All fine and good so far.

But where did blues and gospel come from? European narrative ballads and church hymns, that's where. :coffee:

Blues, jazz, gospel, negrospirituals etc. are black interpretations of European music -- not that there's anything wrong with that as such, not with blacks producing such music or with white/European people enjoying listening to it.