View Full Version : Classify Romanians from central Bessarabia

01-18-2020, 10:53 AM
An album has been discovered by a exceptionally talented village photographer, has been discovered containing photos of village life in central republic of Moldova (near Chisinau):

https://www.rferl.org/a/astonishing-photos-of-soviet-village-life-discovered-in-abandoned-house-in-moldova/30383072.html?fbclid=IwAR20Ok-I9FDbPDmlnTxR6ZV2X07L9yXiiAFR6dBNrP28Jvgfcmv12trDu Uo

Needless to say, there is no cherypicking in photos and people look like Romanian stereotypes (unlike what is posted regularly here). Interesting how there is no more Slavic influence than anywhere else in Romania (people look 100% Balkanic and fit far far better as Bulgarians or even Albanians than as Russians/Ukrainians):


An exception would be only this woman (different from al the rest):


Only that she looked like my grandmother (Romanian from Oltenia)... Romanians from any region are able to have completely slavic looking individuals by virtue of the fact that all Romanians have some / lots of Slavic blood!

01-18-2020, 10:56 AM
Beatiful people i think they look Central European

01-18-2020, 10:58 AM

01-18-2020, 12:41 PM
Why you Romanians whant so desperately to balkanize and romanize us, when exist a huge difference between us, especially in look. These people look mostly Eastern Euro, and especially very non-Romanian, atypcial as a group even for Moldova region from Romania. Is enough to look at local crowds to see the huge difference: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?313040-Pass-these-groups-and-crowds-of-people

And in what fairytale world these people look Albanians? :picard2:

01-18-2020, 03:19 PM
Why you Romanians whant so desperately to balkanize and romanize us, when exist a huge difference between us, especially in look. These people look mostly Eastern Euro, and especially very non-Romanian, atypcial as a group even for Moldova region from Romania. Is enough to look at local crowds to see the huge difference: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?313040-Pass-these-groups-and-crowds-of-people

You are Romanians brainwashed to believe you are not! Simple as that: like "Austrians" believing they are not Germans.

People in photos fit nowhere but Balkans (even that slavic-looking woman happens everywhere once in a while in Balkans, including Romania): are you trying to tell me they actually fit better as Russians/Ukrainians? Come on...:picard1:

BTW, if profile photo is yours, you also look very very Romanian: common face in Moldova, but common enough everywhere else... If language and culture wasn't enough, genetically too you are Romanian with A LITTLE more Slavic admixture than usual. Here is how everyday "Moldovans" look like:


People from Orhei, not far from the border with Ukraine. Balkan appearance dominates by far:


Now let's move to your favorites: least Romanian looking Moldavians. People from Soroca, right at the border with Ukraine:

http://anb.viitorul.org/files/styles/image_full/public/field/image/72681808_992924677713815_5382199612276736000_n.jpg ?itok=H-jtZljn

They are most Slavic influenced (equal to Romanians from Maramures), but balkan look still dominates (90% are brunet)! If you don't believe me let's compare them to people of Yampil (Ukraine), a couple km on the other side of Dniestr:


^ Everyone looks Slavic.

01-18-2020, 06:44 PM

Stop with this Romanian bullshit, I never claimed what we are Eastern Slavs, we are mostly dark haired and mixed eyed, but what I know for shure, we are not even close to Romanians, is enough to crose the frontier to start to see differences.

Show me similar crowds from Romania with similar facial features and pigmentation like these ones from my town (located on the frontier with Romania), and to look homogenous. The problem is, you can't.

01-18-2020, 06:58 PM
biutiful people Moldovans on both sides of Prut. because it's always been (for thousands of years) a melting pot - Balkanites meet Russkies, plus some Germanic and Turkic leftovers.

those East of Prut are suddenly a bit more (East) Slavic genetically by the results they post.

01-19-2020, 09:24 AM
Stop with this Romanian bullshit, I never claimed what we are Eastern Slavs, we are mostly dark haired and mixed eyed, but what I know for shure, we are not even close to Romanians, is enough to crose the frontier to start to see differences.

Show me similar crowds from Romania with similar facial features and pigmentation like these ones from my town (located on the frontier with Romania), and to look homogenous. The problem is, you can't.

It's obvious you are cherypicking:) Are they ethnic Russians? Let's refresh your memory:

https://www.google.com/search?q=demonstratie+chisinau&sxsrf=ACYBGNTOQIfbTrq-OFbwidJM7MuxQBOMOw:1579428751255&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjilqrNto_nAhUEqYsKHZz8DVQQ_AUoAXoECAwQA w&biw=1920&bih=937#imgrc=SzZmUODsRl6K1M

No such faces as you depicted... Average faces I see here in Bucharest on a daily basis with a bit more Slavic influence (similar to Bulgarians in fact):


Sunteti pur si simplu Romani...

Now... I do admit that in Northernmost Romanians in particular are heavily mixed with Slavs (northern Bessarabia, Bukovina, Maramures), being bordered by the Russian people (aka "Ukrainians"). Considering they speak the same language and have the same traditional culture, does that make them a different ethnic group? Are Southern and Northern Germans a different ethnic group when they tend to look different?

01-19-2020, 09:41 AM
The woman of #1 look Neo Danubian

01-19-2020, 10:06 AM

Bro, don't make me laugh, the only one who cherry pick here is only you. Indeed, if something not correspond to your agenda, is because of russians and some other bullshit, same as some Romanians who insulted me (normal behavior for Romanians) in the past what I have Russian/Ukrainian ancestry because part of my relatives look Eastern Euro, but not Balkanite/Romanian.

And your link give such result, wich not surprise me, these people indeed don't look like Romanians, because they are NOT Romanians, but resemblance with Bulgarians I see many times and I agree here, because I find Bulgarians lighter than Romanians in many ways (especially compared with Wallachians).

01-19-2020, 10:24 AM
I'm sorry mate but the men in the first picture look very Eastern, some even as stereotypical Russians. Some pass, surely, but as a group I'd guess them more as Russian and they do not pass in Romanian Moldova. You'd presume their family name is Rusu, lol.

The second picture is more familiar, while the woman in the third one passes as atypical.

Some have that Russian "East Nordid" aesthetic which is very uncommon here, imo.

01-19-2020, 10:36 AM
Compare with Sofia Polcanova - she is playing tabletennis in Linz - and she comes from Chișinău Moldova

01-19-2020, 02:47 PM
And your link give such result, wich not surprise me, these people indeed don't look like Romanians, because they are NOT Romanians, but resemblance with Bulgarians I see many times and I agree here, because I find Bulgarians lighter than Romanians in many ways (especially compared with Wallachians).

Whatever... :) It's like arguing with a Serb/Croat telling me how different they actually are.

What is an ethnic group? A community of people united by a shared language (or group of dialects), shared traditional culture and shared history. People in above picture fit all these requirements: they speak Romanian, they (used to) have same traditional culture. they obviously look Romanian (remind me of "#Rezist" protesters back in Bucharest only they are much older) and their ancestry goes back to romanian kingdom of Moldova.

If we are to cherry pick, how about these Romanians from Bukovina:


They look mostly Slavic, more Slavic than Poles in fact! Are they not Romanian according to you?