View Full Version : We dont do enough to protect endangered animals

01-21-2020, 09:58 AM
The number of exotic wild animals is rapidly disappearing as a result of poaching and habitat destruction. The world is being overpopulated by people and they have no interest in preserving other creatures. Most of you don't know this but the majority of large animals have already gone extinct long ago due to human activity and the ones we currently have are the survivors of a mass slaughter committed by our ancestors.

The only place now that has most of its large animals intact is Africa, which has been experiencing a massive population boom. There is a high chance the wildlife will disappear there as well. Already there are some species of giraffe which are on the brink with only a few hundred individuals surviving.

Here are some interesting creatures who went extinct in the past millenia:
The famous Dodo which was restricted to Mauritius.

The thylacine, a marsupial predator resembling a wolf.

Caspian tiger, which existed in western and central Asia, places that nowadays no one would associate with tigers due to the dry country:

Moa, large flightless birds native to New Zealand. Made extinct by Maori:

Elephant bird, a similar large bird native to Madagascar:

California Grizzly-a large brown bear subspecies once very abundant in California, of all places.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Ursus_arctos_californicus%2C_Santa_Barbara%2C_Natu ral_History_Museum.jpg/800px-Ursus_arctos_californicus%2C_Santa_Barbara%2C_Natu ral_History_Museum.jpg