View Full Version : Fact: most Levantines pass as white in America

01-24-2020, 03:17 AM
I have seen it. Why do people here deny this reality?

01-24-2020, 03:27 AM
What about the South part of America?

01-24-2020, 03:28 AM
What about the South part of America?

There especially because rednecks are clueless.

Carlito's Way
01-24-2020, 03:55 AM
No they dont, a significant minority can but the majority cannot

01-24-2020, 04:22 AM

01-24-2020, 04:35 AM
No they dont, a significant minority can but the majority cannot


You people need to leave the house.

01-24-2020, 04:49 AM
You people need to leave the house.

no you

01-26-2020, 01:38 PM

01-26-2020, 01:42 PM

Could you maybe post crowd pics of those white looking levants? or at least pics?

01-26-2020, 01:43 PM
Nah, it's not a fact at all. Quite the opposite actually. I may have white skin, but I look very Levantine.

Tenma de Pegasus
01-26-2020, 01:46 PM
Most Levantines(lebaneses and syrians) are accepted as white in both Americas especially when they are christians and in low number.

Of course if they had arrived in big waves, average people would start to divide muslins and christians in different cultural-racial categories.

01-30-2020, 05:14 AM
Most Levantines(lebaneses and syrians) are accepted as white in both Americas especially when they are christians and in low number.

Of course if they had arrived in big waves, average people would start to divide muslins and christians in different cultural-racial categories.

darker ones would be perceived triracials

01-30-2020, 05:17 AM
Christian Levantines in Colombia are light-skinned and some are light-eyed/light-haired. They are considered as white.

01-30-2020, 06:14 AM
Maybe in Central or South America, they would pass as 'whites'.

But overall in the US and Canada, they would perceived as 'Latino' or 'Arab' looking.

01-30-2020, 06:42 AM
Maybe in Central or South America, they would pass as 'whites'.

But overall in the US and Canada, they would perceived as 'Latino' or 'Arab' looking.

never underestimate the stupidity of my compatriots. They would be seen as white here, and are.

01-30-2020, 07:07 AM
I guess some people are really overreacting the lightness of levantines. Sure at max 1/3 of levants look like toppo(which i even doubt. More like at max 20-14%). Rest look more like your avg middleeasterners. Or they should. Although the only lebbo girl i seen IRL looks blonde with colored eyes, i just doubt most can pass as whites

01-30-2020, 07:11 AM
I guess some people are really overreacting the lightness of levantines. Sure at max 1/3 of levants look like toppo(which i even doubt. More like at max 20-14%). Rest look more like your avg middleeasterners. Or they should. Although the only lebbo girl i seen IRL looks blonde with colored eyes, i just doubt most can pass as whites

You don't need to look like Toppo to pass as a white person in America. Also lots of Middle Easterns look like Toppo. His is a very common look among the Syrians where I live. I don't know why he's made out to be so atypical when he's not.

01-30-2020, 07:17 AM
You don't need to look like Toppo to pass as a white person in America. Also lots of Middle Easterns look like Toppo. His is a very common look among the Syrians where I live. I don't know why he's made out to be so atypical when he's not.

Seen some few syrians and many kurds + turks. None of them look like toppo almost. And they all pass better in mexico than white neighborhoods in toronto

01-30-2020, 07:33 AM
Seen some few syrians and many kurds + turks. None of them look like toppo almost. And they all pass better in mexico than white neighborhoods in toronto

No I dont disagree that they pass better in Mexico but in America they still would pass as white artificially to your average joe.

01-30-2020, 07:36 AM

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRslifVUrsKGr0UHjy9xfXNbp2E9Q%3A1580373 033960&sa=1&ei=KZQyXrSUOqiVmwWX64PoDg&q=lebanese+crowds&oq=lebanese+crowds&gs_l=img.3...685.3898..4030...3.0..0.411.2921.3j12 j1j1j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i19j0i5i30i19j0j0i30j0i8i30i19.eL6gMzKL v64&ved=0ahUKEwj0zLSq9KrnAhWoyqYKHZf1AO0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=mtZci7GZi239qM:


https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQd-wgBYWQ1lIFgbTcLeX1LhTXbGw%3A1580373103534&sa=1&ei=b5QyXvqhIKaAk74P_ceBuAU&q=palestinian+crowds&oq=palestinian+crowds&gs_l=img.3...38799.45214..45345...2.0..0.91.1369.2 0......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....10..35i39j0j35i362i39j0i67j0i131j0i10i67j0 i10j0i19j0i8i30i19.1-eB-7G-UQ4&ved=0ahUKEwi6lcvL9KrnAhUmwMQBHf1jAFcQ4dUDCAc&uact=5


https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQWNN43I9GvYB5SajUaz1DjkdV0uA%3A1580373 150636&sa=1&ei=npQyXou5Jq2Yk74P9IGn8Ac&q=syrian+crowds&oq=syrian+crowds&gs_l=img.3...15433.16968..17248...0.0..0.136.819.4 j4......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0j0i67j0i7i30.4g0PGK3XO9M&ved=0ahUKEwiLgIbi9KrnAhUtzMQBHfTACX4Q4dUDCAc&uact=5


https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRzkCJQEPGdZMpNdkoEJKXdyoArcg%3A1580373 169594&sa=1&ei=sZQyXqf4I66Bk74Pvfm6qAE&q=jordanian+crowds&oq=jordanian+crowds&gs_l=img.3...24137.27210..27467...0.0..0.287.1617. 11j5j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i7i30j0j0i67j0i8i7i30.PyG3xu6seeU&ved=0ahUKEwjnlIvr9KrnAhWuwMQBHb28DhUQ4dUDCAc&uact=5

I can admit a few whitey llooking levants here and there , butt lol most of them passes way better in mexico than in white neighborhoods.
And dont give me the "but theyre bad quality pics and too distant". Lol, just use a computer. And not all of them are shit quality pics.
Look at their faces and tell me if they will assumed to have the names as "Michael winston" or "Javier Martinez" or "mahmoud al baghdadi"

01-30-2020, 07:41 AM
No I dont disagree that they pass better in Mexico but in America they still would pass as white artificially to your average joe.

No, they wouldnt dude.

They still mostly look too distant to white people. They can def pass better in greece than in America(but im not sure how well even).
But they look very distant still. THey just pass a lot better in europe than punjabis and hindus.

Sure you seen a couple of cracka looking levantines. But i also seen many turks and they wouldnt pass beyond greece mostly. And im pretty sure lebbos wouldnt pass better in europe than turks.

01-30-2020, 07:42 AM

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRslifVUrsKGr0UHjy9xfXNbp2E9Q%3A1580373 033960&sa=1&ei=KZQyXrSUOqiVmwWX64PoDg&q=lebanese+crowds&oq=lebanese+crowds&gs_l=img.3...685.3898..4030...3.0..0.411.2921.3j12 j1j1j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i19j0i5i30i19j0j0i30j0i8i30i19.eL6gMzKL v64&ved=0ahUKEwj0zLSq9KrnAhWoyqYKHZf1AO0Q4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=mtZci7GZi239qM:


https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQd-wgBYWQ1lIFgbTcLeX1LhTXbGw%3A1580373103534&sa=1&ei=b5QyXvqhIKaAk74P_ceBuAU&q=palestinian+crowds&oq=palestinian+crowds&gs_l=img.3...38799.45214..45345...2.0..0.91.1369.2 0......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....10..35i39j0j35i362i39j0i67j0i131j0i10i67j0 i10j0i19j0i8i30i19.1-eB-7G-UQ4&ved=0ahUKEwi6lcvL9KrnAhUmwMQBHf1jAFcQ4dUDCAc&uact=5


https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNQWNN43I9GvYB5SajUaz1DjkdV0uA%3A1580373 150636&sa=1&ei=npQyXou5Jq2Yk74P9IGn8Ac&q=syrian+crowds&oq=syrian+crowds&gs_l=img.3...15433.16968..17248...0.0..0.136.819.4 j4......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0j0i67j0i7i30.4g0PGK3XO9M&ved=0ahUKEwiLgIbi9KrnAhUtzMQBHfTACX4Q4dUDCAc&uact=5


https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRzkCJQEPGdZMpNdkoEJKXdyoArcg%3A1580373 169594&sa=1&ei=sZQyXqf4I66Bk74Pvfm6qAE&q=jordanian+crowds&oq=jordanian+crowds&gs_l=img.3...24137.27210..27467...0.0..0.287.1617. 11j5j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i7i30j0j0i67j0i8i7i30.PyG3xu6seeU&ved=0ahUKEwjnlIvr9KrnAhWuwMQBHb28DhUQ4dUDCAc&uact=5

I can admit a few whitey llooking levants here and there , butt lol most of them passes way better in mexico than in white neighborhoods.
And dont give me the "but theyre bad quality pics and too distant". Lol, just use a computer. And not all of them are shit quality pics.
Look at their faces and tell me if they will assumed to have the names as "Michael winston" or "Javier Martinez" or "mahmoud al baghdadi"

I see them in real life. I dont need pics. Most will be assumed to be regular white Americans by the average person with normal western clothes.

01-30-2020, 07:47 AM
I see them in real life. I dont need pics. Most will be assumed to be regular white Americans by the average person with normal western clothes.

Ok, whatever dude

MOST would pass as europeans

: /

01-30-2020, 07:49 AM
Ok, whatever dude

MOST would pass as europeans

: /

I didnt say they pass in Europe as white, but in America. The problem is most make no effort to assimilate and still talk with their annoying accents even the ones born here. And they have a tendency to keep beards too, which makes them appear more foreign.

01-30-2020, 07:50 AM
No, they wouldnt dude.

They still mostly look too distant to white people. They can def pass better in greece than in America(but im not sure how well even).
But they look very distant still. THey just pass a lot better in europe than punjabis and hindus.

Sure you seen a couple of cracka looking levantines. But i also seen many turks and they wouldnt pass beyond greece mostly. And im pretty sure lebbos wouldnt pass better in europe than turks.

You have an unhealthy obsession on what Greeks look like. Mainland Greeks in general are robust South European Cro magnon people. Levantines stand out in Greece.


01-30-2020, 07:55 AM
You have an unhealthy obsession on what Greeks look like. Mainland Greeks in general are robust South European Cro magnon people. Levantines stand out in Greece.


Im just saying they would pass better as greek whites than as american anglo saxon whites(excluding south euro descendants). Is that wrong? I mean, you guys are even closer to each other in everything else than turks are to american whiteys. Read my comments well next time, please

And i didnt say they would pass well, when i added "but im not sure how well even"

And no, im not trying to make greeks seem like close to turks, when turks arent much closer to mainland greeks than to me(checked their g25 vahado distances, though theyre mostly slightly closer to turks) genetically

01-30-2020, 07:56 AM
Im just saying they would pass better as greek whites than as american anglo saxon whites(excluding south euro descendants). Is that wrong? I mean, you guys are even closer to each other in everything else than turks are to american whiteys.

And i didnt say they would pass well, when i added "but im not sure how well even"

And no, im not trying to make greeks seem like close to turks, when turks arent much closer to mainland greeks than to me(checked their g25 vahado distances, though theyre mostly slightly closer to turks) genetically

The problem with you is troll , your every second post is about Greeks and how Levantines pass as Greek and you only joined this month. No they do not

01-30-2020, 08:04 AM
The problem with you is troll , your every second post is about Greeks and how Levantines pass as Greek and you only joined this month. No they do not

WTF are you talking about? THis is my second post i have mentioned greeks. I didnt say greeks and lebbos pass well for each other. They pass for each other better than latter would pass for american whites who arent south euros(doesnt mean greeks and lebbos look that much for each other). Are you now denying that? And 99% of my posts are about anything else than mentioning greeks.

Do you have a reading error? Or are you just super insecure?

01-30-2020, 08:13 AM
WTF are you talking about? THis is my second post i have mentioned greeks. I didnt say greeks and lebbos pass well for each other. They pass for each other better than latter would pass for american whites who arent south euros(doesnt mean greeks and lebbos look that much for each other). Are you now denying that? And 99% of my posts are about anything else than mentioning greeks.

Do you have a reading error? Or are you just super insecure?

No I just despise third worlders like you sticking their nose where they dont belong, troll.

01-30-2020, 08:15 AM
No I just despise third worlders like you sticking their nose where they dont belong, troll.

Grow a thicker skin, baby boy bitch

No wonder youre mostly on this forum anyway. Cant even read english well.

: /

01-30-2020, 08:16 AM
Grow a thicker skin, baby boy bitch

No wonder youre mostly on this forum anyway. Cant even read english well.

: /

Go to another forum third worlder - your stench is repulsive.

01-30-2020, 08:19 AM
Go to another forum third worlder - your stench is repulsive.

Thank god its only stench i have to worry about and not being an arab looking mofo who thinks 24/7 "ARYAN! ARYAAAAAAAN! WE'RE AARYAAAAAANS!"

Go to stormfront and convince yourself you have nothing to do with west asians, lol

01-30-2020, 08:22 AM
Thank god its only stench i have to worry about and not being an arab looking mofo who thinks 24/7 "ARYAN! ARYAAAAAAAN! WE'RE AARYAAAAAANS!"

Go to stormfront and convince yourself you have nothing to do with west asians, lol

Barking up the wrong tree short brown midget.

01-30-2020, 08:24 AM
I guess some people are really overreacting the lightness of levantines. Sure at max 1/3 of levants look like toppo(which i even doubt. More like at max 20-14%). Rest look more like your avg middleeasterners. Or they should. Although the only lebbo girl i seen IRL looks blonde with colored eyes, i just doubt most can pass as whites
Toppo may be very light skinned, but he is, as he puts its agreeably, "very Levantine looking". There are darker or tanner Levantines out there who pass better as 'white' than he does. This just shows that lighter doesn't mean "Atlantid/Nordic/etc" and thus "easily passing in Europe". Look at George Clooney and Rowan Atkinson for instance. Olive skinned and 'woggy', but characteristically still far more European looking than Toppo and even myself (I am light skinned as well). So again, it's not about light or dark. It's about your features. There are olive skinned Italians and French even that look what they are, because of their features. It isn't brain surgery.

And no. Most do not Levantines pass as whites for sure. But I do think they pass better as "European whites" than the more Iranic groups like the Kurds, Azeris and Iranians, as some hardcore Levantines in the east med possess more southern European features than their Iranic counterparts (even if the Iranics have the same skin tone or or 'lighter' for that matter). Now I am not saying Levantines generally look Southern European. But compared to the other West Asian groups (barring the Turks), they do look relatively 'closer' to Med Islander Euros. I had always argued that here (and was called OWD by a few trolls, even though Assyrians are not Levantine Lol)...

01-30-2020, 08:24 AM
Barking up the wrong tree short brown midget.

Whatever, christian arab

I dont give a fuck anymore. Dont try to talk to me and fuck somewhere else. Masturbate to hitler or your uncle or whatever, your insecure weirdo

01-30-2020, 08:26 AM
Whatever, christian arab

I dont give a fuck anymore. Dont try to talk to me and fuck somewhere else. Masturbate to hitler or your uncle or whatever, your insecure weirdo

You bought it upon yourself troll.

01-30-2020, 08:27 AM
Toppo may be very light skinned, but he is, as he puts its agreeably, "very Levantine looking". There are darker or tanner Levantines out there who pass better as 'white' than he does. This just shows that lighter doesn't mean "Atlantid/Nordic/etc" and thus "easily passing in Europe". Look at George Clooney and Rowan Atkinson for instance. Olive skinned, but characteristically still European looking and would pass better as 'white Americans' than Toppo would or myself as wel (I am also rather light skinned, but still look characteristically West Asian). So again, it's not about light or dark. It's about your features. There are olive skinned Italians and French even that look what they are, because of their features. It isn't brain surgery.

And no. Most do not Levantines pass as whites for sure. But I do think they pass better as "European whites" than the more Iranic groups like the Kurds, Azeris and Iranians, as some hardcore Levantines in the east med possess more southern European features than their Iranic counterparts (even if the Iranics have the same skin tone or or 'lighter' for that matter). Now I am not saying Levantines generally look Southern European. But compared to the other West Asian groups (barring the Turks), they do look relatively 'closer' to Med Islander Euros. I had always argued that here (and was called OWD by a few trolls, even though Assyrians are not Levantine Lol)...

Dude.....toppo could easily pass in europe to me. People who says otherwise are just biased. And YEAH, i looked beyond his skin colour. Dude could easily pass.

I dont know about levantes passing better in europe than iranics and i dont care much either. My point was just telling OP levantes dont mostly pass as whiteys in America.

01-30-2020, 08:33 AM
You bought it upon yourself troll.


No, YOU put words in my mouth and said that i said lebbos could EASILY pass as greeks(which i DIDNT SAY. I said THEY COULD PASS BETTER IN GREECE THAN WHITE AMERICA since theyre just not geographically closer to greeks than white americans, but in everything else. Now, would you deny that? AND I DIDNT SAY THEYE WERE CLOSE STILL and ARE STILL SUPER DIFFERENT. READ MY SENTENCES OR LEARN ENGLISH. ) because you just saw the word "greeks" in the same sentence with "lebbos and turks". Read the entire sentence, not few words. It would really help you.

And youre not only a liar, but a troll as well. I never mentione greeks more than twice and none of the time did i say greeks are very similiar to their southern neighbors. Either on purpose you wanted to start shit or just really shitty at english

01-30-2020, 08:41 AM

No, YOU put words in my mouth and said that i said lebbos could EASILY pass as greeks(which i DIDNT SAY. I said THEY COULD PASS BETTER IN GREECE THAN WHITE AMERICA since theyre just not geographically closer to greeks than white americans, but in everything else. Now, would you deny that? AND I DIDNT SAY THEYE WERE CLOSE STILL and ARE STILL SUPER DIFFERENT. READ MY SENTENCES OR LEARN ENGLISH. ) because you just saw the word "greeks" in the same sentence with "lebbos and turks". Read the entire sentence, not few words. It would really help you.

And youre not only a liar, but a troll as well. I never mentione greeks more than twice and none of the time did i say greeks are very similiar to their southern neighbors. Either on purpose you wanted to start shit or just really shitty at english

Keep Greeks out of your equation disgusting muslim filth.

01-30-2020, 08:45 AM
Dude.....toppo could easily pass in europe to me. People who says otherwise are just biased. And YEAH, i looked beyond his skin colour. Dude could easily pass.

I dont know about levantes passing better in europe than iranics and i dont care much either. My point was just telling OP levantes dont mostly pass as whiteys in America.
You didn't get my post either (same way Catgeorge didn't understood yours). I was making a distinction between being light and passing in Europe (or as white), because light skin doesn't automatically make you "white" or "Euro" looking. There are many olive skinned folks who can pass better as a 'white' or European than some light skinned Caucasoids. And about Toppo, whilst he looks pretty Levantine, I do think he can pass in southern Europe, from Spain to South Italy. Nobody's saying he won't pass there. But that doesn't mean he is not typically Levantine looking. In which he is. And he acknowledges that himself too.

Nobody was having a jab at your point or if you care not. Here I was saying Levantines will always pass better as Med 'whites' than Kurds, Pashtuns and Iranians, due to their naturally closer distance and having some features with the islanders. Nothing about you caring or not...

01-30-2020, 08:47 AM
Keep Greeks out of your equation disgusting muslim filth.


01-30-2020, 08:49 AM

Kiss my ass troll.

01-30-2020, 08:50 AM
Kiss my ass troll.

Dont come back

: )

01-30-2020, 08:51 AM
Dont come back

: )

To hound third world trolls like you - better think again.

01-30-2020, 09:05 AM
Most levantines in the USA are christian syrians, christian lebanese or assyrians, the lightest existing types of levantines (apart turks). And even in most cases they donīt look white in groupal photos.

If the levantines in the USA were egyptians, irakis, saudis; or broading with the concept MENA, maghrebis or sudanese. They wouldīt be seen as white.

Anyway, the USA census wanted to create an specific MENA category.

01-30-2020, 09:13 AM
Americans don't have much clue about the rest of the world, so it's not really importnant what they think on the matter.

01-30-2020, 09:19 AM
Toppo may be very light skinned, but he is, as he puts its agreeably, "very Levantine looking". There are darker or tanner Levantines out there who pass better as 'white' than he does. This just shows that lighter doesn't mean "Atlantid/Nordic/etc" and thus "easily passing in Europe". Look at George Clooney and Rowan Atkinson for instance. Olive skinned and 'woggy', but characteristically still far more European looking than Toppo and even myself (I am light skinned as well). So again, it's not about light or dark. It's about your features. There are olive skinned Italians and French even that look what they are, because of their features. It isn't brain surgery.

And no. Most do not Levantines pass as whites for sure. But I do think they pass better as "European whites" than the more Iranic groups like the Kurds, Azeris and Iranians, as some hardcore Levantines in the east med possess more southern European features than their Iranic counterparts (even if the Iranics have the same skin tone or or 'lighter' for that matter). Now I am not saying Levantines generally look Southern European. But compared to the other West Asian groups (barring the Turks), they do look relatively 'closer' to Med Islander Euros. I had always argued that here (and was called OWD by a few trolls, even though Assyrians are not Levantine Lol)...

But i was also saying this based on facial feautures and not on skin colour. And what youre saying about levantes looking more "euro" than iranics is probably true.

But as i said. I dont care really. Just wanted to tell OP levantines mostly dont look whitey

Armenian Bishop
01-30-2020, 09:20 AM
Most levantines in the USA are christian syrians, christian lebanese or assyrians, the lightest existing types of levantines (apart turks). And even in most cases they donīt look white in groupal photos.

If the levantines in the USA were egyptians, irakis, saudis; or broading with the concept MENA, maghrebis or sudanese. They wouldīt be seen as white.

Anyway, the USA census wanted to create an specific MENA category.

That rumor about creating an MENA category has been floating around for quite a while. I live in California, and growing up here we always considered Jews and Levantine Christians as White. Anyway, we'll address that matter when it's time to cross that bridge.

01-30-2020, 09:24 AM
But i was also saying this based on facial feautures and not on skin colour. And what youre saying about levantes looking more "euro" than iranics is probably true.

But as i said. I dont care really. Just wanted to tell OP levantines mostly dont look whitey


Yes their facial features are very different to white people but to your average American who can’t locate Syria on a map they do.

I’ve seen video documentaries on YT about Syrian rebels and half the comments are about how “white” they look

01-30-2020, 09:27 AM
Christian Levantines in Colombia are light-skinned and some are light-eyed/light-haired. They are considered as white.

Maronites (Christian lebaneses) are white in Venezuela too.

01-30-2020, 11:43 AM
That rumor about creating an MENA category has been floating around for quite a while. I live in California, and growing up here we always considered Jews and Levantine Christians as White. Anyway, we'll address that matter when it's time to cross that bridge.

Itīs not a rumor.

It was a serious proposal.

But Armenians maybe wouldnīt belong to this group, but the white-european one.

Has happened the same that when mexicans were white until the beginning of the XX century, on those times the mexicans were nuevomexicanos, pure spaniard types from Texas and Louisiana, and castizo mexicans from northern states. They passed as borderline white-no dobt white, as used to be with Levantines, until mexicans from other more southern regions of Mexico began to flow to the USA, and the concept of mexican whiteness changed completely.

It seems that nowadays USA is fulling with darker and muslim peoples from other countries and origins, so the concept of levantine whiteness is changing.

01-30-2020, 11:54 AM
I think MENA should be added. Average Middle Eastern and some Southern Europeans don't have stereotypical Germanic white features. Wogs should be counted as MENA instead of white. White is Celtic-Germano-Slavic thing.

01-30-2020, 12:05 PM
Maybe in USA, which is a melting pot of ethnicities, not MOST of them, but SOME of them maybe look white. In Europe,even in South/Eastern Europe, where some of the people give a MENA vibe, most of the MENA look foreign and atypical.

01-30-2020, 12:06 PM
Maybe in USA, which is a melting pot of ethnicities, not MOST of them, but SOME of them maybe look white. In Europe, even in South/Eastern Europe, where some of the people give a MENA vibe, most of the real MENA look foreign and atypical.

01-30-2020, 12:57 PM
I think MENA should be added. Average Middle Eastern and some Southern Europeans don't have stereotypical Germanic white features. Wogs should be counted as MENA instead of white. White is Celtic-Germano-Slavic thing.

Why White = Germanic? Why for example we don't take Latin people (Iberians, Italians and French), or Greeks as defining point for white, and qualify Scandinavians and Baltic people who don't pass as "Boreal" category?

01-30-2020, 01:19 PM
Sure, most sicillians don't pass as white in america but levantines that literally less white than sicillians do lol, people in this forum are really delusional.

01-30-2020, 01:48 PM

01-30-2020, 02:14 PM
True, most members here are biased people from darker countries butthurt about Levantines or delusional retards who never left their basements. Passing as ''white'' in USA and even Europe isn't hard. If you don't look too ethnic or very brown you're seen as white in most of Europe/USA. You don't even need to look like Toppo, a good bunch of Southern European members here are darker than Toppo and of course they pass as ''white'' all around.

I remember when I was in Europe I've met a Colombian triracial there who was assumed to be European by most people there just because he was very light-skinned.

01-30-2020, 02:24 PM
Why White = Germanic? Why for example we don't take Latin people (Iberians, Italians and French), or Greeks as defining point for white, and qualify Scandinavians and Baltic people who don't pass as "Boreal" category?

Defination of white was Germanic at the beginning. Most French people are mix of Gaulish Celts, Frank Germanics, therefore white.
High EEF admixture doesn't fit defination of white. It creates wogness.

01-30-2020, 10:44 PM
Sure, most sicillians don't pass as white in america but levantines that literally less white than sicillians do lol, people in this forum are really delusional.

Ok, thats something i kind of can agree on. Sicillians are probably closer to many lebbos than euros even.

But tbh, many southern euros still got that euro look that levantines on avg dont have and still look different to euros(but those would be mainland greeks, spanish from not most southern parts of europe + some non-eastern mixed south euros)

01-30-2020, 10:52 PM

Yes their facial features are very different to white people but to your average American who can’t locate Syria on a map they do.

I’ve seen video documentaries on YT about Syrian rebels and half the comments are about how “white” they look
That's only because (foreign) viewers are used to the visual stereotype of Middle Easterners looking like this:


So, of course in comparison, Syrians would appear “white”. And they're not even white-white (the Syrian Rebels I mean)...?

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSoZNGJloKOuIOmuiKKatuOpiQMjvZ _pvHCvP75wZpYIHFu0z8F

They're just slightly lighter and less Arabid (and more Armenoid) than the Saudis above. But still look MENA as hell.

01-30-2020, 10:55 PM
That's only because (foreign) viewers are used to the visual stereotype of all Middle Easterners looking like this:


So, of course in comparison, Syrians would appear “white”.

Middle bigger nosed dude looks kind of afghan

01-30-2020, 11:00 PM
Middle bigger nosed dude looks kind of afghan
Yep. Afghan, Kurd, Azeri, Iranian type. Definitely did stick out from the bunch. Even has their tallish height.

01-30-2020, 11:03 PM
Yep. Afghan, Kurd, Azeri, Iranian type. Definitely did stick out from the bunch. Even has their tallish height.

He's the manliest manly man of them all :cool::cool::cool:

True alpha amongst servants

01-31-2020, 12:41 AM
That's only because (foreign) viewers are used to the visual stereotype of Middle Easterners looking like this:


So, of course in comparison, Syrians would appear “white”. And they're not even white-white (the Syrian Rebels I mean)...?

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSoZNGJloKOuIOmuiKKatuOpiQMjvZ _pvHCvP75wZpYIHFu0z8F

They're just slightly lighter and less Arabid (and more Armenoid) than the Saudis above. But still look MENA as hell.

Rednecks and millenials will consider those people white as long as theyre well gromed(which theyre not in those photos).

01-31-2020, 12:52 AM
Rednecks and millenials will consider those people white as long as theyre well gromed(which theyre not in those photos).
Not sure about rednecks, but millennials and ordinary Americans may. And I do agree that your local traditional uniform will always make you appear 'ethnic', no matter how light or dark you are. Here are 'well groomed' Syrian men:


He's the manliest manly man of them all :cool::cool::cool:

True alpha amongst servants
Out of them, yes. But not amongst every man. Lol.

02-20-2020, 03:36 AM
Maybe in Central or South America, they would pass as 'whites'.

But overall in the US and Canada, they would perceived as 'Latino' or 'Arab' looking.

Agreed. The whiteness of Levantines, especially Christians, is highly exaggerated to say the least. I maybe light pigmented and all that, but I pass far more better among Assyrians than to any European group, and that's a fact.

02-20-2020, 03:45 AM
Christian Levantines in Colombia are light-skinned and some are light-eyed/light-haired. They are considered as white.

Well, my family are Muslims, and we don't look different from Christians really:

And again, being White is more than just skin color since most Lebanese Christians and Druze look Middle Eastern, just a different look from others.

02-20-2020, 03:49 AM
Your family looks just white/Caucasian, too.

02-20-2020, 03:54 AM
Your family looks just white/Caucasian, too.

For Latin America, yeah, but I can't say the same thing for North American countries, Australia, New Zealand and most of Europe really.

02-20-2020, 04:02 AM
For Latin America, yeah, but I can't say the same thing for North American countries, Australia, New Zealand and most of Europe really.

Levantines are not Northern Europeans but they are Caucasian peoples, akin to other Mediterranean peoples like Southern Italians and Greeks. Lebanese are the largest Levantine group in the Unites States and they are one of the reasons why Arab is not a category on the census. Most people deem Lebanese as white. In California, Armenians are also considered as white.

There are looks that make some nationalities distinctive from others, sure, but in general terms Levantines make part of the Caucasian group of peoples. That's my understanding, at least.

By the way, tonight in class I had to do a presentation and 2 of my 3 fellow classmates with whom I had to do the presentation were full/partial Canaanites. That's impressive, isn't it. I have some of that, too so that makes us 3.

02-20-2020, 04:15 AM
Levantines are not Northern Europeans but they are Caucasian peoples, akin to other Mediterranean peoples like Southern Italians and Greeks. Lebanese are the largest Levantine group in the Unites States and they are one of the reasons why Arab is not a category on the census. Most people deem Lebanese as white. In California, Armenians are also considered as white.

There are looks that make some nationalities distinctive from others, sure, but in general terms Levantines make part of the Caucasian group of peoples. That's my understanding, at least.

By the way, tonight in class I had to do a presentation and 2 of my 3 fellow classmates with whom I had to do the presentation were full/partial Canaanites. That's impressive, isn't it. I have some of that, too so that makes us 3.

Hmm, sure, but I don't know about socially really in the US. Here's my ancient results:

Target: Moody_scaled
Distance: 1.4252% / 0.01425223
71.6 Levant_Canaanite_MBA
19.4 TKM_IA
7.4 Canary_Islands_Guanche
1.6 TZA_Zanzibar_1300BP

I do wish that you'd buy the coordinates from Eurogenes(it's 12 USD) one day to see how much Canaanite you are.

02-20-2020, 04:20 AM
Hmm, sure, but I don't know about socially really in the US. Here's my ancient results:

Target: Moody_scaled
Distance: 1.4252% / 0.01425223
71.6 Levant_Canaanite_MBA
19.4 TKM_IA
7.4 Canary_Islands_Guanche
1.6 TZA_Zanzibar_1300BP

I do wish that you'd buy the coordinates from Eurogenes(it's 12 USD) one day to see how much Canaanite you are.

Is this from GEDmatch? I wanna do a Y-DNA test first to confirm Visigothic paternal lineage.

02-20-2020, 04:22 AM
Is this from GEDmatch? I wanna do a Y-DNA test first to confirm Visigothic paternal lineage.

No. It's G25, and to get your coordinates you need to buy it from Davidski from Eurogenes which costs 12 USD via Paypal.

It's more accurate than Gedmatch when it comes to these things.

02-20-2020, 10:08 AM
Agreed. The whiteness of Levantines, especially Christians, is highly exaggerated to say the least. I maybe light pigmented and all that, but I pass far more better among Assyrians than to any European group, and that's a fact.
Yes, but one thing to point out is that you sometimes exaggerate the difference between Levantines and some southern Europeans groups. I mean, let's face it, some Levantines and as well as Iranians and central Asian people can be pretty white, and it will be weird not calling them white because, well, "only Euros are white". Of course, this doesn't make them European. But that doesn't mean they are not white (and I mean individuals, not groups of people). I dislike this notion and will always stand against that mindset. And if you say such things as I did, they'd use the OWD card to shut you down, no matter how factual it is. It won't work on me, really. If you're a white-skinned Caucasoid, you're white, no matter where you're from, Morocco or Afghanistan.

Now yes, you'll definitely pass better as an Assyrian than some European nationality, but honestly you can still fit well as a Cypriot Greek or Italian islander. Not going to lie. These countries being in Europe doesn't make them off-limit. Lol.

02-20-2020, 10:15 AM

Yeah, but at the same time, I don't feel any sort of connection with Europe or the western world really when it comes to race and even culture. For me, White = European, and really, I'm not genetically or culturally European or whatever. The terminology is more or less a social construct really than anything since what constitutes White in Latin America for example maybe different from those in North America and so on. Yeah. The term "OWD" was coined by Waddad here, so it's not something to be taken seriously really. I mean, I use this word for those who scapegoat and bash other non-White groups just for the western world to accept him and his/her people like Heaven AKA Bori used to do a lot here before he got banned for trolling and harassing members. I myself am not really concerned about the whole race thing all too much really, and honestly, I wouldn't find any relevance if I ticked my racial identity as White for the racial census if I was in the USA or whatever.

02-20-2020, 10:34 AM
Yeah, but at the same time, I don't feel any sort of connection with Europe or the western world really when it comes to race and even culture. For me, White = European, and really, I'm not genetically or culturally European or whatever. The terminology is more or less a social construct really than anything since what constitutes White in Latin America for example maybe different from those in North America and so on. Yeah. The term "OWD" was coined by Waddad here, so it's not something to be taken seriously really. I mean, I use this word for those who scapegoat and bash other non-White groups just for the western world to accept him and his/her people like Heaven AKA Bori used to do a lot here before he got banned for trolling and harassing members. I myself am not really concerned about the whole race thing all too much really, and honestly, I wouldn't find any relevance if I ticked my racial identity as White for the racial census if I was in the USA or whatever.
But it's not about a connection to the western world or Europe. Kalash people from central Asia can be pretty white and they have no genetic relations to Europeans, nor do they want to be affiliated with them. They are almost purely Caucasoids and have white skin, but because they're not from Europe they have to be an 'other' race? Just because most white people are Europeans, that doesn't mean lighter folks outside of Europe like the Georgians, Armenians, Turks, some Levantines and Central Asians can't be racially white.

You said it, the term is a social construct and so people can use it any way they please to. But looks don't lie. You're not all of a sudden a different race if you're outside Europe. Sure, you're non-European (since Europe is a contiguous region and only its inhabitants are Europeans), but you will not be an 'other' all of a sudden if you step out of the continent.

So, let's put it this way, Istanbulians in the European part of Istanbul are white, right? But those in the Asiatic part are what now, Middle Easterners/Other...*crickets chirp*? It just doesn't work that way. And it shouldn't. But nobody brings that up in the fear of being called OWD. Lol.

02-20-2020, 10:50 AM
But it's not about a connection to the western world or Europe. Kalash people from central Asia can be pretty white and they have no genetic relations to Europeans, nor do they want to be affiliated with them. They are almost purely Caucasoids and have white skin, but because they're not from Europe they have to be an 'other' race? Just because most white people are Europeans, that doesn't mean lighter folks outside of Europe like the Georgians, Armenians, Turks, some Levantines and Central Asians can't be racially white.

You said it, the term is a social construct and so people can use it any way they please to. But looks don't lie. You're not all of a sudden a different race if you're outside Europe. Sure, you're non-European (since Europe is a contiguous region and only its inhabitants are Europeans), but you will not be an 'other' all of a sudden if you step out of the continent.

So, let's put it this way, Istanbulians in the European part of Istanbul are white, right? But those in the Asiatic part are what now, Middle Easterners/Other...*crickets chirp*? It just doesn't work that way. And it shouldn't. But nobody brings that up in the fear of being called OWD. Lol.

Well, the thing is that we non-White Caucasoids don't have a monopoly on the term, though in scientific terms it doesn't really mean much since the term "white" is often describing people who are racially Caucasoids and have light pigmentation and all that which can include me and others. I mean, when it comes to social acceptance and association, I guess it depends really since many Americans were shocked and surprised when I told them that I'm an Arab since they tend to think that all middle easterners like Saudis or something rather than a guy like me who dresses and talks no differently from them. Personally, I'm not remotely obsessed with identity politics that seem to plaque in many western societies recently, so I can definitely call myself as a White guy when describing my race since race =/= ethnicity as most people see. But you know, those are the brakes, I suppose. I do cringe on some Arab Americans who want to have their own separate category for political reasons since being White has no political or economic benefits whatsoever which is an extreme form of dishonesty and so on. Like, If I have ever migrated to the US, I would certainly choose White over other or whatever. I don't want to be seen as some OWD or something here, but when it comes to assimilation to the general White society of America I would certainly choose that over liberal identity politics.

Armenian Bishop
02-20-2020, 11:49 AM
Levantines are not Northern Europeans but they are Caucasian peoples, akin to other Mediterranean peoples like Southern Italians and Greeks. Lebanese are the largest Levantine group in the Unites States and they are one of the reasons why Arab is not a category on the census. Most people deem Lebanese as white. In California, Armenians are also considered as white.

There are looks that make some nationalities distinctive from others, sure, but in general terms Levantines make part of the Caucasian group of peoples. That's my understanding, at least.

By the way, tonight in class I had to do a presentation and 2 of my 3 fellow classmates with whom I had to do the presentation were full/partial Canaanites. That's impressive, isn't it. I have some of that, too so that makes us 3.

An Armenian, by the name of Martin the Armenian (or Martinian); he arrived in Jamestown, Virginia (with Captain John Smith), in 1607. He started a silkworm farm in Virginia. More to the point here, a court case, in 1923, clearly concluded that Armenians are White, Cartozian, an Armenian immigrant, took it to court, in Oregon (United States vs Cartozian). His court victory came in 1925, when District Judge Charles Wolverton resolved that "it may be confidently affirmed" that Armenians are White, and "readily amalgamate with the European and White races."