View Full Version : Classify 2011 Miss Nuestra Beleza Mexicana with a 1 filipino ancestor

01-28-2020, 08:58 PM
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XLEyBiGk-78/ToXmbar_FsI/AAAAAAAABkU/o0oD4dkXy98/s1600/216695_239072936125582_145857978780412_784789_1339 672_n.jpg

01-28-2020, 09:05 PM

But mexicans with filipino ancestors usually come from Guerrero state, not Hidalgo, far away from there.

01-28-2020, 09:06 PM

But mexicans with filipino ancestors usually come from Guerrero state, not Hidalgo, far away from there.

modern filipinos go to hidalgo like cheese people, here in Mexico the asians are spreader around all mexico, they are a lot

01-28-2020, 09:11 PM
modern filipinos go to hidalgo like cheese people, here in Mexico the asians are spreader around all mexico, they are a lot

Los filipinos llegaron a México hace muchísimo tiempo, en la colonia, ya no hay siquiera filipinos puros.

Los "filipinos modernos" que ves son normalmente chinos que abren sus negocios.

Este es el único mexicano mezclado moderno que no sea un chino con una tienda:


Carlito's Way
01-28-2020, 09:13 PM

But mexicans with filipino ancestors usually come from Guerrero state, not Hidalgo, far away from there.

no they dont idiot lol
Filipinos spread all over the country because they were enslaved
Filipino ancestry can be found in mexicans from Colima, Guerrero, Michoacan, Jalisco, Mexico City, Hidalgo, Veracruz etc

I really dont need to post DNA results of Mexicans with more than 1% Filipino

you honestly dont know shit at all

01-28-2020, 09:21 PM
I really dont need to post DNA results of Mexicans with more than 1% Filipino

you honestly dont know shit at all

WOW, 1% filipino !!!!

Look man, this woman is 1% native american:


She´s the sister of Gerónimo.

01-28-2020, 09:30 PM
WOW, 1% filipino !!!!

Look man, this woman is 1% native american:


She´s the sister of Gerónimo.
I met in guerrero a medican girl that looked Maori or something pacific

01-28-2020, 09:31 PM
I met in guerrero a medican girl that looked Maori or something pacific

The mixed people, moreso in Guerrero where there are four racial elements (spanish-european / amerindian / black-african / filipino) can produce very weird mixes.

Carlito's Way
01-28-2020, 09:37 PM
WOW, 1% filipino !!!!

Look man, this woman is 1% native american:


She´s the sister of Gerónimo.

I said more than 1% Filipino dumbass, that means Mexicans with 12% to 20% etc
you have a low IQ but since you are a sudaca I guess thats a normal thing

01-28-2020, 09:41 PM
Balanced mestiza

01-29-2020, 02:20 AM
no they dont idiot lol
Filipinos spread all over the country because they were enslaved
Filipino ancestry can be found in mexicans from Colima, Guerrero, Michoacan, Jalisco, Mexico City, Hidalgo, Veracruz etc

I really dont need to post DNA results of Mexicans with more than 1% Filipino

you honestly dont know shit at all
Lol the ancestors of these people were filipino sailors who went awol and slept with a bunch of mexican women
There were enough african and indigineous slaves in mexico already

Carlito's Way
01-29-2020, 05:01 PM
Lol the ancestors of these people were filipino sailors who went awol and slept with a bunch of mexican women
There were enough african and indigineous slaves in mexico already

they were not sailors lol they were SLAVES
no Spaniard in that time would ever make your people into sailors
I really do not need to start bringing sources of your people begging freedom to the Spanish crown in Mexico City
or the bad treatment and bad conditions they were submitted to lol so just stop being ashamed

Mexicans in the Philippines on the other hand were sailors, warriors, founders, cultural influencers etc
our men had sex with your women and gave yall real warrior genes, i bet you anything your boxers have a Mexican ancestor somewhere down the line

01-29-2020, 05:31 PM
they were not sailors lol they were SLAVES
no Spaniard in that time would ever make your people into sailors
I really do not need to start bringing sources of your people begging freedom to the Spanish crown in Mexico City
or the bad treatment and bad conditions they were submitted to lol so just stop being ashamed

Mexicans in the Philippines on the other hand were sailors, warriors, founders, cultural influencers etc
our men had sex with your women and gave yall real warrior genes, i bet you anything your boxers have a Mexican ancestor somewhere down the line

Lol here we go again with your fantasy rants. History show that filipinos in Mexico were mostly sailors who were part of the Manila-alcapulco exchange route. Majority of the slaves in Mexico were the indigenous mexicans...or africans who also fucked with mexican women.

Yes there is an area near Manila that has a number of people of the descendants of mexican soldiers and negrito locals of the area

01-29-2020, 06:23 PM
white caucasian and east mongoloid mix..she is hapa

Carlito's Way
01-30-2020, 01:40 AM
Lol here we go again with your fantasy rants. History show that filipinos in Mexico were mostly sailors who were part of the Manila-alcapulco exchange route. Majority of the slaves in Mexico were the indigenous mexicans...or africans who also fucked with mexican women.

Yes there is an area near Manila that has a number of people of the descendants of mexican soldiers and negrito locals of the area

Can you show me your source? LOL

here read about your people being slaves in Mexico along with blacks, south asians and east asians
https://www.academia.edu/3432351/Filipinos_in_Nueva_Espa%C3%B1a_Filipino-Mexican_Relations_Mestizaje_and_Identity_in_Coloni al_and_Contemporary_Mexico

"During the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, countless slaves from culturally diverse communities in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia journeyed to Mexico on the ships of the Manila Galleon. Upon arrival in Mexico, they were grouped together and categorized as chinos."

Here is the book for you to read LOL

https://static.cambridge.org/binary/version/id/urn:cambridge.org:id:binary:12363:2016060610051929 6-0898:06312fig2_1.png?pub-status=live

01-30-2020, 08:53 PM
Can you show me your source? LOL

here read about your people being slaves in Mexico along with blacks, south asians and east asians
https://www.academia.edu/3432351/Filipinos_in_Nueva_Espa%C3%B1a_Filipino-Mexican_Relations_Mestizaje_and_Identity_in_Coloni al_and_Contemporary_Mexico

"During the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, countless slaves from culturally diverse communities in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia journeyed to Mexico on the ships of the Manila Galleon. Upon arrival in Mexico, they were grouped together and categorized as chinos."

Here is the book for you to read LOL

https://static.cambridge.org/binary/version/id/urn:cambridge.org:id:binary:12363:2016060610051929 6-0898:06312fig2_1.png?pub-status=live

When Spaniards conquered the archipelago, the Laws of the Indies served as a compilation of royal decrees for the Spanish colonies including the Philippines. This included a law stating that Spaniards were forbidden to hold Filipinos as slaves since they were under the subjection of King Phillip II. Observing the widespread practice of slavery among the native tribes, the Law was sometimes ignored by soldiers, some acting on their own and seizing natives in various parts of the country. Governor-GeneralLegazpi, upon discovering this, freed the slaves and punished those who took them under the jurisdiction of the monarchy.

Later on, the division of Luzon intoencomiendascreated a form of compulsory work for theencomenderos, who were given the responsibility of evangelizing the natives working for them. Many held workers for household chores. However, it is arguable whether these workers were slaves in the common sense of the word. A Portuguese visitor noted that there was no Spanish soldier who did not have anIndioor native worker. Even the religious houses held at least one. The king, however, after hearing about this, appointed a minister, called the Protector of theIndios, to investigate and restore the liberty of possible slaves. It seemed unfair to encomenderos to generally abolish slavery though and it would cause economic disruption. The General Assembly of 1586 then proposed three points:

All children are to be born free.No new slaves will be made.Slaves will have to pay a fair price for freedom.

The king did not implement this, however, and enforced further laws to punish the Spaniards who heldIndioslaves. This opened for a new trend which was illegally importing foreigners, especially Africans. Since they were not under the king’s subjection, they were not included in the laws and they were made slaves as a replacement for theIndios. Even some Filipinos acquired these foreign slaves and by 1621, blacks constituted around one third of an Intramuros population. These foreign slaves were mainly employed in Manila and not in the provinces. Some of them were also resold in Mexico during the time of the Manila Galleon Trade to cover transportation costs.