View Full Version : Classify my DNA tested French-American cousin

01-29-2020, 07:44 PM
Here are some pics of a French-American girl who is 4th/6th cousin with me according to AncestryDNA. She is a native of Baton Rouge in Louisiana. She also has some Italian and Irish ancestry. Below you will find her results and those of her sister and brother.


Her results

France 55%
Ireland and Scotland 13% England, Wales and Northwestern Europe 13%
Italy 9%
Germanic Europe 8%
Sardinia 2%

Her brother

England, Wales and Northwestern Europe 42%
France 34%
Ireland and Scotland 13%
Germanic Europe 6%
Italy 3% Spain 3%
Sweden 2%
Indigenous Americas - Colombia and Venezuela 1% Indigenous Americas - Central 1%

Her sister

France 56%
England, Wales and Northwestern Europe 32%
Italy 7%
Sweden 2% Malta 2%
Basque 1%

01-31-2020, 04:14 AM
Alpine + slight Atlantid IMO

01-31-2020, 06:03 AM