View Full Version : Classify girl in this video. Can she pass as South-Central Asian, MENA or Caucasus?

01-30-2020, 04:10 PM

01-30-2020, 04:17 PM

01-30-2020, 04:50 PM
Turkey and Central Asia

01-30-2020, 05:29 PM
Maybe Alpinid-Turanid.

01-31-2020, 03:57 AM
Turkey and Central Asia

Would she be a churka in Russia?

01-31-2020, 06:56 AM
Central Asian mostly.

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

01-31-2020, 09:10 AM
Central Asian mostly.

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

She looks too Caucasoid for Kyrgyzstan imo.

Can she also pass in MENA or Caucasus?

01-31-2020, 09:26 AM
Probably uzbek, hazara and maybe also tajik

01-31-2020, 09:28 AM
Probably uzbek, hazara and maybe also tajik

Doesn't she look Caucasoid for the average Hazara?

Can pass west in Iran or anywhere in MENA?

01-31-2020, 09:33 AM
Doesn't she look Caucasoid for the average Hazara?

Can pass west in Iran or anywhere in MENA?

Some hazaras just really can look like that.. Also, i feel like she wont pass in west asia

01-31-2020, 09:37 AM
Some hazaras just really can look like that.. Also, i feel like she wont pass in west asia

A good example is Mohamed Mohaqiq? Do those Hazaras have recent Tajik or Pashtun admixture?

Why do you feel like she won't pass in west Asia? Not even Iran?

01-31-2020, 09:40 AM
A good example is Mohamed Mohaqiq? Do those Hazaras have recent Tajik or Pashtun admixture?

Why do you feel like she won't pass in west Asia? Not even Iran?

Im not sure who mohamed mohaqiq even is, but i remember some hazara dude telling me some hazaras look more "caucasiod" than others and he posted some pics as well. Also, they might have recent tajik/pashtun/uzbek ancestry(i think all hazaras do). But thing is also that not all hazaras are of mongolian descent. Some are also originally turkic, and turkics from AFG can appear more caucasiod than avg hazaras.

And i dont think she pass in west asia(maybe apart from north africa i assume) due to her facial feautures. Bigger cheek bones kind of make her looks more central asian.

01-31-2020, 09:57 AM
Im not sure who mohamed mohaqiq even is, but i remember some hazara dude telling me some hazaras look more "caucasiod" than others and he posted some pics as well. Also, they might have recent tajik/pashtun/uzbek ancestry(i think all hazaras do). But thing is also that not all hazaras are of mongolian descent. Some are also originally turkic, and turkics from AFG can appear more caucasiod than avg hazaras.

And i dont think she pass in west asia(maybe apart from north africa i assume) due to her facial feautures. Bigger cheek bones kind of make her looks more central asian.

He is a Hazara politician from Afghanitan. He is one of the more Caucasoid leaning Hazaras. Maybe I misspelled his name: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Mohaqiq

Is the Latino looking Afghan footballer Hassan Amin one of these Caucasoid leaning Hazaras or is he the intermediate type.between Caucasoid and Mongoloid leaning Hazaras?: https://www.google.com/search?q=hassan+amin&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ACYBGNR_5I2unIEsi4VJ1hVslNDcR41Bzw:158046816 1090&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ88fa1q3nAhX07HMBHeThCIoQ_AUoAXoECBAQA Q&biw=360&bih=520

Have there been any gedmatch results of these Caucasoid looking Hazaras?

I see. Not even Turkey or Azerbaijan where there is more Central Asian influence? I guess she is a Central Asian Caucasoid type?

01-31-2020, 10:07 AM
Yes easily as Azeri or Turkmen

beautiful lady!

Phenotype: Transcaspian (Aralid + Iranid)

01-31-2020, 10:11 AM
Yes easily as Azeri or Turkmen

beautiful lady!

In Iran? Can she pass as anything else in MENA?

01-31-2020, 10:14 AM
In Iran? Can she pass as anything else in MENA?

Yes in Iran she passes as Azeri or Turkmen. Maybe as an atypical Kurd. In Turkey as some Turkish/kurdish mix imo.

01-31-2020, 10:17 AM
Yes in Iran she passes as Azeri or Turkmen. Maybe as an atypical Kurd. In Turkey as some Turkish/kurdish mix imo.

She would not pass in the Arab countries like Levant, Iraq or North Africa?

01-31-2020, 10:19 AM
She would not pass in the Arab countries like Levant, Iraq or North Africa?


01-31-2020, 10:26 AM

Interesting. Looks like she is virtually distinct Caucasoid type from those of Semites and Berbers.

01-31-2020, 10:27 AM
Interesting. Looks like she is virtually distinct Caucasoid type from those of Semites and Berbers.

Her caucasoid influence is Iranid and not Arabid/Med. That's why she can pass easily as Azeri and Turkmen. The genetic border between Iran and Middle east/Arabia is rather strong.

01-31-2020, 10:48 AM
Her caucasoid influence is Iranid and not Arabid/Med. That's why she can pass easily as Azeri and Turkmen. The genetic border between Iran and Middle east/Arabia is rather strong.

How much Mongoloid do you think she have judging by her appearance?

You mentioned that she maybe pass as an atypical Kurd. Can you see her passing as any other non-Turkic Iranian besides Azeri or Turkmen?

01-31-2020, 10:55 AM
How much Mongoloid do you think she have judging by her appearance?

You mentioned that she maybe pass as an atypical Kurd.

Difficult to say. From her looks I could assume anything from 8-20%.

Can you see her passing as any other non-Turkic Iranian besides Azeri or Turkmen?

Not really, no. But i'm not from Iran so I can't possibly know. Maybe ask meson, negah etc..

01-31-2020, 02:39 PM
Turkmen or Hazara in South Central Asia & Nogay in Caucasus