View Full Version : Classify Julius Caesar

01-31-2020, 01:17 PM

A very italian look

01-31-2020, 01:30 PM
These reconstructions are useless IMO. If you pay attention, they are always dependent on the ethnicity of the guy doing the reconstruction. The guy who did this one is likely French, so Julius Caesar looks Mediterranean here. American reconstructions make the Romans and Greeks to look like average white Americans and so on...

01-31-2020, 01:32 PM
This is one of the contemporary busts attribuites to him (many other are posterior)
This one (but is a bust not a skull) shows a very broad head. And the type closely associated to this image is an Alpine.

However Roman skulls were both wide and long (and compensated by the low height) and rugged.
overall an archaic trait (not archaic as old, dated but archaic as: less common today)

01-31-2020, 01:32 PM
These reconstructions are useless IMO. If you pay attention, they are always dependent on the ethnicity of the guy doing the reconstruction. The guy who did this one is likely French, so Julius Caesar looks Mediterranean here. American reconstructions make the Romans and Greeks to look like average white Americans and so on...

actually look closely at the first pic it was made by a north-west european (at least based on his name) but even if you look at the bust yourself you can clearly see that he had very mediterranean traits he gives me an italian vibe

01-31-2020, 01:33 PM

01-31-2020, 01:33 PM
This is one of the contemporary busts attribuites to him (many other are posterior)
This one (but is a bust not a skull) shows a very broad head. And the type closely associated to this image is an Alpine.

However Roman skulls were both wide and long (and compensated by the low height) and rugged.
overall an archaic trait (not archaic as old, dated but archaic as: less common today)

interesting does he looks typically italian to you or do you see him passing elsewhere ?

01-31-2020, 01:34 PM
actually look closely at the first pic it was made by a north-west european (at least based on his name) but even if you look at the bust yourself you can clearly see that he had very mediterranean traits he gives me an italian vibe

Jean-Luc Feraud is a French name, like I said. I don't consider French people NW European, they are intermediary between NW Euros and Italians/Iberians.

01-31-2020, 01:36 PM
Jean-Luc Feraud is a French name, like I said. I don't consider French people NW European, they are intermediary between NW Euros and Italians/Iberians.

the first pic ! : Jorg Wiltink

01-31-2020, 03:58 PM

01-31-2020, 04:00 PM
A friend of yours Nassbean. :rolleyes:


01-31-2020, 04:08 PM
A friend of yours Nassbean. :rolleyes:


haha indeed :rolleyes: :

Above all, once again, and as Tite-Live itself does (XXX, 35, 1), we must emphasize the decisive role assumed by the cavalry, which, through its skillful maneuvers, managed to "sink the enemy ". Indeed, placed by Scipio in his right wing, the Massinissa squadrons first defeated the left wing of the Punic troops, made up of Numides and perhaps commanded by Vermina, son of Syphax. And it was again the horsemen of the "aguellide" massyle who, with those of Laelius, rushed in pursuit of the fugitives and, operating a sudden turning movement, threw themselves on the rear of the Carthaginian phalanx (Carhage ou l'empire de la mer, François Décret, p 218)

But Scipio was especially concerned to get in touch with Massinissa and, wrote Polybe, he kept sending him messages to "invite him to gather as large a troop as possible and come and join him in a hurry" (Tite-Live , XV, 1, 4)

A very good friend.

01-31-2020, 05:34 PM

01-31-2020, 06:28 PM
actually look closely at the first pic it was made by a north-west european (at least based on his name) but even if you look at the bust yourself you can clearly see that he had very mediterranean traits he gives me an italian vibe
Could probably pass in a broad number of countries today.

05-03-2020, 11:17 PM