View Full Version : Classify Peruvian Girls and guys!

02-01-2020, 02:54 PM

1-Nataniel Sanchez


2-Romina Gachoy(She's Uruguayan but famous in Peru and married to a Peruvian)



3-Maud(Peruvian video blogger)




1-Jason Day


3-Samuel Sunderland
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/60362394_2272090973049760_1389065197452263424_o.jp g?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ohc=6vto96syva4AX8xE0ra&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=a99fe933eef9d496efb6f2409135f95a&oe=5EC3BC99

02-01-2020, 09:02 PM
Lmao, come on guys! Give it a shot!

02-01-2020, 09:37 PM
la numero 3 es casi totalmente del pais vasco, las primera tienen gran parte de espaņa continental.
Los hombres el primero parece mitad italiano con mezcla de otras razas,
el ultima es meztizo con raza andina

02-02-2020, 01:12 AM
Nataniel Sanchez: Alpinized Nordo-Med.
Romina Gachoy: Weird face, looks mixed with Amerindian/Mongoloid.
Maud: Norid.

Jason Day: Mediterranid.
Jaze: Baskid.
Samuel Sunderland: Mestizo.

02-02-2020, 03:12 AM
Thanks for the response guys. It's interesting because the Samuel's dad is white american and his mom is Peruvian. You guys are thinking Andid+North Atlantid??. For Romina I think the Argentinian and Uruguayan members might have more familiarity. She reminds me a little bit of Saoirse Ronan who is Irish. So Brunn+Ameridian(Charrua)??

Carlito's Way
02-02-2020, 03:35 AM
very rare peruvians, less than 1% look like that
they are probably immigrants

02-02-2020, 03:38 AM
White Latinos?

02-02-2020, 04:13 AM
very rare peruvians, less than 1% look like that
they are probably immigrants

Lmao dude. Now you are following me around like you did with Duffman. Why not embrace your Chicano identity and put up the Aztlan flag? Stop trying to be Mexican and Black. I can't speak on behalf of Mexicans but from what I read on these forums some see themselves as real Mexicans and Chicanos as Americans with Mexican ancestry. When it comes to blacks I bet they see you as Tekashi 69! :D

Carlito's Way
02-02-2020, 05:12 AM
Lmao dude. Now you are following me around like you did with Duffman. Why not embrace your Chicano identity and put up the Aztlan flag? Stop trying to be Mexican and Black. I can't speak on behalf of Mexicans but from what I read on these forums some see themselves as real Mexicans and Chicanos as Americans with Mexican ancestry. When it comes to blacks I bet they see you as Tekashi 69! :D

poor you boohoooo!!! did you know I have dual citizenship idiot? under the Mexican constitutions I am a MEXICAN citizen for having MEXICAN parents thus made it very easy and fast for me to get my Mexican passport despite being born in America, its called the Mexican privilege, all while your Peruvian people in Mexico get instant deportation like rats, that will never happen to us ever!!!

Get Chicanos off your dirty as mouth, and learn to respect my opinion about these rare as Peruvians
fuck, you damn sensitive 13 year old brat

and I dont follow Dufffman, he follows me, the only difference is that hes my little bitch who has no comebacks unlike me

Carlito's Way
02-02-2020, 05:17 AM
When it comes to blacks I bet they see you as Tekashi 69! :D

I dont care what African Americans see me as, they aint my people and never will be my people
Afro-Mexicans embrace me with no problem and nothing weird about a person like me claiming blackness in Mexico

I have also reconnected with my Angolan roots and I am fighting for my Angolan citizenship with my DNA test as evidence of having Angolan roots!!!!


02-02-2020, 06:40 AM
ive never seen peruvians like them lol all three women look european to me, the only one that looks a bit just a bit like the peruvians im used to is the last guy.... their looks are so far from my bf and his whole family haha

02-02-2020, 01:35 PM
ive never seen Peruvians like them lol all three women look European to me, the only one that looks a bit just a bit like the Peruvians I'm used to is the last guy.... their looks are so far from my bf and his whole family haha

I've used to hang out with lots of Peruvians like those. You can find them all around in the upper-middle class in Lima. They're a small minority of people in this forum ignorant of Peru as a diverse nation and like name dropping us almost every chance they get, "Peruvians see me as white." When Peruvians would see them as Latinos. In fact, some Peruvians(especially online) would call them out immediately and start making fun of them. That's why they hide in an English forum like this taking shots at us from the shadows.

Nice, is your boyfriend Peruvian? Tell me a bit more. How did you meet?

02-02-2020, 09:31 PM
I've used to hang out with lots of Peruvians like those. You can find them all around in the upper-middle class in Lima. They're a small minority of people in this forum ignorant of Peru as a diverse nation and like name dropping us almost every chance they get, "Peruvians see me as white." When Peruvians would see them as Latinos. In fact, some Peruvians(especially online) would call them out immediately and start making fun of them. That's why they hide in an English forum like this taking shots at us from the shadows.

Nice, is your boyfriend Peruvian? Tell me a bit more. How did you meet?

Yeah my bf is Peruvian, we met on tinder lol he lives in Spain and his family was mainly from Trujillo. He told me white Peruvians are very very rare tho. And that most are even darker than him so idk. And that there are many Asians too, and lots of mixed people. Which is his case, his family is a mix of black, Asian, native and white.

02-02-2020, 09:33 PM
Girls look northern/eastern euro, guys look southern euro with varying degrees of native

02-03-2020, 12:56 AM
Yeah my bf is Peruvian, we met on tinder lol he lives in Spain and his family was mainly from Trujillo. He told me white Peruvians are very very rare tho. And that most are even darker than him so idk. And that there are many Asians too, and lots of mixed people. Which is his case, his family is a mix of black, Asian, native and white.

It might be super rare in Trujillo but in Lima, that's not the case. Especially, in neighborhoods like Miraflores, Barrancos and San Borja. There's castizo and white Peruvians. I'm happy for you guys. We need more Peruvian men dating Eastern European girls! I think its a very good match! I've had a Russian girlfriend but her family lived in Riga. We had very similar values, we are both technically Americans but much more conservative than the average American.

12-31-2020, 08:18 PM
Yeah my bf is Peruvian, we met on tinder lol he lives in Spain and his family was mainly from Trujillo. He told me white Peruvians are very very rare tho. And that most are even darker than him so idk. And that there are many Asians too, and lots of mixed people. Which is his case, his family is a mix of black, Asian, native and white.

It might be super rare in Trujillo but in Lima, that's not the case. Especially, in neighborhoods like Miraflores, Barrancos and San Borja. There's castizo and white Peruvians. I'm happy for you guys. We need more Peruvian men dating Eastern European girls! I think its a very good match! I've had a Russian girlfriend but her family lived in Riga. We had very similar values, we are both technically Americans but much more conservative than the average American.

In Trujillo, Cajamarca, and mainly northern cities, it is very common to see white and castizo people, more than in Lima, according to genetic and qualitative studies.
Look at these Peruvians from Trujillo in a protest, many they look predominantly European. several whites are seen.

by the way in the video no Asian is seen, and according to your supposed boyfriend from Peru there are many, but your story sounds like an invention.

01-03-2021, 10:19 AM
In Trujillo, Cajamarca, and mainly northern cities, it is very common to see white and castizo people, more than in Lima, according to genetic and qualitative studies.
Look at these Peruvians from Trujillo in a protest, many they look predominantly European. several whites are seen.

by the way in the video no Asian is seen, and according to your supposed boyfriend from Peru there are many, but your story sounds like an invention.Why would I make this up? Lol it's what he said. And I've noticed many asians that are living in Latin America. So I believe him. I find more and more of them, not all from Peru but there's definitely an important group of asians.

Also, even japanese on random videos I've seen apparently have good relationships with Peru. So yes, i do believe him when he says that Peru and east asia have close relationships throughout generations lol.

They even had a japanese dude as their president.

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01-04-2021, 03:43 AM
Why would I make this up? Lol it's what he said. And I've noticed many asians that are living in Latin America. So I believe him. I find more and more of them, not all from Peru but there's definitely an important group of asians.

Also, even japanese on random videos I've seen apparently have good relationships with Peru. So yes, i do believe him when he says that Peru and east asia have close relationships throughout generations lol.

They even had a japanese dude as their president.

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I doubt, watching videos for example like the one I gave you is difficult. In the video you don't see even an Asian.
nor people with dark skin, on the contrary. predominantly fair-skinned people are seen.
And in any march of Peruvians you will see Asians in quantity, not even 1% of Peruvians are Asian.
you tell an incredible lie

01-04-2021, 07:11 AM
I doubt, watching videos for example like the one I gave you is difficult. In the video you don't see even an Asian.
nor people with dark skin, on the contrary. predominantly fair-skinned people are seen.
And in any march of Peruvians you will see Asians in quantity, not even 1% of Peruvians are Asian.
you tell an incredible lieI'm not lying wtf? Are you peruvian or smth? That's what he said, and he said there arent many white skinned people in Peru. He himself and his entire family (aside from a couple cousins) are pretty dark skinned. And according to him if they go tan they get even much darker.

Why would I fuckin lie? And why would he lie?

Plus Peru has the biggest amount of natives aaide from Bolivia i think it was?

You seem butthurt.

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01-04-2021, 04:47 PM
I'm not lying wtf? Are you peruvian or smth? That's what he said, and he said there arent many white skinned people in Peru. He himself and his entire family (aside from a couple cousins) are pretty dark skinned. And according to him if they go tan they get even much darker.

Why would I fuckin lie? And why would he lie?

Plus Peru has the biggest amount of natives aaide from Bolivia i think it was?

You seem butthurt.

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I know Peru. It is a matter of watching the videos like the one I send you.
did you see it? it seems not.
most people have a appareance mestizo, euromestizo and some indomestizos.
I don't see dark-skinned people as your supposed friend says. I didn't see a single Asian man either.
If supposedly it is difficult to see white-skinned people in Peru because in that video you can see several who have this phenotype?
I'm talking about the trujillo video that I sent you.
look at it and rank those protesting people.