View Full Version : What Is Wrong With White Women?

The Lawspeaker
02-09-2020, 04:54 PM

WotW examines some disturbing recent developments with white women and considers where we go from here

02-09-2020, 05:14 PM
Well the beginning was disturbing. why would any sane person make a video like that. It's not even funny.

02-09-2020, 06:06 PM

02-09-2020, 06:15 PM


02-09-2020, 06:16 PM

Walaikum salam

02-09-2020, 06:17 PM
Well the beginning was disturbing. why would any sane person make a video like that. It's not even funny.

The baby is better off dead than having that rat faced harlot as mother.

02-09-2020, 06:19 PM
The baby is better off dead than having that rat faced harlot as mother.

My assumption is that she found out it was a boy? Her doc martens basically showed she’s some feminazi anyway

02-09-2020, 06:22 PM
White trash.

02-09-2020, 07:22 PM
Something that helps me to remain calm when I watch something like this is the realization that these people have been 'bewitched', in a manner of speaking. They have been taught these things by people they think they can trust and implicitly obey; national political and social leaders, and their neighbors. The leaders who teach these things are an even bigger problem than the people in the video.

Calmness and self-restraint don't erase our problems, though. White people have major issues in front of them, and we need to unify, face our problems and solve them.

02-09-2020, 07:26 PM
Well the beginning was disturbing. why would any sane person make a video like that. It's not even funny.


That was fucked up

Armenian Bishop
02-09-2020, 07:45 PM

The guy who replied to the Mexican Speaker @2:35 looks a lot like George Costanza (from Seinfeld) LOL.


Like Him LOL!

02-09-2020, 07:47 PM
The Black guy is a fool. Mexicans don't fight for Black people in the US. Only for their own. He should have stood up and felt enraged when the White guy was trying to shit on Black communities. Mexicans are murdering innocent Black people in California.

Red Pill
02-09-2020, 07:54 PM
Well the beginning was disturbing. why would any sane person make a video like that. It's not even funny.

Yes the beginning was disturbing. And the end too.

02-09-2020, 08:29 PM
The guy who replied to the Mexican Speaker @2:35 looks a lot like George Costanza (from Seinfeld) LOL.


Like Him LOL!

Lol maybe that’s his brother. Even the Mexican laughed at his one liner

02-09-2020, 09:06 PM
Imagine shaming a woman that is happy fulfilling her role as a mother and wife.

02-09-2020, 09:16 PM
There is nothing wrong with WHITE women. It’s women’s nature in general. Which most men are oblivious to because females are all Oscar worthy actors.

All women in America act exactly the same with the same interests and motivations regardless of race.

02-09-2020, 09:37 PM
Yes the beginning was disturbing. And the end too.

I laughed at that. Not only was it unsanitary but shows just how stupid people in the west have become

02-09-2020, 09:53 PM
I have a female friend from work, I asked her: "Where do you live?" she said: "I live alone"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have family" she answered: "I don't have time for family cause I have to pursue career"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have kids" she answered the same thing: "I have to work, children need a lot of care, and I don't have time"



Equal Rights, Feminsim...

Now when Motherhood is DEAD, or NEAR DEAD... we shall all suffer consequences.

02-09-2020, 10:07 PM
I have a female friend from work, I asked her: "Where do you live?" she said: "I live alone"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have family" she answered: "I don't have time for family cause I have to pursue career"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have kids" she answered the same thing: "I have to work, children need a lot of care, and I don't have time"



Equal Rights, Feminsim...

Now when Motherhood is DEAD, or NEAR DEAD... we shall all suffer consequences.

There is no such thing as a career anymore. It's just a job. "career" was just a label to make some people, especially women, feel like they're important. I guess in east Europe they push this fake "get a career"and be independent to women agenda too. Nobody is independent, financially stable(everyone is in debt) or free. We are all Slaves. If people don't have children then the capitalist/Consumerist system in the west will eventually fail in the future let alone humanity. The world will be full of savage races vying for resources like 40,000 years ago.

02-09-2020, 10:15 PM

One thing I disagree with is the voting demographics about America. A lot of Americans register as democrats for primary purposes in urban areas. I have done it myself also there are a lot of Reagan Democrats who are Democrat economically but more Republican socially.

02-09-2020, 10:21 PM
I have a female friend from work, I asked her: "Where do you live?" she said: "I live alone"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have family" she answered: "I don't have time for family cause I have to pursue career"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have kids" she answered the same thing: "I have to work, children need a lot of care, and I don't have time"



Equal Rights, Feminsim...

Now when Motherhood is DEAD, or NEAR DEAD... we shall all suffer consequences.

It also hearkens to the the incel and man activist view of women that they are damaged goods if they aren't a virgin and other tropes from dopes. If a women can have babies she is good to go, the less single moms and the less men are weak pussies the better society will be imo. Men are the cause of the problem because most men are pussies in all aspects and that goes for all races.

02-09-2020, 10:23 PM
by all the satans ,it's fucked up,first the beginning and the end after i will gave you another social angle you will understand,the begining so if
i understand well the dyke mom abort because the baby is not of right chosen sex that's it? tell me if i'am wrong ,that's is really nameless , i support partielly abortion for different reasons i could understand than a single poor mom or a teenager chose that way, but for her she don't seems in needs and could completly afford to rise a kid,and the end ,ok it's true than the slavery of millions of africans was wrong ,i even,because i have seen many movies,i even embrace the fight of the afro-american for there civil rights,but this, licking the boots of "Public Enemy" there are some limits to everything,the guy looks a total cucked moron,these dudes made a great shame to Rosa Parks and to the Black Panthers in reality ,i'am pretty sure than plenty of Af-Am who like there dignity are not really OK with these methods stealth behind the bible ,now the rest ,in the school amid the icks(syn. of rednecks), the mex is a slave who like the whip ,a true carpet ,hey dude wake up they have exterminate your cousins and brothers while 500 years and now you kiss there asses and you said "because is the greatest country of the world" you are nameless shame,the AF-Am dude knows than the places are expansive ,and after decades of fights he knows than he's in sandwich between the wasps and the mexs,after being accepted with many difficulties by the WASP he takes side for the mex because he's manipulate him taking the side of the mex is a way to clean more WASPs shoes without being involved too much ,indeed the winners in that short story are the WASPs,now for the doc well this english youtuber made docs of great quality but he's forget some social and economic elements,it's more complicated than that in the US,but in the main frame i agree in the big lines

02-09-2020, 10:27 PM
by all the satans ,it's fucked up,first the beginning and the end after i will gave you another social angle you will understand,the begining so if
i understand well the dyke mom abort because the baby is not of right chosen sex that's it? tell me if i'am wrong ,that's is really nameless , i support partielly abortion for different reasons i could understand than a single poor mom or a teenager chose that way, but for her she don't seems in needs and could completly afford to rise a kid
It is sad and selfish. There are many good hearted people out there that want children and cannot conceive due to health reasons etc

02-09-2020, 10:34 PM
Who would publicly announce an abortion as if it’s a joke? That’s sick... she needs her tubes tied.

02-09-2020, 10:36 PM
Who would publicly announce an abortion as if it’s a joke? That’s sick... she needs her tubes tied.

With a battle axe :viking4:

02-09-2020, 11:42 PM
With a battle axe :viking4:
yes but with a battle axe sterilised,imagine she suit you with her lawer because she have catch the tetanos,you're fucked up, to refund her account all
your life

02-09-2020, 11:51 PM
Who would publicly announce an abortion as if it’s a joke? That’s sick... she needs her tubes tied.
i'am afraid that is not,yes these people are really but really sick mindfucked,indeed if you analysed that it's very mentally bordeline
an abortion could been considered like a trauma,i had known a friend who have abort and she was very down and i have seen her some months later and she was in depression ,but not for her,damn the soul of this dyke is dark, very but very very dark

02-10-2020, 03:56 AM
In the US most whites can’t afford to have a lot of kids and work all the time to pay taxes that support people on welfare and illegal immigrants who breed like rats. Democrats are running for president on promises of slavery reparations, canceling student loan debt, free health care for illegal immigrants and Medicare for all. I wonder what they will do when they figure out what this will cost, they will just raise taxes even more.

Crn Volk
02-10-2020, 04:27 AM
I have a female friend from work, I asked her: "Where do you live?" she said: "I live alone"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have family" she answered: "I don't have time for family cause I have to pursue career"

When I asked her: "Do you want to have kids" she answered the same thing: "I have to work, children need a lot of care, and I don't have time"



Equal Rights, Feminsim...

Now when Motherhood is DEAD, or NEAR DEAD... we shall all suffer consequences.

Does she have a cat/cats?

02-10-2020, 06:41 AM
Something that helps me to remain calm when I watch something like this is the realization that these people have been 'bewitched', in a manner of speaking. They have been taught these things by people they think they can trust and implicitly obey; national political and social leaders, and their neighbors. The leaders who teach these things are an even bigger problem than the people in the video.

Calmness and self-restraint don't erase our problems, though. White people have major issues in front of them, and we need to unify, face our problems and solve them.

I'd say you're looking for excuses to not be angry at them. Are you willing to face possibility that this mental 'disease' is for life? Too few people have been known to admit they were wrong and change their attitude. For most the program injected into brains during childhood become foundation of their inner self.

So what could be done to counter these mentally disturbed people? Because they sure are very active. They've infiltrated education and spreading their disturbing mentality on the most vulnerable. What would you do when your own daughter will join their ranks?

02-10-2020, 07:14 AM
women without maternal instincts is not a woman by definition.... problem is women are become too mani'ish and men becoming too womanish.....

02-10-2020, 08:00 AM
women without maternal instincts is not a woman by definition.... problem is women are become too mani'ish and men becoming too womanish.....

If you go to Israel or ARabia you will see they care about their women a lot, they have organized marriages, state care, population control regarding reproduction etc..

But they promote to GENTILES feminism, pornography, LGBT etc...

Because the goal is to destroy Germanic, Slavic and Romance peoples so that GOD's CHOSEN SEMITES can rule the world easily.

Same goes for Multiculturalism... Pakistani people MUST be welcome in Greece but not in Arabia and Israel... cause... Screw stupid Gentiles.

02-10-2020, 08:09 AM
If you go to Israel or ARabia you will see they care about their women a lot, they have organized marriages, state care, population control regarding reproduction etc..

But they promote to GENTILES feminism, pornography, LGBT etc...

Because the goal is to destroy Germanic, Slavic and Romance peoples so that GOD's CHOSEN SEMITES can rule the world easily.

Same goes for Multiculturalism... Pakistani people MUST be welcome in Greece but not in Arabia and Israel... cause... Screw stupid Gentiles.

Our women don't stoop that low this an american and west european problem only the complete cromagnization of the west will suffice.

02-10-2020, 08:59 AM
There is definetly something wrong with most white women partlically in more leftist-liberal countries, but it spreads beyond too.

But the same is true for males.

There is one group to blame the most and thats people who have ruled for decades. They are worthless. The solution is rope. Lots of it.

Culture needs to be MASSIVELY changed away from the nihilist, materialist, sodom and gomorroh, the social media focused, celebrity nonsense.

02-10-2020, 09:38 AM
problem is women are become too mani'ish and men becoming too womanish.....

That is actually so much true it manifests itself even on physiological level. These days young boys have increased estrogen and girls have increased testosterone. It affects everything: behaviour, sexual preferences, even political preferences. People are turning into unisex creatures. The prospects are quite frightening.

Crn Volk
02-10-2020, 09:41 AM
That is actually so much true it manifests itself even on physiological level. These days young boys have increased estrogen and girls have increased testosterone. It affects everything: behaviour, sexual preferences, even political preferences. People are turning into unisex creatures. The prospects are quite frightening.

That is the goal of some people and it is coming into fruition.

02-10-2020, 09:45 AM
Feminism is a neoliberal movement that was strictly aimed at White women to abandon their loyalty to their tribe and instead being strictly loyal to other women belonging to different races which became a recipe for disaster which is plunged the White birth rates a all time low, the relationship between white men and women became very bad among other things as well. The first thing that Marxists did before anything else was to corrupt the women of America and beyond since the woman is the sun that everything else orbits around her, and without her, the family and society itself crumbles and becomes susceptible to corruption. Of course, race is much more powerful than simply associating yourself with others based on gender or religion, and really, the recent phenomenon of the whole "non-White feminism" is becoming more and more mainstream which means that it would be only a matter of time before White women are treated just as lowly as their White male counterparts.

02-10-2020, 05:46 PM
Feminism is a cancer on this planet that needs to be eradicated. That first video is fucking disgusting

Red Pill
02-10-2020, 05:55 PM
I laughed at that. Not only was it unsanitary but shows just how stupid people in the west have become

Hehe 'unsanitary' may be the biggest understatement in the history of TA...

02-10-2020, 05:57 PM
That is actually so much true it manifests itself even on physiological level. These days young boys have increased estrogen and girls have increased testosterone. It affects everything: behaviour, sexual preferences, even political preferences. People are turning into unisex creatures. The prospects are quite frightening.
and it's even not there fault necesserally,with the endocrinian disruptives,i try to stay away to the max but i breath like anyone
ok now what is feminism,feminism it's the awswer of the machism,sexism and patriarchism and matriachism,personally i piss widelly on patriarchism and matriarchism,i mean all these third parties who wants to decide at your place,well it's not good for your freedom,your freedom of the mind ,your free-will ,and your happiness,learn to think for yourself otherwise others will do it for you and not all of them are philanthropists

feminism exist because while centuries the religions,and in particular the roman catholic and the orthodox church have vehiculate,than everything is the fault of the women,the snake ,the apple ,the tree of knowledges,the temptation,the eden garden ,while adam was scratching his balls : "it's not me ,i haven't did anything,that's her!" and after,followed by all the prejugees on the entire female gender ,until the civic revolutions of the suffragettes for example,and of what all a modern democratic country could offer to his citizens of both gender i have take a quantum supraluminic shortcut because otherwise there is for days to re-made the history again,now we have evolved ,women have the right to work,to vote to choose without the male agreement/consent and somewhere it's a good thing ,it's distinct us from the archaic middle-agers ,but there is the catch, it's turning against the males themselves and here is not good for us,the main problem is than the tiny part of the male gender who are evil is toxic for the rest of them,and this neo-gestapo is using that tiny part against the rest and the widest majority,even going having a complete intellectual dishonesty, a concrete example,recently with all the scandals of rapes in the cinematographic production in hollywood but in france too,Jodie Foster ,known for being lesbian,but here being lesbian is not important or maybe but its' secundary,
had apparently been raped,ok we could understand than it's was deeply traumatic for her, has made a statement in an interview where she believes “every single man over 30” is a full-blown rapist whether they admit it or not"

ok jodie i had heard you ,trully, but you are wrong ,is not because there are some Roman Polanski or Weinstein than we are all like that, i have 48yo and i could tell you than my mental health is pretty good,it's that i call a complete intellectual dishonesty and this neo-gestapo in reality is spreading lies,using the same techniques of the MK ultra knows as the neural linguistic thinking programmation ,they spreading hoaxes and everybody swallow it, if your add a bunch of brutal antifas and some sissy cisgender harpies and you have your reddish pinkie neo-gestapo
now if a part of the white WASP/caucasian european females are embracing this ideology it's because than they don't know exactly the reality and the truth hided behind,it's easy to mess up with the brain of the people ,the mind mass control of the public opinion as a weapon,the puppets being manipulated by the puppeteers,the main problem than there is not a lot of people who try to stay neutral two steps back at his maximum for exposing them without to be branded de facto "nazi" ,an example Emmanuel Todd,an anthropologist,historian,demograph,politologue, Todd being a jewish name,opposed to the EURO ,was branded "far right" by the neo-gestapo policy of the mind

02-10-2020, 06:57 PM
If you go to Israel or ARabia you will see they care about their women a lot, they have organized marriages, state care, population control regarding reproduction etc..

But they promote to GENTILES feminism, pornography, LGBT etc...

Because the goal is to destroy Germanic, Slavic and Romance peoples so that GOD's CHOSEN SEMITES can rule the world easily.

Same goes for Multiculturalism... Pakistani people MUST be welcome in Greece but not in Arabia and Israel... cause... Screw stupid Gentiles.

Most Jews are liberals, and Jews have been prime movers in all of the major liberal social phenomena in America). For example, Jews were founders of the NAACP and have served almost continuously as its principal directors and legal counsel; Jews founded and dominate the ACLU; most of the major feminists have been Jewish women (eg, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem); the civil rights movement -- including SNCC and Martin Luther King -- was dominated by Jews and/or communists; Jews comprised more than 50% of all appointed positions in the flamingly-liberal Bill Clinton administration; Jewish senators and representatives have been the major forces behind gun control legislation (Schumer, Metzenbaum, Feinstein, etc), and so on virtually ad infinitum. What goes unstated in all this Jewish liberal activity, however, is that, as early as the late 1920s the (Jewish) leaders of international communism seized on the race issue as a means of tearing apart the world center of individual liberty -- and thus their mortal enemy -- America; and the subsequent Jewish/communist promotion of "civil rights" -- a notion which has now spilled over into feminism, gay rights, children's rights and all sorts of other Balkanization schemes to set groups against one another -- has been so successful that many Americans are now talking openly of racial warfare and the breakup of the country.




02-10-2020, 07:16 PM
Well the beginning was disturbing. why would any sane person make a video like that. It's not even funny.

idelogically brainwashed + lack of class (but she probably thinks to be classy because she has some useless liberal arts or similar degree)

The baby is better off dead than having that rat faced harlot as mother.

She's ok, kind of avarage looking, her soul is ugly though.

11-29-2021, 03:57 PM
Idk what this video about but I have analyzed only animal women like blacks or are bewitched by them or by some inferior animal Indian and other race and then that's why they breed outside their race. I don't condone race mixing tbh it's alr but I think we should go back to our own races. Real human women do not like blacks neither are they tricked by them. So yeah. I've seen it here in Belgrade Serbia too a white Serbian woman falling for a black therefore she part old world monkey same if it happens elsewhere. One example is Doutzen KroesDo you support transracialism so that if you "change your race" you can "go back to your own race"

11-29-2021, 04:22 PM
Idk what this video about but I have analyzed only animal women like blacks or are bewitched by them or by some inferior animal Indian and other race and then that's why they breed outside their race. I don't condone race mixing tbh it's alr but I think we should go back to our own races. Real human women do not like blacks neither are they tricked by them. So yeah. I've seen it here in Belgrade Serbia too a white Serbian woman falling for a black therefore she part old world monkey same if it happens elsewhere. One example is Doutzen Kroes