View Full Version : classify serbian construction boss

02-11-2020, 07:39 PM
https://fv20.failiem.lv/thumb_show.php?i=hm3k8ck3&view&download_checksum=3e08c287703a0312a0154532ef8215d9 106d717a&download_timestamp=1581453522
https://fv20.failiem.lv/thumb_show.php?i=3egv3gc9&view&download_checksum=2a8db8393500ca359803907d7946e7d4 154c7fdd&download_timestamp=1581453518

02-11-2020, 08:15 PM
Corrupt's face. in Russia all corrupt officials look exactly like him.

02-11-2020, 08:25 PM
Classification - Alpine-Med. Question: Why are you lying? This man is not Serbian but Greek politician - Thanasis Nasikas.

02-11-2020, 08:29 PM
It says criminal between his eyes hahahaha

02-11-2020, 09:47 PM
Classification - Alpine-Med. Question: Why are you lying?

Am I lying? That's literally stupid to unfairly claim which u truly did claim, without knowing me or even get used to me being around, either you are very very moronic or a moron. You can't just be arrogantly moronic like that and be still free - your boorish stupidity eludes me. did i even jumped like a fart like u did and claim ur lying? no, why u insult me claiming i lie then

his man is not Serbian but Greek politician - Thanasis Nasikas.

I have no idea what you on about. Maybe due to the fact that Greeks and Serbs are genetically the same. neither i want to participate in your personal attacks and unfairs accusations against me. how come u know some greek politician that looks similar is beyond me anyway u must be obsessed, what a dumbass u are... ur unacceptable, shame on u, u must be ashamed of urself. keep getting yourself triggered like a disrespectful little 10 year old girl you really are. that's how ur mom raised ur dirty mouth and anger issues?