View Full Version : racial and ethnic identity is superficial

02-13-2020, 07:23 AM
That's right I said it, race and ethnicity play an inconsequential role in our day to day lives. It's nothing more than mere novelty for small talk. I don't think about what % of French Norman I am while shopping for groceries or spending the day at the office.

Nothing like a good shit post right. Anyways good morning apricity members, what's got the preservationists stewing in piss and vinegar today. Is it being unable to prevent people from race mixing or the decrease in importance of monarchy or religion. Or missing out on last months LARP HEMA get together.


Crn Volk
02-13-2020, 10:40 AM
That's right I said it, race and ethnicity play an inconsequential role in our day to day lives. It's nothing more than mere novelty for small talk. I don't think about what % of French Norman I am while shopping for groceries or spending the day at the office.

Nothing like a good shit post right. Anyways good morning apricity members, what's got the preservationists stewing in piss and vinegar today. Is it being unable to prevent people from race mixing or the decrease in importance of monarchy or religion. Or missing out on last months LARP HEMA get together.


Yeah I bet you look at Chinese people differently at the moment though. It's ok you can admit it, we're all friends here

02-13-2020, 10:56 AM
Dzen dobry.

02-13-2020, 10:59 AM
'Race doesn't matter' shills are out of date. The mainstream media and left have gone explicitly anti-white in recent years, there's no going back.

02-13-2020, 11:21 AM
That's right I said it, race and ethnicity play an inconsequential role in our day to day lives. It's nothing more than mere novelty for small talk. I don't think about what % of French Norman I am while shopping for groceries or spending the day at the office.

The problem here is because most people, like yourself, are acquainted with racial minorities who are nice folks, this blocks you from thinking that there could be a racial war of others against their or your own. That is, because most people observe the behavior of a few individuals and deem them innocent of warfare, this causes whites to miss the larger picture, which is that of minorities impinging on and destroying the European race. The problem here is that Europeans are 'thinking linearly', and thereby failing to see that the properties of the whole are different from the properties of the parts. More specifically, the linear projection of individual niceness into group niceness misses the fact of what philosophers call 'emergent properties', i.e., properties which may not manifest themselves in individuals, but appear when the group is considered as a whole. The emergent property with which we are concerned here, of course, is racial hostility, and the racial warfare that naturally arises from it.

The inability to differentiate between individual and group properties has led to another problem which is a conceptual stumbling block for Europeans, namely, the belief in 'prejudice'. To explain, suppose we are an employer who is considering hiring, say, a black. In the case that we know he has a clean record, a good education, is a nice guy, etc, etc, etc we would probably have no hesitation in hiring him; but in case we do not know all these things about him, then -- knowing that blacks commit crimes at 9 times the rate of whites -- we would probably be very reluctant to offer him employment. The difference in the two situations here is the amount of information we possess -- when we have good information on individuals, we do not have to rely on 'prejudice', i.e., knowledge of group properties; but when we don't have such knowledge, reliance on 'prejudice' is the only viable alternative. Obviously, 'prejudice' has its uses, and those uses can be vital.

* FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population.

* FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. NOTE: Some have claimed that black crime is high because 'racist' cops target blacks for arrest and 'racist' judges heap convictions on innocent blacks; but statistics belie this: Three of the cities highest in crime are Washington DC, New Orleans and Detroit; and yet the government of all these cities is in black hands; so clearly the cause of high crime in these cities is not 'racial targeting of blacks'. More generally, black crime is high WHEREVER you go; and it would be the world's most absurd conspiracy theory to suppose that the across-the-board high crime rates for blacks originated in a collusion of whites in every city and burg in the nation to target blacks and/or cook the books.

* FACT: If present demographic trends continue, whites will be a minority in America in only 40 or 50 years. Whites are already less than 50% of the population in California. Between blacks and Hispanics, whose crime rate is about 4 times that of whites, we can expect to see huge escalations in crime against whites as they become fewer in number and thus more vulnerable both physically and politically.

* FACT: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (i.e., committed BY blacks AGAINST whites).

* FACT: There are about 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.

* FACT: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (That means that blacks commit VASTLY MORE hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!)

* FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient Egyptians were not black -- their sculptures, portraits and mummies all clearly show Caucasian features. Second note: Critics commonly claim that blacks score low on IQ tests because such tests are culturally biased. In fact, however, as black Prof Walter Williams has pointed out, blacks actually do BETTER on tests that are culturally biased.

* FACT: The Jews have been expelled from almost every Western country at one time or another, including Britain, Spain, France, Portugal and Germany. There are several possible explanations for this, including religious differences, the clannishness of Jews which tends to make them loyal to their own 'nation' rather than to their host country, and envy of Jewish wealth and success (the average Jewish IQ is 115, as far above white as white is above black).

* FACT: Virtually all the major media outlets, including TV networks, newspapers, movie studios and book publishers, are owned or controlled by Jews.

* FACT: The major media incessantly harps on any white-on-black crime (such as the Jasper TX dragging), yet ignores the much greater number of black- on-white crimes which are equally horrific yet happen FAR MORE FREQUENTLY.

* FACT: Communism was a largely-Jewish phenomenon. Almost all the top communists of the Russian Revolution were Jews, as well as almost all the atomic spies, and the Revolution was financed in large measure by Wall Street Jews.

* FACT: In the late 1920s the Communist Party USA decided on a policy of destroying American society by pushing 'racial equality'.

* FACT: One of the most distinguished black scholars in America, syndicated columnist Dr Thomas Sowell ( a black man), has studied multiracial societies around the world and has observed that -- with the single exception of societies where one race is completely dominant over all others -- such societies simply do not work.

* FACT: The NAACP was founded principally by Jews, and Jews remained in charge of the organization till 1970.

* FACT: The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr took his instructions from a Jewish communist, plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and was an adulterous womanizer who spent the evening prior to his assassination in bed with two white women. Yet King is the only single American to be honored with a national holiday.

* FACT: The 1954 Supreme Court decision which brought about school integration was based on deliberate misrepresentation of a supposedly- scientific study.

* FACT: Liberals and blacks claim that the reason for black failure is "discrimination"; and yet many other racial and ethnic groups have been discriminated against -- Chinese, Irish and Jews, for example -- and yet all except blacks have become successful within a generation or so.

* FACT: Israel is the only 'Western' country to legally sanction torture, and the Israeli Defense Forces use bone-breaking and shoot-to-maim policies against Palestinians, and even reporters. Furthermore, Israel forbids marriages of Jews to non-Jews, just like nazi Germany.

* FACT: Jewish political influence has been the principal force attempting to nullify our Constitution, and particularly the freedoms enjoyed under the Bill of Rights. For example, Jews have been the major force behind 'gun control' (ie, the attempt to nullify the Second Amendment), integration and affirmative action (to nullify freedom of association), 'hate crimes' (laying the foundation for suppressing freedom of speech), immigration (introducing large numbers of unassimilable nonwhites which will effectively destroy American culture and ideals), anti-militia statutes and similar efforts.

Nothing like a good shit post right. Anyways good morning apricity members, what's got the preservationists stewing in piss and vinegar today. Is it being unable to prevent people from race mixing or the decrease in importance of monarchy or religion. Or missing out on last months LARP HEMA get together.


Most people don't race mix anyway so it is a non-issue -- birds of a feather flock together and the odd bird that does not flock generally does not cause any problems -- the problems are immigration and low birth rates for Europeans.

02-13-2020, 12:17 PM
* FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded).

Standart IQ white is 85, Blacks 67. Retarded is a disease

02-13-2020, 12:29 PM
The problem here is because most people, like yourself, are acquainted with racial minorities who are nice folks, this blocks you from thinking that there could be a racial war of others against their or your own. That is, because most people observe the behavior of a few individuals and deem them innocent of warfare, this causes whites to miss the larger picture, which is that of minorities impinging on and destroying the European race. The problem here is that Europeans are 'thinking linearly', and thereby failing to see that the properties of the whole are different from the properties of the parts. More specifically, the linear projection of individual niceness into group niceness misses the fact of what philosophers call 'emergent properties', i.e., properties which may not manifest themselves in individuals, but appear when the group is considered as a whole. The emergent property with which we are concerned here, of course, is racial hostility, and the racial warfare that naturally arises from it.

The inability to differentiate between individual and group properties has led to another problem which is a conceptual stumbling block for Europeans, namely, the belief in 'prejudice'. To explain, suppose we are an employer who is considering hiring, say, a black. In the case that we know he has a clean record, a good education, is a nice guy, etc, etc, etc we would probably have no hesitation in hiring him; but in case we do not know all these things about him, then -- knowing that blacks commit crimes at 9 times the rate of whites -- we would probably be very reluctant to offer him employment. The difference in the two situations here is the amount of information we possess -- when we have good information on individuals, we do not have to rely on 'prejudice', i.e., knowledge of group properties; but when we don't have such knowledge, reliance on 'prejudice' is the only viable alternative. Obviously, 'prejudice' has its uses, and those uses can be vital.

* FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population.

* FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. NOTE: Some have claimed that black crime is high because 'racist' cops target blacks for arrest and 'racist' judges heap convictions on innocent blacks; but statistics belie this: Three of the cities highest in crime are Washington DC, New Orleans and Detroit; and yet the government of all these cities is in black hands; so clearly the cause of high crime in these cities is not 'racial targeting of blacks'. More generally, black crime is high WHEREVER you go; and it would be the world's most absurd conspiracy theory to suppose that the across-the-board high crime rates for blacks originated in a collusion of whites in every city and burg in the nation to target blacks and/or cook the books.

* FACT: If present demographic trends continue, whites will be a minority in America in only 40 or 50 years. Whites are already less than 50% of the population in California. Between blacks and Hispanics, whose crime rate is about 4 times that of whites, we can expect to see huge escalations in crime against whites as they become fewer in number and thus more vulnerable both physically and politically.

* FACT: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (i.e., committed BY blacks AGAINST whites).

* FACT: There are about 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes.

* FACT: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (That means that blacks commit VASTLY MORE hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!)

* FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient Egyptians were not black -- their sculptures, portraits and mummies all clearly show Caucasian features. Second note: Critics commonly claim that blacks score low on IQ tests because such tests are culturally biased. In fact, however, as black Prof Walter Williams has pointed out, blacks actually do BETTER on tests that are culturally biased.

* FACT: The Jews have been expelled from almost every Western country at one time or another, including Britain, Spain, France, Portugal and Germany. There are several possible explanations for this, including religious differences, the clannishness of Jews which tends to make them loyal to their own 'nation' rather than to their host country, and envy of Jewish wealth and success (the average Jewish IQ is 115, as far above white as white is above black).

* FACT: Virtually all the major media outlets, including TV networks, newspapers, movie studios and book publishers, are owned or controlled by Jews.

* FACT: The major media incessantly harps on any white-on-black crime (such as the Jasper TX dragging), yet ignores the much greater number of black- on-white crimes which are equally horrific yet happen FAR MORE FREQUENTLY.

* FACT: Communism was a largely-Jewish phenomenon. Almost all the top communists of the Russian Revolution were Jews, as well as almost all the atomic spies, and the Revolution was financed in large measure by Wall Street Jews.

* FACT: In the late 1920s the Communist Party USA decided on a policy of destroying American society by pushing 'racial equality'.

* FACT: One of the most distinguished black scholars in America, syndicated columnist Dr Thomas Sowell ( a black man), has studied multiracial societies around the world and has observed that -- with the single exception of societies where one race is completely dominant over all others -- such societies simply do not work.

* FACT: The NAACP was founded principally by Jews, and Jews remained in charge of the organization till 1970.

* FACT: The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr took his instructions from a Jewish communist, plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and was an adulterous womanizer who spent the evening prior to his assassination in bed with two white women. Yet King is the only single American to be honored with a national holiday.

* FACT: The 1954 Supreme Court decision which brought about school integration was based on deliberate misrepresentation of a supposedly- scientific study.

* FACT: Liberals and blacks claim that the reason for black failure is "discrimination"; and yet many other racial and ethnic groups have been discriminated against -- Chinese, Irish and Jews, for example -- and yet all except blacks have become successful within a generation or so.

* FACT: Israel is the only 'Western' country to legally sanction torture, and the Israeli Defense Forces use bone-breaking and shoot-to-maim policies against Palestinians, and even reporters. Furthermore, Israel forbids marriages of Jews to non-Jews, just like nazi Germany.

* FACT: Jewish political influence has been the principal force attempting to nullify our Constitution, and particularly the freedoms enjoyed under the Bill of Rights. For example, Jews have been the major force behind 'gun control' (ie, the attempt to nullify the Second Amendment), integration and affirmative action (to nullify freedom of association), 'hate crimes' (laying the foundation for suppressing freedom of speech), immigration (introducing large numbers of unassimilable nonwhites which will effectively destroy American culture and ideals), anti-militia statutes and similar efforts.

Most people don't race mix anyway so it is a non-issue -- birds of a feather flock together and the odd bird that does not flock generally does not cause any problems -- the problems are immigration and low birth rates for Europeans.

You're really good at using CTRL C + CTRL V, Dutch bond007.

02-13-2020, 12:30 PM
That's right I said it, race and ethnicity play an inconsequential role in our day to day lives. It's nothing more than mere novelty for small talk. I don't think about what % of French Norman I am while shopping for groceries or spending the day at the office.

Nothing like a good shit post right. Anyways good morning apricity members, what's got the preservationists stewing in piss and vinegar today. Is it being unable to prevent people from race mixing or the decrease in importance of monarchy or religion. Or missing out on last months LARP HEMA get together.


Most have ridiculous theories about mixtures of races. But, mixture of a culturally superior people with another of inferior culture, the result is not good (cultural differences may be in the same race) For the SSA race there are biological/behavioral issues to be considered.