View Full Version : Middle Eastern Members

02-13-2020, 12:29 PM
First i would like to greet my fellow middle eastern members
Here we can discuss social and cultural topics without trolling

02-13-2020, 12:31 PM

02-13-2020, 12:32 PM

Selam dostum

02-13-2020, 12:40 PM
https://int.icej.org/sites/icej.org/files/imagecache/commentary_250/israel_palesting_peace_treaty_handshake320x200_0.j pg

Seriously, I want to car ride to Egypt without having to spend more money making a long route to Jordan.

02-13-2020, 12:44 PM
European cultural community isn't place to discuss internal mena topics. You won't see Europeans discussing Europe on Asian forums. Most members don't have issues with mid eastern members interested about European things, but otherwise I think they don't belong to a place like this.

02-13-2020, 12:45 PM
https://int.icej.org/sites/icej.org/files/imagecache/commentary_250/israel_palesting_peace_treaty_handshake320x200_0.j pg

Seriously, I want to car ride to Egypt without having to spend more money making a long route to Jordan.

Agreed hope that it will be solved off course with the agreement from Palestinian people

02-13-2020, 12:46 PM

02-13-2020, 12:47 PM
https://int.icej.org/sites/icej.org/files/imagecache/commentary_250/israel_palesting_peace_treaty_handshake320x200_0.j pg

Seriously, I want to car ride to Egypt without having to spend more money making a long route to Jordan.

That can only happen via one state solution where both Palestinian Arabs and Jews live under the same roof or government with the same rights and liberties. Like, in that government, the president would always be Jewish while the prime minister would always be a Palestinian Arab like you guys have in Lebanon where the president has to be a Maronite while the prime minister has to be a Druze or something. While Muslims have a role in other important governmental institutions.

02-13-2020, 12:49 PM
European cultural community isn't place to discuss internal mena topics. You won't see Europeans discussing Europe on Asian forums. Most members don't have issues with mid eastern members interested about European things, but otherwise I think they don't belong to a place like this.

Well you maybe right but those regions issiues often have common points to each other

02-13-2020, 12:54 PM
European cultural community isn't place to discuss internal mena topics. You won't see Europeans discussing Europe on Asian forums. Most members don't have issues with mid eastern members interested about European things, but otherwise I think they don't belong to a place like this.

grow up. this thread is in the off-topic section. and if this european cultural community isn't a place to discuss non european topics then why is there regional subforums of countries outside of europe, hmm?..

02-13-2020, 12:56 PM
grow up. this thread is in the off-topic section. and if this european cultural community isn't a place to discuss non european topics then why is there regional subforums of countries outside of europe, hmm?..

I only wonder why is it always your kind coming to us, and not the opposite. I am not for exclusivity when it comes to membership at all, but I must admit I noticed forum is flooded with Turkish and non European topics since my return and frankly I don't like it. Pretty sure other European members feel the same way. Little bit of spice is fine, too much is simply too much.

02-13-2020, 01:03 PM
grow up. this thread is in the off-topic section. and if this european cultural community isn't a place to discuss non european topics then why is there regional subforums of countries outside of europe, hmm?..

I only wonder why is it always your kind coming to us, and not the opposite. I am not for exclusivity when it comes to membership at all, but I must admit I noticed forum is flooded with Turkish and non European topics since my return and frankly I don't like it. Pretty sure other European members feel the same way. Little bit of spice is fine, too much is simply too much.
Ohh i forgot Croatians are the benchmark of Europea sorry lol

02-13-2020, 01:10 PM
I only wonder why is it always your kind coming to us, and not the opposite. I am not for exclusivity when it comes to membership at all, but I must admit I noticed forum is flooded with Turkish and non European topics since my return and frankly I don't like it. Pretty sure other European members feel the same way. Little bit of spice is fine, too much is simply too much.

Well, this is an off-topic thread unrelated to the topic of the forum, that's all. I mean, I don't really think it's a problem or anything for as long as there's some mutual respect between the euro and non-euro members here, right?

02-13-2020, 01:11 PM
Well, this is an off-topic thread unrelated to the topic of the forum, that's all. I mean, I don't really think it's a problem or anything for as long as there's some mutual respect between the euro and non-euro members here, right?

Looking at the active topics on the main page, more than 50% are not related to Europe or Europeans. It's not natural and I have right to express my opinion.

02-13-2020, 01:13 PM
Looking at the active topics on the main page, more than 50% are not related to Europe or Europeans. It's not natural and I have right to express my opinion.


02-13-2020, 01:17 PM
The woman is right, there are too many Muslims, Arabs out here. It is also weird to see that the same peoples police the forum and go as far as blaming people for being "European wannabe", thus indirectly insulting European culture and people.

Actually, maybe the forum administration might think to trim the non-European, Muslim elements, members including subforums dedicated to non-European countries.

02-13-2020, 01:19 PM
The woman is right, there are too many Muslims, Arabs out here. It is also weird to see that the same peoples police the forum and go as far as blaming people for being "European wannabe".

Actually, maybe the forum administration might think to trim the non-European, Muslim elements including subforums dedicated to non-European countries.

If all the muslims, non-Europeans and etc were banned, this forum would be dead. lol

02-13-2020, 01:20 PM
The woman is right, there are too many Muslims, Arabs out here. It is also weird to see that the same peoples police the forum and go as far as blaming people for being "European wannabe", thus indirectly insulting European culture and people.

Actually, maybe the forum administration might think to trim the non-European, Muslim elements, members including subforums dedicated to non-European countries.

That includes you btw since Turks aren't Europeans or Whites either.

02-13-2020, 01:23 PM
Don't forget that Ottomans had influence in Europe... in Balkan area... till Austria.. and Turkey has a small portion of land in Europe and, don't forget that there are milions muslim people from M.E. in Europe.

2.500 years ago..


02-13-2020, 01:28 PM
Don't forget that Ottomans had influence in Europe... in Balkan area... till Austria.. and Turkey has a smal portion of land in Europe

Europe is a system based, not on geography, but a civilization.
Is European who is heir to Greco-Roman culture whose vehicular agent is Christian religion.

Bosniaks and Albanians are not European in real sense while, say, Italian origins Argentines and Uruguayans are.

People with Muslim, Arab culture, who don't eat pork can't be European.

02-13-2020, 01:33 PM
Europe is a system based, not on geography, but a civilization.
Is European who is heir to Greco-Roman culture whose vehicular agent is Christian religion.

Bosniaks and Albanians are not European in real sense while, say, Italian origins Argentines and Uruguayans are.

People with Muslim, Arab culture, who don't eat pork can't be European.

Till 1000 A.D. Europe ended before Denmark and not beyond Poland... Danish and Scandinavian people till 1.000 A.D. were primitive without a past ( my Venetians ancestors reported that Norway people were really primitive till XV century.. and they liked them very much ).....and the history of europe covers a longer period of time... from antiquity ( before Christianity and the beginning of "christian" era ) till 2020..

The History of Baccalà

The history of baccalà dates back to April 25, 1431 when a Venetian ship, full of spices, departed from the island of Crete under the command of the sea captain Piero Querini headed for the North Sea. When it reached the English Channel, the route was disrupted by a violent storm which, after breaking the mast, dragged the ship on for days towards the north. Looking for safety aboard the lifeboats, the surviving sailors landed on the uninhabited rock of Sandoy, in the Lofoten Islands in northern Norway. After a few days the local fishermen spotted them and brought them to safety on the island of Roest, which later the Venetian sailors called an earthly paradise (so much so that some of the sailors decided to stay there for ever) because of the great freedom and simplicity of the customs and habits of the inhabitants still living in very primitive way..

02-13-2020, 01:39 PM
Till 1000 A.D. Europe ended before Denmark and not beyond Poland... Danish and Scandinavian people till 1.000 A.D. were primitive without a past.....

Sure. You might be Hallstat Nordid. Yet if your culture is Arab or Jew, if you don't eat pork you can hardly be European.

Whereas people even discuss if Orthodoxes are really European, expecting some Muslims to be European is beyond imagination.

Halal and Kosher aren't European of course. Too many Arabs and Arabized around here.

02-13-2020, 01:43 PM
Honorary Prussian

02-13-2020, 01:47 PM
Most Mena member?

My picks: Toppo, Nassbean and Heaven

02-13-2020, 01:50 PM

Whereas you Balkan Muslims don't sit and eat with Greeks (already disliked by real, Western Europeans), how can you pretend the same as them.
Whereas his name is Alexander or John, yours is Adb Al Lah or Mostafa.

You see the oxymoron.

My presence here has defensive purpose. I don't come to insult people (Europeans) who are at home, nor pretending to be same as them while having Arab culture like you guys.
I post to defend my people in specific contexts.

All the while expressing kindness to Prussians who are a dear and worthy allied people for us.

02-13-2020, 01:50 PM
Do not go offtopic pls

02-13-2020, 01:52 PM
Whereas you Balkan Muslims don't sit and eat with Greeks (already disliked by real, Western Europeans), how can you pretend the same as them.
Whereas his name is Alexander or John, yours is Adb Al Lah or Mostafa.

You see the oxymoron.

My presence here has defensive purpose. I don't come to insult people (Europeans) who are at home, nor pretending to be same as them while having Arab culture like you guys.
I post to defend my people in specific contexts.

All the while expressing kindness to Prussians who are a dear and worthy allied people for us.

Prussian is speaking

02-13-2020, 01:52 PM
Most Mena member?

My picks: Toppo, Nassbean and Heaven

You are the Arab-Muslim.

02-13-2020, 01:58 PM
Most Mena member?

My picks: Toppo, Nassbean and Heaven

Nassbean puts the NA in MENA.

02-13-2020, 02:04 PM
Europe is a system based, not on geography, but a civilization.
Is European who is heir to Greco-Roman culture whose vehicular agent is Christian religion.

Bosniaks and Albanians are not European in real sense while, say, Italian origins Argentines and Uruguayans are.

People with Muslim, Arab culture, who don't eat pork can't be European.

Irrelevant. Mongols aren't Muslims, they do eat pork, they're buddhists and shamanistic, and they had no Arabic cultural influences whatsoever. And yet, nobody here claims that they're Whites/Europeans either. Turks aren't Europeans isn't because of their religion and so on either.

02-13-2020, 02:13 PM
You are the Arab-Muslim.

I have seen him, and he looks nothing Arabic. In fact, he's racially Atlanto-Med with Turanid eyes. I bet my asshole that he's far more white than you are, Mehmet. Stop giving Turks a bad name.

02-13-2020, 02:16 PM
Irrelevant. Mongols aren't Muslims, they do eat pork, they're buddhists and shamanistic, and they had no Arabic cultural influences whatsoever. And yet, nobody here claims that they're Whites/Europeans either. Turks aren't Europeans isn't because of their religion and so on either.

Tbh mongol don't really eat pork like the Chinese does. They live in a cold steppe environment that is more condusive for sheep and goat raising. Their meals is goat/sheep and beef heavy. But you are right about everything else.

02-13-2020, 02:26 PM
More topics?

02-13-2020, 02:30 PM
Again the Croatian woman is right. See here. Arabs are trying to define Europeanness in this forum, before insulting it. Arabs-Muslims when they are with each other, they set the standard of shame at being culturally influenced by Europeans.

As for Kyp, it was funny to notice he answers to questions under the "Ask to Germans about Germany" thread.

02-13-2020, 02:32 PM
Again the Croatian woman is right. Arabs are trying to define Europeanness in this forum, before insulting it. Fun.

As for Kyp, it was funny to notice he answers to questions under the "Ask to Germans about Germany" thread.
Amk her topiği böyle zehirliyor musun?
Geldin içine ettin yine kımıl zararlısı seni

02-13-2020, 02:34 PM
Kadın sana siktir git diyor açtığın başlıkta, halen arsızca yazan bumpleyen sensin.

02-13-2020, 02:34 PM

02-13-2020, 02:37 PM
Kadın sana siktir git diyor açtığın başlıkta, halen arsızca yazan bumpleyen sensin.
Lan sikik, bir tane Hırvat aşuftesi böyle yazdı diye mi topic açmayayım?

02-13-2020, 02:38 PM
Kadın sana siktir git diyor açtığın başlıkta, halen arsızca yazan bumpleyen sensin.
Lan sikik, bir tane Hırvat aşuftesi böyle yazdı diye mi topic açmayayım?

02-13-2020, 02:58 PM
OP is a bit strange eh

02-13-2020, 03:13 PM
OP is a bit strange eh

Probably Muslim Balkanite, and giving bad image of Turks. Croat woman tells him "fuck off Muzxie" in polite manner yet keeps bumping and now taking on Turks.
Probably a brother of Bosniensis, trying to give handout in reverse manner.
Good for starting: Classify Adem Llajic threads...

02-13-2020, 03:18 PM
I need more members come on

02-13-2020, 03:18 PM

Hey. Just because you western Jewish peoples came back to the middle east doesn't mean that you're not middle eastern, so welcome back home to the middle east. As the main protagonist from Wizard of Oz said at the end "there's no place like home".

02-13-2020, 03:21 PM
Hey. Just because you western Jewish peoples came back to the middle east doesn't mean that you're not middle eastern, so welcome back home to the middle east. As the main protagonist from Wizard of Oz said at the end "there's no place like home".


02-13-2020, 03:22 PM
Bori is having an OWD stroke, rofl.

02-13-2020, 03:24 PM
Ohh i forgot Croatians are the benchmark of Europea sorry lol

Compared to Turks they are.

02-13-2020, 03:25 PM
European cultural community isn't place to discuss internal mena topics. You won't see Europeans discussing Europe on Asian forums. Most members don't have issues with mid eastern members interested about European things, but otherwise I think they don't belong to a place like this.

Non-Europeans feel the need to follow Europeans everywhere. Even online.

02-13-2020, 03:27 PM
More topics?

History of cultural interactions between Middle East and Europe.
First period - Neolithic (colonization of Southern, Central and Western Europe by farmers from Fertile Crescent. According to Gimbutas they formed Old Europe).
Second - Bronze Age (Indo-European migration from South Russia to Europe and Middle East, which ended Old Europe and Pre-Aryan civilizations of Iran, Anatolia and India).
Third - Phoenician colonization and trade in Mediterranean sea.
Fourth - Alexander of Macedon and his heirs (Hellenism). Continued with Roman empire
Fifth - Islamic expansion, Crusades and trade with Muslim countries.
Sixth - European expansion (European influence on Middle Eastern countries).

02-13-2020, 03:28 PM
Compared to Turks they are.

I dont wanna start a shitstorm but balkans all way upto Hungary were our backyard...

02-13-2020, 03:31 PM
I dont wanna start a shitstorm but balkans all way upto Hungary were our backyard...

Who cares. Despite being controlling so much European soil you still managed to remain troglodytes.

02-13-2020, 04:13 PM
Who cares. Despite being controlling so much European soil you still managed to remain troglodytes.

and balkanoids are ascended beings despite being on the european soil for thousands of years.

02-13-2020, 04:14 PM
and balkanoids are ascended beings despite being on the european soil for thousands of years.


02-13-2020, 04:31 PM
The woman is right, there are too many Muslims, Arabs out here. It is also weird to see that the same peoples police the forum and go as far as blaming people for being "European wannabe", thus indirectly insulting European culture and people.

Actually, maybe the forum administration might think to trim the non-European, Muslim elements, members including subforums dedicated to non-European countries.

Stop being a joke like that these euro members also view you as a foreigner being anti-arab or anti-islam won't make you european

02-13-2020, 04:33 PM
Stop being a joke like that these euro members also view you as a foreigner being anti-arab or anti-islam won't make you european

He's very well known in being the most OWD Turkish member here, and it's also well known that he was begging Germanic peoples of Europe to accept him in his previous account, Bori.

02-13-2020, 04:50 PM

02-14-2020, 04:20 AM
History of cultural interactions between Middle East and Europe.
First period - Neolithic (colonization of Southern, Central and Western Europe by farmers from Fertile Crescent. According to Gimbutas they formed Old Europe).
Second - Bronze Age (Indo-European migration from South Russia to Europe and Middle East, which ended Old Europe and Pre-Aryan civilizations of Iran, Anatolia and India).
Third - Phoenician colonization and trade in Mediterranean sea.
Fourth - Alexander of Macedon and his heirs (Hellenism). Continued with Roman empire
Fifth - Islamic expansion, Crusades and trade with Muslim countries.
Sixth - European expansion (European influence on Middle Eastern countries).

Ottomans ?

02-14-2020, 04:24 AM
Who cares. Despite being controlling so much European soil you still managed to remain troglodytes.

Turkey Is More Envolved In The History Of Europe Than Finland. Turkey Is A Mixed Of Balkans And Mena And Mongols .....

02-14-2020, 04:29 AM
Turkey Is More Envolved In The History Of Europe Than Finland.

Huns are part Finno-Ugric, they destroyed your whole Rome from Nile River to France, you don't even probably know the Empire that existed that you inherited not necessarily contributed to started had territory even in Nile River Africa, and then Magyars went to Africa Alexandria rapes your people and they are Magyarabs now, and your country Italy got smacked by Bulgarians and we robbed your womans shipped them to Balkans as slaves

02-14-2020, 04:35 AM
He's very well known in being the most OWD Turkish member here, and it's also well known that he was begging Germanic peoples of Europe to accept him in his previous account, Bori.

OWD = ?

02-14-2020, 04:40 AM
Huns are part Finno-Ugric, they destroyed your whole Rome from Nile River to France, you don't even probably know the Empire that existed that you inherited not necessarily contributed to started had territory even in Nile River Africa, and then Magyars went to Africa Alexandria rapes your people and they are Magyarabs now, and your country Italy got smacked by Bulgarians and we robbed your womans shipped them to Balkans as slaves
Tell Me Something From Finland Or Iceland....

02-14-2020, 04:45 AM
Tell Me Something From Finland Or Iceland....

Huns, your masters, are Finno Ugric

Vandals, your masters, are Nordic

You know Rome was run by Jews, so a Jew like me from Russia has more claim to Rome than a peasant French Lombard as you, there is a reason why alot of Slavic people have first name "Roman" is because we are the extension of that Empire more than you

02-14-2020, 04:51 AM
Huns, your masters, are Finno Ugric

Vandals, your masters, are Nordic

You know Rome was run by Jews, so a Jew like me from Russia has more claim to Rome than a peasant French Lombard as you, there is a reason why alot of Slavic people have first name "Roman" is because we are the extension of that Empire more than you
The Barbarians That Came To Italy Wanted To Become "italians" or To Absorb Local Culture.

02-14-2020, 04:54 AM
The Barbarians That Came To Italy Wanted To Become "italians" or To Absorb Local Culture.

Ya exactly, we take your woman as slaves that is why AncestryDNA had to change their region from Italy to Italy/Greece to accommodate for the slave trade, when you look at descendants from the Eastern Romans (Balkans) they all have distinctive Italy regions in their genetic report

02-14-2020, 06:36 AM
Ya exactly, we take your woman as slaves that is why AncestryDNA had to change their region from Italy to Italy/Greece to accommodate for the slave trade, when you look at descendants from the Eastern Romans (Balkans) they all have distinctive Italy regions in their genetic report

Do you consider yourself as a barbarian ?

02-14-2020, 08:48 AM
Ottomans ?

Ottomans was a last phase of Islamic expansion, whose cultural influence ended in XVIII-XIXth c due to Europeanization of Turkey.

02-14-2020, 08:58 AM
Ottomans was a last phase of Islamic expansion, whose cultural influence ended in XVIII-XIXth c due to Europeanization of Turkey.

"Strudel" is the best influence of Turkey people in Italy...

02-14-2020, 01:12 PM
OWD = ?

Off White dilemma or a non-White person who pretends to be White and/or trying to garner acceptance from Whites/Europeans by bashing other non-Europeans like what that idiot, Bori, is doing against us.

02-14-2020, 03:11 PM
Turkey Is More Envolved In The History Of Europe Than Finland. Turkey Is A Mixed Of Balkans And Mena And Mongols .....

But Finland is today more developed than entire southern Europe and Turkey combined.

02-15-2020, 07:34 PM
Off White dilemma or a non-White person who pretends to be White and/or trying to garner acceptance from Whites/Europeans by bashing other non-Europeans like what that idiot, Bori, is doing against us.

It's a European forum though so it's natural it will attract such types. So owd is a meaningless term here, we have to "expect" such members.

02-15-2020, 07:38 PM
It's a European forum though so it's natural it will attract such types. So owd is a meaningless term here, we have to "expect" such members.

Yeah..but that doesn't mean that it's right or anything for a non-Euro member, you know? I mean, you Albanians for example are Whites since you guys are genetically part of the European cluster regardless of religion and so on. For Turks though they cluster far more closely with other west Asians than to any Southern European group despite their European admixture. Not to mention that an OWD would usually start scapegoating certain groups of non-Whites for their backwardness and problems in their own societies just to garner acceptances for them to associate themselves to the western world like what Bori had been doing here. How can a person can respect others if that individual as no respect for him/herself? It's like that, my dear.

02-24-2020, 07:39 PM
more ideas?