View Full Version : Negative cantal tilt= high trustworthy face.

02-16-2020, 03:36 AM
Something interesting. People claim positive canthal tilt is most attractive, and negative canthal is least. However, it doesn't appear to be the case if we're looking at trusthworthy faces. Brad Pitt has a slight negative canthal tilt I have noticed. And it seems if it is negative slight, it builds more "trustworthy" face. When canthal tilt is positive, it creates criminal looking face. The negative canthal tilt must only be slight though. If it's too far it will look droopy. However, slight negative gives a "puppy dog" look.

Positive canthal tilt negative criminal face: ( Of course, he's Negro, so that adds to the criminality)

Brad Pitt: (slight neg canthal tilt)

Cam Gigagnet:

High trust face *slight neg canthal tilt

02-16-2020, 03:42 AM
The left dudes looks like he will rob you in an alley and the right looks like he will sneak into your house and steal your dirty socks and take pictures of you while you are sleeping.

02-16-2020, 04:01 AM
I have all the features of a less trustworthy face lol. Also I don’t think Brad Pitt actually has a negative tilt. He is just old with some droopy eye lids. Look at younger pics of him you’ll see he isn’t.

02-16-2020, 04:13 AM
The Beta Egg Head, Vs. The Chad Warrior Skull

Daco Celtic
02-16-2020, 04:15 AM
Lord Get Me To Church

02-16-2020, 04:59 AM
Brad Pitt doesn't have negative canthal tilt, but his upper eyelids are just slanted outwards because he has upper eyelid ptosis. However when he was younger, he had lower upper eyelid ptosis and his upper eyelids were less slanted outwards. When he was younger, his supraorbital rims and eyebrows were also less slanted outwards.


Brad Pitt has downward-pointing medial canthi, so his canthal tilt is higher when it is measured from the medial canthus (as in the image above) and lower when it is measured from the innermost visible part of the eyeball. But it's positive in either case.

BTW, I don't agree that pronounced cheekbones appear more trustworthy (in the sense that it would be an anti-chad or submissive feature). High cheekbones are a robust feature which is associated with features that are marked as "untrustworthy" in the image you posted, like a wider chin, a deeper nasion, and a lower glabella (and therefore lower "inner eyebrows"). The morphs below are of players who I estimated to be ethnic Swedes in the Swedish top-level men's soccer league (https://www.svenskfotboll.se/serier-cuper/tabell-och-resultat/allsvenskan-herr-2020/82492/). The morph with higher cheekbones also has a deeper nasion, a lower y-axis position of the glabella, and a wider chin.


Actually I think low canthal tilt looks "untrustworthy" in the sense that it looks more südländisch and less Northern European, in the same way that dark eyes and dark hair look more untrustworthy. Or there's also a way in which chads look more trustworthy than non-chads, and an aggressive look does not necessarily equal an untrustworthy look.

02-16-2020, 10:20 PM
I have all the features of a less trustworthy face lol. Also I don’t think Brad Pitt actually has a negative tilt. He is just old with some droopy eye lids. Look at younger pics of him you’ll see he isn’t.

It has nothing to do with age. I saw a younger pic of him, and his eye corners definitely descend rather than go upward.

02-16-2020, 10:41 PM
What about neutral canthal tilt? :ranger

02-16-2020, 11:05 PM
What about neutral canthal tilt? :ranger
Better than positive, I suppose.

02-16-2020, 11:27 PM
It has nothing to do with age. I saw a younger pic of him, and his eye corners definitely descend rather than go upward.

Did you see Ymyyakhtakh’s post? He clearly isn’t. It just looks like it from certain angles.

02-16-2020, 11:29 PM
Did you see Ymyyakhtakh’s post? He clearly isn’t. It just looks like it from certain angles.

He's just one example. But my point is, neg canthal tilt is not necessarily unattractive. It depends on the extreme end of each. But in general it creates the more innocent look.

02-16-2020, 11:33 PM
He's just one example. But my point is, neg canthal tilt is not necessarily unattractive. It depends on the extreme end of each. But in general it creates the more innocent look.

Looking innocent = non threatening = more people are going to try to fuck with you

Not a positive. Don’t forget we live in a predator and prey world and almost all aspects of existence in some shape or form can be boiled down to this reality.

02-16-2020, 11:34 PM
Looking innocent = non threatening = more people are going to try to fuck with you

Not a positive. Don’t forget we live in a predator and prey world and almost all aspects of existence in some shape or form can be boiled down to this reality.

Okay, perhaps. I was thinking about female attention and such. Women like high trust faces for marriage. Don't destroy my cope, lol.

02-16-2020, 11:40 PM
Okay, perhaps. I was thinking about female attention and such. Women like high trust faces for marriage. Don't destroy my cope, lol.

Okay, perhaps. I was thinking about female attention and such. Women like high trust faces for marriage. Don't destroy my cope, lol.

Dealing with reality is better than living in cope. Cope makes you weak and not work on improving your weak areas.

Just think that humans evolved from some smelly ass bacteria floating around in shit water. So if that’s possible anything is. Just do it!!! Whatever you’re trying to do.

02-16-2020, 11:42 PM
Dealing with reality is better than living in cope. Cope makes you weak and not work on improving your weak areas.

Just think that humans evolved from some smelly ass bacteria floating around in shit water. So if that’s possible anything is. Just do it!!! Whatever you’re trying to do.

You were doing well up to the evolution part...

02-17-2020, 01:05 AM
It has nothing to do with age. I saw a younger pic of him, and his eye corners definitely descend rather than go upward.

Yeah compared to when he was younger, he now has both eyes and eyebrows that are more slanted outwards. The y-axis position of his glabella is also higher.


Canthal tilt depends on the shape of the orbits, and the orbits become more slanted outwards as a function of age (http://asj.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/3/258):


I learned that a fairly natural-looking way to reduce someone's canthal tilt in Photoshop is to drag up their glabella and to drag down their cheekbones, like in the image below. I also made the lips thinner by using the "pucker" tool of the "Liquify" filter in Photoshop.


02-17-2020, 02:54 AM
Yeah compared to when he was younger, he now has both eyes and eyebrows that are more slanted outwards. The y-axis position of his glabella is also higher.


Canthal tilt depends on the shape of the orbits, and the orbits become more slanted outwards as a function of age (http://asj.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/3/258):


I learned that a fairly natural-looking way to reduce someone's canthal tilt in Photoshop is to drag up their glabella and to drag down their cheekbones, like in the image below. I also made the lips thinner by using the "pucker" tool of the "Liquify" filter in Photoshop.


He actually looks better older.

Daco Celtic
04-24-2020, 02:56 AM

04-24-2020, 03:18 AM

Woah we have celebs on TA

04-24-2020, 03:31 AM


04-24-2020, 03:41 AM
Lol dude you can actually have a decent following you’re just going in the wrong direction with the topic of your songs.

04-24-2020, 03:44 AM

This was as surreal as when I looked at the news and saw that 21 Savage was getting deported to the UK

Daco Celtic
04-24-2020, 03:46 AM
Lol dude you can actually have a decent following you’re just going in the wrong direction with the topic of your songs.

I played Clean Leavin' at block party and some of the ladies started shaking their ass.

04-24-2020, 03:48 AM
I played Clean Leavin' at block party and some of the ladies started shaking their ass.

Lmao those are the keepers they know how to be naughty and live clean

The Blade
04-25-2020, 09:41 PM
The left dudes looks like he will rob you in an alley and the right looks like he will sneak into your house and steal your dirty socks and take pictures of you while you are sleeping.
I have another idea:
- Guy on the left looks like he would try to rape a guy's wife, while one on the right looks like he would like to be raped by a guy.

04-25-2020, 09:48 PM
Lol dude you can actually have a decent following you’re just going in the wrong direction with the topic of your songs.

I swear he has yodeler ancestry

04-25-2020, 09:51 PM

08-16-2020, 02:14 AM
I played Clean Leavin' at block party and some of the ladies started shaking their ass.

It's not a party until someone shoots a golf ball across the room with their cooter.

05-10-2024, 04:34 AM
It may be higher trust, but that's not necessarily a good thing. In terms of attractiveness to women, a slightly above average canthal tilt is considered ideal (not too high though, high canthal tilt is a feminine dimorphic trait). Also as other users pointed out, none of the examples you posted have a negative canthal tilt, it is a somewhat uncommon trait, most people have a slightly positive canthal tilt (which many would just label "neutral).

05-10-2024, 06:35 AM
negativ canthal tilt = dinaricization of eyes.

05-10-2024, 08:48 AM
you wanna look like a puppy dog niga?

05-10-2024, 08:49 AM
As I know negative canthal tilt is common in the middle east

05-11-2024, 02:50 PM
Im not sure what canthal tilt really means do i have positive or negative canthal tilt its interesting and fun to talk about such things but to be honest i think you can get women with both it depends on the whole spectrum overall look health job personality charme and chemistry

https://i.ibb.co/ypZ5SDP/IMG-20240511-164101.jpg (https://ibb.co/cwZtLP3)

05-11-2024, 11:30 PM
Im not sure what canthal tilt really means do i have positive or negative canthal tilt its interesting and fun to talk about such things but to be honest i think you can get women with both it depends on the whole spectrum overall look health job personality charme and chemistry

https://i.ibb.co/ypZ5SDP/IMG-20240511-164101.jpg (https://ibb.co/cwZtLP3)

pretty neutral I would say.