View Full Version : Classify Ancient Romans

08-14-2011, 09:30 PM
Gaius Marius

Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Marcus Antonius

Gaius Iulius Caesar

Octavianus Caius Iulius Caesar Augustus

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus

Marcus Claudius Tacitus Augustus

Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus

08-14-2011, 09:34 PM
Maybe I'm crazy,but they give a Balkan vibe.

08-14-2011, 09:34 PM
Generally Cro Magnon + Dinaro-Atlantid/Dinarid admixture.

08-14-2011, 09:35 PM
Generally Cro Magnon + Dinaro-Atlantid/Dinarid admixture.

i think the same

08-14-2011, 09:36 PM
Generally Cro Magnon + Dinaro-Atlantid/Dinarid admixture.

I wonder how many Cro-Magnids, Atlantids and Dinarids live in modern-day Italy.
Is there any difference - genetically and anthropologically (phenotypes) - between Ancient Romans and modern-day Central Italians?

08-15-2011, 07:47 AM
I wonder how many Cro-Magnids, Atlantids and Dinarids live in modern-day Italy.
Is there any difference - genetically and anthropologically (phenotypes) - between Ancient Romans and modern-day Central Italians?

No, central Italians look exactly the same. Some exemples:

Lippi (ok he is from Northern Italy but has that look too)


Alemanno (mayor of Rome)


Luca Dirisio (singer from Abruzzo)


Just some exemples... I think they are mostly atlanto-dinarics.

08-15-2011, 07:50 AM
I wonder how many Cro-Magnids, Atlantids and Dinarids live in modern-day Italy.
Is there any difference - genetically and anthropologically (phenotypes) - between Ancient Romans and modern-day Central Italians?

Yeah they still do have some looks that resemble the original Roman look as Velveda just illustrated below. Also to the person above the Romans could definitely fit in the Balkans but their look was sort of a pan Southern or Southeastern look. Its amazing how anthropological features can be passed down for multiple generations with very little alteration.

08-15-2011, 08:15 AM
Yeah they still do have some looks that resemble the original Roman look as Velveda just illustrated below. Also to the person above the Romans could definitely fit in the Balkans but their look was sort of a pan Southern or Southeastern look. Its amazing how anthropological features can be passed down for multiple generations with very little alteration.

Most central Italians conserve the dinarid vibe, if this is what you mean. I see less atlanticism in us than in Hiberians and more dinaricism that give us the Balkan vibe maybe, but at the same time we don't look identical to Balkanians. Rather like a mix.

08-15-2011, 10:46 AM
Maybe I'm crazy,but they give a Balkan vibe.

Constantine WAS from the Balkans!

08-15-2011, 11:29 AM
Constantine WAS from the Balkans!

Yes, he was an Illyrian Roman. He was born in modern-day Durazzo (Durrës, second-largest city of Albania).

08-15-2011, 12:19 PM
Theodosius I

Marcus Aurelius

08-15-2011, 01:03 PM
Were these figures from Trajan to Theodosius not mostly Romanised Spaniards at least in origin?

08-15-2011, 01:15 PM
Hadrian was of Iberian descent, so we could say he was Spanish.

08-15-2011, 01:16 PM
I think most of the others from Trajan on fall into the same category.

08-15-2011, 01:20 PM
Hadrian was of Iberian descent, so we could say he was Spanish.

Hadrian was born Publius Aelius Hadrianus to an ethnically Italian family in Italica near Seville.

Trajan was Nordid/Atlantonordid with strong Dinarid with some Cromagno-Alpinoid influence. I made a thread in the past about Flavians and "5 good emperors (from Nerva to Marcus Aurelius", this is becoming a chaotic thread not worthy of notable ancient Roman individuals.

08-15-2011, 01:22 PM
Were these figures from Trajan to Theodosius not mostly Romanised Spaniards at least in origin?


Marcus Ulpius Traianus was born on 18 September 53 in the Roman province of Hispania Baetica[5] (in what is now Andalusia in modern Spain), a province that was thoroughly Romanized and called southern Hispania, in the city of Italica, where the Italian families were paramount [6]

Trajan was the son of Marcia and Marcus Ulpius Traianus, a prominent senator and general from the gens Ulpia. Trajan himself was just one of many well-known Ulpii in a line that continued long after his own death. His elder sister was Ulpia Marciana and his niece was Salonina Matidia. The patria of the Ulpii was Italica, in Spanish Baetica,[5] where their ancestors had settled late in the 3rd century BC. This indicates that the Italian origin was paramount.


Hadrian was born Publius Aelius Hadrianus in Italica,[7] or, less probably, in Rome,[8] from a well-established family which had originated in Picenum in Italy and had subsequently settled in Italica, Hispania Baetica (the republican Hispania Ulterior), near the present-day location of Seville, Spain.[citation needed]

Although it was an accepted part of Hadrian's personal history that he was born in Spain, his biography in Augustan History states that he was born in Rome on 24 January AD 76, of a family originally Italian, but which had lived in Spain for many generations. However, this may be a ruse to make Hadrian look like a person from Rome instead of a person hailing from the provinces.[9] His father was Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer, who as a senator of praetorian rank would spend much of his time in Rome.[10]

Theodosis I

Theodosius was born in Cauca or Italica, Hispania,[4] to senior military officer Theodosius the Elder.[5] He accompanied his father to Britannia to help quell the Great Conspiracy in 368.

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus' family originated in Ucubi, a small town southeast of Córdoba in Iberian Baetica. The family rose to prominence in the late 1st century AD. Marcus' great-grandfather Marcus Annius Verus (I) was a senator and (according to the Historia Augusta) ex-praetor; in 73–74, his grandfather, Marcus Annius Verus (II), was made a patrician.[12][notes 2] Verus' elder son—Marcus Aurelius' father—Marcus Annius Verus (III) married Domitia Lucilla.[15] Lucilla was the daughter of the patrician P. Calvisius Tullus Ruso and the elder Domitia Lucilla. The elder Domitia Lucilla had inherited a great fortune (described at length in one of Pliny's letters) from her maternal grandfather and her paternal grandfather by adoption.[16] The younger Lucilla would acquire much of her mother's wealth, including a large brickworks on the outskirts of Rome—a profitable enterprise in an era when the city was experiencing a construction boom.[17]

08-15-2011, 01:22 PM
I think most of the others from Trajan on fall into the same category.

Not all.
Some of them were from the Balkans, like Constantine.
Rome even had an Arab Emperor: Philipus Arabus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_the_Arab). He was the very first Christian Emeror of Rome, 100 years before Constantine.
Also, Rome had a few Berber Generals and Emperors:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Berbers#Roman_emperors_and_generals_of_Ber ber_descent
Macrinus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrinus) was a Moor (Berber) from North Africa, so was Septimus Severus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septimius_Severus).

So nope, they were not Spanish :p

08-15-2011, 02:51 PM
Not all.
Some of them were from the Balkans, like Constantine.
Rome even had an Arab Emperor: Philipus Arabus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_the_Arab). He was the very first Christian Emeror of Rome, 100 years before Constantine.
Also, Rome had a few Berber Generals and Emperors:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Berbers#Roman_emperors_and_generals_of_Ber ber_descent
Macrinus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrinus) was a Moor (Berber) from North Africa, so was Septimus Severus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septimius_Severus).

So nope, they were not Spanish :p
You misunderstood my post.

I was referring only to the photos on page 2...Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius and Theodosius.

All were of Spanish extraction though perhaps they had some Roman or Italian colonist blood too.

I know there were Balkan and North African emperors too.:thumb001:

08-15-2011, 02:56 PM
They look very similar, if not the same, to modern Italians.

08-15-2011, 03:52 PM
Were these figures from Trajan to Theodosius not mostly Romanised Spaniards at least in origin?

There is a book titled "Las raíces béticas de Trajano. Los Traii de la Itálica turdetana, y otras novedades sobre su familia" by A. M. Canto. According to her research, Trajan was of Turdetanian extraction.

This is an interesting article in Spanish: http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistas/ghi/02130181/articulos/GERI0303120305A.PDF

08-17-2011, 12:15 PM
Yes, he was an Illyrian Roman. He was born in modern-day Durazzo (Durrës, second-largest city of Albania).
No , he was born in "Naissus" (Niš - Serbia)

Gamzigrad (Serbian: Гамзиград, Latin: FELIX ROMVLIANA
Three Roman Emperors were born in this municipality (modern Zaječar, Serbia)

Galerius ruled 293-311
Maximinus ruled 305-312
Licinius ruled 308-324

08-20-2011, 12:46 AM
Maybe I'm crazy,but they give a Balkan vibe.

I been lately thinking alot about the Roman Emperors looking more Balkan espeically.

Generally Cro Magnon + Dinaro-Atlantid/Dinarid admixture.

Indeed as usual.

Yeah they still do have some looks that resemble the original Roman look as Velveda just illustrated below. Also to the person above the Romans could definitely fit in the Balkans but their look was sort of a pan Southern or Southeastern look. Its amazing how anthropological features can be passed down for multiple generations with very little alteration.

I have a sort of feeling now that it has been confirmed by someone else than just myself that the Romans could actually have a Balkanian connection which could be possible.

I don't know but for some reason I've seen alot of these faces in Balkanians (like Serbians or Albanians for examples) a little more than even Italians but that's not to say that some Italians cannot still descend from them.

08-20-2011, 12:47 AM
Mainly Dinaro-Alpinoids with some Altanto Mediterranids or Pontids.

08-26-2013, 05:09 PM
Marius: CM

Sulla: Noric + CM

Mark Antony: Picture isn't showing but I think he was Alpine + CM + Dinaric

Julius Caesar: Atlantid + Dinaric

Augustus: Noric

Nero: Noric + Borreby

Vespasian: Borreby + Dinaric

Tacitus: Borreby + Dinaric

Constantine: Alpine + Dinaric

08-26-2013, 05:15 PM
hm ..tosk albanian look so..

08-26-2013, 05:33 PM
Yes, he was an Illyrian Roman. He was born in modern-day Durazzo (Durrës, second-largest city of Albania).

He wasn't born in Albania! But Dardania, present day Serbia in Nis.