View Full Version : Classify these Iranian georgians

02-29-2020, 02:51 PM

02-29-2020, 02:55 PM
Taurid + Anatolid mostly

02-29-2020, 03:04 PM
Gorjis usually have Taurid influence in the eyes.

My Paternal Grandmother was Half Gorji Half Azeri.

02-29-2020, 03:08 PM
Gorjis usually have Taurid influence in the eyes.

My Paternal Grandmother was Half Gorji Half Azeri.

very interesting.. some of them can easily pass even in India..

02-29-2020, 03:10 PM
such a beautiful girl on your avatar, so is she Georgian?

I've seen at least two Azeri girls who were absolutely gorgeous, because they've got a bit of Oriental, especially in eyes, that complements the Caucasian bony attractive face and the Armenian tanned skin, so the mix can be absolutely stunning at times.

02-29-2020, 03:11 PM
Our government wants to bring them back to Georgia.. I support this idea.,. they have another culture and religion but they still love their homeland..

02-29-2020, 03:12 PM
such a beautiful girl on your avatar, so is she Georgian?

I've seen at least two Azeri girls who were absolutely gorgeous, because they've got a bit of Oriental, especially in eyes, that complements the Caucasian bony attractive face and the Armenian tanned skin, so the mix can be absolutely stunning at times.

Yes.. i also love oriental and caucasian mix..

02-29-2020, 03:29 PM
Btw these are Isfahani Gorjis from Fereydunshahr in Isfahan not the mazandaran, Gilan Mahalleh type.

02-29-2020, 07:02 PM
Our government wants to bring them back to Georgia.. I support this idea.,. they have another culture and religion but they still love their homeland..

I do not support it. How can you distinguish them from other Iranians? If someone studies a couple of words in Georgian, you'll give them citizenship?
Looks like they are heavily mixed.

02-29-2020, 07:05 PM
I do not support it. How can you distinguish them from other Iranians? If someone studies a couple of words in Georgian, you'll give them citizenship?
Looks like they are heavily mixed.

They look georgian . i think.. they are just darker.. because of climate..

02-29-2020, 07:09 PM
I do not support it. How can you distinguish them from other Iranians? If someone studies a couple of words in Georgian, you'll give them citizenship?
Looks like they are heavily mixed.

I've seen results from Armenians from Iran and they weren't mixed at all. I suspect people who identify as Georgians to not be mixed aswell.

02-29-2020, 07:20 PM
They look georgian . i think.. they are just darker.. because of climate..

You kidding? skin tone can not be changed for 500 years because of climate, they are mixed with other nations. Also their features are very exotic, some could even pass in south Asian countries. I would not be against their repatriation if it was possible to distinguish them, otherwise you'll get thousands of Iranians who will learn couple of words in Georgian and come to get citizenship.

02-29-2020, 07:23 PM
You kidding? skin tone can not be changed for 500 years because of climate, they are mixed with other nations. Also their features are very exotic, some could even pass in south Asian countries. I would not be against their repatriation if it was possible to distinguish them, otherwise you'll get thousands of Iranians who will learn couple of words in Georgian and come to get citizenship.

of course they are mixed.. but they still have georgian genes.. i see that. they dont look like fully persians. and if they want to live in their homeland, we must give them citizenship..

02-29-2020, 07:26 PM
and why would usual iranians want georgian citizenship if they dont have georgian blood :/

02-29-2020, 07:27 PM
I've seen results from Armenians from Iran and they weren't mixed at all. I suspect people who identify as Georgians to not be mixed aswell.

Armenians is different case, they had strong diaspora in Persia, they always lived there.
Georgians were resettled by Shah Abbas to assimilate them with local population.

02-29-2020, 07:28 PM
and why would usual iranians want georgian citizenship if they dont have georgian blood :/

Go to Public Registry in Tbilisi and ask there Iranians why they want to move to Georgia ))))

Reis-i Cumhur
02-29-2020, 07:30 PM
of course they are mixed.. but they still have georgian genes.. i see that. they dont look like fully persians. and if they want to live in their homeland, we must give them citizenship..

As a Northeastern Turk,I bet ı have more georgian genes than them.Lol they look iranian to me.Nothing caucasian about them

02-29-2020, 07:31 PM
Go to Public Registry in Tbilisi and ask there Iranians why they want to move to Georgia ))))

They can move to Georgia without claiming theyre georgian :დ they do business in Tbilisi. thats the reason. they're not migrants or smth.,

02-29-2020, 07:48 PM
They can move to Georgia without claiming theyre georgian :დ they do business in Tbilisi. thats the reason. they're not migrants or smth.,
Some of them are doing business, some of them are tourists, some of them are migrants. The fact is that millions of Persians would like to get Georgian passport to move to West Europe.

As a Northeastern Turk,I bet ı have more georgian genes than them.Lol they look iranian to me.Nothing caucasian about them

You are right, northeastern black sea Turks are closer to Georgians than Persian Georgians genetically.

02-29-2020, 07:52 PM
Some of them are doing business, some of them are tourists, some of them are migrants. The fact is that millions of Persians would like to get Georgian passport to move to West Europe.

You are right, northeastern black sea Turks are closer to Georgians than Persian Georgians genetically.

With their passport they can move to west europe easily.. #europe will deport them with georgian passport because georgia is ,,safe country" for europe.

03-03-2020, 01:13 AM
Ehhh, they still look pred gorji. Just darker lol

03-03-2020, 01:29 AM
Ehhh, they still look pred gorji. Just darker lol

Welcome back, son :)

03-03-2020, 01:30 AM
Welcome back, son :)

Hey, good to see you :)

03-03-2020, 01:36 AM
Armenians is different case, they had strong diaspora in Persia, they always lived there.
Georgians were resettled by Shah Abbas to assimilate them with local population.

Shah Abbas wanted Georgians to identify as Iranians so they would not switch sides with the ottomans and later the Russians

Georgians became part of the Iranian court and many Iranian governors, military officials, kings, princes and prince were part Georgian

03-03-2020, 01:37 AM
I've seen results from Armenians from Iran and they weren't mixed at all. I suspect people who identify as Georgians to not be mixed aswell.

No Georgians who came to Iran adopted Islam and became Iranians. The iranization process in Georgia did not work though

03-03-2020, 01:41 AM
very interesting.. some of them can easily pass even in India..

How is their accents? Do you understand them?

03-03-2020, 01:43 AM
of course they are mixed.. but they still have georgian genes.. i see that. they dont look like fully persians. and if they want to live in their homeland, we must give them citizenship..

I watched a video of a hand full of Iranian Georgians who moved back to georgia and married native Georgians and are Georgian citizen

03-03-2020, 01:46 AM
They look georgian . i think.. they are just darker.. because of climate..

Most Iranian Georgians are eastern Georgians but most are not pure. Most are mixed because most became Iranians and married other Iranians

03-03-2020, 01:52 AM
Armenians is different case, they had strong diaspora in Persia, they always lived there.
Georgians were resettled by Shah Abbas to assimilate them with local population.

Most Armenians in Iran were descendants of those settled there by Abbas as well, lol.

03-03-2020, 01:57 AM
Most Armenians in Iran were descendants of those settled there by Abbas as well, lol.

Armenians were merchants in Iran therefore they could remain Christians and be Armenians. Georgians were part of the ruling class in Iran therefore they needed to be Muslim and adopt Iranian as their identity

Iranian Armenians did not mix with Iranians where as Georgians did

03-03-2020, 02:01 AM
Armenians were merchants in Iran therefore they could remain Christians, Georgians were part of the ruling class in Iran therefore they needed to be Muslim and adopt Iranian as their identity

Iranian Armenians did not mix with Iranians where as Georgians did

Not only economic contributions, but cultural as well. Some of the mosques built in Iran were at the hands of Armenian architects.

03-03-2020, 04:08 AM
I've seen results from Armenians from Iran and they weren't mixed at all. I suspect people who identify as Georgians to not be mixed aswell.

From the results ive seen in the past, some armos get slightly more SW asian. The same case would probably be for georgians too since they're much lower in number.

03-03-2020, 05:28 AM
Most Armenians in Iran were descendants of those settled there by Abbas as well, lol.

Armenian were allowed to stay Christian, while Georgians and Circassians were assimilated.

03-03-2020, 05:30 AM
How is their accents? Do you understand them?
About 60% we understand, rest is either Persian or archaic Georgians words which we do not use nowadays.

03-03-2020, 05:59 AM
Most Armenians in Iran were descendants of those settled there by Abbas as well.

By the way, while Shah Abbas was resettling Armenians from Armenia to Iran, at the same time he was resettling numerous Turkoman tribes like Bayaty and others from Iraq to the territory of modern Armenia and Azerbaijan, and these Iraqi Turkomans today became Baku Azerbaijanis. Therefore, such a huge difference between Iranian Azeri and Baku Azeri. They have nothing in common. Baku Azeri are actually Iraqi Turkomans.

I had a Iranian friend from Tabriz, he never called Azerbaijanis from Azerbaijan Republic as Azeri or Azerbaijani, he called them simply as Baku people.

03-03-2020, 08:35 AM
From the results ive seen in the past, some armos get slightly more SW asian. The same case would probably be for georgians too since they're much lower in number.

why would they score more SW asian though? Armenians score more Sw asian than Iranians anyway

03-03-2020, 08:37 AM
By the way, while Shah Abbas was resettling Armenians from Armenia to Iran, at the same time he was resettling numerous Turkoman tribes like Bayaty and others from Iraq to the territory of modern Armenia and Azerbaijan, and these Iraqi Turkomans today became Baku Azerbaijanis. Therefore, such a huge difference between Iranian Azeri and Baku Azeri. They have nothing in common. Baku Azeri are actually Iraqi Turkomans.

I had a Iranian friend from Tabriz, he never called Azerbaijanis from Azerbaijan Republic as Azeri or Azerbaijani, he called them simply as Baku people.

Cool but your Iranian friend is wrong. There is no difference between Azeri people as a whole except for maybe Azeris from Dagestan. It's only propaganda. I have seen all the results. Bayati people wouldn't be seen as foreign to any Azeri. Bayats lived in both Azerbaijan before even moving to Iraq. My family too is from traditional Bayat region between Zanjan and Ardabil.

03-03-2020, 08:47 AM
You kidding? skin tone can not be changed for 500 years because of climate, they are mixed with other nations. Also their features are very exotic, some could even pass in south Asian countries. I would not be against their repatriation if it was possible to distinguish them, otherwise you'll get thousands of Iranians who will learn couple of words in Georgian and come to get citizenship.

I bet you wouldn't have issue to accept hypothetical mixed Georgian diaspora from Sweden, if they were corrupted with Scandinavian blood.

03-03-2020, 12:20 PM
These people in the OP have very strong Gorji appearance esp taurid eyes which makes them look different.

This video in the OP is from Fereydunshahr which is a Georgian town in Isfahan province.

Reference phenotype of Persians from Isfahan. Look at the difference in head shape and eyes.





03-03-2020, 12:24 PM
Some of them are doing business, some of them are tourists, some of them are migrants. The fact is that millions of Persians would like to get Georgian passport to move to West Europe.

Can you provide the evidence of your claim that "Millions of Persians" are trying to get inside Georgia ?

Here is my counter claim (that I will back up with evidence), there may be like 5000-10000 Iranians in total in Georgia at best.

03-03-2020, 12:32 PM
These people in the OP have very strong Gorji appearance esp taurid eyes which makes them look different.

This video in the OP is from Fereydunshahr which is a Georgian town in Isfahan province.

Reference phenotype of Persians from Isfahan. Look at the difference in head shape and eyes.





Lots of these people wouldnt stick out of afghanistan

03-03-2020, 12:34 PM
Lots of these people wouldnt stick out of afghanistan

... and ?

03-03-2020, 12:37 PM
... and ?

Just saying lots of these people wouldnt stick out of afg at all, while some people have that notion that iranians look different from afghans

03-03-2020, 12:43 PM
Just saying lots of these people wouldnt stick out of afg at all, while some people have that notion that iranians look different from afghans

Irano afghan is a sub type of Iranid.

03-03-2020, 06:10 PM
I bet you wouldn't have issue to accept hypothetical mixed Georgian diaspora from Sweden, if they were corrupted with Scandinavian blood.

You are right, i would not have issue to accept hypothetical mixed Georgians from Sweden, from Singapore, from Hong Kong, or any other economically developed places.

03-03-2020, 06:21 PM
By the way, while Shah Abbas was resettling Armenians from Armenia to Iran, at the same time he was resettling numerous Turkoman tribes like Bayaty and others from Iraq to the territory of modern Armenia and Azerbaijan, and these Iraqi Turkomans today became Baku Azerbaijanis. Therefore, such a huge difference between Iranian Azeri and Baku Azeri. They have nothing in common. Baku Azeri are actually Iraqi Turkomans.

I had a Iranian friend from Tabriz, he never called Azerbaijanis from Azerbaijan Republic as Azeri or Azerbaijani, he called them simply as Baku people.

Iranian and Soviet Azerbaijanis are same people of mixed (Turco-Iranian) origin. Your Iranian friend probably is an assimilated Azeri Tat or Kurd.

03-03-2020, 06:28 PM
Can you provide the evidence of your claim that "Millions of Persians" are trying to get inside Georgia ?

Here is my counter claim (that I will back up with evidence), there may be like 5000-10000 Iranians in total in Georgia at best.

Off-topic question: as I know Safavid and Afsharid shahs launched deportations of Armenians and Georgians to Iran and Shia Turks and Kurds - to borders of empire. Did they implement that policy against Persians and other Iranians?

03-03-2020, 09:45 PM
Iranian and Soviet Azerbaijanis are same people of mixed (Turco-Iranian) origin. Your Iranian friend probably is an assimilated Azeri Tat or Kurd.

I believe more my eyes than theories. They look absolutely different. Iranian Azeri are mostly pure Iranids meanwhile in Soviet Azerbaijan Iranids are almost non existant.

03-04-2020, 11:47 AM

03-04-2020, 01:50 PM
I believe more my eyes than theories. They look absolutely different. Iranian Azeri are mostly pure Iranids meanwhile in Soviet Azerbaijan Iranids are almost non existant.

Mmm. Idk. Soviet azeris look a bit more caucasian shifted, but thats about it.

03-05-2020, 10:05 AM
Iranian and Soviet Azerbaijanis are same people of mixed (Turco-Iranian) origin. Your Iranian friend probably is an assimilated Azeri Tat or Kurd.

Iran in 1918 challenged the name "Azerbaijan"

The name of the modern Azerbaijan Republic, when it was created in 1918, was borrowed from neighboring Iran.

Iranians themselves stated this by contacting the Turkish Foreign Ministry through their embassy in Istanbul.

“Dear Foreign Ministry, a state with the name “Azerbaijan” is being created in the Caucasus. There is an area with the same name within the borders of Iran with a center in Tabriz, but there never was such a state in the history with this name,” the letter of August 28, 1918 says.


03-05-2020, 10:28 AM
Iran in 1918 challenged the name "Azerbaijan"

The name of the modern Azerbaijan Republic, when it was created in 1918, was borrowed from neighboring Iran.

Iranians themselves stated this by contacting the Turkish Foreign Ministry through their embassy in Istanbul.

“Dear Foreign Ministry, a state with the name “Azerbaijan” is being created in the Caucasus. There is an area with the same name within the borders of Iran with a center in Tabriz, but there never was such a state in the history with this name,” the letter of August 28, 1918 says.

That's a different matter. It's true that Azerbaijan itself referred to Iranian Azerbaijan. But Azeris (from both parts) trace their roots back to the same turkic tribes that settled all over these areas and we speak the same language with the same vocabulary. So it's nonsensical to refer to them as different people. Yes different phenotypes (which is debatable) could be a sign of the pre-turkic people living in the various regions or recent mixing. There are small YDNA differences, Rep.Azerbaijan has more caucasian J1 while Iranian Azerbaijan has more R1a with the rest being the same types of J2, R1b, G...

Nonetheless autosomal results are almost identical and we form a very tight cluster inbetween Turks and Iranians.

03-05-2020, 11:35 AM
Mmm. Idk. Soviet azeris look a bit more caucasian shifted, but thats about it.

I have noticed it as well. They usually show less progressive traits

03-05-2020, 12:18 PM
Iranian and Soviet Azerbaijanis are same people of mixed (Turco-Iranian) origin. Your Iranian friend probably is an assimilated Azeri Tat or Kurd.

Correct but Median Iranian origin is way more dominant than foreign component.

Despite the propaganda, we cluster very close to neighboring Iranic groups like Kurds. I would assume an Azeri from Tabriz to cluster very close to Kurdish tribes closest to us like Jalali, Bilbas, Mukri kurds etc.

Some ethnonationalist Persians (mostly shahi supporters living in US) think we azeris are horse herder mongols who invaded and occupied their "royal land" illegally while same amount of weak minded Iranian azeris who have chosen to be Turkish bootlickers/poodles think the same. Both have proven to be wrong with time.

Off-topic question: as I know Safavid and Afsharid shahs launched deportations of Armenians and Georgians to Iran and Shia Turks and Kurds - to borders of empire. Did they implement that policy against Persians and other Iranians?

Actually Safavids installed too many Persians in their courts which annoyed other kizilbas. For some reason they preferred Persians over their own Kizilbas for bureaucratic positions.

I believe more my eyes than theories. They look absolutely different. Iranian Azeri are mostly pure Iranids meanwhile in Soviet Azerbaijan Iranids are almost non existant.

True I see same but also that is more of a regional gradient. Like Southern Northern Persians may show same difference. Iranian Azeri phenotype is characteristic Caspid (like 80-90 % Iranid + 10-20 % Turanid)

Republic Azeri future seems very interesting in connection with Iran. They are like 95 % Shiite and religious bigotry is coming back to this region ...

03-10-2020, 12:20 AM
I bet you wouldn't have issue to accept hypothetical mixed Georgian diaspora from Sweden, if they were corrupted with Scandinavian blood.

https://i.imgflip.com/3rz1ws.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/3rz1ws)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)