View Full Version : Trump calls Warren 'selfish' for staying in 2020 race

03-04-2020, 09:56 PM

03-04-2020, 10:00 PM
So it's going to be Trump vs who this year?

03-04-2020, 10:06 PM
So it's going to be Trump vs who this year?

Trump VS Biden probably

03-04-2020, 10:08 PM
Trump VS Biden probably

Probably Biden. Should be fun considering the GOP in the Senate are now investigating his son, cokehead Hunter.

03-04-2020, 10:17 PM
She is. She pretends to be a progressive Democrat a la Bernie but she remained a Republican until late in life. She represented corporate interests as an attorney. She lied about Bernie. She claimed he said, 'A woman can't be president' when there is a video from 1981 where he clearly states he thinks women are underrepresented in government, and that they could and should occupy every office, including the presidency. She smeared Bernie. She claims that he is incompetent. She is pivoting toward the establishment Democrats, and refuses to endorse Bernie out of personal gain (she hopes to become Biden's VP or a member of his cabinet).

The Karens of Pantsuit Nation have screwed Bernie out of several states. Her supporters care more about gender than good policy and many of them have Joe as their second choice because they are establishment shills.

03-04-2020, 10:22 PM
She is. She pretends to be a progressive Democrat a la Bernie but she remained a Republican until late in life. She represented corporate interests as an attorney. She lied about Bernie. She claimed he said, 'A woman can't be president' when there is a video from 1981 where he clearly states he thinks women are underrepresented in government, and that they could and should occupy every office, including the presidency. She smeared Bernie. She claims that he is incompetent. She is pivoting toward the establishment Democrats, and refuses to endorse Bernie out of personal gain (she hopes to become Biden's VP or a member of his cabinet).

The Karens of Pantsuit Nation have screwed Bernie out of several states. Her supporters care more about gender than good policy and many of them have Joe as their second choice because they are establishment shills.

Trump is gonna win anyway. She's wasting her time lol

03-04-2020, 10:24 PM
Probably Biden. Should be fun considering the GOP in the Senate are now investigating his son, cokehead Hunter.

Sucks that its gonna be Biden. Trump would have had such an easy win if it was Bernie. Now its gonna be more of a competition but I still think Trump will pull off a victory.

03-04-2020, 10:34 PM

03-05-2020, 02:34 AM
Sucks that its gonna be Biden. Trump would have had such an easy win if it was Bernie. Now its gonna be more of a competition but I still think Trump will pull off a victory.

I disagree. Biden has like no enthusiasm behind him from regular people in most areas. Sanders can hold big rallies while he can't even fill up a room. Running against him would almost be like running against Hillary again.

03-05-2020, 02:55 AM
I disagree. Biden has like no enthusiasm behind him from regular people in most areas. Sanders can hold big rallies while he can't even fill up a room. Running against him would almost be like running against Hillary again.

Well, Biden, like Trump, is a self-proclaimed Zionist



and this is the same guy who bragged on White people's demise of being a majority of the US:

As a White American, you shouldn't play this democrat vs republican dichotomy since both of them are controlled by the same group of people which I don't need to tell you who they are.

03-05-2020, 03:13 AM
Well, Biden, like Trump, is a self-proclaimed Zionist



and this is the same guy who bragged on White people's demise of being a majority of the US:

As a White American, you shouldn't play this democrat vs republican dichotomy since both of them are controlled by the same group of people which I don't need to tell you who they are.

I'm still going to vote for Trump again. He doesn't have to be perfect and change can be slow, but policy like this is good.

03-05-2020, 03:32 AM
I'm still going to vote for Trump again. He doesn't have to be perfect and change can be slow, but policy like this is good.

Indeed. I mean, Trump is the best one in contrast to other presidential candidates and so on. Just saying that you shouldn't rely too much on the politicians to fix the problems in the US, you know?

03-05-2020, 03:38 AM
Well, Biden, like Trump, is a self-proclaimed Zionist



and this is the same guy who bragged on White people's demise of being a majority of the US:

As a White American, you shouldn't play this democrat vs republican dichotomy since both of them are controlled by the same group of people which I don't need to tell you who they are.

Biden has no beliefs other than what his people tell him to say. Today he really has no idea of where he even is. He has major mental dementia type issues.

03-05-2020, 03:41 AM
Biden has no beliefs other than what his people tell him to say. Today he really has no idea of where he even is. He has major mental dementia type issues.

Regardless, he's one of these people who bows his head to the powers that be with little to no credibility to the party's ideology that he supposedly represents. The differences between neoliberals and neocons are small and lean that say between classical liberals and paleoconservatives like Nick Fuentes, James Vincent from the Red Elephants or Pat Buchanan.

03-05-2020, 05:06 AM
Well, Biden, like Trump, is a self-proclaimed Zionist



and this is the same guy who bragged on White people's demise of being a majority of the US:

As a White American, you shouldn't play this democrat vs republican dichotomy since both of them are controlled by the same group of people which I don't need to tell you who they are.
yep nothing new around here,but Biden is worse
at least Elisabeth Warren and Bernie have a program,ideas etc... where Biden is an empty shell,it's even strange than he's not allready kick out
from a democratic and not a democrat perspective,Bernie Sanders have ethics and it's rare nowadays in the american political field,and what about Bloomberg more sionist capitalisitic than that your die,i really seen Trump reelected if he's facing Bernie,but with Warren it could be a bit more complicated and having left marge
Trump is a center right centrist he could goes reach over his camp and like that eating Biden fingers in the nose,but with Warren it could been a bit more tricky,now the question is : does Biden could loose front of Bernie and Warren?
Trump have learn a lot from the previous administrations,maybe not on the ukrainegate,but on the rest

03-05-2020, 02:11 PM
yep nothing new around here,but Biden is worse
at least Elisabeth Warren and Bernie have a program,ideas etc... where Biden is an empty shell,it's even strange than he's not allready kick out
from a democratic and not a democrat perspective,Bernie Sanders have ethics and it's rare nowadays in the american political field,and what about Bloomberg more sionist capitalisitic than that your die,i really seen Trump reelected if he's facing Bernie,but with Warren it could be a bit more complicated and having left marge
Trump is a center right centrist he could goes reach over his camp and like that eating Biden fingers in the nose,but with Warren it could been a bit more tricky,now the question is : does Biden could loose front of Bernie and Warren?
Trump have learn a lot from the previous administrations,maybe not on the ukrainegate,but on the rest

Warren has absolutely no chance of winning the nomination. She came 3rd in her home state.

03-05-2020, 02:52 PM
Wigwam Warren is officially out of the race.

03-05-2020, 03:43 PM
Well, Biden, like Trump, is a self-proclaimed Zionist



and this is the same guy who bragged on White people's demise of being a majority of the US:

As a White American, you shouldn't play this democrat vs republican dichotomy since both of them are controlled by the same group of people which I don't need to tell you who they are.

Dude why you comment on EVERY US politics video about zionism? I think we got it by now.

03-07-2020, 03:30 PM

03-07-2020, 03:47 PM
You really are a single issue voter huh holy shit
Well, Biden, like Trump, is a self-proclaimed Zionist

and this is the same guy who bragged on White people's demise of being a majority of the US:

As a White American, you shouldn't play this democrat vs republican dichotomy since both of them are controlled by the same group of people which I don't need to tell you who they are.