View Full Version : Interesting photo from Putin-Erdogan meeting

03-10-2020, 03:14 AM
Putin showing a next-level power play having the Turkish delegation stand underneath a sculpture of Catherine The Great, who crushed the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War


The Lawspeaker
03-10-2020, 03:18 AM

Salty Ears
03-10-2020, 07:33 AM
Desk clock behind them is the work by sculptor Evgeniy Lansere, "Pass through the Balkans" dedicated to the victory in Russo-Turkish war in 1878

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/YVmwY2a_xXaeXBmoGi5MTfwgqwXXlHgwkKo_SvPdIDVFD2aVzr d9FqBxkZek-lbfcQi-9p582ri01fg8Zb1v3Kz3MkrjI3EzBuDgH6geJqoednhC6VJsG-4


03-10-2020, 08:11 AM
The message goes far beyond a single victory in military conflict.

Throughout history there were few Russian rulers who won Russo-Turkish wars as there were many wars. What makes Catherine The Great to stand out is she was the first to declare Russian foreign policy designed around intent to destroy Ottoman Empire once and for all. She wanted to re-establish Bysantine Empire with capital in Constantinople and her descendants as rulers of new imperial dynasty. She even made first steps towards the goal: she captured Crimea (former Ottoman protectorate) and started expansion to Caucasus.

The displayed signs could mean a threat to partition Turkey with few new states appearing in the region. If that scenario to be played out none of the new states will be based on Oghuz identity. Turks will be gone from the map.

The Lawspeaker
03-10-2020, 01:12 PM
The message goes far beyond a single victory in military conflict.

Throughout history there were few Russian rulers who won Russo-Turkish wars as there were many wars. What makes Catherine The Great to stand out is she was the first to declare Russian foreign policy designed around intent to destroy Ottoman Empire once and for all. She wanted to re-establish Bysantine Empire with capital in Constantinople and her descendants as rulers of new imperial dynasty. She even made first steps towards the goal: she captured Crimea (former Ottoman protectorate) and started expansion to Caucasus.

The displayed signs could mean a threat to partition Turkey with few new states appearing in the region. If that scenario to be played out none of the new states will be based on Oghuz identity. Turks will be gone from the map.

If Russia were to pull that off, it would gain instant popularity here as America will look terribly weak by comparison. There is already a feeling in Europe that America is deliberately exposing them to trouble in order to get rid of economic competitors.

03-10-2020, 01:30 PM
The displayed signs could mean a threat to partition Turkey with few new states appearing in the region. If that scenario to be played out none of the new states will be based on Oghuz identity. Turks will be gone from the map.

Even if this happens (there’s a possibility) there will still be an Oghuz state somewhere in it, there are simply too many Turks for there not to be. It will probably be in the center/west part of Anatolia, with the East becoming Kurdistan and the territories across the Bosporus ceding to Greece

03-10-2020, 01:41 PM

03-10-2020, 02:19 PM
Russia could lose the war against turkey. Erdogan is the most beloved muslim leader amongst sunni muslims in the world right now and in a case of total open conflict erdogan would send one million volunteers mujaheddins from around the world to destroy russia inside russia with suicide missions and creating total chaos.
In reposnse putin could drop a nuclear bomb or thousands of conventional bombs which would make russia even more vulnerable to the infnite number of muslim extremist volunteers entering russian cities and blowing themselves up everywhere. Not to mention turkey has e powrful army and airforce.
Turkey so far is ahead in conflict with russia, they killed russian ambassador to turkey in turkey, they shot down 4 russian war planes so far with russian pilots, and if we assume that turkey has partnered up secretely with Isis they shot down a russian passanger plane filled with russian civilians.
Its no surprise putin is the one inviting erdogan to moscow every other month to settle things because is in russia’s interest not to go to war with turkey.

The Lawspeaker
03-10-2020, 02:36 PM
Russia could lose the war against turkey. Erdogan is the most beloved muslim leader amongst sunni muslims in the world right now and in a case of total open conflict erdogan would send one million volunteers mujaheddins from around the world to destroy russia inside russia with suicide missions and creating total chaos.
In reposnse putin could drop a nuclear bomb or thousands of conventional bombs which would make russia even more vulnerable to the infnite number of muslim extremist volunteers entering russian cities and blowing themselves up everywhere. Not to mention turkey has e powrful army and airforce.
Turkey so far is ahead in conflict with russia, they killed russian ambassador to turkey in turkey, they shot down 4 russian war planes so far with russian pilots, and if we assume that turkey has partnered up secretely with Isis they shot down a russian passanger plane filled with russian civilians.
Its no surprise putin is the one inviting erdogan to moscow every other month to settle things because is in russia’s interest not to go to war with turkey.

You must be living in a fantasy world.

03-10-2020, 02:43 PM
You must be living in a fantasy world.

Yea he has a base with Islamists not Jihadi's there is a difference. Islamists are kind of pussies, look at the Muslim Brotherhood; they get cucked like every 10 years by the government.

03-10-2020, 02:47 PM
You must be living in a fantasy world.

Not at all, It is a potential reality. If Isis succeeded alone so long imagine how much bigger And scarier they can be with the total help and desperate plead of open friendship request of erdogan. You would have over a million volunteers ready to die and be dropped inside russian cities by turkish airforce at night armed to the teeth. Most horrific isis fighters were from russian muslim republics, just imagine.

The Lawspeaker
03-10-2020, 03:04 PM
Not at all, It is a potential reality. If Isis succeeded alone so long imagine how much bigger And scarier they can be with the total help and desperate plead of open friendship request of erdogan. You would have over a million volunteers ready to die and be dropped inside russian cities by turkish airforce at night armed to the teeth. Most horrific isis fighters were from russian muslim republics, just imagine.
You must be dreaming of an Islamic victory over Europe then. Which won't happen so you and your friends will soon be deported back to the desert. There is only one power in the world that could hope to defeat Russia and that's China.

03-10-2020, 03:17 PM
You must be dreaming of an Islamic victory over Europe then. Which won't happen so you and your friends will soon be deported back to the desert. There is only one power in the world that could hope to defeat Russia and that's China.

You got it. Im dreaming of a islamic victory while i am drinking scotch and smoking marijuana & cigarettes as we speak. You’re a fucking Genius. Im telling you what is the potential realty, moron.

The Lawspeaker
03-10-2020, 03:23 PM
You got it. Im dreaming of a islamic victory while i am drinking scotch and smoking marijuana & cigarettes as we speak. You’re a fucking Genius. Im telling you what is the potential realty, moron.

Turkey cannot beat Russia. Turkey wouldn't even be able defeat Greece at this point. Look at how they got manhandled in Syria and guess what: few mudslimes would ever support Turkey. In general: they hate Turkey even more than Europe does.

03-10-2020, 03:28 PM
Turkey cannot beat Russia. Turkey wouldn't even be able defeat Greece at this point. Look at how they got manhandled in Syria and guess what: few mudslimes would ever support Turkey. In general: they hate Turkey even more than Europe does.
Then why is Putin inviting Erdogan to moscow so often? Turkey just bombed the shit out of russian and assad forces in idlib and killed hundreds.

03-10-2020, 03:30 PM
Russia could lose the war against turkey. Erdogan is the most beloved muslim leader amongst sunni muslims in the world right now and in a case of total open conflict erdogan would send one million volunteers mujaheddins from around the world to destroy russia inside russia with suicide missions and creating total chaos.
In reposnse putin could drop a nuclear bomb or thousands of conventional bombs which would make russia even more vulnerable to the infnite number of muslim extremist volunteers entering russian cities and blowing themselves up everywhere. Not to mention turkey has e powrful army and airforce.
Turkey so far is ahead in conflict with russia, they killed russian ambassador to turkey in turkey, they shot down 4 russian war planes so far with russian pilots, and if we assume that turkey has partnered up secretely with Isis they shot down a russian passanger plane filled with russian civilians.
Its no surprise putin is the one inviting erdogan to moscow every other month to settle things because is in russia’s interest not to go to war with turkey.https://i.imgur.com/LvMPtBH.gif

The Lawspeaker
03-10-2020, 03:32 PM
Then why is Putin inviting Erdogan to moscow so often? Turkey just bombed the shit out of russian and assad forces in idlib and killed hundreds.

Only in Erdogan's propaganda. Putin is trying to prevent a war because Turkey is still in NATO (albeit only still in with one toe - on paper only) : the moment they get thrown out, Russia will wipe them down from the face of the earth. The Turks barely have a proper air defence. They had to beg NATO for Patriots (and we didn't come) and then buy some Russian stuff (from which the Russians, of course, have the backdoor). The moment they're outside NATO, is the moment Turkey ceases to exist and no Muslim terrorist can do anything about it.

03-11-2020, 02:41 AM
That's what you think... Erdogan has Mahmouds coming in from the south!
Only in Erdogan's propaganda. Putin is trying to prevent a war because Turkey is still in NATO (albeit only still in with one toe - on paper only) : the moment they get thrown out, Russia will wipe them down from the face of the earth. The Turks barely have a proper air defence. They had to beg NATO for Patriots (and we didn't come) and then buy some Russian stuff (from which the Russians, of course, have the backdoor). The moment they're outside NATO, is the moment Turkey ceases to exist and no Muslim terrorist can do anything about it.

03-11-2020, 03:43 AM
He really owned Erdogan.

03-11-2020, 03:47 AM
He really owned Erdogan.

The man has class and is a professional boss


03-11-2020, 05:35 AM
Its no surprise putin is the one inviting erdogan to moscow every other month to settle things because is in russia’s interest not to go to war with turkey.

Your level of analysis is perfectly displayed in this one sentence. In international politics the one who invites is the boss, he gets to stay at home and make all his bitches do the running around. Especially in times of crisis.

So if number of visits to one another is roughly the same that means positions are equal. But whoever does more visits in calm time or visiting in crisis time is the servant.

03-11-2020, 05:44 AM
Even if this happens (there’s a possibility) there will still be an Oghuz state somewhere in it, there are simply too many Turks for there not to be. It will probably be in the center/west part of Anatolia, with the East becoming Kurdistan and the territories across the Bosporus ceding to Greece

Too many of these 'Turks' are in fact crypto-Greeks, crypto-Armenians and many other ethnic groups assimilated under threat of genocide. As soon as state collapses they will come out with their original identities.

The entire Western part with most of Black sea coast could be taken by Greece. The transition period could take a while. Central and Eastern part could be split between Armenia at North, Iran might take some land in middle, Kurdistan and Syria splitting the rest. There are no political forces interested in existence of independent Turkish state anywhere in the region. For centuries Turks were pain in the arse of every single neighbour around them, nobody will be sorry if they disappear from political landscape.

03-11-2020, 05:45 AM
Your level of analysis is perfectly displayed in this one sentence. In international politics the one who invites is the boss, he gets to stay at home and make all his bitches do the running around. Especially in times of crisis.

So if number of visits to one another is roughly the same that means positions are equal. But whoever does more visits in calm time or visiting in crisis time is the servant.

Well if they killed the russian ambasador in public execution style for the world to see why would Putin, a KGB master agent would ever take the chance to go to Turkey?? What does that say about your level of analyses, or ignorance rather.

03-11-2020, 05:59 AM
I'm curious what you self-described political analyst geniuses think would happen if Erdogan got whacked in Russia
Well if they killed the russian ambasador in public execution style for the world to see why would Putin, a KGB master agent would ever take the chance to go to Turkey?? What does that say about your level of analyses, or ignorance rather.

03-11-2020, 06:30 AM
I'm curious what you self-described political analyst geniuses think would happen if Erdogan got whacked in Russia

Nothing is going to happened to him in russia, thats why erdogan and putin decide to meet in russia for the safety of both because Putin has total control in Rusia while Erdogan almost got ousted and killed in Turkey.
The jihadists around the world will support turkey agasint russia in an all out war with any leader of turkey leading such war as long as he is as religious as erdogan or more.

03-11-2020, 01:21 PM
Too many of these 'Turks' are in fact crypto-Greeks, crypto-Armenians and many other ethnic groups assimilated under threat of genocide. As soon as state collapses they will come out with their original identities.

The entire Western part with most of Black sea coast could be taken by Greece. The transition period could take a while. Central and Eastern part could be split between Armenia at North, Iran might take some land in middle, Kurdistan and Syria splitting the rest. There are no political forces interested in existence of independent Turkish state anywhere in the region. For centuries Turks were pain in the arse of every single neighbour around them, nobody will be sorry if they disappear from political landscape.

Yeah I think ur right, not sure how it would play out tho. The US would definitely support an independent state somewhere (ez puppet) and who will defend Turkey in the event of a war? Who knows. It could turn out very bad or very well for certain people.

03-11-2020, 01:24 PM
Ohh this is an interesting tangent... You believe the "coup attempt" against Erdogan was legit?
Nothing is going to happened to him in russia, thats why erdogan and putin decide to meet in russia for the safety of both because Putin has total control in Rusia while Erdogan almost got ousted and killed in Turkey.
The jihadists around the world will support turkey agasint russia in an all out war with any leader of turkey leading such war as long as he is as religious as erdogan or more.

The Lawspeaker
03-11-2020, 01:25 PM
Too many of these 'Turks' are in fact crypto-Greeks, crypto-Armenians and many other ethnic groups assimilated under threat of genocide. As soon as state collapses they will come out with their original identities.

The entire Western part with most of Black sea coast could be taken by Greece. The transition period could take a while. Central and Eastern part could be split between Armenia at North, Iran might take some land in middle, Kurdistan and Syria splitting the rest. There are no political forces interested in existence of independent Turkish state anywhere in the region. For centuries Turks were pain in the arse of every single neighbour around them, nobody will be sorry if they disappear from political landscape.

The complete annihilation of Turkey as a political entity will make Europe a much better place. Particularly since it will also cause the other small Islamic countries in Europe to collapse (without their leader leading them) and without Turkey - most migrants in Europe will be forced to understand that they have a choice between assimilation or leaving. If you want to know how my exact feelings on how Europe should go about the dissolution of Turkey: I think Sherman's March to the Sea should cover it nicely. Istanbul should burn like Atlanta and we're should give them plenty of neck ties: both around their necks and in the landscape. This as a revenge for centuries of misdeeds and the fact that they haven't learned a single thing.


So we made a thoroughfare for freedom and her train,
Sixty miles in latitude, three hundred to the main;
Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain
While we were marching through Georgia.

03-12-2020, 04:17 AM
Well if they killed the russian ambasador in public execution style for the world to see why would Putin, a KGB master agent would ever take the chance to go to Turkey?? What does that say about your level of analyses, or ignorance rather.

The information is only couple clicks away. Why so stupid? Putin visiting Turkey nearly every year. It would be obvious to the point of being inappropriate to make Erdogan do all the running.

However the very fact Erdogan came to Moscow during moment of crisis and behaving like a good boy in front of such humiliating displays signifies his servile position.

In contrast Putin was meeting Trump on territory of third party. Same was between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin back in Tehran. All these were meetings between equal parties.

03-12-2020, 04:20 AM
Yeah I think ur right, not sure how it would play out tho. The US would definitely support an independent state somewhere (ez puppet) and who will defend Turkey in the event of a war? Who knows. It could turn out very bad or very well for certain people.

We have to keep in mind it's only one of many possible scenarios. Too many forces involved into process for anyone to be able to caluclate it all reliably. The final outcome depends on which forces will decide to stay in the game to the end and how hard they are willing to push in desired direction. Time will show.

03-12-2020, 12:58 PM
We have to keep in mind it's only one of many possible scenarios. Too many forces involved into process for anyone to be able to caluclate it all reliably. The final outcome depends on which forces will decide to stay in the game to the end and how hard they are willing to push in desired direction. Time will show.

Yep... Simply too many factors at this point. And the fact that Turkey is in NATO isn't helping either lol...