View Full Version : Vota VOX!!!

03-13-2020, 09:58 PM

03-13-2020, 10:04 PM
Hola trolito.

03-14-2020, 02:11 AM
Jodidamente perturbador.

03-14-2020, 03:17 AM
Hola trolito.

Right hey could ya explain how I'm a troll, mate? You can't just go around accusing people of being trolls without good reason, yeah? My God you're just like them SJWs going around calling all straight white Christian males "racist" or "bigots". Fuck off, cunt

03-14-2020, 07:56 AM
Right hey could ya explain how I'm a troll, mate? You can't just go around accusing people of being trolls without good reason, yeah? My God you're just like them SJWs going around calling all straight white Christian males "racist" or "bigots". Fuck off, cunt

White??? You are not white my nigga.

03-14-2020, 07:57 AM
Right hey could ya explain how I'm a troll, mate? You can't just go around accusing people of being trolls without good reason, yeah? My God you're just like them SJWs going around calling all straight white Christian males "racist" or "bigots". Fuck off, cunt


03-14-2020, 09:31 AM
White??? You are not white my nigga.

Firstly, I never claimed I was, stupid nigger. Secondly, you're too inept to even dispute me. Lastly, there's a special place in hell for negros like you. I'll personally oversee your deportation back to the desert with your arse, Moor.

03-14-2020, 09:55 AM
Firstly, I never claimed I was, stupid nigger. Secondly, you're too inept to even dispute me. Lastly, there's a special place in hell for negros like you. I'll personally oversee your deportation back to the desert with your arse, Moor.

You made a pathetic thread asking if you could pass as white, another saying if the spanish empire had to murder all native american tribes. You are a sick troll, i don't know if you are the return of Carlito's way or the vacation account of cristiano viejo, but you must be banned soon enough.

03-14-2020, 09:57 AM
Firstly, I never claimed I was, stupid nigger. Secondly, you're too inept to even dispute me. Lastly, there's a special place in hell for negros like you. I'll personally oversee your deportation back to the desert with your arse, Moor.

Angelitos Negros (Letra/Lyrics)

Pintor nacido en mi tierra
con el pincel extranjero
pintor que sigues el rumbo
de tantos pintores viejos

Aunque la virgen sea blanca
pintame angelitos negros
que también se van al cielo
todos los negritos buenos

Pintor que pintas con amor
¿Por qué desprecias su color
si sabes que en el cielo
también los quiere Dios?
Pintor de santos de alcoba
si tienes alma en el cuerpo
¿por que al pintar en tus cuadros
te olvidaste de los negros?

Siempre que pintas iglesias
pintas angelitos bellos
pero nunca te acordaste
de pintar un angel negro

Antonio Machín.


03-14-2020, 05:10 PM
You made a pathetic thread asking if you could pass as white, another saying if the spanish empire had to murder all native american tribes. You are a sick troll, i don't know if you are the return of Carlito's way or the vacation account of cristiano viejo, but you must be banned soon enough.

You really think I'm Cristiano Viejo's alternate account? Please, I'm friends with that chap, but it Ain't me. Also, if I haven't made it obvious already, by joining the Apricity, I desire to be White. My great great grandmother was from Spain. She had green eyes, red hair, and pale skin. It's unfortunate that she had meddled with Injuns and mongrelized her lineage. You know what? I'm Whiter than you, culturally and politically, but not genetically. You're a disgrace to the White race. Have fun watching niggers and sandniggers gang rape your female relatives.

03-14-2020, 05:14 PM
You really think I'm Cristiano Viejo's alternate account? Please, I'm friends with that chap, but it Ain't me. Also, if I haven't made it obvious already, by joining the Apricity, I desire to be White. My great great grandmother was from Spain. She had green eyes, red hair, and pale skin. It's unfortunate that she had meddled with Injuns and mongrelized her lineage. You know what? I'm Whiter than you, culturally and politically, but not genetically. You're a disgrace to the White race. Have fun watching niggers and sandniggers gang rape your female relatives.


03-14-2020, 05:18 PM
You know what? I'm Whiter than you, culturally and politically, but not genetically.


03-14-2020, 06:26 PM
You really think I'm Cristiano Viejo's alternate account? Please, I'm friends with that chap, but it Ain't me.

LOL you are right, cristiano viejo already loves to troll with his main account, but friend with him? He hates to death the people that is not 100% white, you are one, though that won't be surprising if that man comes here to join you with your insults to me.

Also, if I haven't made it obvious already, by joining the Apricity, I desire to be White.

You won't be white, this is not the Matrix where you can enter into a digital world and transform into a superior being adjusted to your taste. You are who you are, be proud of being a mestizo and move one.

My great great grandmother was from Spain. She had green eyes, red hair, and pale skin.

Good, but i don't care.

It's unfortunate that she had meddled with Injuns and mongrelized her lineage.

:picard1: How retared are you... Don't use the word "injuns" to the first settlers of America, fucking idiot man...

You know what? I'm Whiter than you, culturally and politically, but not genetically. You're a disgrace to the White race. Have fun watching niggers and sandniggers gang rape your female relatives.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAA noup! Guess what: I'm 100% white, by genetics, by culture, by politics? There's no way to be white by politics, so okay chap, keep it.

03-14-2020, 06:28 PM
:lmao even the 100% spanish people, my chaps, came here to laugh at your comedy post. Keep it going.

03-14-2020, 10:43 PM
:lmao even the 100% spanish people, my chaps, came here to laugh at your comedy post. Keep it going.

You probably have Moorish blood in you. Those sandniggers did invade your precious peninsula in 711 AD. So you aren't 100% Spanish, you're a Moor rape ape.

03-14-2020, 10:48 PM
You probably have Moorish blood in you. Those sandniggers did invade your precious peninsula in 711 AD. So you aren't 100% Spanish, you're a Moor rape ape.

That's your argument? You even don't know how to defend yourself. Aren't you defending the racial purity of spanish colonials and you say they are moors now?

03-14-2020, 10:48 PM
LOL you are right, cristiano viejo already loves to troll with his main account, but friend with him? He hates to death the people that is not 100% white, you are one, though that won't be surprising if that man comes here to join you with your insults to me.

You won't be white, this is not the Matrix where you can enter into a digital world and transform into a superior being adjusted to your taste. You are who you are, be proud of being a mestizo and move one.

Good, but i don't care.

:picard1: How retared are you... Don't use the word "injuns" to the first settlers of America, fucking idiot man...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAA noup! Guess what: I'm 100% white, by genetics, by culture, by politics? There's no way to be white by politics, so okay chap, keep it.

People like Cristiano Viejo are race realists, like me, he makes exceptions in his judgements. For instance, it's a well known fact that most spics hate Whites, Western values, Spain, etc. But not me. I'm an exception. I love Whites, Western values, Spain, etc. Again, have fun watching your mum get B L A C K E D by chimps

03-14-2020, 10:54 PM
People like Cristiano Viejo are race realists, like me, he makes exceptions in his judgements. For instance, it's a well known fact that most spics hate Whites, Western values, Spain, etc. But not me. I'm an exception. I love Whites, Western values, Spain, etc. Again, have fun watching your mum get B L A C K E D by chimps

I'm white, with western values since born, spanish and with a deep love with Spain, more than you could have in 10 lives. You don't know where is Spain in the would map my nigga GTFO.

03-14-2020, 10:57 PM
You probably have Moorish blood in you. Those sandniggers did invade your precious peninsula in 711 AD. So you aren't 100% Spanish, you're a Moor rape ape.

Are u saying that spaniards we have moorish blood? Cristiano Viejo will be very disappointed

03-14-2020, 11:17 PM
I'm white, with western values since born, spanish and with a deep love with Spain, more than you could have in 10 lives. You don't know where is Spain in the would map my nigga GTFO.

I'm not your "nigga", nigger.

Cristiano viejo
03-15-2020, 05:02 AM
You made a pathetic thread asking if you could pass as white, another saying if the spanish empire had to murder all native american tribes. You are a sick troll, i don't know if you are the return of Carlito's way or the vacation account of cristiano viejo, but you must be banned soon enough.

¿Por qué siempre andas nombrándome? estás muy obsesionado, macho.

03-15-2020, 07:14 AM
¿Por qué siempre andas nombrándome? estás muy obsesionado, macho.


Porque pense que eras tu con una cuenta alternativa, aunque la primera opcion es Carlito's. Coño tu... tu no te quedas tan atras en haciendome alusiones, eso si, diciendo panchito y sudaca, estas algo obsesionado conmigo tambien, te tengo loco. :lmao

Ademas, no vas a decirle NADA a este cabronazo por las cosas que esta diciendo de España y los españoles?

Cristiano viejo
03-15-2020, 07:29 PM

Porque pense que eras tu con una cuenta alternativa, aunque la primera opcion es Carlito's. Coño tu... tu no te quedas tan atras en haciendome alusiones, eso si, diciendo panchito y sudaca, estas algo obsesionado conmigo tambien, te tengo loco. :lmao

Ademas, no vas a decirle NADA a este cabronazo por las cosas que esta diciendo de España y los españoles?
Este tío me ganó hace un par de días poniendo a caldo al mor Nassbean en no sé qué thread. Ahora ha dicho lo que ha dicho porque TÚ le has tocado los huevos primero (espero que el blandengue cervecero te insulte por ello).

Estás loco si piensas que cada vez que llamo a alguien sudaca, o lo digo en modo genérico, va por ti.

03-15-2020, 07:47 PM
Este tío me ganó hace un par de días poniendo a caldo al mor Nassbean en no sé qué thread. Ahora ha dicho lo que ha dicho porque TÚ le has tocado los huevos primero (espero que el blandengue cervecero te insulte por ello).

Estás loco si piensas que cada vez que llamo a alguien sudaca, o lo digo en modo genérico, va por ti.

Que dices hombre? Vas a dejarle a un retrasado mental con perfil de hentai humano viviente la defensa de España o de lo que estamos hechos geneticamente, etc? Cuando tu me has tocado los cojones a mi, yo que me considero español hasta que mi cuerpo se convierta en cenizas, crees que voy a escupir a mis raices y a lo que amo solo por defenderme? Eso SI que es no ser español, mas bien, muy anti-español, no crees?

Nassbean esta para ponerlo caldeable ultimamente, pero tambien recuerda que entre tu y Minerva lo han puesto como un descendiente de asesinos en serie, yo ahi si que no me meto, pero es asi.

03-15-2020, 07:53 PM

Kinda strange to read up the thread a bit.

Cristiano viejo
03-15-2020, 08:02 PM
Nassbean esta para ponerlo caldeable ultimamente, pero tambien recuerda que entre tu y Minerva lo han puesto como un descendiente de asesinos en serie, yo ahi si que no me meto, pero es asi.

La mora es una raza de criminales.
¡Vota Vox!