View Full Version : Classify these Albanian Nordics.

03-19-2020, 04:50 PM
Albanians gave white colour to TurkoGreeks, as some albanian nationalists claim.









The albanian nationalist worms, call Greeks as Turks, Ethiopins , Gypsies etc.
On the same time they claim Greek are albanians , because of some imaginery arvanite albanian medieval immigrants.


03-19-2020, 04:54 PM

03-19-2020, 05:11 PM
They dont look like me so they are not Nordids

03-19-2020, 05:14 PM
Whats the point of this

03-19-2020, 05:18 PM
Whats the point of this

To show to some albanian nationalists who claim that Greeks are white because of Albanian influence, that Albanians are not white themselvs, and they are darker than Mainland Greeks

03-19-2020, 05:19 PM

This guy has a very common turkish face. He has obvious balkan muslim mix.

By the way turks and greeks were virtually no different than today in terms of pigmentation. Central asian oguz turks were almost 50/50 fair/light brown people, including their own blondes and light-mixed eyes. Greeks were a little bit lighter, maybe 60/40. Caucasus immigrants were always lighter; for example most common skin tone in circassian immigrants was ivory white, with small amount of pale ukrainian/belarussian women. Balkan immigrants were mostly bosnians with fair skin. Albanians were no different than ancient turks, since there was no true pale skin balkans and fair skin was already common among central asian caucasoids.

So, caucasus and balkan admixture helped to remove armenian influence a bit among turks and greek, thats it. There is also smaller amount of albanian ancestry in turkey. This because of there was no "bosnian" category in the papers, so some bosnian immigrants registered as "albanian" in turkey.

03-19-2020, 05:22 PM

This guy has a very common turkish face. He has obvious balkan muslim mix.

By the way turks and greeks were virtually no different than today in terms of pigmentation. Central asian oguz turks were almost 50/50 fair/light brown people, including their own blondes and light-mixed eyes. Greeks were a little bit lighter, maybe 60/40. Caucasus immigrants were always lighter; for example most common skin tone in circassian immigrants was ivory white, with small amount of pale ukrainian/belarussian women. Balkan immigrants were mostly bosnians with fair skin. Albanians were no different than ancient turks, since there was no true pale skin balkans and fair skin was already common among central asian caucasoids.

So, caucasus and balkan admixture helped to remove armenian influence a bit among turks and greek, thats it. There is also smaller amount of albanian ancestry in turkey. This because of there was no "bosnian" category in the papers, so some bosnian immigrants registered as "albanian" in turkey.

Bu bilgilere nerden ulaştığınızı sorabilir miyim?
İlgimi çektide..

03-19-2020, 05:46 PM
The ironic thing of this troll thread is that all gentlemen posted are lighter than you


03-20-2020, 02:55 AM
The ironic thing of this troll thread is that all gentlemen posted are lighter than you


Yes, they are very light, with Green eyes and pale white skin like myself, dont u see?? I call them nordic.

03-20-2020, 02:59 AM

This guy has a very common turkish face. He has obvious balkan muslim mix.

By the way turks and greeks were virtually no different than today in terms of pigmentation. Central asian oguz turks were almost 50/50 fair/light brown people, including their own blondes and light-mixed eyes. Greeks were a little bit lighter, maybe 60/40. Caucasus immigrants were always lighter; for example most common skin tone in circassian immigrants was ivory white, with small amount of pale ukrainian/belarussian women. Balkan immigrants were mostly bosnians with fair skin. Albanians were no different than ancient turks, since there was no true pale skin balkans and fair skin was already common among central asian caucasoids.

So, caucasus and balkan admixture helped to remove armenian influence a bit among turks and greek, thats it. There is also smaller amount of albanian ancestry in turkey. This because of there was no "bosnian" category in the papers, so some bosnian immigrants registered as "albanian" in turkey.

No, he doesn't look Turkish at all.

Never read so much bullshite/non sense in one post. Albanians look not much different from other Balkanites on average.

03-20-2020, 03:11 AM
your light pigmentation doesn't matter one bit. You have a fat incel face. You wish you were one of these swarthies you hopeless cuck

03-20-2020, 09:02 AM
Bu bilgilere nerden ulaştığınızı sorabilir miyim?
İlgimi çektide..

Salla kazan

brennus dux gallorum
03-20-2020, 09:05 AM
Dude, what's the point of these threads

03-20-2020, 09:09 AM
Dude, what's the point of these threads

Whats the point of 2/3 of the threads on this forum? Its all about who got the lightest feautures, comparing which almost identical countries are the darkest/lightest, classifiction threads with 78787832784783 different phenotype sub races, questiong about certain west asians being europeans etc.

03-20-2020, 09:29 AM
Whats the point of 2/3 of the threads on this forum? Its all about who got the lightest feautures, comparing which almost identical countries are the darkest/lightest, classifiction threads with 78787832784783 different phenotype sub races, questiong about certain west asians being europeans etc.

I know what you did there. :eek:

03-20-2020, 10:46 AM
No, he doesn't look Turkish at all."At all" for an albanian, and accusing me of bullshit? Move on buddy. And also i did not comment on how albanians look today, it was albanians when they meet turks. By the way no more interaction with you, sorry.