View Full Version : Classify this Polish beauty

03-28-2020, 03:07 PM

03-28-2020, 03:10 PM
Pontid Ladogan

03-28-2020, 03:21 PM
Pontid Ladogan

Yeah, I could agree.

03-28-2020, 06:11 PM
Any opinions?

03-28-2020, 06:13 PM
French alpine

03-28-2020, 06:25 PM
French alpine

She looks way too eastern for that

03-28-2020, 06:28 PM
She looks way too eastern for that

how? in Turkey I see a lot of Atlantids, Tronders etc, and Turkey is far more eastern than Poland, and Alpinid is Central Euro pheno

03-28-2020, 06:31 PM
how? in Turkey I see a lot of Atlantids, Tronders etc, and Turkey is far more eastern than Poland, and Alpinid is Central Euro pheno

everything about her face screams eastern european to me

03-28-2020, 06:57 PM
everything about her face screams eastern european to me

Do you think she can pass in Romania?

03-28-2020, 07:18 PM
Do you think she can pass in Romania?

I think she can yes

03-28-2020, 09:30 PM
Dark West Baltid + Pontid

Pass in Central Europe and Southern Europe to an extent.

03-28-2020, 09:34 PM
Looks west Slavic + Hungarian. Pontid + Alpine

03-28-2020, 10:52 PM
Ladogan because of the huge cheekbones. She's a good example of someone who doesn't look woggy even though she has dark hair and dark eyes.

There's a way in which Caucasoids somehow have worse facial morphology than non-Caucasoids, or they look like different parts of their face are too long and narrow, or like different parts of their face have bad proportions, or like they are somehow gnarled or knobbly. I think NEEs look less like that than NWEs. However the woman in this thread doesn't look like that at all, because she is morphologically similar to non-Caucasoids (or to UP Europeans).

Coon said that Polish types include Ladogan:

A further complication is that the geographical frontier between the region of Alpine reemergence and that of Borreby reemergence is not clearly drawn; the two meet and overlap in the Low Countries and in Germany. In the east, free from Borreby competition, the Alpines follow the mountain chain into Asia Minor and southern Turkestan; on the plains of Russia and Poland it is a Lappish or Ladogan element which reemerges.


When burial had once more become fashionable, Poland was largely a Nordic country, as it remained until after the rise and spread of the Slavs, when the old Danubian peasant stock broke through its Corded and Nordic chrysalis and reemerged.85 Throughout its history, however, Poland has contained minor incidences of a flat-faced brachycephalic racial type, the Ladogan, whose home lay in the forests and swamps to the north, and which was initially associated with the Kammkeramik hunting and fishing culture. In the living population of Poland, this element has assumed a position of considerable, if secondary, importance.


Contemporary Polish anthropologists have studied the population of their country by dividing it into types, and plotting the proportions of these types by regions.[93] These types include what would in our present terminology be Nordic, Neo-Danubian, Lappish, Ladogan, Alpine, and Dinaric, as well as Armenoid, and both tall and short Mediterraneans. The last three, however, are admittedly much in the minority, if they are present at all. The Nordic element is strongest in the Polish Corridor, where East Baltic factors, unusual in Poland in our definition of the term,[94] are also found.[95] The Nordic element is also strongest on the German border, and elsewhere it is concentrated along main water courses, the highroads of migration in pre-Slavic Gothic times, as well as later. Its identity with a social and economic upper level, however, is probably stronger than its geographical differentiation. The Neo-Danubian element, which has probably gained in stature through its Nordic interlude, is as blond as the Nordic, on the whole, and this fact leads one to the conclusion that the pre-Corded peasants of eastern Europe, as of the Danube Valley, were already partly blond. The combination of ash-blond hair with gray-mixed eyes seems to be a Neo-Danubian specialty.

03-28-2020, 11:22 PM
Pontid Ladogan


03-29-2020, 06:29 PM
French alpine


03-29-2020, 06:37 PM
Pontid Ladogan

You are baised. if I didn't say she was Polish people would classify her as Paleo-Atlantid.

03-29-2020, 06:40 PM
You are baised. if I didn't say she was Polish people would classify her as Paleo-Atlantid.

She look like Romanian user Seya, or few Polish girls I know

Mehmet Udegey
03-29-2020, 10:47 PM
how? in Turkey I see a lot of Atlantids, Tronders etc, and Turkey is far more eastern than Poland, and Alpinid is Central Euro pheno

Tronders in Turkey?????

03-29-2020, 10:52 PM
Tronders in Turkey?????

Based on thread below Tronder is typical Turkish phenotype.

03-29-2020, 10:54 PM
