View Full Version : The EU's Betrayal Of Italy May Be Its Undoing

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The Lawspeaker
04-14-2020, 04:04 PM
What??? ;) Spain's prime minister has not say a single word about the Netherlands or about Europe.

Oh yes. He has. And it appeared in our press as well.

The Lawspeaker
04-14-2020, 04:08 PM
Fucking Eighty Years War.. All because they don't get our pin code. What a race..

04-14-2020, 04:10 PM
Oh yes. He has. And it appeared in our press as well.eemm no, he hasn't. Believe me, I speak spanish very well. ;)

The Lawspeaker
04-14-2020, 04:11 PM
eemm no, he hasn't. Believe me, I speak spanish very well. ;)

It did appear in our press. So that's how the Spanish view it, eh ? Payback for the fucking Eighty Years War ? I think we Dutch should feel stupid for having felt any sympathy with you lot down there.

04-14-2020, 04:24 PM
It did appear in our press. So that's how the Spanish view it, eh ? Payback for the fucking Eighty Years War ? I think we Dutch should feel stupid for having felt any sympathy with you lot down there.I doubt he knows something about eighty years war...anyways he is of a left party and left parties here never would make references to a war from centuries ago.

In what press? some sensationalist magazine?

Do you have the video of the "eighty years war" speech?

04-14-2020, 05:07 PM
the EU breaking up will be the best thing about this virus.

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 10:44 PM
oh really?? you are reading insults in greek, italian ,etc in social media? I didn't know you spoke so many languages...

They post to the Dutch on social media in the lingua franca;- English. (Often bad English.) Just like you're posting on this site in English and not your native language.

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 10:48 PM
In my opinion you are the p.i.g.

Anyway in Spain anybody is insulting the dutch or whatever, in fact anybody in my country is talking about that issue.

As usual you are lying...

No you're the greedy pig... (https://twitter.com/nathansbritain/status/1248897076680888320) and you're the liar. How much more money are southern states going to demand in big bailouts from northern Europeans?!

You're in complete denial of the news reports, political stand-offs between the Dutch and southern EU leaders, (https://english.elpais.com/economy_and_business/2020-03-28/do-we-have-a-deal-pedro-an-inside-look-at-the-clash-between-eu-leaders-at-coronavirus-summit.html) and are oblivious to the insults I've seen towards Dutch people on social media over the previous week from ungrateful southern Europeans, with one hell of an attitude problem and a sense of entitlement to arrogantly demand more money from the Dutch and Germans - which they posted in bad English rather than in their native languages.

I'm not referring to all southern Europeans - but to some of them whose posts I've seen on social media sites attacking the Dutch, blaming them for their problems, and demanding that they give them more money on top of all the funding that they already give to the EU.

Also this Portuguese Prime Minister (Antonio Costa,) ↓ should stop his insults to the Dutch (https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1267873/EU-Netherlands-Portugal-threat-Brussels-eurozone-coronavirus-corona-bonds-latest) ... if he has any sense, as he's biting the Dutch hands that funds his nation.


04-14-2020, 11:27 PM
Very weird that UKIP ciberactivists work 24 hours on this forum.

04-14-2020, 11:35 PM
Nobody cares about Netherlands betrayal of the UE. Without the European Union and the single market their economy would collapse because its economy is focused on reexports to other european countries and financiary dark managements of hiding money in the Dutch Antilles of european taxpayers. And they don´t have the support of excolonies as Canada-Australia to do something out. Not to mention that outside the euro Netherlands should depreciate dramatically its currency (and that´s not useful because Netherlands is not an industrial country that could benefite of having a undervaluaded currency to export, pretty much the opposite, they need an strong currency to import cheap, they are an importation oriented economy despite what the trade balance could denote in a first sight.

It´s basically rethorical speech to get electoral support by some dutch politicians (as well as Costa does in other sense in Portugal). In the real life, between people that knows about real economy and politics, it is just barkings of an user that has been saying the same for more than ten years.

04-14-2020, 11:39 PM
oh really?? you are reading insults in greek, italian ,etc in social media? I didn't know you spoke so many languages...

She in fact reads insults to the UK and other northern european everyday every-message on this forum.

Probably someone said that the spanish or italian food is better and interpretated it as a very hard insult to the british people, like a bloody vengeance desire from those wild savage pigs that can´t control themselves.

Anyways, she (or he) is obviously on sallary of anti-UE organisations, hasn´t spoked about any other different thing in 10 years that creating twitching between europeans or anti-EU propaganda.

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 11:40 PM



Again, another disgusting comment here: https://twitter.com/FBuckley17/status/1248359606683865089

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 11:41 PM
Well-said, I agree.

ANDREW NEIL has revealed globalisation will "be in serious retreat" by the end of the year.

European countries now aim to end their reliance on other nations and shift towards producing their own supply chain.

And about time.

The EU is DEAD.


♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 11:42 PM
Very weird that UKIP ciberactivists work 24 hours on this forum.

UKIP still exists?! They were mostly replaced by the Brexit Party instead.

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 11:52 PM
She in fact reads insults to the UK and other northern european everyday every-message on this forum.

Probably someone said that the spanish or italian food is better and interpretated it as a very hard insult to the british people, like a bloody vengeance desire from those wild savage pigs that can´t control themselves.

Anyways, she (or he) is obviously on sallary of anti-UE organisations, hasn´t spoked about any other different thing in 10 years that creating twitching between europeans or anti-EU propaganda.

Pathetically desperate lies (from a Spanish poster.) Should I now fabricate lies about you back?! Nah, I don't need to sink to your low level. I'm not even on this forum everyday - fact, let alone care to read much of your posts.

The subject is about the current problems in the crumbling EU and the arguments between the northern EU states and the southern EU states over another bailout for the southern states.

It's not about cuisine or whatever other nonsense you're now spewing to deflect from the problems in the EU.

Stick to the subject if you're capable of doing so.

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 11:58 PM

♥ Lily ♥
04-14-2020, 11:59 PM

Nexit next...

04-15-2020, 12:04 AM

04-15-2020, 12:10 AM
the EU breaking up will be the best thing about this virus.

Yep especially because we are tired of the northern countries who always have to stick their noses in other countries problems. We return to print our own money and everyone will be happy so we don't have to wait and hope that everyone agree everytime.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 12:25 AM
Unfortunately, there's no right or wrong here. Italy and Spain are right in demanding solidarity. But the Netherlands is right in denying yet another #PIGS bailout, since its government is squeezing every last euro out of its own population.

The EU is a failure beyond repair.


The Dutch people are now angry with their Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the VVD party and his cabinet and his capitulation to the EU demands by eventually agreeing for the Dutch to pay.


#nexit waarom?
kijk naar u huidige kabinet!
ze zetten ons compleet voor het blok! realiseer aub dat wij nederlanders dit moeten betalen he wordt aub wakker en help #nederland weer zijn #vrijheid terug te brengen! #zorgheld


Translation: #nexit why?
look at your current cabinet!
they completely put us on the block!
please realize that we dutch have to pay this he will wake up and help #nederland be again #vrijheid to return! #zorgheld


You sold out the Dutch taxpayers! With your rubber spine you agreed to have #Eurobonds introduced under a different name: 'innovative financial instruments'. C'mon man. Make no mistake, you and your party WILL pay the price for this in the upcoming elections. #NEXIT





And as EU flags are shown in videos being taken down and burning in Italy, it looks like Italexit is coming too! https://twitter.com/Villain1982/status/1250100307570417664

Italians burn EU flags after the coronavirus outbreak: https://twitter.com/mat_brandi/status/1243603684262588417


Italian parliament vice president Fabio Rampelli removes EU flag from the Italian Chamber of Deputies: https://twitter.com/TomlinsonCJ/status/1244658053317890048

Another EU flag being lowered and removed in Italy: https://twitter.com/DoggsPollocks/status/1246140621892485121

French remove EU flag: https://twitter.com/brollejrhoff/status/1244704050467258374




The EU let the virus into Europe via open borders: https://twitter.com/AlfredWintle/status/1244950462316584960





We're supportive of the Italians who realise the EU is corrrupt and who want Italexit after the big fines that the EU imposed on their nation... but not the ones who are pro EU and who are wrongly blaming the Dutch for their problems.

The EU sent large coronavirus funds to Latin America, Africa, and Iran - so why don't they have the guts to call out the unelected EU presidents - instead of attacking innocent Dutch people for the EU's lack of funding to help Italy.

The Dutch are also struggling and shouldn't have to pay for this mess.

And neither should the Germans have to pay for it.

German calling Italy rebels.
That’s some solidarity!



Brexit achieved - Next goal is to help other EU member states leave the EU - End Game to completely destroy the EU.



Nigel Farage has vowed he will not stop (he's got a lot of energy as he's survived a plane crash, two near fatal car crashes, and beat cancer,) .... until the entire corrupt EU is destroyed: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1268389/eu-news-nigel-farage-coronavirus-coronabonds-italy-eurozone-spt

The EU has played very nasty towards the UK and seeks to divide our country... so don't be surprised that Brexiteers support Eurosceptics across the EU in breaking-up the bureaucratic EUSSR dictatorship. The EU is still taking a lot of UK money in EU funding - funding that should be spent on our own nation instead of giving unelected EU Presidents £1.1 billion each month. And the EU sends their large funds to non European nations instead in covid-19 funding. And then the southern Europeans (some of them - pro EU dictatorship supporters - not the Eurosceptic people in those nations,) insult Dutch and German people instead of blaming the EU Presidents. :mad: The UK funding to the corrupt EU will stop though after the transition period ends on 31st December 2020.

04-15-2020, 02:59 AM
It is funny how the UK tabloids speak about how bad the European Union treat Italy... but if they were still inside they would be the first to do not offer money, a single penny, and qualifyng them as lazies and stupids (the term PIGS was invented by the british newspapers)

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 03:09 AM
As usual, the vast majority of the British mainstream media continues to praise the EU and slanders Brexiteers... hence all the hatred and disgust in the UK for the MSM.

The UK currently gives £1.1 billion to the EU each month.

Why should we pay for the PIGS states when no matter what they get in bailouts, they still want more from us. They can whinge away and moan... but the answer is no, no, no.


Thacher stopped the EU from taking even more money from the UK each year than they already take from us.


We need to fund our own nation instead.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 03:17 AM
It is funny how the UK tabloids speak about how bad the European Union treat Italy... but if they were still inside they would be the first to do not offer money, a single penny, and qualifyng them as lazies and stupids (the term PIGS was invented by the british newspapers)

The UK is currently paying £1.1 billion each month to the EU, has helped lots of refugees, gives lots in foreign aid each year (Boris announced last month that he's going to tighten the laws on this as he said we're giving away too much to other nations,) ... and on top of that - the UK is currently the largest funder and contributor to international coronavirus research.

So why don't you stop your bitching at the UK... and start paying more money to the EU instead.

And hey, whilst you're lecturing on funding... why doesn't your country start giving more money to fund the Netherlands shortage of hospitals, PPE, ventilators... instead of demanding they pay for your country instead.

You don't care about helping northern Europeans, yet you demand northern Europeans to give even more money to you - when northern Europeans are also economically struggling with coronavirus.

If you don't give a lot more money to the EU... (instead of take, take, take and yet still demanding more handouts from northern Europeans).... we can insult you back?

Sod off.

Armenian Bishop
04-15-2020, 03:19 AM

The EU Commission is now actively countering China’s narrative by stressing solidarity among member states. France and Germany combined have now donated more masks to Italy than China, and Austria contributed 1.6 million more. German hospitals are taking care of some patients from Italy, while France donated 200,000 protective suits.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 03:22 AM
It is funny how the UK tabloids speak about how bad the European Union treat Italy... but if they were still inside they would be the first to do not offer money, a single penny, and qualifyng them as lazies and stupids (the term PIGS was invented by the british newspapers)

How much money are you spanish offering to give to help the Netherlands?

The unelected EU presidents have given 20 billion euros to Latin American, African, and Middle Eastern nations.

So stop cowardly bitching at northern Europeans... and take your complaints to the EU presidents instead - if you've got the guts to confront the Eurocrats.

The term 'P.I.G.S.' was an abbreviation for Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain during the last big bailouts to their nations from northern Europeans... which caused a lot of friction and slanging matches between northern and southern Europeans in the EU as a result.

This time the EU bailout bill is going to be enormous.... and why should the Dutch, Germans, Danes, Swedes and Finns be financially squeezed even more to pay for the southern EU states? You just take, take, take... and still demand more. You're never satisfied and will keep insulting northern Europeans - no matter how much money you're given from the EU funds.

Instead of demanding other nations to fund you, why not take more responsibility for your own finances instead?

Money doesn't grow on trees - and the NL needs funding for their hospital shortage problem, ventilators, PPE, etc. Instead of giving Dutch tax money to you, they should use their money to help all the struggling people in their own nation first.

Charity should begin at home.

04-15-2020, 03:30 AM
Spain is now a net contributor to the European Union, mainly to Eastern Europe countries;and has been during decades contributor in Latin America, apart of the European Union politics, which I´m not sure that really exist and are all your own invention, but I give you the benefit of the doubt because I haven´t investigated about it). It has not so much sense to give funds to a richer country.

Btw the Netherlands have benefited from those funds during decades because the receptors were semi-closed markets for dutch products, without non-european competence.

The UK does the same with its inner regions, with 100% security londoners are funding the economies of Cornwall or Wales.

London should go away the United Kingdom, they are been stolen and insulted daily by those people. That the reasoning of Lily.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 04:06 AM
Spain is now a net contributor to the European Union, mainly to Eastern Europe countries;and has been during decades contributor in Latin America, apart of the European Union politics, which I´m not sure that really exist and are all your own invention, but I give you the benefit of the doubt because I haven´t investigated about it). It has not so much sense to give funds to a richer country.

Btw the Netherlands have benefited from those funds during decades because the receptors were semi-closed markets for dutch products, without non-european competence.

The UK does the same with its inner regions, with 100% security londoners are funding the economies of Cornwall or Wales.

London should go away the United Kingdom, they are been stolen and insulted daily by those people. That the reasoning of Lily.

It's difficult understanding your English, so I don't know what you're trying to say. Probably more of your b/s and fabrications and lies.

How much does Spain pay in EU contributions? You should know the figure as each EU state usually knows how much they pay to the EU.

Large national spending cuts in the NL has led to a shortage of hospitals, hospital closures, staff dismissal and underpayments, a shortage of PPE, and also a shortage of elderly care homes.... whilst lots of 'fortune seeking migrants' (as Dutch politician Mr. Wilders frequently states,) who've never worked or contributed to the Dutch economy... are given large funds from the Dutch tax payers in free housing, who move there in the borderless EUSSR.

The Dutch are the highest EU funding contributors (per capita.)


♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 04:24 AM

It's come too late... thousands have already died in Italy. Italian Eurosceptic politician Matteo Salvini has stated on social media that the EU presidents are all bluster and no concrete substance.

Cuba sent doctors to help Italy, Russia sent planes and trucks fulll of medical aid to Italy... where was the EU help several weeks ago? The unelected EU presidents were too busy sending 20 million euros in EU funds to Iran and 450 million in EU funds to Morocco in covid aid funding - even though those natons are non EU funding members and non European nations, and have far fewer cases of coronavirus than in western European nations - who are EU funders.

Now the unelected President of the EU Commission, (the utterly pretentious and much hated Ursula von der Leyen,) is trying to make it look like the EU has helped. As usual - and yet again - she tries to gloss over the reality. Just like the extremely unpopular and totally pretentious Eurocrat Guy Verhofstadt is doing.

She didn't allow Italy to close their borders sooner and allowed the virus to spread throughout the borderless EU.

Italians have been removing EU flags from buildings and burning EU flags.

She issued a half-hearted apology to Italy the other week over the EU's lack of help to Italy... and after Germany and France previously blocked medical aid from being sent to Italy... (not to mention President Macron attempting to block hundreds of thousands of medical masks from arriving in the UK,).... and sent large funds to non European continents... and is fining Italy 80,000 euros per day until they can pay millions in other EU fines.

The Eurocrats can keep up their act of pretending everything is 'just fine' in the EU... and pretend we're all one big happy family.

The unelected EU presidents refuse to listen to many issues or look at the mass protests against Macron in France... and stay quiet about the horrific police brutality there... and ignore the calls for a Frexit for over a year now.

The Eurocrats heavily condemn Viktor Orban of Hungary for many years, and threaten sanctions on Hungary and Poland - for both defiantly standing against the EU laws and controlling their borders and for opposing mass immigration and for showing support to the British on Brexit, etc.

Dictator Verhofstadt ranting again at the badass Hungarian leader - https://twitter.com/guyverhofstadt/status/1244919441449762817 - who only stays in the EU as Hungary is a financial beneficiary of the EU - but opposes following EU laws - especially on immigration and open borders. Nigel Farage (the godfather of Brexit) once told Viktor Orban in the EU parliament to 'tell the EU where to go! Stand up to the EU bullies!' after the Eurocrats were condemning Orban again.


President Macron and Guy Verhofstadt threaten to kick out Hungary from the EU... and they're threatening sanctions on the tough and badass govt of Poland, etc.


Zero Illegal Immigrants

Zero Terrorist Attacks

Zero Jihadi Bombs

Zero Jihadi Stabbings

Zero Allahu Akbars

Zero Diversity Road Barriers

Zero Abuse of Borders

Zero Sharia Courts

'Zero refugees! I love my zero! Not one illegal migrant will come to Poland - EVER!!' :love0031: Dominik Tarczyński (Polish MEP politician) in the viral video clip below:


“I’ve got a message for all illegals: if you don’t want to be pushed back, if you don’t want to be arrested, if you don’t want to be shot, don’t come to our borders. Do not come to the Polish border. Then you’re safe." Dominik Tarczyński (Polish MEP politician,) in the video clip below:


47% of Poles now support a Polexit, despite Poland being the biggest finanical beneficiary of EU funding... because of the EU laws and mass immigration and terrorism threat. https://www.euractiv.com/section/all/short_news/warsaw-polexit/


Dictator Verhofstadt and the EU presidents also seek to persecute Italian Eurosceptic Matteo Salvini (a close friend of the badass Dutch Eurosceptic Geert Wilders and the badass Hungarian leader Viktor Orban - who is dubbed as the 'enfant terrible' and rebel of the EU.) Matteo Salvini's crime? He stopped loads of illegal migrants from getting off a ship into Italy. The EU seeks to punish him.

The Eurocrats only care about their big salaries whilst they sit in their ivory towers. They didn't see Brexit coming... and they're so arrogant that they don't see the rise of other Eurosceptic parties across the EU.

The Eurosceptic PVV are currently the second largest party in the NL (and they could form a coalition with the Eurosceptic FvD,) the Eurosceptic AfD is the third largest elected party in Germany... and now the Dutch and Germans are angry that they have to pay for the southern EU states - so the Dutch election in March 2021 should be interesting. Why are referendums now banned in the NL? They need to restore that democratic right.

The EU has previously ignored democratic referendum results in the NL, Ireland, Denmark, France, etc... when the people voted and said no to certain EU treaties... others were forced to have revotes until the EU dictators got the vote results they wanted. The EU has also removed democratically elected leaders in EU states in the past and replaced them with pro EU puppet governments. Then they lecture to Europeans about 'democracy'.

They can't hide and gloss over all the social, economic, financial, and political problems in the EU forever though. Polexit was trending on social media due to the fallout with the EU over immigration... and Nexit was recently trending on social media now that the Dutch will have to pay for the southern EU states.

The unelected EU presidents masks will fall.

04-15-2020, 04:36 AM
Europe won´t be a colony of foreign powers, don´t care if that power is USA-UK, Russia or China.

Europe shouldn´t confrontate themself again in internal bloody wars and fights that have only benefited extra-european powers. The UK (an USA puppet now) is doing what has done the last 500 years, confronting europeans to prevent a continental unification. The same goes for Russia (all these "euroesceptic" parties like Lega, Front National... are payed by russians).

They just want to become Europe a group of small and confronted countries, without any real power, a toy in their hands.

In the world that comes the big geopollitical groups have big advantages over small countries.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 05:52 AM
10 days ago... 'Sweden threatens to report France to the European Commission for breach of the internal market rules after France stopped shipment of masks.'


French tried to block 130,000 medical masks on lorries to the UK.


So much for EU solidarity! :rolleyes: Coronavirus will make nations become more self-sufficient and less globalist in the future.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 06:01 AM
Europe won´t be a colony of foreign powers, don´t care if that power is USA-UK, Russia or China.

Europe shouldn´t confrontate themself again in internal bloody wars and fights that have only benefited extra-european powers. The UK (an USA puppet now) is doing what has done the last 500 years, confronting europeans to prevent a continental unification. The same goes for Russia (all these "euroesceptic" parties like Lega, Front National... are payed by russians).

They just want to become Europe a group of small and confronted countries, without any real power, a toy in their hands.

In the world that comes the big geopollitical groups have big advantages over small countries.

UK has the British Commonwealth nations (we already hold big Commonwealth Games with 54 Commonwealth members and 71 teams participating - which are hosted in different nations - rather like the Olympics with an opening ceremony, etc,) and have military allies in the Queen's sovereign Commonwealh nations of Australia, NZ, Canada, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_Games


Europe = 44 nations (including non EU members such as Norway, Iceland, the UK, Switzerland, etc.)

Only 27 of Europe's 44 nations are EU member states.... soon to be 0 the way things are going with all the mass protests against the EU shown on social media (but not shown in the MSM!) and with the rise of Eurosceptic parties ... so the UK won't be the only bird to fly free from the EUSSR dicatorship and economic prison.

Dictator Verhofstadt grumbled on Twitter in February of this year shortly after Brexit Day.... that the EU gains more bread (with more nations added into the EU,) but is running out of butter (money funding) to spread onto the bread. (He got so much stick from Brexiteers for that post! :P)

He lamented on Twitter after we left: 'I'll keep a light on for the British. We'll keep your star safe on the EU flag... for when you return to us one day.' (We're never going back.)

He wants to add Albania now into the EU... to replace the loss of Great Britain.

Beautiful to see so many Eurosceptic anti EU MEPs from across the EU states giving the charismatic Brexit Party MEPs a standing applause as they left the EU parliament for the last time: https://twitter.com/MartinDaubney/status/1222865235490627590

I loved it when a Finnish Eurosceptic MEP shouted out in the EU parliament 'I LOVE you guys!' to the Eurosceptic Brexit Party MEPs.... who made good friends with other Eurosceptic party MEPs from across the EU and are very supportive of their desire to also be free. They want the same freedom and democracy in their nations.

Other Eurosceptic MEPs have said they miss the lively and charismatic presence of the Brexit Party and Nigel Farage in the now soulless EU parliament. The Brexit Party were the biggest party of any party in the EU parliament... and they won a lot of seats in the UK only 6 weeks after they first formed to represent the UK in the EU parliament.

His party consisted of NHS doctors, NHS dentists, opera singers, parents, stock brokers, businessmen, etc.

43 year old English mother of 4 girls Belinda de Lucy (former MEP in the Brexit Party) stood up to the EU bullies very well:


When Nigel Farage went to the EU parliament as an elected MEP for the first time to lead a campaign for the UK to leave the EU, he had only 3 MEPs elected in his party. The Eurocrats in the EU parliament, the UK national media, etc, all sneered and laughed at him... and the UK media constantly demonised him for years.

Then he survived a private plane crash shortly after calling out the unelected EU presidents in the hilarious video clip below.


But he still had balls of steel to take on the EU dictators in the EU parliament after his plane crash.

He returned to the EU parliament last year with over 25 elected MEPs in his new Brexit Party;- the biggest single party of any party in the EU parliament.

After the UK people voted to leave the EU in 2016, Nigel stood up in the EU parliament and stated to the sneering and hostile Eurocratic bullies in the parliament: 'When I first came here over 25 years ago... to lead a campaign for the UK to leave the EU - you all laughed. Well I have to say... you're not laughing now!'

Former Brexit Party MEP and opera singer Lucy Harris put up a good fight on behalf of the UK people in the EU parliaments in Brussels and Strasbourg.


2:55 onwards! :cool: Go Nigel! :thumb001:


An Italian Eurosceptic MEP recently said he wants Nigel Farage back. He said Italy needs his help in standing-up to the EU dictators: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1268389/eu-news-nigel-farage-coronavirus-coronabonds-italy-eurozone-spt

And as Dutch Eurosceptic politician Geert Wilders (chairman and leader of the second biggest party in the Netherlands,) stated in his 2 minute congratulations tribute video clip to the UK on 31st January 2020 - Brexit Day (with English subtitles,) that the UK won't be the only nation to leave the corrupt EU dictatorship... others will follow.


The United Kingdom is still a member of...

Interpol (we have been since 1928)
The Five Eyes (1946)
WTO (1995)
G7 (1975)
G20 (1999)
OECD (1961)
FSB (2009)
NATO (1949)
ISO (1970)
ILO (1919)
Codex Alimentarius Commission (1961)
UNSC (1945)
WHO (1948)
The Commonwealth (1949)

... and the Eurovision Song Contest! :rolleyes:

The UK and France have an Entente Cordiale peace and cooperation agreement in place for over 100 years now, which is celebrated each year with large French & UK military parades and bandstands... and includes speeches by the Queen and French President together, large banquets, etc.

The Group of Seven (G7 nations) is an international intergovernmental economic organisation consisting of the seven largest IMF- advanced economies in the world: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

As of 2018, the seven countries involved represent 58% of the global net wealth ($317 trillion) and more than 46% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) based on nominal values, and more than 32% of the global GDP based on purchasing power parity. The European Union is an invitee to G7.

The annual G7 Summit includes the 7 heads-of-government from these 7 countries.

The UK has also been given our own seat place now at the World Trade Organisation - directly next to the seat of our First Allies - the US.

There are five recognised new candidates for EU membership to replace the loss of Great Britain to the EU: Albania (applied 2009), North Macedonia (applied 2004), Montenegro (applied 2008, negotiating since June 2012), Serbia (applied 2009, negotiating since January 2014) and Turkey (applied 1987, negotiating since October 2005).

Here's a 3 minute warning video to Europeans about the impact of the Islamic nation of Turkey joining the EU.... in terms of Turkish borders with Middle Eastern nations, the impact of Turkish MEPs outnumbering European MEPs in the EU parliament (will affect parliamentary votes,) the impact on the EU budget, and the impact on society too.

This video was made in February 2016 by UKIP a few months before the UK voted to leave the EU in June 2016.


Here's a 1 minute warning video from the extremely tall and brave warrior, Anti Islam and anti EU, Dutch politician Geert Wilders (who's lived in involuntary quarantine for over 15 years now... has a limited social life... can only see his wife once a week due to security threats... is not allowed to open his own mail, drive his own car, visit shops, etc.... has lived in army barracks and prison cells for many months for his own protection... has had to wear disguises in the past whilst travelling to the Dutch parliament .... lives in a safe house with 24 hour police protection and bodyguards.... has to be driven to the Dutch parliament and back to his home in an armoured vehicle with lots of security guards around him... has to wear bulletproof vests at all times in public, etc..... due to constant death threats from muslims and Islamic terrorist organisations around the world on him, following his global speeches to audiences warning about the dangers of mass immigration and Islamisation to our western values, identities, and cultures.... and for making a film to warn western people about Islam... and for writing a book called, 'Marked for Death'.... and for mocking mohammad on Twitter... and for launching Mohammad cartoon contests to encourage freedom of speech and freedom of expression to mock mohammad, despite nearly being assassinated by Islamic gunmen in Garland, Texas... and despite other Dutch politicians and film makers being murdered for criticising Islam.... and who has been banned from entering several nations and is constantly threatened with court trials against him in western nations for freely speaking out against mass immigration and Islamisation... but court trials and death threats won't stop him,)... sharply telling the Turks to stay away from Europe as anti-democratic and totalitarian Islam has no place in our cultures and they are not welcome.



The Lawspeaker
04-15-2020, 09:22 AM
The position of our Eurocratic government was perfectly reasonable and perfectly. It's the fact that the South was and continues to be unreasonable is what will now make sure that the public will be driven even more so towards opting for a Nexit.

Dutch Opposition to Eurobonds Is Not Unreasonable (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2020/04/dutch-opposition-to-eurobonds-is-not-unreasonable/)

The Netherlands are prepared to help crisis-struck countries in many other ways.

April 8, 2020
German chancellor Angela Merkel receives Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte in Berlin, May 16, 2019 (Bundesregierung)

If Italians and Spaniards are under the impression that the Netherlands is refusing to help them cope with the impact of coronavirus disease, their own leaders share the blame with the Dutch’s lack of tact.Giuseppe Conte and Pedro Sánchez have unwisely elevated the one policy they should have known the Dutch could not accept into the test of European solidarity: eurobonds.

Marshall Plan
Sánchez has called for a rescue effort on the scale of the Marshall Plan, but the EU is already spending, or planning to spend, ten times what America gave postwar Europe in 1948 ($12 billion, which would be $130 billion in today’s money):

The European Central Bank is purchasing €750 billion (https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2020/html/ecb.pr200318_1~3949d6f266.en.html) worth of corporate and government bonds to inject money into the economy, providing cheap loans (https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2020/html/ecb.pr200312_1~39db50b717.en.html) to banks, especially if they loan to small and medium-sized businesses, and relaxing (https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2020/html/ecb.pr200312~45417d8643.en.html) buffer requirements for banks.
The European Commission has suspended rules on deficits and state aid to allow member states to bail out businesses and pay the salaries of workers. It is giving €80 million (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_474) to a vaccine manufacturer in Germany, paying for repatriation flights (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_535) and proposing to spend €100 billion (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/QANDA_20_572) on short-time work measures to keep people employed.
The European Parliament has voted to divert €37 billion (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/economy/20200323STO75617/covid-19-parliament-approves-EU37-billion-crisis-response) in structural funds to the regions worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
The European Investment Bank is mobilizing €40 billion (https://www.eib.org/en/press/all/2020-086-eib-group-will-rapidly-mobilise-eur-40-billion-to-fight-crisis-caused-by-covid-19) in loans to small and medium-sized businesses.

All this comes on top of national efforts. Germany is borrowing €156 billion to make up for lost tax revenue and fund higher social spending. It is also setting up a €600-billion rescue fund for companies. Spain has a €200-billion rescue plan, worth one-fifth of its annual economic output, €117 of which is public money. The Dutch can afford to spend €90 billion more this year even without breaking the EU’s deficit ceiling.

Dutch finance minister Wopke Hoekstra has proposed freeing up half (https://nos.nl/artikel/2329710-ministers-van-financien-gaan-250-miljard-euro-opzij-zetten-voor-coronacrisis.html) of the European Stability Mechanism’s €500 billion lending capacity to support crisis-struck countries.The one thing neither Hoekstra nor his prime minister, Mark Rutte, will endorse is pooling European debts.

If that causes either to be seen as “Mr No” in Europe, it is a reputation neither Hoekstra, a Christian democrat, nor Rutte, a liberal, will mind. Their parties compete with far-right Euroskeptics for votes.But it is inaccurate. The Netherlands doesn’t oppose “more Europe”. Proponents of eurobonds tend to portray them as the only way forward — and opposition as narrow-minded and Euroskeptic. If you’re generous, you could attribute this to a lack of imagination.

The Dutch will not be cowed into “transfer union”, the permanent subsidization of economically weak member states by the strong. The more appeals to European “solidarity” involve them paying for the sins of countries with higher debts and better weather, the less impressed the Dutch will be.

Consequence of Brexit
The Dutch used to follow Germany’s lead, where opposition to eurobonds is softening. The reason is economic dependence: the Dutch sell more to Germany alone than to Britain, France and Italy combined.Brexit has forced them to step out of Germany’s shadow. I predicted (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2017/07/dutch-seek-new-role-for-themselves-in-europe-of-brexit-and-macron/) Dutch diplomacy would change after Britain voted to leave the EU:

For years, the trading nation could rely on the United Kingdom to provide a counterweight to the Mediterranean bloc and its protectionist tendencies. Now the fear in The Hague is that Britain’s exit from the EU will lead to a renewed focus on political, as opposed to economic, integration.

Less than a year after the Brexit referendum, Emmanuel Macron won the presidential election in France on a platform of closer European Union.
Rutte warned that integration for integration’s sake would fan the flames of Euroskepticism. The anti-euro Freedom Party was polling in second place at the time to his center-right liberals. Rutte broke with Germany, suggesting (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2018/01/netherlands-has-responsibility-to-lead-after-brexit-rutte/) it could transfer more money to Brussels if it wanted to. “We take a different view.”

The Dutch formed a coalition with Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Baltic and Nordic states against Macron when he called for a eurozone budget (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2018/06/dutch-lead-resistance-to-macrons-eurozone-budget/). (Germany wasn’t wild about it either, but it didn’t want to be seen as blocking it.)

The same countries, dubbed the “New Hanseatic League” after the medieval Northern European trade confederation, resisted a Franco-German push for protectionism (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2019/03/small-eu-countries-resist-franco-german-push-for-protectionism/) after the European Commission had blocked a landmark merger of the French and German train manufacturers Alstom and Siemens.

Different vision
Yet Dutch support for the EU is up since Brexit. Anti-EU parties have lost seats. There is no groundswell of Euroskepticism. Rutte, who once toyed with kicking Greece out of the euro, told the European Parliament in 2018 (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2018/06/dutch-hear-pro-eu-speech-from-rutte-others-hear-ambivalence/) that the return of authoritarianism and protectionism around the world means the EU must be more than a single market.

“More Europe” for him means more ambitious climate goals (at home, Rutte had to store down a Yellow Vests-like farmers’ revolt to drastically cut emissions (https://atlanticsentinel.com/2019/11/dutch-parties-havent-lost-popularity-in-pollution-crisis/)), closer coordination on immigration, finalizing the single market in (digital) services, liberalizing labor markets and leading the world in free trade.

That may not be the vision of Europhiles in Italy or Spain, but it isn’t any less reasonable or legitimate than theirs.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 11:02 AM
20 billion euros sent in covid funding for Latin American, African, Asian nations: https://www.physiciansweekly.com/eu-to-provide-20/


I don't see many cases of coronavirus in African, Latin American, Asian, and Balkan nations compared to the high level of cases in western Europe.


What a massive waste of EU money.

The Lawspeaker
04-15-2020, 11:11 AM
The Dutch media widely ignores this... except for Ongehoord Nederland:


♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 11:31 AM
The Dutch media widely ignores this... except for Ongehoord Nederland:


ON! :thumb001:

It's such a massive theft of money from the NL.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 11:48 AM
The Dutch media widely ignores this... except for Ongehoord Nederland:


The MSM has an obvious agenda (hence the bizarre and sick praise of traitor Rutte.) That agenda is March 2021. They're petrified this is going to cause Nexit.

Maybe the Dutch should write books and make movies about this grand theft upon their nation by the mafia people, (from knoflooklanden) ... so future generations will forever know what they did.

Better still, let the entire world know what the garlic nations did to the NL. Grand theft of a nation. It will be remembered in history. I think there should be large boycotts on their nations as punishment. The Dutch should make the thieves pay for what they've done to the Dutch people.

♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 12:02 PM
Kabinet Rutte-Asscher:

- 77.000 zorgmedewerkers ontslagen
- Verzorgingshuizen gesloten
- Huishoudelijke hulp gehalveerd
- 90% dagbesteding dementerenden weg.

Etc., etc., etc.


♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 12:03 PM
De EU geeft 450 miljoen euro aan Marokko (geen lid van de EU, 534 Corona-patiënten) voor Corona hulp en 25 miljoen euro aan Nederland (EU-lid en 11.750 Corona-patiënten).

Meneer Wilders: Ik zeg: NEXIT :thumb001:

Grenzen sluiten werkt dus! https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/1039240309/asielstroom-droogt-op-door-coronacrisis?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=seeding-telegraaf

Populair doen dat de coronabrief 41 pagina’s telt. In die brief schrijven dat de vragen van Wilders en Agema over het gebrek aan beschermingsmiddelen voor zorgverleners hiermee afgedaan zijn.

Maar in de brief geen van de vragen beantwoord hebben.


♥ Lily ♥
04-15-2020, 12:04 PM
De man verantwoordelijk voor miljardenbezuinigingen op de zorg, het sluiten van ziekenhuizen, het ontslaan én onderbetalen van zorgmedewerkers die vaak zonder mondkapjes moeten werken, valt nu persoonsverheerlijking vd pers ten deel. (https://www.ad.nl/politiek/mark-rutte-is-opgestaan-als-hoeder-van-de-natie-in-crisistijd~a38f5bed/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialsharing_web) :.... :icon_eek:


04-16-2020, 02:45 AM
Italy should leave the European Union, it is not fair that Italy has a lot of money for the EU, so that later the EU steals it and gives its money to other nations and also abandons Italy to its destination in the middle of a pandemic. If I were part of the Italian government, I would ask to resign from the European Union.
Italy would be better without the EU.

04-16-2020, 02:48 AM
10 days ago... 'Sweden threatens to report France to the European Commission for breach of the internal market rules after France stopped shipment of masks.'


French tried to block 130,000 medical masks on lorries to the UK.


So much for EU solidarity! :rolleyes: Coronavirus will make nations become more self-sufficient and less globalist in the future.

The United States also confiscated masks from France and Germany, apparently not even NATO's allies respected each other.

04-16-2020, 02:52 AM
The United States also confiscated masks from France and Germany, apparently not even NATO's allies respected each other.

No country or people on this planet Earth is ever altruistic and so on. The US has it's own personal goals and agendas in Europe, but that doesn't mean it's a mutual relationship between the US and it's European "allies" aka it's vassals.

04-16-2020, 02:55 AM
The United States also confiscated masks from France and Germany, apparently not even NATO's allies respected each other.
The US military confiscated masks at gunpoint? LOL. Nobody needs masks unless you are old and sick.

04-16-2020, 03:01 AM
No country or people on this planet Earth is ever altruistic and so on. The US has it's own personal goals and agendas in Europe, but that doesn't mean it's a mutual relationship between the US and it's European "allies" aka it's vassals.

The great powers do not have friends they have only interests.

04-16-2020, 03:02 AM
The US military confiscated masks at gunpoint? LOL. Nobody needs masks unless you are old and sick.

It is an article that I read, from various sources including NYT.

04-16-2020, 03:06 AM
The great powers do not have friends they have only interests.


Armenian Bishop
04-16-2020, 03:54 AM

China is trying to reshape the global information environment with massive infusions of money – funding paid-for advertorials, sponsored journalistic coverage and heavily massaged positive messages from boosters. While within China the press is increasingly tightly controlled, abroad Beijing has sought to exploit the vulnerabilities of the free press to its advantage.