View Full Version : Linkola is dead

04-05-2020, 10:50 AM
Damn. Long live the prophet.

Finnish Swede
04-05-2020, 10:59 AM
Damn. Long live the prophet.

Everyone who works behalf of the nature (not selfish)... is great human beings.


brennus dux gallorum
04-05-2020, 11:09 AM
no more heroes anymore
from today on(wards)

a true inspirator for environmental activists and all those who want to save their (and our) home

04-05-2020, 11:39 AM
Everyone who works behalf of the nature (not selfish)... is great human beings.


Well not everyone. Linkola himself loathed hipster-Greens. I see that Green-Left no-morals hyeenas are already dancing at His grave.

tbh, pretty shocked, Pentti always had the air of a man who would live to 130.

Finnish Swede
04-05-2020, 11:44 AM
Well not everyone. Linkola himself loathed hipster-Greens. I see that Green-Left no-morals hyeenas are already dancing at His grave.

tbh, pretty shocked, Pentti always had the air of a man who would live to 130.

What you think about Juha Taskinen? Some said he is the most hated man in Eastern Finland ...

04-05-2020, 01:51 PM
What you think about Juha Taskinen? Some said he is the most hated man in Eastern Finland ...

I have no big emotions towards this guy but it seems you like the fellow.

Finnish Swede
04-05-2020, 01:59 PM
I have no big emotions towards this guy but it seems you like the fellow.

Wouldn't you?

A relic from last Ice Age as living in lake (Saimaa).


04-05-2020, 02:05 PM
Linkola was an interesting man, I'm an ecologist and animalist, and his point of view, that the modern humans should live like in the MA, is very interesting, though I am not agree.

04-05-2020, 02:07 PM
this truly saddens me. I've known about him for about 15 years now, read all what's been translated and also with google translate bits of Finnish language articles I've found. I dreamed of meeting him one day, didn't happen. he certainly deserved more coverage from Western media.

Finnish Swede
04-05-2020, 02:24 PM
Not a person my family has talked about ... but looks like having interesting opinion.


For example this ... LOL.

''Hän ei voinut ymmärtää, että ihmisoikeudet katsottiin yleisiksi ja yhtäläisiksi, vaikka ”elämä on luonteeltaan hierarkkinen ja monen ihmisen arvo on miinusmerkkinen”, hän kirjoitti myöhemmin ja ehdotti, että ihmisten luokittelemisen mittareiksi otettaisiin äly, viisaus, sivistys, tunne ja empatia.”Joku ihminen on näissä suhteissa simpanssin, joku majavan, joku niittykirvisen tasolla..''

04-05-2020, 02:43 PM
Wouldn't you?

A relic from last Ice Age as living in lake (Saimaa).


A little warning about these critters. It may look all cute and innocent on the outside. But inside each and everyone of these little water-rats can live a dangerous terrorist


04-05-2020, 02:59 PM
I have known about him since about 2007 or so. Sad news.

04-05-2020, 03:10 PM
Linkola was an interesting man, I'm an ecologist and animalist, and his point of view, that the modern humans should live like in the MA, is very interesting, though I am not agree.

Interesting is apt description. Very few agree with him to the bottom of the rum barrel, but he had a decent level of honesty, charisma and integrity, in combo with eloquent delivery, which managed to make him a tolerable figure even among the leftist mainstream media, despite his views, which tilted towards extreme from the direction of extreme.

04-05-2020, 03:21 PM
"Potkiva hauki, verta pulppuava hirvenkaula, poikki leikkaantuva turve, pihkaa valuva kuusipölli ja kaatuva heinä eivät ole vertauskuvia, kuvia elämästä ja kuolemasta, vaan elämää ja kuolemaa itseään."