View Full Version : What are the best ways to unblock a clogged ear?

04-08-2020, 02:33 PM
I've been deaf in my right ear for the past week, not sure what to do at this point lol. Used an ear cleaning product at the advice of my doctor but that is what led to the blockage in the first place - still using it twice a day to try and fix it. My family is getting tired of screaming when they have to ask me something :lol:
Any advice appreciated.

04-08-2020, 02:39 PM
Try using this

04-08-2020, 02:40 PM
Try using this

Thats just a scam though, the was "extracted" is a wax coating that melt

04-08-2020, 02:45 PM
Try heating a washcloth with water that is hot to the touch. Squeeze out excess water( no water should be dripping off of the washcloth) and then place over blocked ear, fully covering ear until the cloth is lukewarm. Try cleaning it gently with a q-tip after.

You’re not supposed to stick things deep inside your ear, otherwise you might damage your ear drum. I would try to repeat this to see if you can melt the blockage.