View Full Version : Classify and pass Eduard Badaluta

04-08-2020, 02:49 PM
quite common Romanian face, esp in Wallachia




04-08-2020, 02:52 PM
resembles Martin Shkreli

04-08-2020, 02:53 PM
resembles Martin Shkreli

I'm not sure about that, however Martin Shkreli passes as native Romanian.

04-08-2020, 05:55 PM
so where can he pass?

04-08-2020, 10:30 PM
how would you classify him?

04-09-2020, 04:09 PM
quite common Romanian face, esp in Wallachia

Lol, this guy is a model from Botosani, from the north of the former Moldavia. Common face in Wallachia? lol If you see there something resembling him, you can bet those are of Moldavian origin.

04-09-2020, 04:12 PM
Lol, this guy is a model from Botosani, from the north of the former Moldavia. Common face in Wallachia? lol If you see there something resembling him, you can bet those are of Moldavian origin.

nope, it's not so common in Moldova.

In my school, every other class (groups of 25-30 people, note for non-Romanians :) ) had a guy looking very much like this guy. they can have slightly darker hair, but still brown.

04-09-2020, 04:19 PM
It is common in Moldavia in the counties near the Prut river and uncommon in Wallachia. Unless, like I wrote before, it is one of the countless descendants of the people from the former Moldavia that were forced to move to southern Romania. Maybe I will open a thread that will touch on this subject.

04-09-2020, 05:16 PM
It is common in Moldavia in the counties near the Prut river and uncommon in Wallachia. Unless, like I wrote before, it is one of the countless descendants of the people from the former Moldavia that were forced to move to southern Romania. Maybe I will open a thread that will touch on this subject.

artsi, you talk nonsense like always. this guy's skull shape is far more frequent among Wallachians than Moldovans.

just GTFO of my thread.

04-09-2020, 05:28 PM
I don't find his face common in Romania (not even in Moldova region). I think of White Americans when I see him. anyway, high WSH score face.

looks quite Nordic, I'm curious if Swedes would pass him there

04-09-2020, 05:30 PM
North Pontid - Ukraine and south Poland

04-09-2020, 05:31 PM
I don't find his face common in Romania (not even in Moldova region). I think of White Americans when I see him. anyway, high WSH score face.

looks quite Nordic, I'm curious if Swedes would pass him there

you don't find it common because his face is not common in your region.

he definitely cannot pass as Swedish, he looks Southeastern European and passes best as Romanian.

Romanian dude at Anthroscape, Ferox, looks like him.

04-09-2020, 05:33 PM
Looks Slavic. Pass in Belarus.

04-09-2020, 05:35 PM
You keep making false claims. I know how the wallachians look. It is funny to present a guy from the northern Romanian border, one of the most remote and differrent place to the south of Romania as common face in south of Romania. He has a typical norther moldavian name, as well. If his type is common in wallachia, then it is very easy for you to prove it.

04-09-2020, 05:37 PM
Looks Slavic. Pass in Belarus.

can you post a belarusian who looks like him?

04-09-2020, 05:46 PM
You keep making false claims. I know how the wallachians look. It is funny to present a guy from the northern Romanian border, one of the most remote and differrent place to the south of Romania as common face in south of Romania. He has a typical norther moldavian name, as well. If his type is common in wallachia, then it is very easy for you to prove it.

another guy from the south that looks like him

guy on the right
https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/60168554_145777416553910_6474117836609247488_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=102&_nc_ohc=56cvgr0CSTYAX_nOFZF&oh=001e504ac5f8fd9709422a8dd04b69c0&oe=5EBA8C26

https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/60591528_208092320165168_7986077737310885286_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=JInVDzNqHNIAX-rtx9X&oh=6af115ca67368da169b26a2bab2a677d&oe=5EBAC2BB

04-09-2020, 06:01 PM
^ this second guy does look Romanian/Bulgarian/Macedonian, but doesn't look like the Swedish guy in the OP. anyway, it's not important, Northern types pop up here and there in the Balkans, only that they're uncommon

04-09-2020, 06:23 PM
another guy from the south that looks like him

guy on the right
https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/60168554_145777416553910_6474117836609247488_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=102&_nc_ohc=56cvgr0CSTYAX_nOFZF&oh=001e504ac5f8fd9709422a8dd04b69c0&oe=5EBA8C26

https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/60591528_208092320165168_7986077737310885286_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=JInVDzNqHNIAX-rtx9X&oh=6af115ca67368da169b26a2bab2a677d&oe=5EBAC2BB

Who is that guy and how do you know he is from the south? IMO he doesn't look like Eduard Badaluta, anyway.

More about Eduard:


04-09-2020, 07:19 PM
From that article, a picture of guys from Suceava and Botosani that participated at the casting.


04-10-2020, 04:28 AM
From that article, a picture of guys from Suceava and Botosani that participated at the casting.

You talk through your ass as usual. There are two gradations from round face to long face in Romania: North to South and East to West. Botosani falls at the round face end on both gradations, it's the round face pole in Romania. Banat has the most long faces, but they have round jaws, more like the usual Pontid. In Wallachia on the other hand the long faces have chiseled jaws because people are more gracile than anywhere else in Romania.

Stop interjecting if you have nothing useful to say.

04-10-2020, 10:12 AM
Names ending in "-ută" "ucă" sound very northeastern romanian moldovan. I agree with this.

you don't find it common because his face is not common in your region.

he definitely cannot pass as Swedish, he looks Southeastern European and passes best as Romanian.

Romanian dude at Anthroscape, Ferox, looks like him.

no, ferox doesn't look like him in the slightest. Ferox has jet black hair and dark eyes + some crazy wide head. He's probably some dinarid + tiranid mix, while the guy in the OP has different metrics, probably some north pontid + alpine or something, though northeastern elements exist in him, such as lappid because of the somewhat slanted eyes. I agree guy looks slavic.

04-10-2020, 10:24 AM
reduced North Pontid by Gorid or sm

04-10-2020, 01:23 PM
Names ending in "-ută" "ucă" sound very northeastern romanian moldovan. I agree with this.

Doesn't need to sound a certain way. it is a widespread Moldavian name and outside Moldavia it is present only in Bucharest and Timisoara as a result of the Romanian policy that caused the move of millions of moldavians in places like Bucharest, Brasov, Timisoara and so on.


The population of Moldavia today is the same as 100 years ago due to the criminal policy of Romania regarding moldavians. Every family in Modavia has members or entire branches that were forced to moved to Transylvania, Banat, Dobrogea etc. It is simply mind blowing what happened. Recently I saw a video on Youtube, of some guys exloring in the middle of nowhere in the Neamt county in an abandoned village were only three old women still lived. They spoke to one of them and she said she had seven children all of them went to universities. She mentioned some of them living in the city of Slatina and Olt county. So not only Bucharest benefited of the criminal Romanian policy regarding moldavians but even smaller provincial cities in southern Romania.

04-10-2020, 01:30 PM
You talk through your ass as usual. There are two gradations from round face to long face in Romania: North to South and East to West. Botosani falls at the round face end on both gradations, it's the round face pole in Romania. Banat has the most long faces, but they have round jaws, more like the usual Pontid. In Wallachia on the other hand the long faces have chiseled jaws because people are more gracile than anywhere else in Romania.

Stop interjecting if you have nothing useful to say.

Empty words that make you look ridiculous. True southern Romanian looks like Bulgarians and nobody ever will think that guy looks Bulgarian. He has a face that is not uncommon in the eastern parts of Moldavia. He is very handsome, that's why he is a successful model, so guys looking as good as him will not be very common. But he has for sure cousins, maybe siblings, so for sure if you want to see guys looking like him, you don't go in Caracal, but in Moldavia.

04-10-2020, 03:40 PM
Empty words that make you look ridiculous. True southern Romanian looks like Bulgarians and nobody ever will think that guy looks Bulgarian. He has a face that is not uncommon in the eastern parts of Moldavia. He is very handsome, that's why he is a successful model, so guys looking as good as him will not be very common. But he has for sure cousins, maybe siblings, so for sure if you want to see guys looking like him, you don't go in Caracal, but in Moldavia.

you know nothing about romania, stfu

04-10-2020, 03:41 PM
The population of Moldavia today is the same as 100 years ago due to the criminal policy of Romania regarding moldavians. Every family in Modavia has members or entire branches that were forced to moved to Transylvania, Banat, Dobrogea etc. It is simply mind blowing what happened. Recently I saw a video on Youtube, of some guys exloring in the middle of nowhere in the Neamt county in an abandoned village were only three old women still lived. They spoke to one of them and she said she had seven children all of them went to universities. She mentioned some of them living in the city of Slatina and Olt county. So not only Bucharest benefited of the criminal Romanian policy regarding moldavians but even smaller provincial cities in southern Romania.

this is simply bullshit. with the exception of the communist regime brought by Russia, nobody else forced Moldovans to move anywhere.

you should tell people how Russia and Soviet Union forcefully removed hundreds of thousands of Moldovans to Siberia and Kazakhstan, where most perished. but you won't because you're a treacherous bootlicker.

04-12-2020, 04:29 PM
this is simply bullshit. with the exception of the communist regime brought by Russia, nobody else forced Moldovans to move anywhere.

you should tell people how Russia and Soviet Union forcefully removed hundreds of thousands of Moldovans to Siberia and Kazakhstan, where most perished. but you won't because you're a treacherous bootlicker.

During the Soviet Union the number of moldovans greatly increased, while since Moldova turned into a romanian puppet state led by traitors, the number of moldavians is plummeting.

The policy of the rumanian state was always to milk dry the land that had the misfortune of being part of that state. Moldova suffered the most devastating impact. Not only during the Ceausescu regime, but especially then. Walachia milking of the most capable people of Moldavia started since 1859.

By the way a photo of that guy reminded me of somebody, of a picture of the young Ionel Teodoreanu.



The fate of the Teodoreanu family is case study for countless of the most important families of Moldavia, after it's annexation by Wallachia. A family from Iasi, the former capital of the of Moldavia, was forced to move to the capital of the occupiers. Now the Teodoreanu family is no longer found in Moldova, but only in Bucharest. One of the last descendants, recalls:

"The story began a long time ago, before the birth of the one that was to became one of the most beloved writers of the romanian literature (worth noting he wrote his books in moldavian), at the time when the three brothers Osvald, Laurentiu and Alexandru were young. Alexandru and Laurentiu moved to Bucharest while Osvald decided to stay in Moldavia. From the marriage with Sofia, the daughter of Gavriil Musicescu (born in Ismail, Basarabia), a renowed composer of the time, he had two sons: Pastorel and Ionel (both to became famous).
The 93 years old Alexandru A Teodoreanu is the son of Alexandru, the brother of Osvald, while Laurentiu, the other brother, died on the front of the Great War where he voluntered to fight. (To make Wallachia even larger and to add some other curse on the head of moldavians, the ungurean-vrancean brotherhood). This was recalled by Ionel in his book "Uliţa copilăriei" ("The Childhood Lane")
In the end, both Ionel and Pastorel will move to Bucharest where they lived for the rest of their lives. That, despite, at least for Ionel, an obvious contempt for Bucharest and his strong moldavian identity that was asserted in his best sellers. Like for example, about his family movement to Bucharest:

Şi totuşi cucoana Catinca nu plecase fruntea. Regreta Iaşul, dar îl regreta dintr-o gospodărie moldovenească, miraculos răsărită în Popa Nanul bucureştean. Căsuţă cu patru odăi ― mobilă bătrînească, miros de podele ceruite şi de fructe; antreţel cu păretele împodobit de un blazon păstrat şi arătat cu evlavie; cununile de premiant ale lui Mircea şi portretul lui de copil cu întâia cunună pe cap; pivniţă cu murături şi pod cu amintiri: un petec de ogradă şi o fîşie de grădină. În casa din Popa Nan 24, cucoana Catinca decretase moldovenismul. Se vorbea moldoveneşte, se mînca moldoveneşte, se trăia moldoveneşte. La Medeleni, page 213.