View Full Version : Classify Italian dancer actress

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 11:25 AM

04-10-2020, 11:43 AM
AtlantoMed mainly. She have lot better abdominals than me, at this moment. :1127:

04-10-2020, 11:45 AM
Looks Slavic.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 11:47 AM
Looks Slavic.

not to me..

04-10-2020, 11:53 AM
not to me..

Doesn't look Italian at all because she is Slavic. Her parents are guestworkers from Ukraine.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 11:57 AM
Doesn't look Italian at all because she is Slavic. Her parents are guestworkers from Ukraine.

No you are wrong,im sorry :patpat:

Rabbit Hole
04-10-2020, 11:57 AM
Doesn't look Italian at all because she is Slavic. Her parents are guestworkers from Ukraine.
I was going to say that. Italians are like Monica Bellucci Ariana Grande and Sophia Loren. She has nice eyes though.

04-10-2020, 11:58 AM
yes, she does look Ukrainian

04-10-2020, 11:59 AM
No you are wrong,im sorry :patpat:

She has typical Urkrainian face how I can be wrong?

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 12:00 PM
She has typical Urkrainian face how I can be wrong?

becouse you are.

Rabbit Hole
04-10-2020, 12:02 PM
She has typical Urkrainian face how I can be wrong?

What's her name?

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 12:03 PM
What's her name?

Wladimira Putina

04-10-2020, 12:07 PM
Wladimira Putina

She loves Russia because of her root.
https://scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/62352056_140037910427979_2952112708447976855_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=J_zJjkSIQu8AX9I0NqT&oh=a3accd01463334692a345bcadd3772c0&oe=5EB8DA41
https://scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/65312003_198968317756236_2521030626825802253_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=YgzRGl053BcAX9Lmt-O&oh=6ef1a341126db94554b7f8b8072c3ae0&oe=5EB83E5D

04-10-2020, 12:09 PM
Ariana Grande

Lol, Ariana has clear Amerindian traits so she cant be average Italian girl. :rolleyes:

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 12:09 PM
She loves Russia because of her root.

She just work in Russia some time,like and with this other Italian girl https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?310272-Classify-Italian-girl-Chiara-Causa-(Atlanto-Med-)

Rabbit Hole
04-10-2020, 12:13 PM
Lol, Ariana has clear Amerindian traits so she cant be average Italian girl. :rolleyes:

Clear Ameridian traits? Her name is Ariana Grande and she is from Sicily? How could any Sicilians be Ameridian? I know she lives in America but actually most of the ex colonal states were made by Dutch and English so if anything it would be the WASPS there that would have Amer Now don't get me wrong I am not saying every single English and Dutch person would have it but when did Italians ever mix with Ameridians?

Rabbit Hole
04-10-2020, 12:16 PM
Wladimira Putina, I have just tried to Google search her I have found literally nothing. Never even heard of her today. Besides what's Italian Italians descend from all kinds of people if you look through the centuries.

04-10-2020, 12:18 PM
Clear Ameridian traits? Her name is Ariana Grande and she is from Sicily? How could any Sicilians be Ameridian? I know she lives in America but actually most of the ex colonal states were made by Dutch and English so if anything it would be the WASPS there that would have Amer Now don't get me wrong I am not saying every single English and Dutch person would have it but when did Italians ever mix with Ameridians?

Dont know about Italian/Native mixing, but she look 25% Mexican to me.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 12:20 PM
Wladimira Putina, I have just tried to Google search her I have found literally nothing. Never even heard of her today. Besides what's Italian Italians descend from all kinds of people if you look through the centuries.

Her name is obviously not wladimira putina.. Italians desced from Italians stop spam nonsense here.

04-10-2020, 12:22 PM
Wladimira Putina, I have just tried to Google search her I have found literally nothing.

That was sarcasm. :picard2:

Besides what's Italian Italians descend from all kinds of people if you look through the centuries.

Like every nation in Europe, none of them is 100% something (talking about ancient times), but this girl look very Italian/Western European, furthest she could pass is Balkan.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 12:30 PM
Iam still waiting..

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 01:40 PM
Yep..she looks Italian.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 01:43 PM
her Russian mother ;) (just kidding for who dont understad irony)
dont quote

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 02:01 PM
no more Italian experts?

04-10-2020, 02:08 PM
Since she's Slavic I would classify her as Neo-Danubian. Or maybe simple Alpine.

Looks like this Ukrainian man. An example of Neo-Danubian type from Coon.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 02:15 PM
I would classify her as Neo-Danubian. Or maybe simple Alpine.

Thanks you :patpat:

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 02:51 PM

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 04:12 PM
Some info about her:

She was born in Milano from a Campanian father and a Sicilian mother.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 04:21 PM
Where is Coon? and the expert about Italians?

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 07:54 PM
Some info about her:

She was born in Milano from a Campanian father and a Sicilian mother.

up for more classifications.

Scipio Africanus
04-10-2020, 10:45 PM
Some info about her:

She was born in Milano from a Campanian father and a Sicilian mother.

3 pages and only one classification:(

Scipio Africanus
04-11-2020, 11:34 AM

Some info about her:

She was born in Milano from a Campanian father and a Sicilian mother.