View Full Version : Guessify this man

08-27-2011, 01:58 PM
Guess him.

08-27-2011, 02:07 PM
This morph looks intermediate between Balto-Alpinoid and Nordid-Norid. One could also say simply Eastalpinid-Nordid.

08-27-2011, 02:21 PM
He looks Polish.

08-27-2011, 02:25 PM
He looks Polish.

Very close, but nope.

08-27-2011, 02:26 PM
He looks Polish.
Yeah, could pass as Russian, but the first impression - Polish.

08-27-2011, 02:26 PM
No Russian and Polish.

08-27-2011, 02:29 PM
zeta, is this a morph?

08-27-2011, 02:29 PM

08-27-2011, 02:32 PM

Ta da! Ukraine, it is. ;)

zeta, is this a morph?


08-27-2011, 02:33 PM
Ukraine sounds reasonable, the most common elements there are Eastalpinid-Dinarid and Nordid-Osteuropid (Baltid).

Makes up an average of Balto-Alpinoid (predominant) + Nordid-Dinarid (second element).

Ukrainians have additionally a signifikant more robust Cromagnid element, but this seems to have been underrepresented in that sample.

08-27-2011, 02:36 PM
Ukraine sounds reasonable, the most common elements there are Eastalpinid-Dinarid and Nordid-Osteuropid (Baltid).

Makes up an average of Balto-Alpinoid (predominant) + Nordid-Dinarid (second element).

Ukrainians have additionally a signifikant more robust Cromagnid element, but this seems to have been underrepresented in that sample.

Are they phenotypically same as Poles ?

08-27-2011, 02:41 PM
I think the poles are average nordid-dinaric(first element) and west baltid-baltid+some alpinoid(second element), Ukrainians are more Cromagnid influenced being more baltid and alpinoid, their principal element and influence of nordid and dinaric.
Polish more nordid/dinaric and Ukrainians more balto-alpinoid, but having nordid/norid, eastalpine+baltid phenotype in common.

08-27-2011, 02:52 PM
They have roughly the same elements Nordid, mostly Eastnordid, Alpinoid, mostly Eastalpinid, Dinarid (Norid and Adriatid, both more "Eastern-Slavic" in detail), Mediterranid, mostly Pontid and of course Osteuropid, standard Baltid and Westbaltid for the most part - Ukrainians have additionally more Balto-Cromagnoid/Eastcromagnid elements in their Westbaltid and Eastnordid strains. Those are the typical robust, tall, rectangular faces, low foreheads etc. - more Mongoloid influences are also present (Eastbaltid and Turanid-Mongolid proper). Poles on the other hand have more Western (German like) influences in comparison.

In Poland and the Ukraine there were original specific gradients, which being in Poland now, because of all the migrations, more blurry than in the Ukraine, where in the West Dinarid-Alpinoid is stronger, Osteuropid in the East.

In the West and South Pontid appears as a stronger element, like in Southern Russia.

One could say Ukrainians are partly more between people like Slovakian-Romanians on the one hand (West-South) and Central Eastslavic groups on the other (East-North).

08-27-2011, 03:00 PM
I would say this guy is most common for the Northern parts of Ukraine where people are most depigmented and Baltid-like in appearance. Some Ukranians in the South have a darker complexion.

08-27-2011, 03:05 PM
They have roughly the same elements Nordid, mostly Eastnordid, Alpinoid, mostly Eastalpinid, Dinarid (Norid and Adriatid, both more "Eastern-Slavic" in detail), Mediterranid, mostly Pontid and of course Osteuropid, standard Baltid and Westbaltid for the most part - Ukrainians have additionally more Balto-Cromagnoid/Eastcromagnid elements in their Westbaltid and Eastnordid strains. Those are the typical robust, tall, rectangular faces, low foreheads etc. - more Mongoloid influences are also present (Eastbaltid and Turanid-Mongolid proper). Poles on the other hand have more Western (German like) influences in comparison.

In Poland and the Ukraine there were original specific gradients, which being in Poland now, because of all the migrations, more blurry than in the Ukraine, where in the West Dinarid-Alpinoid is stronger, Osteuropid in the East.

In the West and South Pontid appears as a stronger element, like in Southern Russia.

One could say Ukrainians are partly more between people like Slovakian-Romanians on the one hand (West-South) and Central Eastslavic groups on the other (East-North).
Last time, I checked the map that Ukraine are geographyically more Southern than Poland, so, in that case, Ukrainians are noticeably darker than Poles ?

08-27-2011, 03:18 PM
Not sure about that, because the Southern Alpine parts of Poland are not really known for being that light and from there many modern Poles stem - or still live in. Anyway, I GUESS that Western Ukrainians are on average somewhat darker, if I'm remembering right.

08-27-2011, 03:28 PM
If you take the averages for Poland and Ukraine, I would say Poles are a bit lighter overall.

08-27-2011, 03:48 PM
If you take the averages for Poland and Ukraine, I would say Poles are a bit lighter overall.

Thought so.